- published: 13 Oct 2013
2 min 44 sec

Jackie Mason on Jewish Husbands
Here I am performing in Israel during the first Gulf War. I took a few nights off from my ...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason on Jewish Husbands
Here I am performing in Israel during the first Gulf War. I took a few nights off from my Broadway show at the time and flew to Israel to give these people a few laughs as there country was being hit with missiles. This is one of my Jewish husband routines. Enjoy!
- published: 13 Oct 2013
10 min 0 sec

Jackie Mason - The World According to Me (Part 1)
Haven't put up a stand-up special in a while, so here now is the King of the Borscht Belt;...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason - The World According to Me (Part 1)
Haven't put up a stand-up special in a while, so here now is the King of the Borscht Belt; Jackie Mason.
this was a special that aired on PBS some time in the 1980s, so yes, some of the jokes are topically out of date (Reagan jokes, anybody?). But considering it's Jackie Mason, I'll forgive it.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
7 min 35 sec

Sneak Peek At The Ultimate Jew At Work 3: Jews & Gentiles
Here's a look at my current Broadway show. This is one of my classic routines that from t...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Sneak Peek At The Ultimate Jew At Work 3: Jews & Gentiles
Here's a look at my current Broadway show. This is one of my classic routines that from time to time I throw in because it's my last show. People say that everybody is the same and that I shouldn't generalize about people, but if that were true there would be no such thing as the study of comparative culture. This is a light hearted routine about the differences between Jews and Gentiles. Enjoy.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
46 min 36 sec

Jackie Mason On L'Chayim
One of America's leading comedians, Jackie Mason talks seriously about his decision to bre...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason On L'Chayim
One of America's leading comedians, Jackie Mason talks seriously about his decision to break with his family's tradition of serving as a rabbi, how his comedy grows out of his understanding of human nature, and how he feels about Israeli and US Jewry.
See all episodes of Shalom TV http://blip.tv/shalomtv#EpisodeArchive
Visit Shalom TV's series page http://blip.tv/shalomtv
- published: 13 Oct 2013
8 min 16 sec

Jackie Mason Classic Presidential Comedy
People often times comment on my vlogs that I should stay out of politics and go back to c...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason Classic Presidential Comedy
People often times comment on my vlogs that I should stay out of politics and go back to comedy where I belong. What they ignore is that politics and satirizing the President is what I've done since I started in show business over 40 years ago. Those people loved when I attacked Nixon and Reagan, but when it's a democrat, they tell me to stay out of it. Obama will not be the first president I attack, nor the last. No leader is immune to my scrutiny. so get used to it. Here is some presidential humor from my first Broadway show, "The World According To Me" in 1986, which I won a Tony and an Emmy for. I bet mostly because I make fun of Reagan.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
4 min 18 sec

Jackie Mason - Jew at the Restorant.mp4
Clips -- Jackie Mason -- A Jew at the Restaurant
Clips from - the world according to me!
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason - Jew at the Restorant.mp4
Clips -- Jackie Mason -- A Jew at the Restaurant
Clips from - the world according to me!
funny, joke, humor, laugh, hilarious laughing,
Copyright information
I don't own any copyright for the photo or the music, i made this clips only for entertainment reason and my great admiration forJackie Mason
- published: 13 Oct 2013
9 min 42 sec

Jackie Mason on The Jimmy Kimmel Show
For all those who asked for it, here it is. This is my apearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on ...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason on The Jimmy Kimmel Show
For all those who asked for it, here it is. This is my apearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday, March 4.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
20 min 45 sec

Jackie Mason - The World According to Me (Part 2)
Thank god I'm able to go beyond 15 minutes now, because this is a LONG routine.
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason - The World According to Me (Part 2)
Thank god I'm able to go beyond 15 minutes now, because this is a LONG routine.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
57 min 11 sec

The Jackie Mason Show Audience Issues
Here's a little blast from New York's recent past. The Jackie Mason Show was on Channel 9 ...
published: 13 Oct 2013
The Jackie Mason Show Audience Issues
Here's a little blast from New York's recent past. The Jackie Mason Show was on Channel 9 in the early 90's. This show was tied into so much of New York City history during that time. Many social and political issues were settled based on these "Debate" shows off camera. We thought you might find these shows interesting and realize that not much has changed in 20 years
- published: 13 Oct 2013
6 min 21 sec

Part 3 Jackie Mason at the Royal Opera House in London
Jackie Mason is the ONLY comedian to ever perform at the Royal Opera House in London. Here...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Part 3 Jackie Mason at the Royal Opera House in London
Jackie Mason is the ONLY comedian to ever perform at the Royal Opera House in London. Here he is, and this video is a sneak peek at Jackie's UK 2009 tour and WEST END engagemant at the Playhouse. Stay tuned for more details and exclusive youtube discounts.
- published: 13 Oct 2013
42 min 57 sec

The Jackie Mason Show on Race Relations
Here's a little blast from New York's recent past. The Jackie Mason Show was on Channel 9 ...
published: 13 Oct 2013
The Jackie Mason Show on Race Relations
Here's a little blast from New York's recent past. The Jackie Mason Show was on Channel 9 in the early 90's. This show was tied into so much of New York City history during that time. Many social and political issues were settled based on these "Debate" shows off camera. We thought you might find these shows interesting and realize that not much has changed in 20 years
- published: 13 Oct 2013
5 min 58 sec

Jackie Mason Video Blog on "Gun Control"
Jackie discusses gun control
Jackie's new book "Schmucks" on sale March 27th http://www.am...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason Video Blog on "Gun Control"
Jackie discusses gun control
Jackie's new book "Schmucks" on sale March 27th http://www.amazon.com/Schmucks-Favorite-Frauds-Lowlifes-Dangerous/dp/0061126128/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-1161824-4855206?ie=UTF8&s;=books&qid;=1174875898&sr;=8-1
- published: 13 Oct 2013
7 min 30 sec

Jackie Mason Classic Political Comedy
This last election was a historical election in many ways, not just for the fact that Obam...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Jackie Mason Classic Political Comedy
This last election was a historical election in many ways, not just for the fact that Obama won, but how it was so heavily publicised cycle due to the fact there was no incumbent or sitting VP running. 40 tears ago, in 1968 was another very historic election which included the tragic assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Here is an appearance I made on ABC's "Hollywood Palace" in 1966 at the beginning of that election cycle (yes they were long ordeals even back then) hosted by "Bewitched" star Elizabeth Montgomery. On this show I did the same thing you see me do now, talk about politics. Notice how proud they are of the fact the show is in color. That makes me laugh. Enjoy this piece of nostalgia.
- published: 13 Oct 2013