
Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Osogovka Oro
Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Osogovka Oro
www.tanec.com.mk Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Osogovka Oro ............................................................................... ABOUT TANEC "Tanec" is a name that is a symbol of the Macedonian culture and folk art for about six decades, it is an ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian creativity and culture in its own homeland and all around the world. For six decades "Tanec" is a mobile museum of the most beautiful, most precious and ancient Macedonian folklore heritage, that represents identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of the folk dances and songs "Tanec" has been created in 1949, by the Decree of the Macedonian Government, as a need for the Macedonian folk heritage to be nursed and collected, folk heritage such as dances, folk songs, instruments, the rich genuine folk outfits and also, to be presented in Macedonia and abroad trough the concerts, festivals and other cultural events. Besides the nursing of that rich folklore, "Tanec", during these six decades, successfully is presenting the colorful dances, songs and outfits that certainly reassemble the genuine emblem of the Macedonian culture. With the high artistically presentation of those chorographical displays and staging, this Ensemble, during all these years, successfully is capturing the heart of the audience. Here, really worth of mentioning is the first performance and presentation of "Tanec" outside of its homeland at the International festival in <b>...</b>

Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Pirin Dance from Ririn part of Macedonia
Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Pirin Dance from Ririn part of Macedonia
www.tanec.com.mk Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Pirin Dance from Pirin Part of Macedonia ................................................................................................. ABOUT TANEC "Tanec" is a name that is a symbol of the Macedonian culture and folk art for about six decades, it is an ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian creativity and culture in its own homeland and all around the world. For six decades "Tanec" is a mobile museum of the most beautiful, most precious and ancient Macedonian folklore heritage, that represents identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of the folk dances and songs "Tanec" has been created in 1949, by the Decree of the Macedonian Government, as a need for the Macedonian folk heritage to be nursed and collected, folk heritage such as dances, folk songs, instruments, the rich genuine folk outfits and also, to be presented in Macedonia and abroad trough the concerts, festivals and other cultural events. Besides the nursing of that rich folklore, "Tanec", during these six decades, successfully is presenting the colorful dances, songs and outfits that certainly reassemble the genuine emblem of the Macedonian culture. With the high artistically presentation of those chorographical displays and staging, this Ensemble, during all these years, successfully is capturing the heart of the audience. Here, really worth of mentioning is the first performance and presentation of "Tanec" outside of its <b>...</b>

From Macedonia with Love Folklore Dance Ensemble Tanec - Vodarki
From Macedonia with Love Folklore Dance Ensemble Tanec - Vodarki
Dance Ensemble Tanec - ТАНЕЦ www.tanec.com.mk www.tanecnorthamericantour.com Tanec (Macedonian: Танец) is an eminent professional large folklore musical ensemble from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. It is considered as an ambassador of the Macedonian folklore tradition worldwide. The ensemble insprired by ancient Macedonian culture and traditions also has a junior ensemble. During the several decades of its existence Tanec has taken part in over 3500 concerts and festivals around the world including: USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, USSR, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, Zaire and many other countries as well as concerts across the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Macedonia , Tanec - Aegean dance
Macedonia , Tanec - Aegean dance
Tanec - Aegean dance(egejsko oro)

Teskoto-Ansambl TANEC.avi
Teskoto-Ansambl TANEC.avi
Macedonian Dances ... are observed among the oldest dances in the world ... The slow dance that is played only by mens, played with long and measured steps, the only accompaniment are drums and brass instruments (the zurla, an oboe-like woodwind instrument). One of these dances is Teshkoto (the Hard one). Actually it is archaic Macedonian dances, remain before Slavic times.. The zurla ( an oboe-like woodwind instrument) and drums do not come from Turkey, as some believe. We see these musical instruments in church frescos (painted in Macedonia), many centuries before the arrival of the Turks.

Tanec 5 rytmů - 5 Rhythms dance
Tanec 5 rytmů - 5 Rhythms dance
Více info. / more info. www.5RYTMU.cz, Created by http photography: Petr Pinos and Mato Misik, visual editing and postproduction: Mato Misik, music by Letajici koberec (c) 2009 All rights reserved

Celebrating the Life & Work of Macedonian Folk Diva Vaska Ilieva (1923-2001) - TANEC
Celebrating the Life & Work of Macedonian Folk Diva Vaska Ilieva (1923-2001) - TANEC
Starring the Ensemble of Folklore Dances and Songs of Macedonia "TANEC" Macedonian Opera and Ballet Skopje, Republic of Macedonia April 20, 2011

Worship Dance Every Move I Make
Worship Dance Every Move I Make
This is a Korean version of Every Move I Make, performed by the worship dance team called Promise Keepers.

Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part1)
Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part1)
TANEC" is a name that for five decades has been a symbol of the Macedonian culture and arts, five decades of its existence has been an Ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian folk creation with us and all the continents of the globe. For five decades it has been a mobile museum of that which represents the most beautiful, ancient, invaluable, Macedonian folklore treasure, being an identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of folklore dances and songs of Macedonia "TANEC" was founded by the point out of the Government of the people's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, as a need of the Macedonian culture, having it as an aim to collect and cherish the Macedonian folklore treasure; the dance, the song, the instruments, the rich original costumes and to present it in the country and out of her through concerts, festivals and other performances in the cultural field. Besides cherishment of the folklore creation, the Ensemble "TANEC" has through successful choreographic settings, already for five decades recur rented the people's customs, dances, songs and costumes into a picturesque colour and sophisticated expression of dancing, singing and presentation of the splendid original costumes made decades and decades before, now presenting a fetish of the Macedonian culture. By a high artistic presentation of these choreographic settings, the Ensemble "TANEC" for years has had a kind of a spell upon the audience. During its five decade existence, out of a <b>...</b>

Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Osogovka Oro - Kopacka
Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Osogovka Oro - Kopacka
www.tanec.com.mk Macedonian Folklore Dance Ensemble" Tanec " - Kopacka .................................................................................. ABOUT TANEC "Tanec" is a name that is a symbol of the Macedonian culture and folk art for about six decades, it is an ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian creativity and culture in its own homeland and all around the world. For six decades "Tanec" is a mobile museum of the most beautiful, most precious and ancient Macedonian folklore heritage, that represents identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of the folk dances and songs "Tanec" has been created in 1949, by the Decree of the Macedonian Government, as a need for the Macedonian folk heritage to be nursed and collected, folk heritage such as dances, folk songs, instruments, the rich genuine folk outfits and also, to be presented in Macedonia and abroad trough the concerts, festivals and other cultural events. Besides the nursing of that rich folklore, "Tanec", during these six decades, successfully is presenting the colorful dances, songs and outfits that certainly reassemble the genuine emblem of the Macedonian culture. With the high artistically presentation of those chorographical displays and staging, this Ensemble, during all these years, successfully is capturing the heart of the audience. Here, really worth of mentioning is the first performance and presentation of "Tanec" outside of its homeland at the International festival in <b>...</b>

Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part2)
Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part2)
TANEC" is a name that for five decades has been a symbol of the Macedonian culture and arts, five decades of its existence has been an Ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian folk creation with us and all the continents of the globe. For five decades it has been a mobile museum of that which represents the most beautiful, ancient, invaluable, Macedonian folklore treasure, being an identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of folklore dances and songs of Macedonia "TANEC" was founded by the point out of the Government of the people's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, as a need of the Macedonian culture, having it as an aim to collect and cherish the Macedonian folklore treasure; the dance, the song, the instruments, the rich original costumes and to present it in the country and out of her through concerts, festivals and other performances in the cultural field. Besides cherishment of the folklore creation, the Ensemble "TANEC" has through successful choreographic settings, already for five decades recur rented the people's customs, dances, songs and costumes into a picturesque colour and sophisticated expression of dancing, singing and presentation of the splendid original costumes made decades and decades before, now presenting a fetish of the Macedonian culture. By a high artistic presentation of these choreographic settings, the Ensemble "TANEC" for years has had a kind of a spell upon the audience. During its five decade existence, out of a <b>...</b>

Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part3)
Folk dances and songs ensemble-Tanec,Macedonia (Part3)
TANEC" is a name that for five decades has been a symbol of the Macedonian culture and arts, five decades of its existence has been an Ambassador and presenter of the Macedonian folk creation with us and all the continents of the globe. For five decades it has been a mobile museum of that which represents the most beautiful, ancient, invaluable, Macedonian folklore treasure, being an identity and history of the Macedonian people. The Ensemble of folklore dances and songs of Macedonia "TANEC" was founded by the point out of the Government of the people's Republic of Macedonia in 1949, as a need of the Macedonian culture, having it as an aim to collect and cherish the Macedonian folklore treasure; the dance, the song, the instruments, the rich original costumes and to present it in the country and out of her through concerts, festivals and other performances in the cultural field. Besides cherishment of the folklore creation, the Ensemble "TANEC" has through successful choreographic settings, already for five decades recur rented the people's customs, dances, songs and costumes into a picturesque colour and sophisticated expression of dancing, singing and presentation of the splendid original costumes made decades and decades before, now presenting a fetish of the Macedonian culture. By a high artistic presentation of these choreographic settings, the Ensemble "TANEC" for years has had a kind of a spell upon the audience. During its five decade existence, out of a <b>...</b>