- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 285265

Top 10 Ways To Smash A Pumpkin (Slow Motion)
In honor of Halloween Thrash Lab went pumpkin shopping and instead of carving pumpkins we ...
published: 30 Oct 2012
Top 10 Ways To Smash A Pumpkin (Slow Motion)
In honor of Halloween Thrash Lab went pumpkin shopping and instead of carving pumpkins we decided to smash them. Shot in slow-motion on the Phantom Miro M320S High-Speed Digital Camera. This video reveals "10 Epic Ways To Smash A Pumpkin." (watch in HD on full screen.)
SUBSCRIBE to Thrash Lab: http://bit.ly/IBc7f8
FOLLOW Thrash Lab on Twitter - http://twitter.com/thrashlab
"Top 10 Ways To Smash A Pumpkin (in Slow-Motion)"
Executive Produced by Ashton Kutcher & Anthony Batt
Directed by Ross Ching
Produced by Karen Hart & Brin Lukens
Edited by Ross Ching
Graphics by Rachel Ma
Assistant edits by Rebecca Votta
Music composed by David Adametz
Special thanks to AbelCine - http://bit.ly/GXTH5g
- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 285265

MYO - Wearable Gesture Control from Thalmic Labs
Preorder at www.getmyo.com.
Supports Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android....
published: 25 Feb 2013
MYO - Wearable Gesture Control from Thalmic Labs
Preorder at www.getmyo.com.
Supports Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 2036751

Real Life Mario Kart - Waterloo Labs - Episode 07
In this episode we rig up four go Karts so we can manipulate the throttle, gas and brakes ...
published: 18 Dec 2012
Real Life Mario Kart - Waterloo Labs - Episode 07
In this episode we rig up four go Karts so we can manipulate the throttle, gas and brakes along with an RFID Item system controlled with a CompactRIO using LabVIEW so we could make a REAL playable version of Mario Kart.
For project details, system overview and source code check out http://www.waterloolabs.com/#!real-life-mario-kart/c1m0d
Special Thanks to Austin's Park http://austinspark.com/
Music by We Are the Future
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 560237

2/27/2013 -- US Navy Labs create Plasma Spheres (rings) using HAARP - HF- high frequency
This is a profound release, just put out by the US Naval Research Lab on Feb. 25, 2013..
published: 27 Feb 2013
2/27/2013 -- US Navy Labs create Plasma Spheres (rings) using HAARP - HF- high frequency
This is a profound release, just put out by the US Naval Research Lab on Feb. 25, 2013..
In essence, this experiment done by the Navy contradicts ALL the skeptics who said it quote "could not be done" using frequency in the Atmosphere.
Ironic indeed that the frequency they used from HAARP matches the capability of NEXRAD RADAR.. as they are creating this plasma in the atmosphere using 0-4MHz.. (nexrad pulses between 0 to 12.4MHz putting the HAARP frequency and RADAR frequency on overlapping spectrums)
To top it off, with this Navy experiment -- the plasma RING/SPHERE was observed on RADAR from Poker Flats, AK.. refuting even more skeptics who said HAARP cannot be seen on RADAR.
Furthermore, separately, we found RADAR is used to generate plasma from a place called SPEAR (in Norway) , they are using RADAR as a 'heater' in the same GHz spectrum that NEXRAD RADAR normally operates on when not in pulse mode (2.7GHz to 3.0GHz). Proving RADAR can , and is currently being used to induce effects in the atmosphere -- not just observe it.
Finally, we found information that RADAR was used to generate artificial plasma / literally LIGHTNING at the MIT research labs... C-band and S-band.. again.. same bands that NEXRAD RADAR use.
In otherwords, NEXRAD RADARs for sure have the functionality to act as small versions of HAARP or EISCAT. To function as 'heaters' and plasma / lightning generators (for signal reflection / over the horizon capability / heating weather modification).
Any skeptic who said it could not be done, (for instance those at Realist News, or Metabunk just to name a few) NEED TO ISSUE FULL RETRACTIONS AND CORRECTIONS ---- assuming of course they really are into science and not trying to just protect their egos.
If they don't issue retractions and corrections saying they were wrong, then you know they're pushing an agenda that does not include real science --- up until now they could say "it can't be done"... now what is their explanation?
They said I was photoshopping and HOAXING these RADAR pulses ... lol .. nice one.. now lets see what they have to say... right now.. its been out 2 days.. and we hear CRICKETS from their side.
links here:
photos of past events:
more about the HAARP ring / RADAR pulse theory here:
even more here:
Past HAARP ring / RADAR pulse events and the storms which hit within 72 hours:
- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 28256

Muppet Labs Experiment 5T832: Ghost Hunt
(c) 2009 The Muppets Studio, LLC
Official Website: http://muppets.com
Official Twitter: ...
published: 24 Nov 2009
Muppet Labs Experiment 5T832: Ghost Hunt
(c) 2009 The Muppets Studio, LLC
Official Website: http://muppets.com
Official Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MuppetsStudio
Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/muppets
- published: 24 Nov 2009
- views: 1169791

Welcome to Co.Labs: We're Building Software About Software
Welcome to Co.Labs: http://www.fastcolabs.com/ This site is a workshop where everyone in t...
published: 11 Mar 2013
Welcome to Co.Labs: We're Building Software About Software
Welcome to Co.Labs: http://www.fastcolabs.com/ This site is a workshop where everyone in the coding community can learn, share, collaborate, and build.
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 668

Black Ops - Zombie Labs Rezurrection Trailer / Moon Gameplay!!!
Leave a like if you LOVE ZOMBIES!! :D
A sweet black ops Rezurrection live action traile...
published: 18 Aug 2011
Black Ops - Zombie Labs Rezurrection Trailer / Moon Gameplay!!!
Leave a like if you LOVE ZOMBIES!! :D
A sweet black ops Rezurrection live action trailer for the new zombie map pack Rezurrection, including new moon gameplay !! =D
- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 403088

Call of Duty: Black Ops "Zombie Labs" - NEW MOON GAMEPLAY! - Rezurrection Map Pack 4 DLC
Brand NEW "Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies Lab" trailer showing off the new 'Rezurrectio...
published: 18 Aug 2011
Call of Duty: Black Ops "Zombie Labs" - NEW MOON GAMEPLAY! - Rezurrection Map Pack 4 DLC
Brand NEW "Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies Lab" trailer showing off the new 'Rezurrection' Map Pack and Moon Zombies map coming to Xbox on the 23rd of August and to PC and PS3 around a month later.
Excited for the new 'Moon' map? :D Add this video to your Favorites and share it with your mates!
What do you think of 'Zombies Lab' and the new Zombies map 'Moon'? :D
Thanks for watching!
call of duty black ops zombies lab new moon gameplay rezurrection resurrection map pack 4 dlc
call of duty black ops zombies lab new moon gameplay rezurrection resurrection map pack 4 dlc
call of duty black ops zombies lab new moon gameplay rezurrection resurrection map pack 4 dlc
- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 1311631

SC Labs: Overmedicating
http://WeedMaps.com - News Nov 20, 2012 - In this episode of Know Your Medicine, join Dr. ...
published: 20 Nov 2012
SC Labs: Overmedicating
http://WeedMaps.com - News Nov 20, 2012 - In this episode of Know Your Medicine, join Dr. Bonni Goldstein as she sits down with three other experienced cannabis experts, and discusses with them the importance of mediating your medicinal intake.
Subscribe to this channel for more weed videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nugporn
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 28791

Muppet Labs Experiment 2Q975: Carve-O-Matic
(c) 2009 The Muppets Studio, LLC
Official Website: http://muppets.com
Official Twitter: ...
published: 24 Nov 2009
Muppet Labs Experiment 2Q975: Carve-O-Matic
(c) 2009 The Muppets Studio, LLC
Official Website: http://muppets.com
Official Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MuppetsStudio
Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/muppets
- published: 24 Nov 2009
- views: 1355997

Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc.
This one's for my dad.
Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory footage.
Kingdom of the unrea...
published: 22 Aug 2009
Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc.
This one's for my dad.
Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory footage.
Kingdom of the unreal but also a higher state of being, ultimately free of the limitations of the material world through the agency of science, technology, and imagination.
Produced by the exemplary Bonnie Anthony.
Many thanks to these guys:
This video has been shortlisted for YouTube Play. See the shortlist at youtube.com/play
- published: 22 Aug 2009
- views: 842347

Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep.1 - A New Adventure!
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Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://...
published: 23 Oct 2012
Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep.1 - A New Adventure!
If you've enjoyed, please leave a 'Like' :)
Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KaaEPl
Subscribe for FREE: http://bit.ly/LRcjHW
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- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 154403

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 12: Honeycomb Labs
MindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a p...
published: 03 Jan 2013
Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 12: Honeycomb Labs
MindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications.
Bees, Bees, Bees!!! Today we at EthoCorp begin development of our Honeycomb Labs division.
FTB Mod Pack Info: http://feed-the-beast.com/
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 358298
Youtube results:

The Spirit of Invention - Bell Labs - CBS Sunday Morning - 3-25-12
Martha Teichner guides us through the remarkable history of Bell Labs, the birthplace for ...
published: 07 Apr 2012
The Spirit of Invention - Bell Labs - CBS Sunday Morning - 3-25-12
Martha Teichner guides us through the remarkable history of Bell Labs, the birthplace for countless electronic wonders, from the transistor to the laser to the digital camera.
- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 1211

Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep. 2 - Hardcore Parkour!?
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Twitter: http://goo.gl/...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep. 2 - Hardcore Parkour!?
If you've enjoyed please leave a 'Like' :) It's much appreciated!
Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KaaEPl
Subscribe for FREE: http://bit.ly/LRcjHW
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- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 51817

The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
[Recorded: March 28, 2012]
Bell Laboratories, which thrived from the 1920s to the 1980s, ...
published: 04 Apr 2012
The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
[Recorded: March 28, 2012]
Bell Laboratories, which thrived from the 1920s to the 1980s, was the most innovative and productive institution of the twentieth century. Long before America's brightest scientific minds began migrating west to Silicon Valley, they flocked to this sylvan campus in the New Jersey suburbs built and funded by AT&T.; At its peak, Bell Labs employed nearly fifteen thousand people, twelve hundred of whom had PhDs. Thirteen would go on to win Nobel prizes. It was a citadel of science and scholarship as well as a hotbed of creative thinking. It was, in effect, a factory of ideas whose workings have remained largely hidden until now.
New York Times Magazine writer Jon Gertner unveils the unique magic of Bell Labs through the eyes and actions of its scientists. These ingenious, often eccentric men would become revolutionaries, and sometimes legends, whether for inventing radio astronomy in their spare time (and on the company's dime), riding unicycles through the corridors, or pioneering the principles that propel today's technology. In these pages, we learn how radar came to be, and lasers, transistors, satellites, mobile phones, and much more.
Even more important, Gertner reveals the forces that set off this explosion of creativity. Bell Labs combined the best aspects of the academic and corporate worlds, hiring the brightest and usually the youngest minds, creating a culture and even an architecture that forced employees in different fields to work together, in virtually complete intellectual freedom, with little pressure to create moneymaking innovations. In Gertner's portrait, we come to understand why both researchers and business leaders look to Bell Labs as a model and long to incorporate its magic into their own work.
Join author Jon Gertner for a fascinating conversation with KQED's Dave Iverson about the people and history of Bell Labs, and the ways it fostered a culture of innovation and ideas.
- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 3304

Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep. 3 - The Finale!?!
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Twitter: http://goo.gl/...
published: 28 Oct 2012
Minecraft: Escape the Labs - Ep. 3 - The Finale!?!
If you've enjoyed please leave a 'Like' :) It's much appreciated!
Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KaaEPl
Subscribe for FREE: http://bit.ly/LRcjHW
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- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 54790