
The Great Ape Project
The Great Ape Project
Why is it that people donate money to help little 4 year old kids in Africa, yet our closest relatives on the same continent who are about to go extinct don't receive anything? An adult bonobo does have an IQ similar to a 4 year old human, quite possibly even higher. I feel very passionate about this. Let's help them! www.greatapeproject.org NOTE: This is neither my site nor my video. (just in case some idiot thinks it is)

Defining Person Trailer: Exploring Legal Rights for Great Apes
Defining Person Trailer: Exploring Legal Rights for Great Apes
Defining Person is a feature-length documentary film that explores the implications of the international movement to change the legal status of chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans from property to person in an effort to gain them greater legal protection. Please visit www.gooseberryproductions.com for more information.

Great Ape Sanctuary In Brazil
Great Ape Sanctuary In Brazil
These chimpanzees are safe after years in abusive captivity. Thanks to Pedro Ynterian they are being cared for and rehabilitated at his private sanctuary near Sao Paulo, Brazil. The biologist and activist uses his own money to run the sanctuary. But even though the animals are out of danger, they are still extremely damaged. [Pedro Ynterian, Chimp Sanctuary Founder]: "Sometimes I make a joke saying that this place is not a sanctuary, but a mental hospital because I'm dealing with mad creatures, creatures that were traumatized in zoos following years of public exposure... they carry out repetitive activities, they are aggressive, they eat excrement, they wound themselves... All that stems from their mental disorders from having been displayed in zoos." The sanctuary is home to 50 chimps rescued from circuses and illegal zoos around the country. Ynterian, who is global chief of the Great Ape Project, or GAP, is currently fighting a legal battle to have 26-year-old chimp Jimmy, seen here, freed from a Rio de Janeiro zoo. The case is still pending. The 70-old businessman also receives other circus animals such as lions, tigers and bears from all around the country. Since 2005, nearly half of Brazil's 26 states have forbidden circuses from using great apes and other animals in their shows. Now, following mounting pressure from animal rights groups, a bill is being debated in Congress to make this law federal. Ynterian thinks that Brazil could become a global role model for <b>...</b>

Teco Center of Attention at Great Ape Trust
Teco Center of Attention at Great Ape Trust
Teco, a bonobo born at Great Ape Trust on June 1, 2010, is the third generation bonobo to collaborate with scientists in a language research program.

Teco Playing at Great Ape Trust
Teco Playing at Great Ape Trust
Teco is healthy and very active young bonobo. He was born on June 1, 2010. This video of an 18 month old Teco interacting with caretakers was shot on Friday, December 9th in his play room at Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa.

The Ethics of the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act
The Ethics of the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act
Final Project for Tom Oddo '12 in Phil262--Primate Encounters at Wesleyan University -- Professor Lori Gruen Bibliography: "Americans For Medical Advancement | AFMA." Web. 12 May 2011. www.afma-curedisease.org "Captive Chimpanzees | Chimpanzees News | News & Events | the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada." Jane Goodall Institute of Canada. Web. 12 May 2011. www.janegoodall.ca Carrie D. Wolinetz. "FASEB Opposes Great Ape Protection Act." ASBMB Today Jan 2010. Web. 11 May 2011. www.asbmb.org Dr. Ray Greek, MD. "NHP's NOT Furry-looking Humans." 28 Aug 2000. Web. 12 May 2011. www.ohsukillsprimates.com "Federal Bill to End Invasive Research on Chimpanzees Introduced in Congress : The Humane Society of the UnitedStates." The Humane Society of the US www.humanesociety.org "Great Ape Protection Act | Science Policy | American Physiological Society." American Physiological Society. Web. 11 May 2011. www.the-aps.org "HR 1513: Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011 (GovTrack.us)." Web. 11 May 2011. www.govtrack.us Rasouli, Tannaz. "Representatives Reintroduce Bill Banning Research on Great Apes - 2011 - Washington Highlights - Government Affairs - AAMC." The Association of American Medical Colleges 22 Apr 2011. Web. 11 May 2011. www.aamc.org Renee Evans. "Great Ape Protection Act: What's Good for Chimpanzees Is Good for Taxpayers | Change.org News." Change.org 18 Apr 2011. Web. 11 May 2011. news.change.org Rep. Roscoe Barlett. HR 1513: Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings <b>...</b>

The great ape program
The great ape program
As populations of chimpanzees dwindle in the wild, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for evolutionary anthropology are studying them before it's too late. Read the feature here: www.nature.com They've set up the 'Pan Africa Great Ape Program'. Using motion-sensitive cameras, they have collected video footage of the chimps in Sapo national park in Liberia, which is already providing valuable insights into chimp behaviour. The project will eventually cover 15 African nations.

Pepper The Great Ape Protection Act
Pepper The Great Ape Protection Act
neavs.convio.net US neavs.convio.net Canada neavs.convio.net All Other Countries This is a world solidarity campaign, so all citizens of EVERY country can sign on. The Great Ape Protection Act is a bill in the US Congress right now to end invasive biomedical research and testing on an estimated 1000 chimpanzees remaining in US laboratories. The bill would also retire approximately 600 federally owned chimpanzees currently in laboratories - many for more than 40 years - to permanent sanctuary. The bill was originally introduced on April 17, 2008, and it has now moved into a House Committee with 107 sponsors! Please visit (NEAVS) the New England Anti-Vivisection Society's "Pass the Great Ape Protection Act" web page and take a moment to sign on to a petition to your lawmakers asking that they support the release and restitution for chimps used in research. Chimpanzees And AIDS Research: Billions of dollars and 85 failed AIDS vaccines later that were tested on 100's of chimps, who've endured 2 decades of immense suffering, and not a single vaccine was successful in human clinical trials. Despite the failure of chimpanzee use to prevent or cure HIV/AIDS, some researchers are calling for a return of their use to study the disease. An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research, published in 2008 and authored by Project R&Rs Science Director and geneticist Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., investigated chimpanzees use in HIV/AIDS vaccine development. This paper <b>...</b>

Lucke and Lilico in the new school
Lucke and Lilico in the new school
The new school for the chimpanzees! For more information: www.greatapeproject.org Sign us: : twitter.com

GBS Ethics-Prize 2011 Paola Cavalieri (English)
GBS Ethics-Prize 2011 Paola Cavalieri (English)
Paola Cavalieri's speech on June 3rd 2011 following the award of the Ethics-Prize 2011 of the Giordano Bruno Foundation for the Great Ape Project

Dragon Ball: Game Project Age 2011 : Great Ape Vegeta Confirmed 【HD】
Dragon Ball: Game Project Age 2011 : Great Ape Vegeta Confirmed 【HD】
Brand new Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011 scan from Shonen Jump has been released! It features and confirms Great Ape Vegeta as a playable character! Not only that, the scan shows an example of destructible environments!

Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial)
Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi: SSJ2 Gohan VS Majin Vegeta w/ TheStormPow (Gameplay/Commentary) Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial) Stuck on the Great Ape Vegeta boss fight in the Saiyan saga of Ultimate Tenkaichi? Hopefully this will help you! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com DBZ DUELS BY DIRECTOR: www.youtube.com DIRECTOR'S TWITTER: www.twitter.com DIRECTOR'S STEAM GROUP: www.steamcommunity.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to play Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat Great Ape Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat the button mashing sequences in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat bosses in DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi How to turn into a giant monkey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima on Facebook! facebook.com Prove your gaming skills on the Respawn Army app therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high thestormpow the storm pow stormpow thenovapow nova burter saibaman saibamen vegeta dbz budokai Ultimate Tenkaichi raging blast dragonball dragon ball gt series anime manga japanese live playstation xbox ps2 <b>...</b>

Capstone Project: Invasive Research on Great Apes
Capstone Project: Invasive Research on Great Apes
Youtube made for civic engagement part of Senior Capstone project. Video summarized research I have done as well as my proposed solution to the issue. Due to time constraints many of the arguments and evidence are left out.

Hero Mode Great Ape Boss Guide by TheStormPow (DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial)
Hero Mode Great Ape Boss Guide by TheStormPow (DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial) Hero Mode Great Ape Boss Guide by TheStormPow (DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Gameplay/Tutorial) Even without a button mashing sequence, the nameless Great Ape boss fight in Hero Mode can still be a pain! Hopefully this will ease your pain! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com PLAYLIST OF OTHER BOSS GUIDES: www.youtube.com DIRECTOR'S TWITTER: www.twitter.com DIRECTOR'S STEAM GROUP: www.steamcommunity.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to play Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat the Meta Cooler Core in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat button mash in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat dodge Cooler's tentacles in the Ultimate Tenkaichi boss fight How to turn into a Super Saiyan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima on Facebook! facebook.com Prove your gaming skills on the Respawn Army app therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high thestormpow the storm pow stormpow thenovapow nova burter saibaman saibamen vegeta dbz budokai Ultimate Tenkaichi raging blast dragonball dragon ball gt series <b>...</b>

Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011 Great Ape Scan 6-18-2011
Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011 Great Ape Scan 6-18-2011
This is the new scan for Dragon Ball Game Project Age. Please rate, comment, and subscribe. Please Enjoy.

Two Great Apes painting
Two Great Apes painting
Project Sweet Dreams and the Oz School coordinated this video, which shows chimps and children painting.

RESPAWN EXTRA - Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi)
RESPAWN EXTRA - Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi: SSJ2 Gohan VS Majin Vegeta w/ TheStormPow (Gameplay/Commentary) RESPAWN EXTRA - Great Ape Vegeta BossFight Guide by TheStormPow (DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi) Stuck on the Great Ape Vegeta boss fight in the Saiyan saga of Ultimate Tenkaichi? Hopefully this will help you! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com DBZ DUELS BY DIRECTOR: www.youtube.com DIRECTOR'S TWITTER: www.twitter.com DIRECTOR'S STEAM GROUP: www.steamcommunity.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to play Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat Great Ape Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat the button mashing sequences in Ultimate Tenkaichi How to beat bosses in DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi How to turn into a giant monkey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima on Facebook! facebook.com Prove your gaming skills on the Respawn Army app therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high thestormpow the storm pow stormpow thenovapow nova burter saibaman saibamen vegeta dbz budokai Ultimate Tenkaichi raging blast dragonball dragon ball gt series anime manga japanese live playstation xbox ps2 classic new <b>...</b>

Dragonball Game Project Age 2011 New Great Ape Scan !
Dragonball Game Project Age 2011 New Great Ape Scan !
We see Pics of the great ape in action at last !!

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: Hero Mode DBZanto Vs Great Ape Baby (Part 5) 【HD】
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: Hero Mode DBZanto Vs Great Ape Baby (Part 5) 【HD】
Follow Me on Facebook: www.facebook.com My Playthrough of DBZ:Ultimate Tenkaichi Hero Mode. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi (or Dragon Ball: Ultimate Blast in Japan), formerly known as Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011, is a 3D fighting game in development by Spike. The game features beautiful 3D graphics, 30 minutes worth of anime-style cutscenes, free roaming action, boss battles, pursuits, hidden missions, and character creation. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi is scheduled to be released October 25 in North America, October 28th in Europe, and December 8th in Japan for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3.

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: Story Mode Goku Vs Great Ape Vegeta | (Part 8) 【HD】
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: Story Mode Goku Vs Great Ape Vegeta | (Part 8) 【HD】
Follow Me on Facebook: www.facebook.com My Playthrough of DBZ:Ultimate Tenkaichi Story Mode. Btw all cutscenes will be posted in a seperate video. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi (or Dragon Ball: Ultimate Blast in Japan), formerly known as Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011, is a 3D fighting game in development by Spike. The game features beautiful 3D graphics, 30 minutes worth of anime-style cutscenes, free roaming action, boss battles, pursuits, hidden missions, and character creation. Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi is scheduled to be released October 25 in North America, October 28th in Europe, and December 8th in Japan for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3.