- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 10711465

Top 10 Funny Pranks of 2012
Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - http://bit.ly/failarmy
The Best Pranks of 2...
published: 17 Dec 2012
Top 10 Funny Pranks of 2012
Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - http://bit.ly/failarmy
The Best Pranks of 2012. Original video links below.
If you want your videos featured on FailArmy submit them to http://failarmy.com
Like FailArmy on Facebook: http://facebook.com/failarmyy
Follow FailArmy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RealFailArmy
Check out more Fails: http://youtube.com/JukinVideoDotCom
1. Miami Zombie Attack Prank
2. Fight Me Prank
3. Roommate Robbery prank
4. Drive Thru Static Shock Fainting Prank
5. Epic Shake Weight Prank!
6. Campus Farting Prank
8. Shocked By Jumper Cables Prank!
9. Baby Switch-a-roo Prank
10. BadAds iMac for Sale Prank
Outro voice-over was done by http://youtube.com/moledmc
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 10711465

Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review
See how the world searched with Google's 2012 Zeitgeist:
published: 12 Dec 2012
Zeitgeist 2012: Year In Review
See how the world searched with Google's 2012 Zeitgeist:
Music: "All I Want" by Kodaline
Video production by Whirled Creative
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 14310442

Our World is Changing: Looking Beyond 'the 2012'
~October.15.2012~ You were a wonderful pet. I miss you already.
Information cou...
published: 16 Oct 2012
Our World is Changing: Looking Beyond 'the 2012'
~October.15.2012~ You were a wonderful pet. I miss you already.
Information courtesy of NASA, NOAA, the US Library, the Goddard Space Flight Center, the Jet Propulsion Lab, the Environmental Visualization Laboratory, the NASA Earth Observatory, SDO, SOHO, Stereo, ISWA, SSEC, HAARP, and SolarIMG - Your information, images, and videos were essential to this video.
STARWATER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiC-92YgZvQ
Electric Universe: google the Thunderbolts Project
NOAA Environmental Visualization Lab: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Thunderstorms = Ozone Holes & UV Radiation: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/337/6096/835.abstract
US Floods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USfloodmap8May2011.png
US Drought: You need no link.
2011 US Tornado Records: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/2011_tornado_information.html
US Record Wildfires 2011: http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2012/08/record-wildfire-year
2011 Weather: http://earthsky.org/earth/a-look-back-at-summer-2011s-weather-extremes-and-disasters
2011 Texas Fire Record: http://blog.chron.com/sciguy/2011/09/this-historic-texas-wildfire-season-has-shattered-all-previous-records/
2011/12 Bad Winter: http://www.Real-Science.com/images-from-the-winter-that-wasnt
2011/12 Winter-- Europe Deaths: http://www.worldweatherpost.com/2012/02/03/europe-cold-wave-deaths-hit-200-low-snow-winter-for-the-u-s/#.UDQqjHPtCH8 Europe Cold: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NWS-NOAA_Europe_Extreme_minimum_temperature_FEB_5_-_FEB_11,_2012.gif
Warm US Winter: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/03/26/us-winter-2011-2012-fourth-warmest-recorded-history
Atmospheric Ions: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct;=j&q;=electric%20currents%20atmosphere&source;=web&cd;=2&ved;=0CFQQFjAB&url;=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.colutron.com%2Fdownload_files%2Fchap2.pdf&ei;=9A82UISIHKfY0QHE34DgBA&usg;=AFQjCNFdKyyKxj4IcSyJm_VzMMqE2vGPuQ&cad;=rja
Noctilucent Clouds: http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day;=12&month;=07&year;=2012 ; http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/aim/news/noctilucent-season2012.html ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrus_cloud ; http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/07aug_meteorsmoke/
Hot Flow Anomaly: http://www.space.com/14796-venus-space-weather-explosions.html
Magnetic Reconnection: http://ia700500.us.archive.org/15/items/CIL-10110/reconnectionAng_512kb.mp4
More Quakes: http://www.thehorizonproject.com/earthquakes.cfm
Summer Ozone Holes over the US: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/07/120726-storms-ozone-hole-global-warming-environment-science/
Pilot Mistakes Venus for Airplane: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57415375-71/pilot-mistakes-venus-for-plane-sends-own-plane-into-dive/
Heavy Elements in CMEs: ftp://sohoftp.nascom.nasa.gov/pub/oldwww/explore/faq/cme.html#CME_COMPOS
CMEs cause Earth Ejections: http://pwg.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp/polar/coronal.html
Longwave Radiation Flow: http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/maproom/.Global/.Precipitation/Pentad_OLR.html
- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 229635

Rewind YouTube Style 2012
We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can...
published: 18 Dec 2012
Rewind YouTube Style 2012
We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can you spot all the references?
WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2012: http://youtube.com/rewind
SUBSCRIBE TO http://youtube.com/youtube
Can you name all the YouTube stars in the video? Watch carefully and you might even find a few surprises... (Hint: try moving your mouse around in the player!).
PSY - http://youtube.com/officialpsy
Walk off the Earth - http://youtube.com/walkofftheearth
RyanHiga - http://youtube.com/nigahiga
AlphaCat - http://youtube.com/alphacat
KassemG - http://youtube.com/kassemg
DailyGrace - http://youtube.com/dailygrace
MysteryGuitarMan - http://youtube.com/mysteryguitarman
DaveDays - http://youtube.com/davedays
DeStorm - http://youtube.com/destorm
PyroBooby - http://youtube.com/pyrobooby
BarelyPolitical - http://youtube.com/barelypolitical
RealAnnoyingOrange - http://youtube.com/realannoyingorange
FreddieW - http://youtube.com/freddiew
CorridorDigital - http://youtube.com/corridordigital
RhettAndLink - http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Smosh - http://youtube.com/smosh
FeliciaDay - http://youtube.com/geekandsundry
ChesterSee - http://youtube.com/chestersee
iJustine - http://youtube.com/ijustine
EpicMealTime - http://youtube.com/epicmealtime
MyHarto - http://youtube.com/myharto
JennaMarbles - http://youtube.com/jennamarbles
ShitGirlsSay - http://youtube.com/shitgirlssay
JuicyStar07 - http://youtube.com/juicystar07
GloZell - http://youtube.com/glozell1
ClevverTV - http://youtube.com/clevvertv
SmoshGames - http://youtube.com/smoshgames
HuskyStarcraft - http://youtube.com/huskystarcraft
TarynSouthern - http://youtube.com/tarynsouthern
EdBassmaster - http://youtube.com/edbassmaster
HeyKayli - http://youtube.com/HeyKayli
CaseyLavere - http://youtube.com/caseylavere
and more...
Directed by Peter Furia
Produced by Peter Furia and Beau Lewis | Director of Photography: Catherine Goldschmidt | Edited by Peter Furia and David Fine | A Seedwell Production | Full credits at http://seedwell.com/rewind
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 100671332

2012 Something Is Going On!
New Possible Signs That The World Is Coming To An End!? (Dead Spe...
published: 06 Apr 2012
2012 Something Is Going On!
New Possible Signs That The World Is Coming To An End!? (Dead Species, Global Warming, Strange Sounds Being Heard + More)
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 9267863

A collection of the best local news bloopers that hit the internet in 2012.
WATCH This mo...
published: 27 Dec 2012
A collection of the best local news bloopers that hit the internet in 2012.
WATCH This month's NEWS BLOOPERS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYeSZ7WERzQ
NEWS BLOOPERS 2012 BONUS HERE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sQ3MCA18oM
BEST FUNNIEST NEWS INTERVIEWS EVER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGzg1Ho9KeI
BEST F-BOMB NEWS BLOOPERS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6RWtQk-q0
Follow us on Twitter http://bit.ly/WM1YRJ
Like us on Facebook http://on.fb.me/Qj3XY3
Subscribe http://bit.ly/HlSFj8
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 18105414

KONY 2012
What happened to KONY 2012? To find out visit: http://spr.ly/KONY2012-one-year-later
To ...
published: 05 Mar 2012
KONY 2012
What happened to KONY 2012? To find out visit: http://spr.ly/KONY2012-one-year-later
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.lracrisistracker.com/
To learn more about Invisible Children's recovery efforts in the post-conflict regions of northern Uganda AND our work with communities currently affected in D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/programs.html
To view our responses to common questions we receive about the KONY 2012 film and campaign visit:
To see our worldwide youth mobilization initiatives:
Learn More: http://kony2012.com
Donate to Invisible Children: https://stayclassy.org/checkout/set-donation?eid=14711
For official MEDIA and artist REPRESENTATION ONLY: pr@invisiblechildren.com
DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch, Mariana Blanco, Laurence Vannicelli PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer
"02 Ghosts I"
Performed by Nine Inch Nails
Written by Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor
Produced by Alan Moulder, Atticus Ross, and Trent Reznor
Nine Inch Nails appear courtesy of The Null Corporation
"Punching in a Dream"
Performed by The Naked and Famous
Written by Aaron Short, Alisa Xayalith, and Thom Powers
Produced by Thom Powers
The Naked and Famous appear courtesy of Somewhat Damaged and Universal Republic
"Arrival of the Birds"
Performed by The Cinematic Orchestra
Written by The Cinematic Orchestra
Produced by The Cinematic Orchestra
The Cinematic Orchestra appears courtesy of Disney Records
"Roll Away Your Stone"
Performed by Mumford and Sons
Written by Benjamin Lovett, Edward Dwane, Marcus Mumford, and Winston Marshall
Produced by Markus Dravs
Mumford and Sons appear courtesy of Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC
"On (Instrumental)"
Performed by Bloc Party
Written by Bloc Party
Produced by Jacknife Lee
Bloc Party appears courtesy of Vice Records
"A Dream within a Dream"
Performed by The Glitch Mob
The Glitch Mob appears courtesy of Glass Air
"I Can't Stop"
Performed by Flux Pavilion
Flux Pavilion appears courtesy of Circus Records Limited
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 96752708

Nibiru 2032 - The end of the World HD XD
21 12 2032 nivirus trailer HD LOOOL
furure of earth in 21 dic 2032 RULES
sound :Lux Aet...
published: 25 Apr 2009
Nibiru 2032 - The end of the World HD XD
21 12 2032 nivirus trailer HD LOOOL
furure of earth in 21 dic 2032 RULES
sound :Lux Aeterna By Clint Mansell
- published: 25 Apr 2009
- views: 18165513

Fail Compilation of the Month November 2012
Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?...
published: 30 Nov 2012
Fail Compilation of the Month November 2012
Subscribe for new compilations every Friday! - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=failarmy
If you want your videos featured on FailArmy submit them to http://failarmy.com
Like FailArmy on Facebook: http://facebook.com/failarmyy
Follow FailArmy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RealFailArmy
Check out more Fails: http://youtube.com/JukinVideoDotCom
- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 12821513

Lionel Messi ● All 91 Goals in 2012 ● New World Record
Leo Messi breaks Gerd Müller's record!
If you like my work, become a fan on facebook and ...
published: 22 Dec 2012
Lionel Messi ● All 91 Goals in 2012 ● New World Record
Leo Messi breaks Gerd Müller's record!
If you like my work, become a fan on facebook and follow me on twitter:
Guardians of Freedom - GRV Music
AlpakaWhacker - Rising Tension
IGNORE TAGS: Games on La Liga, UEFA Champions League, Copa del Rey, Spanish Super Cup, European Super Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, South American Qualifiers and Friendlies.
Matches against: Real Madrid, Porto, Villarreal, Osasuna, Atletico Madrid, BATE Borisov, Racing Santander, Mallorca, Viktoria Plzen, Athletic Bilbao, Zaragoza, Milan, Rayo Vallecano, Levante, Santos, Osasuna, Betis, Malaga, Real Sociedad, Bayer Leverkusen, Valencia, Racing Santander, Sevilla, Granada Mallorca, Zaragoza, Almeria, Panathinaikos, Getafe, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Switzerland and much more.
Ronaldinho, Deco, Eto'o, Henry, Saviola, Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Kun Agüero, Gonzalo Higuain, Angel Di Maria, Mascherano, Cesc Fabregas, Alexis Sanchez, David Villa, Dani Alves, Pedro Rodriguez, Piqué, Puyol, Cuenca, Tello, Ronaldo, Marcelo, Abidal, Yaya Toure, Casillas, Pepe, Ibrahimovic, Neymar, Abbiati, Seedorf, Robinho, and much more.
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 3231752

Best UFO Sightings Of June 2012, AFO
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is ...
published: 26 Jun 2012
Best UFO Sightings Of June 2012, AFO
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
Iv put a lot of effort into researching each case in this video, however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own.
I have contacted each channel and asked for permission to use each of the sightings presented in the video, however I am aware that the channels providing the videos may not own them. If you have noticed your footage in the video please private message me or email me at anonymousfoz@gmail.com to resolve the issue. If you have a problem with your sighting being part of this footage, I would be more than happy to remove and re upload the video with your footage taken out.
Videos used listed below
Music Used - Smooth WestCoast HipHop Beat by SuperDylanGraham
UFO Formation Above Colorado Springs, colorado, USA
Triangle UFO Formation Over Apple Valley, California, USA
Mass Of UFOs Over Lubbok, Texas, USA
UFO Hovers Above Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Orange Sphere UFO Over UK
Arched UFO Over Colorado, USA
Bright UFO Caught Over Melbourne, Australia
Edge Of Space UFOs Recorded With x60 Magnification
Diamond UFO Over Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA
UFO Over Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA
UFO Filmed With Night Vision Above Sävedalen, Sweden
UFO Bounces Off The Sun
Transparent Disc UFO Over Australia
UFO Observes Shenzhou 9 Launch
UFO Dropping Bright lights Above Highland, Utah, USA
Ring Shaped UFO Over Universal City, California, USA
Strange Shaped UFO Floating Over London, UK
Diamond Shaped UFO Over Palatine, Illinois, USA
Do yo have a UFO video that you would like to share with the world?
Just Email us at: AnonymousFOz@gmail.com
Facebook message us at: http://www.facebook.com/AnonymousFO
Or Just simply YouTube message: AnonymousFO
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
- published: 26 Jun 2012
- views: 6773048

The Best Web Videos of 2012!
Ellen's got 'em! She loves hilarious web videos, and she put her favorites from the last y...
published: 10 Jan 2013
The Best Web Videos of 2012!
Ellen's got 'em! She loves hilarious web videos, and she put her favorites from the last year together for this montage. Enjoy!
- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 3277928

Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50+ Pop Songs
"Pop Danthology 2012"
Music and video mashed-up by Daniel Kim (http://www.facebook.com/dan...
published: 03 Dec 2012
Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50+ Pop Songs
"Pop Danthology 2012"
Music and video mashed-up by Daniel Kim (http://www.facebook.com/danielkimmusic)
FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD: please find the download link on the wall of my facebook page
"The Making of Pop Danthology" (http://giftofocpd.com/2012/12/02/the-making-of-pop-danthology/)
"The Story Behind the Success of Pop Danthology" (http://giftofocpd.com/2012/12/11/the-story-behind-the-success-of-pop-danthology/)
1. Adele - "Set Fire To The Rain"
2. Adele - "Skyfall"
3. Alex Clare - "Too Close"
4. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - "Let's Go"
5. Carly Rae Jepsen - "Call Me Maybe"
6. Cher Lloyd - "Want U Back"
7. Chris Brown - "Don't Wake Me Up"
8. Chris Brown - "Turn Up The Music"
9. Christina Aguilera - "Your Body"
10. David Guetta feat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne - "I Can Only Imagine"
11. David Guetta feat. Nicky Minaj - "Turn Me On"
12. David Guetta feat. Sia - "Titanium"
13. Demi Lovato - "Give Your Heart A Break"
14. Ellie Goulding - "Lights"
15. Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - "Finally Found You"
16. Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - "Live My Life"
17. Flo Rida - "Whistle"
18. Flo Rida feat. Sia - "Wild Ones"
19. Fun. - "Some Nights"
20. Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe - "We Are Young"
21. Gotye feat. Kimbra - "Somebody That I Used To Know"
22. Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - "Ass Back Home"
23. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - "Dance Again"
24. Jessie J - "Domino"
25. Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean - "As Long As You Love Me"
26. Justin Bieber - "Boyfriend"
27. Karmin - "Brokenhearted"
28. Katy Perry - "Part Of Me"
29. Katy Perry - "Wide Awake"
30. Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger"
31. Ke$ha - "Die Young"
32. LMFAO - "Sorry For Party Rocking"
33. Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - "Give Me All Your Luvin'"
34. Maroon 5 - "One More Night"
35. Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - "Payphone"
36. Nelly Furtado - "Big Hoops (Bigger The Better)"
37. Ne-Yo - "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)"
38. Nicky Minaj - "Pound The Alarm"
39. Nicky Minaj - "Starships"
40. One Direction - "Live While We're Young"
41. One Direction - "What Makes You Beautiful"
42. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepson - "Good Time"
43. P!nk - "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"
44. Pitbull feat. Chris Brown - "International Love"
45. PSY - "Gangnam Style"
46. Rihanna - "Diamonds"
47. Rihanna - "Where Have You Been"
48. Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)"
49. Swedish House Mafia - "Don't You Worry Child"
50. Tyga - "Rack City"
51. Usher - "Climax"
52. Usher - "Scream"
53. The Wanted - "Glad You Came"
54. Will.I.Am feat. Eva Simons - "This is Love"
55. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - "Spectrum"
I am not making a single cent off of this mash-up. But there are ads on this mash-up because Kobalt Music Publishing, BMG Rights Management, and Sony ATV Publishing feel that they deserve to earn revenue off of my work (even though my work includes a whole bunch of other material they do not own).
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 22951249
Vimeo results:

The Third & The Seventh
published: 24 Nov 2009
author: Alex Roman
The Third & The Seventh
If you're thinking of tipping this piece of work, i just want to let you know that all tips are going directly to help funding my next personal project which is already in development.
Thanks so much for your love, comments, feedback and support all this time. I really hope you enjoy it!
"The Book" -- Beautiful hires imagery artwork, philosophy and processes behind the shortfilm.
More info about it is coming soon at my website. Pre-ordering starts Fall 2012 ...so, stay tuned!
.Fullscreen it, please.
A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects
are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.
|Modelling - Texturing - Illumination - Rendering| Alex Roman
|Postproduction & Editing| Alex Roman
Sequenced, Orchestrated & Mixed by Alex Roman (Sonar & EWQLSO Gold Pro XP)
Sound Design by Alex Roman
Based on original scores by:
.Michael Laurence Edward Nyman. (The Departure)
.Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns. (Le Carnaval des animaux)
Directed by Alex Roman
Done with 3dsmax, Vray, AfterEffects and Premiere.

KONY 2012
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and So...
published: 20 Feb 2012
KONY 2012
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.lracrisistracker.com/
To learn more about Invisible Children's recovery efforts in the post-conflict regions of northern Uganda AND our work with communities currently affected in D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/programs.html
To view our response to common critiques to the KONY 2012 film and campaign visit:
To see our worldwide youth mobilization initiatives:
Learn More: http://kony2012.com
Donate to Invisible Children: https://stayclassy.org/checkout/set-donation?eid=14711
For official MEDIA and artist REPRESENTATION ONLY: PR@invisiblechildren.com
DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch, Mariana Blanco, Laurence Vannicelli PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer
Original Instrumental Scores by Joel P. West http://www.joelpwest.com/
“02 Ghosts I” Performed by Nine Inch Nails, Written by Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor, Produced by Alan Moulder, Atticus Ross, and Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails appear courtesy of The Null Corporation
“Punching in a Dream”, Performed by The Naked and Famous, Written by Aaron Short, Alisa Xayalith, and Thom Powers, Produced by Thom Powers, The Naked and Famous appear courtesy of Somewhat Damaged and Universal Republic
“Arrival of the Birds”, Performed by The Cinematic Orchestra, Written by The Cinematic Orchestra, Produced by The Cinematic Orchestra, The Cinematic Orchestra appears courtesy of Disney Records
“Roll Away Your Stone”, Performed by Mumford and Sons, Written by Benjamin Lovett, Edward Dwane, Marcus Mumford, and Winston Marshall, Produced by Markus Dravs, Mumford and Sons appear courtesy of Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC
“On (Instrumental)”, Performed by Bloc Party
Written by Bloc Party, Produced by Jacknife Lee, Bloc Party appears courtesy of Vice Records
“A Dream within a Dream”, Performed by The Glitch Mob, The Glitch Mob appears courtesy of Glass Air
“I Can’t Stop”, Performed by Flux Pavilion, Flux Pavilion appears courtesy of Circus Records Limited

Winner - Best Cinematography, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2011
Winner - Act...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: Astray Films
Winner - Best Cinematography, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2011
Winner - Action Sports Category, Vimeo Awards 2012
Winner - G-Raid Driven Creativity award - Professional Category
Winner - Best Cinematography, 5Point Film Festival 2011
Winner - Grand Prize - Chamonix Film Festival 2011
Winner - Best short - New York Surf Film Festival 2011
Winner - Digital short of the Year, Surfer Poll
Winner - Relentless Short Stories 2011
Winner - Amstel Surf Film Festibal, Peoples Choice award
Winner - Best short, Sheffield Adventure Film Festival
Winner - Best International Short, Canadian Surf Film Festival
Winner - Best Short, Waimea Ocean Film Festival

Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses we...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Project Yosemite
Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses were shot on the Canon 5D Mark II with a variety of Canon L and Zeiss CP.2 Lenses.
Project Yosemite Website: http://projectyose.com
Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/projectyose
Twitter: twitter.com/projectyose
Contact info: info@projectyose.com
Thanks to Dynamic Perception for their motion controlled dolly and continued support! Purchase gear used in this video here: http://www.dynamicperception.com/#oid=1004_1
Dynamic Perception Website: http://dynamicperception.com
Track: Outro
Album: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
Artist: M83
Site: http://ilovem83.com
Publishing: http://emimusicpub.com
Licensing: http://bankrobbermusic.com
This whole project has been an amazing experience. The two of us became friends through Vimeo and explored a shared interest in timelapsing Yosemite National Park over an extended period of time. We'd like to expand this idea to other locations and would appreciate any suggestions for a future project.
Project Yosemite was featured as a main story on Yosemite National Park's Spring Newsletter.: http://www.yosemitepark.com/timelapse-sprnews-2012.aspx
To view this in 2K, visit: http://youtu.be/OwFbjJasW3E
Be sure to change the quality settings to 'Original'.
Behind The Scenes: http://vimeo.com/35223326
By Dalton Runberg
Our hearts go out to the families of Markus Praxmarer who lost his life while climbing Half Dome on September 19th, 2011 and Ranger Ryan Hiller, who was crushed by a tree January 22nd 2012. They will be missed. (A photo of Ranger Ryan Hiller can be found to the right, above the statistics counter)
Youtube results:

Athletics Men's 100m Final Full Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games - Usain Bolt
Athletics Men's 100m Final Full Replay from the Olympic Stadium at the London 2012 Olympic...
published: 05 Aug 2012
Athletics Men's 100m Final Full Replay - London 2012 Olympic Games - Usain Bolt
Athletics Men's 100m Final Full Replay from the Olympic Stadium at the London 2012 Olympic Games. -- 5 August 2012
Since 1896, athletics has been on the programme of each edition of the Games of the Olympiad. Its presence on the Games programme has allowed its popularity to increase across the world. This popularity was also strengthened by the creation of the IAAF in 1912. Women's events appeared for the first time at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, while the men's programme was standardised as of the 1932 Games in Los Angeles. Although at the beginning women were authorised to participate in only some events, today their programme is almost identical to that of the men.
Find more about Athletics at www.olympic.org/athletics
- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 5813379

Tomorrowland 2012 | official aftermovie
DVD out now: During the magical summer of 2012 you wrote history. Tomorrowland is proud to...
published: 10 Sep 2012
Tomorrowland 2012 | official aftermovie
DVD out now: During the magical summer of 2012 you wrote history. Tomorrowland is proud to release the long expected 2012 DVD+CD.
Exclusive Tomorrowland DVD-packages are now available in the Tomorrowland Finest Webstore for a limited time only. Check out http://store.tomorrowland.com/ to find out all info.
Relive the madness and be indulged into the Tomorrowland magic once again...
Become a part of the worldwide family: http://www.FACEBOOK.COM/TOMORROWLAND
During the magical weekend of 27, 28 and 29 July 2012 more than 180,000 visitors attended one of the most beautiful and talked about festivals in world. The 8th edition of Tomorrowland was one that would never be forgotten. An amazing festival, a magic location, wonderful decor, more than 400 artists and byfar the best public in the world! You can relive all of this now with the Tomorrowland after movie 2012.
Yesterday is History, Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is Mystery...
Tracklist Tomorrowland Aftermovie
01. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Sander Van Doorn - Project T (The Tomorrowland Intro)
02. Pendulum - The Island (Buy: http://itunes.apple.com/album/immersion/id419852091)
03. Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Wolfpack - Ocarina (Out Soon on Smash The House)
04. Yves V & Felguk - Wow (Buy: http://www.beatport.com/release/wow/966457 )
05. Otto Knows - Million Voices
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/release/otto-knows-million-voices/864532)
06. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft Georgi Kay - In My Mind (Axwell Mix)
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/release/in-my-mind/913176)
07.Dimitri Vegas, Moguai & Like Mike - Mammoth (Buy: http://www.beatport.com/release/mammoth/1049114)
08. M83 - Midnight City
(Buy: http://itunes.apple.com/album/hurry-up-were-dreaming./id460385412)
09. Laidback Luke, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - ID (Out Soon)
10. Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike, Coone & Lil Jon - Madness (Out Soon on Dim Mak)
11. Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/track/greyhound-original-mix/3349704)
12. Nari & Milani - Atom
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/track/atom-original-mix/3399822)
13. Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child (Out Soon on EMI)
14. Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Regi - Momentum
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/release/momentum-the-remixes/957858)
15. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects ft Erik Hecht - Walking Alone
(Buy: http://www.beatport.com/track/walking-alone-original-mix/3313447)
16. Chuckie ft Junxter Jack - Make Some Noise (Out Soon)
17. Yves V ft Dani L Mebius - Chained (Buy: @yvesv http://bit.ly/CHAINED
18. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Tomorrowland Anthem 2012 (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Yves V Mainstage Remix ) (Out Soon on Le7els)
19. Steve Aoki & Angger Dimas vs Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Phat Bram (Buy: http://www.beatport.com/track/phat-brahms-original-mix/3780048)
20. Outro: M-3ox - Beating Of My Heart (Matisse & Sadko Remix) (Buy: http://www.beatport.com/track/beating-of-my-heart-matisse-and-sadko-remix/3317417)
Movie made by Epic Cinema & The Tomorrowland Creative Team
Intro and music by Orange Studios & The Tomorrowland Creative Team
- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 56227987

ScienceCast: Record-Setting Asteroid Flyby
Visit http://science.nasa.gov/ for breaking science news.
On Feb. 15th an asteroid about ...
published: 28 Jan 2013
ScienceCast: Record-Setting Asteroid Flyby
Visit http://science.nasa.gov/ for breaking science news.
On Feb. 15th an asteroid about half the size of a football field will fly past Earth closer than many man-made satellites. Since regular sky surveys began in the 1990s, astronomers have never seen an object so big come so close to our planet.
- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 577079

Marvel's Avengers Assemble (2012) - Official trailer | HD
Marvel's Avengers Assemble - out now on 2D & 3D Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download.
published: 29 Feb 2012
Marvel's Avengers Assemble (2012) - Official trailer | HD
Marvel's Avengers Assemble - out now on 2D & 3D Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download.
Assemble at the Avengers official UK Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AvengersUK
Visit the official website http://uk.marvel.com/avengers-assemble/
When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Tom Hiddleston, with Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson, and written and directed by Joss Whedon, "Marvel Avengers Assemble" is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series "The Avengers," first published in 1963 and a comics institution ever since.
Marvel's Avengers Assemble - out now on 2D & 3D Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download.
- published: 29 Feb 2012
- views: 39418299