- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 9361
- author: FloatingUniversity
Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics
Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics....
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: FloatingUniversity
Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics
Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics.
- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 9361
- author: FloatingUniversity
Pragmatics - Speech Acts, An Overview
This E-Lecture is the first part of the VLC introduction to pragmatics. It discusses the c...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Pragmatics - Speech Acts, An Overview
This E-Lecture is the first part of the VLC introduction to pragmatics. It discusses the central differences between meaning and use and examines the use of ...
- published: 16 Sep 2012
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
Pragmatics - Conversation, An Overview
What is conversation and what are the main principles of organizing it? These are the main...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Pragmatics - Conversation, An Overview
What is conversation and what are the main principles of organizing it? These are the main questions that are discussed in this E-Lecture which looks at the ...
- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 4169
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
Semantics and Pragmatics - Reference
What is the relation between a word and an object and how can we define this relationship?...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Semantics and Pragmatics - Reference
What is the relation between a word and an object and how can we define this relationship? This superficially trival questions stands in the centerof this E-...
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 414
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
Oral Communication: Pragmatics
See previous video for an overview of speech and language. I'll cover other aspects of spe...
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: LJonYT
Oral Communication: Pragmatics
See previous video for an overview of speech and language. I'll cover other aspects of speech and language in video to follow "Meaning is use". http://indexi...
- published: 05 Oct 2011
- views: 2152
- author: LJonYT
Pragmatics of "Hello"
Chloe explores the pragmatics of the word "hello" for her language studies final project....
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: ltjqueen
Pragmatics of "Hello"
Chloe explores the pragmatics of the word "hello" for her language studies final project.
- published: 27 Apr 2010
- views: 6662
- author: ltjqueen
Semantics and Pragmatics - Sense
This second E-Lecture about word semantics discusses the main sense relations, i.e. the re...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Semantics and Pragmatics - Sense
This second E-Lecture about word semantics discusses the main sense relations, i.e. the relations between the lexemes of a language using numerous examples. ...
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 718
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
"Developing L2 Pragmatics," by Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig
Presentation accompanying "Developing L2 Pragmatics," by Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, publishe...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: johnwileysons
"Developing L2 Pragmatics," by Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig
Presentation accompanying "Developing L2 Pragmatics," by Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, published in the first issue of the Currents in Language Learning Series, i...
- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 241
- author: johnwileysons
Using Popular Culture Texts to Teach Pragmatics (Part 1) - By Camilla Vásquez
Using Popular Culture Texts to Teach Pragmatics: What is Pragmatics?...
published: 17 Oct 2012
Using Popular Culture Texts to Teach Pragmatics (Part 1) - By Camilla Vásquez
Using Popular Culture Texts to Teach Pragmatics: What is Pragmatics?
- published: 17 Oct 2012
- views: 89
Practicing Pragmatics Mobile App
Practicing Pragmatics Mobile App for the iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and Android™ gives s...
published: 19 Jul 2011
Practicing Pragmatics Mobile App
Practicing Pragmatics Mobile App for the iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and Android™ gives students practice answering social skills questions about politeness, solving problems, feelings, giving information, requesting, telephone skills, and staying on topic. Watch the video for more info and let us know how you use this app in your therapy!
- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 1863
4. Introduction to Pragmatics
Video to illustrate the concepts introduced in text 1....
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: Kátia Valério
4. Introduction to Pragmatics
Video to illustrate the concepts introduced in text 1.
- published: 13 Aug 2009
- views: 9424
- author: Kátia Valério
Semantics and Pragmatics - Semantics an Overview
This first E-Lecture related to the VLC class "Semantics and Pragmatics" provides an overv...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Semantics and Pragmatics - Semantics an Overview
This first E-Lecture related to the VLC class "Semantics and Pragmatics" provides an overview of the role of semantics within linguistics and its use in othe...
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 672
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
Pragmatics: Shared Understanding Practice
This video is dedicated to PBGS6304 General Linguistics for TESL under the Master of Educa...
published: 14 Apr 2011
author: ush3000
Pragmatics: Shared Understanding Practice
This video is dedicated to PBGS6304 General Linguistics for TESL under the Master of Education (TESL) programme, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, ...
- published: 14 Apr 2011
- views: 1812
- author: ush3000
Vimeo results:
Lucy has developed a Summer School concept that gives students the opportunity to work dir...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: Lucy McRae
Lucy has developed a Summer School concept that gives students the opportunity to work directly with industry professionals on a real project whilst at school. Working alongside Melbourne’s RMIT University with architecture, fashion, media and interior design students, this three week intense Summer School offers a fresh and pragmatic framework summoning a new direction in creative education and evolution of music video.
Lucy approached Australian synth pop outfit Rat Vs Possum to see if they would be interested in uniting forces with twenty students and make a kaleidoscopic dance clip where students are the actors and actresses.
Rat Vs Possum’s Let Music and Bodies Unite is a dance-inspired party album with a music video to match! Trained as a classical ballerina and renowned as a pedigree artist Lucy creates her very own Rock Eistedford! (an Australian nationwide competition for music, dance and drama school students).
Lead vocalist Daphne Shum takes us on her journey through her two disparate worlds; whimsical dance choreographies that reference synchronised swimming and a high school science lab are some of the scenes in this fun, theatrical, orchestrated puppet show. These two realities are united by the metallic clad vocalist, Daphne driving these kaleidoscopic worlds. Acclaimed video artist Kit Webster re-projects looped footage back into these worlds to add a synth-pop undertone which perfectly befits the feel of this album.
Turn It Up www.lucymcrae.net
This project was made possible thanks to VESKI (Victorian Endowment for Science, Knowledge and Innovation) is a charitable institution working to enhance Victoria’s intellectual capital through a dynamic program of fellowships, awards, and international networks. www.veski.org.au
RMIT Students
Alex Peters, Eli Ghias, Hugh Westland, Hannah Brasier, Janice Liyanage, K-Buzza, Kate Corke, Maya LaCroix, Megan Kiantos, Melissa Edwards, Michael Raymond, Molly Shelton, Simone Ling, Phoebe Baker-Gabb
Director - Lucy McRae
Production Designer - Barnaby Monk
1st Assistant Director - Laetitia Miglore
Co - Producers - Laetitia Miglore / Emma Pisani
DOP - Katie Milwright
Focus Puller - Emily Jade Barr
Editor - Ine van den Elsen
Stabiliser - Erwin van den IJssel
Choreography - Bobilee Shahine / Lucy McRae
Dancers - Bobilee Shahine, Natalie Shahine, Kristiarne Anthony, Kathleen Skipp and Maggie
Make Up Artist - Emma Louise
Costume Design - Cassandra Wheat
Costume Design - Adele Varcoe
Projections - www.kitwebster.com.au
Television Studio - RMIT Media
Workshop Assistance - Kevin The Man
Lead Vocalist - Daphne Shum
Band Appearance - Kieran O'Shea
Band Members - Matt Kulesza, Kieran O'Shea, Andrew Noble, Daphne Shum, Adrian Tregonning
Thanks to the staff at RMIT Andrea Mina, Anthony Fryatt, Leon van Schaik, Kev from the Workshop (and for teaching yoga), Brian and Keith from Media and Comm and all at the IT .
Special Thanks to www.postpanic.com for being amazing.
American Philosopher The Film
Who dares think a nation? What is the status of philosophy in a nation founded by philoso...
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: P. McReynolds
American Philosopher The Film
Who dares think a nation? What is the status of philosophy in a nation founded by philosophers? What are the risks of practicing philosophy in America? Does America have a "native" philosophy? Eight short films about philosophy in America and American philosophy by Phillip McReynolds. Please also visit my youtube channel youtube.com/user/phillipmcreynolds. Thanks for your support.
Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically - official trailer
Behold Your God is a 12-week study for churches, small groups, families or individuals con...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: Media Gratiae
Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically - official trailer
Behold Your God is a 12-week study for churches, small groups, families or individuals containing 13 DVD sessions that are reinforced by a 12-week daily workbook. Each week's lesson is preceded by a brief historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as George Muller, A. W. Tozer, Samuel Rutherford, Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Amy Carmichael, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, George Whitefield, Daniel Rowland and Jonathan Edwards.
The heart of each DVD is a 30-minute lesson on one aspect of the Christian life and how it is affected by a biblical rethinking of God's character. The teaching sessions are led by Dr. John Snyder, pastor of Christ Church in New Albany, Mississippi.
• Week 1 - Beholding God: The Great Attraction
• Week 2 - Beholding God: Clearing the Way For Our Return
• Week 3 - Beholding God: In the Bible
• Week 4 - Beholding God: In the Face of Jesus Christ
• Week 5 - Beholding God: In the Work of Salvation
• Week 6 - Beholding God and the Response of Personal Holiness
• Week 7 - Beholding God: Restoring Worship in Our Lives
• Week 8 - Beholding God and Evangelism
• Week 9 - Beholding God and Our Christian Service
• Week 10 - Beholding a Lesser God?
• Week 11 -Beholding God: Avoiding the Lies of Pragmatism
• Week 12 - Seeking the God We Are Beholding
Following each teaching session is a collection of comments from interviews with contemporary Christian leaders who explain how a biblical appreciation of God's character has affected their own lives and ministries. Among these men are Paul Washer, Richard Owen Roberts, Conrad Mbewe, Andrew Davies, Jordan Thomas, Anthony Mathenia and Eifion Evans.
The video portions were filmed on location in the United States and the United Kingdom at key historical sites associated with the lives of the men and women we are considering.
Behold Your God will be available for shipping on January 21, 2013.
The release of Behold Your God will be accompanied by a 3-day conference for pastors, church leaders and laymen in Memphis, TN Monday, Jan. 21 - Wed. Jan. 23, 2013 featuring John Snyder, Paul Washer, Richard Owen Roberts, Andrew Davies, Anthony Mathenia and Jordan Thomas.
Behold Your God is produced by Media Gratiae for American Family Studios.
Ceva necunoscut face ceva...
Something unknown is doing we don't know what (2009)
"Un documentar interesant despre feno...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: activist
Ceva necunoscut face ceva...
Something unknown is doing we don't know what (2009)
"Un documentar interesant despre fenomenele psihice paranormale (vindecarea spirituală, telepatia, psihokinezia, clarviziune, premoniţia) şi autentificarea lor ştiinţifică.
Renée Scheltema, realizatoarea documentarului, a călătorit în SUA pentru a se întâlni cu oameni de ştiinţă de top, parapsihologi, psihologi, fizicieni, medici din domeniul cercetării cum ar fi prof. Charles Tart, prof. Gary Schwartz, dr. Larry Dossey şi dr. Dean Radin. Pe drum, ea colectează povestiri anecdotice de la celebrităţi din domeniu, cum ar fi Nancy Myer (detectiv psihic), Arielle Ford (autor), Dr Edgar Mitchell (astronaut) şi intuitiva Catherine Yunt.
Oamenii de ştiinţă din documentar prezintă o serie de cercetări şi experimente ştiinţifice, de laborator, care atestă că aceste puteri “paranormale” sunt de fapt ”normale” şi fac parte din înzestrarea noastră nativă.
Documentarul ne arată într-un mod pragmatic, cum ştiinţa şi spiritualitatea se întâlnesc într-o colaborare fructuoasă, pentru viitorul omenirii. Deasemenea este prezentată într-un mod riguros legatură dintre dintre mintea umană individuală şi conştiinţa colectivă, demonstrându-ne astfel, că axioma spirituală “Toţi suntem Unul” nu este doar o speculaţie mentală.
Iar ca idee-forţă, în încheierea scurtului sinopsis, merită să menţionăm replica din documentar a prof. Gary Schwartz…“Puţină ştiinţă te îndepărtează de spiritualitate dar multă ştiinţă te apropie de spiritualitate”.
SURSA: Echipa SpiritualPsy
Youtube results:
pragmatics movie
Pragmatics movie....
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: chgcubster
pragmatics movie
Pragmatics movie.
- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 445
- author: chgcubster
UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA PARTICULAR DE LOJA Inglés Introduction Applied Linguistics Tema: Disco...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: videoconferencias
UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA PARTICULAR DE LOJA Inglés Introduction Applied Linguistics Tema: Discourse Analysis Pragmatics Ponente: Mgs. Nina Nesterenko nnesterenko@...
- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 101
- author: videoconferencias
Semantics and Pragmatics - Propositions
This E-Lecture discusses the machinery of propositional logic and its limitations. It incl...
published: 08 May 2013
author: LinguisticsMarburg
Semantics and Pragmatics - Propositions
This E-Lecture discusses the machinery of propositional logic and its limitations. It includes a detailed treatment of the logical connectives and their trut...
- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 79
- author: LinguisticsMarburg
The Pragmatics
Here's a sneak peak of our new album! Please share this and spread the word about our kick...
published: 09 Jan 2013
The Pragmatics
Here's a sneak peak of our new album! Please share this and spread the word about our kickstarter!
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 219