
You're Invited to "Training in Non-Violent Resistance"

A program of Inclusive Justice

Saturday, April 13, 2013
1:00 pm - 7:30 pm @ Eastern Michigan University Student Center

Inclusive Justice, a program at Eastern Michigan University, is hosting a training in Non-violent Resistance on April 13, 2013. All are invited to register for this important and life changing conference. The day-long conference will feature a keynote by Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director of Soulfrce, as well as a variety of workshops. Dinner is included in the registration fee and an evening of performance art for justice will wrap up this day of learning and community.

Registration costs are as follows:

Students, $20
Adults, $45
Patrons, $75 (sponsors scholarships)
Sponsors, $200 (includes two tickets and listing in publicity)

Click Here to download the event flyer! OR Register Here!

Inclusive Justice is a state-wide, faith-based coalition that promotes greater acceptance and fair treatment of LGBTQ/SGL persons within religious communities and through public policy advocacy.

Soulforce is committed to freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people from religious and political oppression through relentless nonviolent resistance. As we enter our second decade of work, we invite you to join our movement.

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Become a Soulforce Delegate!
The Soulforce Delegate Program recruits participants from all over the country. Each participant undergoes rigorous training on the principles of nonviolence as it relates to social justice issues. Learn More Here! >>

Recent Event...

Soulforce participates in MedMob (Meditation Mob) Event

MedMob is a global community coming together in meditation, open to people from all walks of life, inspired to anchor peace in public places and bring harmony to every corner of the Earth.

MedMob meets in silent meditation at high traffic areas around the city to promote meditatio n as a means to self discovery.


Why Religion?

We recognize that oppression is most often rooted in religious belief and ideologies of power in which women, people of color and non-gender conforming (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people are subjugated and subjected to the violence of exclusion.  You will find us most often in dialogue with religious leaders, denominations and institutions who discriminate in polity, policy or practice.  We are committed to decriminalization of sexual minorities by all church and state sanctioned organizations worldwide.

Read more about why our work focuses on religious based oppression »

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From the Store

What the Bible Says-and Doesn’t Say-about Homosexuality

A 24-page booklet written by the Rev. Dr. Mel White that offers a biblical response to the question people often ask: “How can you consider yourself a Christian when you are also gay?” Get It Now! >>
Read it Online!(click here)

Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality

The best-selling author of Stranger at the Gate returns with an insider’s exposé of the origins of the Christian fundamentalist movement and how its virulent anti-gay agenda has led to the rise of the Tea Party movement, among other forms of recent right wing extremism.

In Holy Terror, the Rev. Dr. Mel White argues that the true goals of today’s fundamentalists are to break down the wall that separates church and state, superimpose their “moral values” on the US Constitution, replace democracy with theocratic rule, and ultimately create a new “Christian America” in their image. They believe this is a Christian nation that must be returned forcibly to its Christian roots. Get It Now! >>

Gospel of Intolerance – American Evangelicals in Uganda

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News to know

Apr. 6th - Soulforce Seeks Leaders for New Online Community

Apr. 1st - 2013 Inclusive Justice Conference – April 13

Mar. 28th - Volunteers, Donors Needed for Portland, Oregon Action at CCCU Conference April 5-7

External Newsreels

from...Christian Post

ACLU Seeks to Ban Bible Distribution in Kentucky Schools

Gov. Rick Perry Dedicates $130 Million Campus of Pastor Jeffress' Church

Rick Warren 'Overwhelmed' by Support; Issues Memo to Congregation


GLAAD Glitters, Elvis Duran Honored and Wilson Cruz Knighted at Night of a Thousand Gowns

What to Watch Monday 4/8: The Carrie Diaries Season Finale!

Video: CNBC's Joe Kernen to Cantor: Don't Oppose Gay Marriage

from...Human Rights Campaign

Senator Tim Johnson Announces Support for Marriage Equality

Watch: Nordstrom Latest Commercial Features Same-Sex Couples, Macklemore

Momentum for Marriage Vote Continues to Build in Illinois

THE BLOG: What we're reading, thinking, doing

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Soulforce Seeks Leaders for New Online Community


We are proud to announce that our new online community Solandres is ready and excited for big things to come – and we want you to be a part of the excitement!  We are currently looking for persons willing to participate in our leadership group for the community.  This will be a unique opportunity to …

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Volunteers, Donors Needed for Portland, Oregon Action at CCCU Conference April 5-7


In two weeks, Safety Net, a program of Soulforce, will venture to Portland, OR for “Meeting in the Middle,” April 5 – 7 to find common ground with diversity representatives from schools in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. The CCCU is holding its annual diversity conference,Changing Faces, and a Safety Net delegation is …

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Holy Week and Holy Terror in the Halls of Justice


It is Holy Week in the halls of justice as our justices in the Supreme Court consider the fate of Prop 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). How fitting. They are hearing the arguments in the very week that Christians acknowledge the holy terror permitted by Pontius Pilate as he heard the arguments …

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