Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia
Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia. Gabriel tiene en venta su casa, un adosado que reformó por completo nada más comprarlo.
Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/
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Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
Aquí si hay playa: Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas
Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas Es el arenal favorito de los pequeños para jugar... y el de los padres para desconectar.
Kuadrilen Eguna Plentzia 2013
Campanadas Plentzia Telebista 2013-2014
Buceando por el Castillito de Plentzia
Paseo en barco al castillito de Gorliz. Bonitos paisajes fuera y dentro del mar.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes, en ésta ocasión te lleva a las pobalciones de Plentzia y Guernica, cerca de Bilbao en el País Vasco, España durante la gir...
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013
café santi´s plentzia
De santiago de Cuba a Plentzia con mucho sabor..........
Cafe Santi s de Plentzia
Calle Iturgitxi n 11
dame un like!!!!!!!
Playback Michael Jackson 2015
Korrika 19 Gorliz Plentzia
Euskara da kanpora eta guztiok Korrikara
O Euskara lauda ezan Urepele herria
handikan baitu Korrikak hasiera berria
Bilbon ospatzekotan ba kilometro azkena
Xalbadoren babesean emanen du lehena
Urepeletik Bilbora abia dadin Korrika! (ber)
Euskara da kanpora eta denok
Euskaldunak herrietan ahaldun gaitezen
eta gure mintzaeraz denok harro gagozen,
Urepeletik Bilbora lekukoa gidatzen
GORLIZ-PLENTZIA Bertso afaria 2013 (Fredi Paia-Xabier Silveira)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Denontzat Gaztetxean.2014ko abenduaren 27an
Temporal playa Plentzia Gorliz (3 de marzo 2014)
Temporal azotando las playas de Plentzia y Gorliz. Tarde del 3 de marzo de 2014.
http://vizcaya.muchoviaje.com - PLENTZIA Y BUTRÓN (VIZCAYA). Plentzia es un municipio de Vizcaya. Se encuentra a unos 25 kilómetros al norte de la capital, B...
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015
SD Plentzia VS Salesianos
2012 plentzia
Playback Plentzia 2012 Ganadoras Alta resolución
GORLIZ-PLENTZIA Bertso afaria 2012 (Fredi Paia eta Arkaitz Estiballes)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Plentziako Jai Alain.2012ko abenduaren 28an
Procesión del Carmen Plentzia 2015
Processo Marítima del Carmen 2015 en Plentzia. Mostrada mediante dos vistas diferentes, desde embarcación y piragüa.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
Plentzia and Gorliz, Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
Plentzia and Goliz are two neighboring beach towns on the Biscay Bay coast. A nice large beach, a small port, a pine forest on the beach, ... http://en.wikip...
Tafalla (Plentzia kantari) -Fermin Balentzia-
Zabaldu leihoak
Makotxa, Balgorra
Larrain, Valdetina,
La Peña, Zidakos
laztanduz argia.
Gorria, zuria,
Tafallan badira.
Langile bipila
ta nekazaria:
bizi da Tafalla
bizi_Euskal Herria.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Hegoan Olite,
Baldorba gainian,
Uxue gotorra,
Artaxona hesia.
Lurrari damaio
euskarak bizia:
ezpuendas, gardatxos,
bitxarras, iraskos
Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia
Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia. Gabriel tiene en venta su casa, un adosado que reformó por completo nada más comprarlo.
Visita nuestra web http://w...
Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia. Gabriel tiene en venta su casa, un adosado que reformó por completo nada más comprarlo.
Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/
Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/
Televisión a la carta http://www.eitb.tv/es/
Suscríbete el canal de vídeos de EiTB en Youtube http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom
wn.com/Casas Un Adosado En El Abanico De Plentzia
Casas: Un adosado en el abanico de Plentzia. Gabriel tiene en venta su casa, un adosado que reformó por completo nada más comprarlo.
Visita nuestra web http://www.eitb.com/
Más vídeos interesantes en http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom/
Televisión a la carta http://www.eitb.tv/es/
Suscríbete el canal de vídeos de EiTB en Youtube http://www.youtube.com/eitbcom
- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 294
Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio...
Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
wn.com/Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
Playback Plentzia 2014 1º Premio
- published: 02 Sep 2014
- views: 1851
Aquí si hay playa: Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas
Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas Es el arenal favorito de los pequeños para jugar... y el de los padres para desconectar....
Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas Es el arenal favorito de los pequeños para jugar... y el de los padres para desconectar.
wn.com/Aquí Si Hay Playa Plentzia, Una Playa Familiar Con Muchas Chicas Guapas
Plentzia, una playa familiar con muchas chicas guapas Es el arenal favorito de los pequeños para jugar... y el de los padres para desconectar.
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 515
author: EL CORREO
Buceando por el Castillito de Plentzia
Paseo en barco al castillito de Gorliz. Bonitos paisajes fuera y dentro del mar.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/...
Paseo en barco al castillito de Gorliz. Bonitos paisajes fuera y dentro del mar.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
wn.com/Buceando Por El Castillito De Plentzia
Paseo en barco al castillito de Gorliz. Bonitos paisajes fuera y dentro del mar.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
- published: 11 Jul 2015
- views: 264
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes, en ésta ocasión te lleva a las pobalciones de Plentzia y Guernica, cerca de Bilbao en el País Vasco, España durante la gir......
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes, en ésta ocasión te lleva a las pobalciones de Plentzia y Guernica, cerca de Bilbao en el País Vasco, España durante la gir...
wn.com/Plentzia Y Guernica Pais Vasco 3 Axm
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes, en ésta ocasión te lleva a las pobalciones de Plentzia y Guernica, cerca de Bilbao en el País Vasco, España durante la gir...
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013...
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013
wn.com/Frussurf.Com Plentzia Viernes 1 De Noviembre 2013
FRUSSURF.com PLENTZIA Viernes 1 de Noviembre 2013
- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 358
café santi´s plentzia
De santiago de Cuba a Plentzia con mucho sabor..........
Cafe Santi s de Plentzia
Calle Iturgitxi n 11
dame un like!!!!!!!...
De santiago de Cuba a Plentzia con mucho sabor..........
Cafe Santi s de Plentzia
Calle Iturgitxi n 11
dame un like!!!!!!!
wn.com/Café Santi´S Plentzia
De santiago de Cuba a Plentzia con mucho sabor..........
Cafe Santi s de Plentzia
Calle Iturgitxi n 11
dame un like!!!!!!!
- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 174
Korrika 19 Gorliz Plentzia
Euskara da kanpora eta guztiok Korrikara
O Euskara lauda ezan Urepele herria
handikan baitu Korrikak hasiera berria
Bilbon ospatzekotan ba kilometro azkena
Euskara da kanpora eta guztiok Korrikara
O Euskara lauda ezan Urepele herria
handikan baitu Korrikak hasiera berria
Bilbon ospatzekotan ba kilometro azkena
Xalbadoren babesean emanen du lehena
Urepeletik Bilbora abia dadin Korrika! (ber)
Euskara da kanpora eta denok
Euskaldunak herrietan ahaldun gaitezen
eta gure mintzaeraz denok harro gagozen,
Urepeletik Bilbora lekukoa gidatzen
Giza katea eten gabe orok laster goazen
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Euskahaldun den guztiak burua altxa beza,
gorenean ikusteko euskaldunon hizkuntza.
Korrikazale guztiek hauxe eskatzen dute,
nola zabaldua dagon prezia bezate.
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Gogoa konpli dezala euskal jendarteak,
euskahaldun bihurtuz datozen urteak.
10 egun eta gauez Korrika ta Euskara;
euskahaldunei eskerrak pizturik sugarra.
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Batzuk herriaz orroit, euskaraz ahantzi
bertzek euskara maite, herria gaitzetsi;
hizkuntza ta herria berex ez doatzi,
berek nahi daukute konpreniarazi
bata bertzea gabe ez daizkela bizi
Urepeletik Bilbora...
wn.com/Korrika 19 Gorliz Plentzia
Euskara da kanpora eta guztiok Korrikara
O Euskara lauda ezan Urepele herria
handikan baitu Korrikak hasiera berria
Bilbon ospatzekotan ba kilometro azkena
Xalbadoren babesean emanen du lehena
Urepeletik Bilbora abia dadin Korrika! (ber)
Euskara da kanpora eta denok
Euskaldunak herrietan ahaldun gaitezen
eta gure mintzaeraz denok harro gagozen,
Urepeletik Bilbora lekukoa gidatzen
Giza katea eten gabe orok laster goazen
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Euskahaldun den guztiak burua altxa beza,
gorenean ikusteko euskaldunon hizkuntza.
Korrikazale guztiek hauxe eskatzen dute,
nola zabaldua dagon prezia bezate.
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Gogoa konpli dezala euskal jendarteak,
euskahaldun bihurtuz datozen urteak.
10 egun eta gauez Korrika ta Euskara;
euskahaldunei eskerrak pizturik sugarra.
Urepeletik Bilbora...
Batzuk herriaz orroit, euskaraz ahantzi
bertzek euskara maite, herria gaitzetsi;
hizkuntza ta herria berex ez doatzi,
berek nahi daukute konpreniarazi
bata bertzea gabe ez daizkela bizi
Urepeletik Bilbora...
- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 816
GORLIZ-PLENTZIA Bertso afaria 2013 (Fredi Paia-Xabier Silveira)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Denontzat Gaztetxean.2014ko abenduaren 27an...
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Denontzat Gaztetxean.2014ko abenduaren 27an
wn.com/Gorliz Plentzia Bertso Afaria 2013 (Fredi Paia Xabier Silveira)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Denontzat Gaztetxean.2014ko abenduaren 27an
- published: 29 Dec 2014
- views: 82
Temporal playa Plentzia Gorliz (3 de marzo 2014)
Temporal azotando las playas de Plentzia y Gorliz. Tarde del 3 de marzo de 2014....
Temporal azotando las playas de Plentzia y Gorliz. Tarde del 3 de marzo de 2014.
wn.com/Temporal Playa Plentzia Gorliz (3 De Marzo 2014)
Temporal azotando las playas de Plentzia y Gorliz. Tarde del 3 de marzo de 2014.
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 208
author: Matrallune
http://vizcaya.muchoviaje.com - PLENTZIA Y BUTRÓN (VIZCAYA). Plentzia es un municipio de Vizcaya. Se encuentra a unos 25 kilómetros al norte de la capital, B......
http://vizcaya.muchoviaje.com - PLENTZIA Y BUTRÓN (VIZCAYA). Plentzia es un municipio de Vizcaya. Se encuentra a unos 25 kilómetros al norte de la capital, B...
wn.com/Plentzia Y Butrón (Vizcaya) Muchoviaje
http://vizcaya.muchoviaje.com - PLENTZIA Y BUTRÓN (VIZCAYA). Plentzia es un municipio de Vizcaya. Se encuentra a unos 25 kilómetros al norte de la capital, B...
- published: 11 Feb 2008
- views: 8702
author: muchoviaje
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015...
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015
wn.com/Plentzia. Martes 13 De Enero 2015
Plentzia. Martes 13 de Enero 2015
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 199
GORLIZ-PLENTZIA Bertso afaria 2012 (Fredi Paia eta Arkaitz Estiballes)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Plentziako Jai Alain.2012ko abenduaren 28an...
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Plentziako Jai Alain.2012ko abenduaren 28an
wn.com/Gorliz Plentzia Bertso Afaria 2012 (Fredi Paia Eta Arkaitz Estiballes)
Gorliz-Plentzia LEGARRONDO euskara taldeak antolaturiko bertso saioa Plentziako Jai Alain.2012ko abenduaren 28an
- published: 29 Dec 2014
- views: 248
Procesión del Carmen Plentzia 2015
Processo Marítima del Carmen 2015 en Plentzia. Mostrada mediante dos vistas diferentes, desde embarcación y piragüa.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Processo Marítima del Carmen 2015 en Plentzia. Mostrada mediante dos vistas diferentes, desde embarcación y piragüa.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
wn.com/Procesión Del Carmen Plentzia 2015
Processo Marítima del Carmen 2015 en Plentzia. Mostrada mediante dos vistas diferentes, desde embarcación y piragüa.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/endikaruiz2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endika.ruiz.3
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/1073166440158...
Esperamos que os guste!!
Proximamente mas videos!!
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 83
Plentzia and Gorliz, Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
Plentzia and Goliz are two neighboring beach towns on the Biscay Bay coast. A nice large beach, a small port, a pine forest on the beach, ... http://en.wikip......
Plentzia and Goliz are two neighboring beach towns on the Biscay Bay coast. A nice large beach, a small port, a pine forest on the beach, ... http://en.wikip...
wn.com/Plentzia And Gorliz, Basque Country Travel With Manfred
Plentzia and Goliz are two neighboring beach towns on the Biscay Bay coast. A nice large beach, a small port, a pine forest on the beach, ... http://en.wikip...
Tafalla (Plentzia kantari) -Fermin Balentzia-
Zabaldu leihoak
Makotxa, Balgorra
Larrain, Valdetina,
La Peña, Zidakos
laztanduz argia.
Gorria, zuria,
Tafallan badira.
Zabaldu leihoak
Makotxa, Balgorra
Larrain, Valdetina,
La Peña, Zidakos
laztanduz argia.
Gorria, zuria,
Tafallan badira.
Langile bipila
ta nekazaria:
bizi da Tafalla
bizi_Euskal Herria.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Hegoan Olite,
Baldorba gainian,
Uxue gotorra,
Artaxona hesia.
Lurrari damaio
euskarak bizia:
ezpuendas, gardatxos,
bitxarras, iraskos
oihartzun eztia!
Mahatsa, garia,
lora, hazia:
hori da Tafalla
hori_Euskal Herria.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Herri-lur, eskortan,
tafallarrak adi;
batzarrera deika
ezkila da ari.
Radica galapan
lagunekin dabil
sua emateko
Lagunero zital
Apala ta duina,
halere zauriak;
min badu Tafallak
min du Euskal Herriak.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Hasi da Colaino
kantuz Pepitari,
Lanedetxe(e)tan ozen
jota_entzuten dabil,
Cuatro_Esquinas bertan
Los Pajes kantari,
betoz txistu-errondak
koadrilan bilduak
lagunduz elkarri.
Zaharra, gaztia,
neria, zuria,
kanta zak Tafalla,
kanta_Euskal Herria!
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
wn.com/Tafalla (Plentzia Kantari) Fermin Balentzia
Zabaldu leihoak
Makotxa, Balgorra
Larrain, Valdetina,
La Peña, Zidakos
laztanduz argia.
Gorria, zuria,
Tafallan badira.
Langile bipila
ta nekazaria:
bizi da Tafalla
bizi_Euskal Herria.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Hegoan Olite,
Baldorba gainian,
Uxue gotorra,
Artaxona hesia.
Lurrari damaio
euskarak bizia:
ezpuendas, gardatxos,
bitxarras, iraskos
oihartzun eztia!
Mahatsa, garia,
lora, hazia:
hori da Tafalla
hori_Euskal Herria.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Herri-lur, eskortan,
tafallarrak adi;
batzarrera deika
ezkila da ari.
Radica galapan
lagunekin dabil
sua emateko
Lagunero zital
Apala ta duina,
halere zauriak;
min badu Tafallak
min du Euskal Herriak.
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
Hasi da Colaino
kantuz Pepitari,
Lanedetxe(e)tan ozen
jota_entzuten dabil,
Cuatro_Esquinas bertan
Los Pajes kantari,
betoz txistu-errondak
koadrilan bilduak
lagunduz elkarri.
Zaharra, gaztia,
neria, zuria,
kanta zak Tafalla,
kanta_Euskal Herria!
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
A, a, a,
- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 348
Basque country week holiday Yeray and Pezi
A video with the pictures of yeray´s and Pezi´s Holiday during the midle of august of 2013.
- Bilbao
- Aste Nagusia (Bilbao´s party)
- Tipical food
- A trip to Barrika, Plentzia, Armintza, Bakio, Gaztelugatze, Mundaka, Laga, Elalantxobe and Lekeitio.
Thanks to my brother (Xabier/esko) for the van!
BSS Basque Country Trip 2012
La kantera,leioa,plentzia,gernika,mundaka,bermeo,kampsa DIY,santander,somo cantabria
Navarniz - Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
Navarniz (or Nabarniz) is a small village in the Biscay province of the Basque Country, Spain. It is located on a small hill-top with the church from the 16th century forming the center of the village. It is surrounded by just a few dozen homes. The countryside around it is green and rural with a beautiful valley in sight. The video was filmed on a day that folk dance groups gathered for a small e
Bilbao and Getxo, Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
A short glimpse of the cities of Bilbao and Getxo in the Basque Country. In Getxo we see one of the world's very few transporter bridges ( http://en.wikipedi...
Spain: Tour of Bilbao - International Living
Tour of Bilbao, Spain - International Living http://internationalliving.com/2011/08/video-tour-the-beautiful-city-bilbao-spain/ Learn more about Spain and ot...
Waves in Bakio - Basque Country (Part 1) [Travel with Manfred]
Part 1 of a video shot on a long weekend in Jan 2009. Friday afternoon there was brilliant sunshine, 16C and gorgeous 3m waves that came in rhythmic smooth i...
Travel Videos. South Florida, Nikon D3100 Test
Enjoy, I will post 1 Video a Week, Please Subscribe, Comment, & Rate, Thanks !!!
El Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands
Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands
W4.6 the metro in Lisbon, andar and ficar tips
Week 4 learning Portuguese. Today its the difference between the verbs andar and ficar. And a little lesson on the Lisbon metro system. Feb 21, 2009.
Canon EOS 100D full review - entry DLSR photo shoot example
Canon EOS 100D full review
Welcome to Canon 100D review. This is one step above the cheapest 1200D from Canon. It is directed to people who really want to learn photography and benefit of all advantages of a DSLR, but still have a small and light option, easy to use and easy to travel with. The body is around 400-600 dollars with or without the lens, depending w
Cabo Billano
+ videos: http://www.youtube.com/airetikan
Imágenes tomadas en Cabo Billano (Gorliz), donde justo enfrente tiene la isla del mismo nombre. Construido en 1991, es parte del recorrido de una bonita ruta por la costa, adecuada para deportes como el senderismo, bicicleta o Nordic walking.
Descendiendo por un pequeño sendero que empieza justo en el mirador, accedemos a la
Mountain biking near Lima by the trails built by the ancient peruvian civilizations. Full day tour goes with expert guide, support vehicle, bikes and energy snacks, The tour starts / ends in your hotel in Lima. "An exciting and amazing experience, said Lauren Briese from Washington DC, USA" - "It was plenty of fun and excitement, much more than what I expected said Omer Tal from Israel" - "Very ni
"A Day" - Canon EOS 100D
Shot entirely on the world's smallest and lightest APS-C DSLR, the EOS 100D, "A Day" showcases the EOS 100D's powerful capabilities in DSLR videography: At t...
What is Triporg?
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
What is Triporg? (HD)
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
" Breathe " - a Canon 100d cinematic video test | Taberne
I fell in love with the Film " Her " and wanted to put visuals to one of the songs. When i hear this, i think of loneliness, and needing time to get away and breathe. This is my first cinematic video , and i know i need a lot of practice. I plan on making, learning, and exploring more about cinematography.
Please feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below. Tips and advice a
Travel Book Review: Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb
http://www.travelbookmix.com This is the summary of Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb.
Trip to Bilbao 02/2015
Meine Nichte Giulia besuchen in ihrem Au-pair-Jahr in Bilbao? Auf jeden Fall! Zusammen mit Andreas und Louisa hatten wir eine saukalte, aber tolle Zeit. Beim Ausprobieren der Video-Funktionen der Kame
Consejos para la seguridad en la playa: rescates y corrientes.
Servicio Foral de Playas
• Nunca lleves a cabo un rescate sin utilizar algún material flotante.
• Si te sientes arrastrado por una corriente: Haz señales de auxilio, permanece tranquilo y no nades en contra de ella.
Más consejos:
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/consejos-de-prevencion-ola-de-calor/
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/temporada-playas-2015-consejos/
- https://www.cruzroja.es
Giovinazzo, Italy - Canon 100D (Rebel SL1) Video Test
Shooted with Canon 100D (Rebel SL1)
Lenses: Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Mic: internal
Post Production: FCP X
Location: Giovinazzo, Apulia Italy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovinazzo)
Date: Feb 2014
Getxo Turismo 2014 versión 4 min.
Video realizado por el equipo de GetxoTV para el Área de Turismo.
Happy Istanbul
Basque country week holiday Yeray and Pezi
A video with the pictures of yeray´s and Pezi´s Holiday during the midle of august of 2013.
- Bilbao
- Aste Nagusia (Bilbao´s party)
- Tipical food
- A...
A video with the pictures of yeray´s and Pezi´s Holiday during the midle of august of 2013.
- Bilbao
- Aste Nagusia (Bilbao´s party)
- Tipical food
- A trip to Barrika, Plentzia, Armintza, Bakio, Gaztelugatze, Mundaka, Laga, Elalantxobe and Lekeitio.
Thanks to my brother (Xabier/esko) for the van!
wn.com/Basque Country Week Holiday Yeray And Pezi
A video with the pictures of yeray´s and Pezi´s Holiday during the midle of august of 2013.
- Bilbao
- Aste Nagusia (Bilbao´s party)
- Tipical food
- A trip to Barrika, Plentzia, Armintza, Bakio, Gaztelugatze, Mundaka, Laga, Elalantxobe and Lekeitio.
Thanks to my brother (Xabier/esko) for the van!
- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 72
BSS Basque Country Trip 2012
La kantera,leioa,plentzia,gernika,mundaka,bermeo,kampsa DIY,santander,somo cantabria...
La kantera,leioa,plentzia,gernika,mundaka,bermeo,kampsa DIY,santander,somo cantabria
wn.com/Bss Basque Country Trip 2012
La kantera,leioa,plentzia,gernika,mundaka,bermeo,kampsa DIY,santander,somo cantabria
- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 102
Navarniz - Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
Navarniz (or Nabarniz) is a small village in the Biscay province of the Basque Country, Spain. It is located on a small hill-top with the church from the 16th c...
Navarniz (or Nabarniz) is a small village in the Biscay province of the Basque Country, Spain. It is located on a small hill-top with the church from the 16th century forming the center of the village. It is surrounded by just a few dozen homes. The countryside around it is green and rural with a beautiful valley in sight. The video was filmed on a day that folk dance groups gathered for a small exhibition and celebration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nabarniz
wn.com/Navarniz Basque Country Travel With Manfred
Navarniz (or Nabarniz) is a small village in the Biscay province of the Basque Country, Spain. It is located on a small hill-top with the church from the 16th century forming the center of the village. It is surrounded by just a few dozen homes. The countryside around it is green and rural with a beautiful valley in sight. The video was filmed on a day that folk dance groups gathered for a small exhibition and celebration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nabarniz
- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 185
Bilbao and Getxo, Basque Country [Travel with Manfred]
A short glimpse of the cities of Bilbao and Getxo in the Basque Country. In Getxo we see one of the world's very few transporter bridges ( http://en.wikipedi......
A short glimpse of the cities of Bilbao and Getxo in the Basque Country. In Getxo we see one of the world's very few transporter bridges ( http://en.wikipedi...
wn.com/Bilbao And Getxo, Basque Country Travel With Manfred
A short glimpse of the cities of Bilbao and Getxo in the Basque Country. In Getxo we see one of the world's very few transporter bridges ( http://en.wikipedi...
Spain: Tour of Bilbao - International Living
Tour of Bilbao, Spain - International Living http://internationalliving.com/2011/08/video-tour-the-beautiful-city-bilbao-spain/ Learn more about Spain and ot......
Tour of Bilbao, Spain - International Living http://internationalliving.com/2011/08/video-tour-the-beautiful-city-bilbao-spain/ Learn more about Spain and ot...
wn.com/Spain Tour Of Bilbao International Living
Tour of Bilbao, Spain - International Living http://internationalliving.com/2011/08/video-tour-the-beautiful-city-bilbao-spain/ Learn more about Spain and ot...
Waves in Bakio - Basque Country (Part 1) [Travel with Manfred]
Part 1 of a video shot on a long weekend in Jan 2009. Friday afternoon there was brilliant sunshine, 16C and gorgeous 3m waves that came in rhythmic smooth i......
Part 1 of a video shot on a long weekend in Jan 2009. Friday afternoon there was brilliant sunshine, 16C and gorgeous 3m waves that came in rhythmic smooth i...
wn.com/Waves In Bakio Basque Country (Part 1) Travel With Manfred
Part 1 of a video shot on a long weekend in Jan 2009. Friday afternoon there was brilliant sunshine, 16C and gorgeous 3m waves that came in rhythmic smooth i...
Travel Videos. South Florida, Nikon D3100 Test
Enjoy, I will post 1 Video a Week, Please Subscribe, Comment, & Rate, Thanks !!!...
Enjoy, I will post 1 Video a Week, Please Subscribe, Comment, & Rate, Thanks !!!
wn.com/Travel Videos. South Florida, Nikon D3100 Test
Enjoy, I will post 1 Video a Week, Please Subscribe, Comment, & Rate, Thanks !!!
- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 99
El Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands
Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands...
Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands
wn.com/El Cotillo Fuerteventura Canary Islands
Cotillo - Fuerteventura - Canary Islands
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 14
W4.6 the metro in Lisbon, andar and ficar tips
Week 4 learning Portuguese. Today its the difference between the verbs andar and ficar. And a little lesson on the Lisbon metro system. Feb 21, 2009....
Week 4 learning Portuguese. Today its the difference between the verbs andar and ficar. And a little lesson on the Lisbon metro system. Feb 21, 2009.
wn.com/W4.6 The Metro In Lisbon, Andar And Ficar Tips
Week 4 learning Portuguese. Today its the difference between the verbs andar and ficar. And a little lesson on the Lisbon metro system. Feb 21, 2009.
- published: 22 Feb 2009
- views: 660
Canon EOS 100D full review - entry DLSR photo shoot example
Canon EOS 100D full review
Welcome to Canon 100D review. This is one step above the cheapest 1200D from Canon. It is directed...
Canon EOS 100D full review
Welcome to Canon 100D review. This is one step above the cheapest 1200D from Canon. It is directed to people who really want to learn photography and benefit of all advantages of a DSLR, but still have a small and light option, easy to use and easy to travel with. The body is around 400-600 dollars with or without the lens, depending where you buy it from or what currency you are using. It comes with a 18MP APS-C crop sensor and Digic 4 image processor, 9 autofocus points, 3 frames per second , and full HD video 1080p. It can come as a body or with 18-55 F3.5-5.6 lens. It will accept EF and EFS mount lenses, Maximum ISO is 6400, all specs are exactly the same with the 1200D. It does have on SD card slot.
wn.com/Canon Eos 100D Full Review Entry Dlsr Photo Shoot Example
Canon EOS 100D full review
Welcome to Canon 100D review. This is one step above the cheapest 1200D from Canon. It is directed to people who really want to learn photography and benefit of all advantages of a DSLR, but still have a small and light option, easy to use and easy to travel with. The body is around 400-600 dollars with or without the lens, depending where you buy it from or what currency you are using. It comes with a 18MP APS-C crop sensor and Digic 4 image processor, 9 autofocus points, 3 frames per second , and full HD video 1080p. It can come as a body or with 18-55 F3.5-5.6 lens. It will accept EF and EFS mount lenses, Maximum ISO is 6400, all specs are exactly the same with the 1200D. It does have on SD card slot.
- published: 11 Jul 2015
- views: 60
Cabo Billano
+ videos: http://www.youtube.com/airetikan
Imágenes tomadas en Cabo Billano (Gorliz), donde justo enfrente tiene la isla del mismo ...
+ videos: http://www.youtube.com/airetikan
Imágenes tomadas en Cabo Billano (Gorliz), donde justo enfrente tiene la isla del mismo nombre. Construido en 1991, es parte del recorrido de una bonita ruta por la costa, adecuada para deportes como el senderismo, bicicleta o Nordic walking.
Descendiendo por un pequeño sendero que empieza justo en el mirador, accedemos a la antigua batería de costa que servía para defender la ría de Plentzia, y que se utilizó en la Guerra Civil. En esta batería todavía se puede ver un cañon.
Cabo Billanon (Gorliz) hartutako irudiak. Juxtu bere aurrean izen bereko irla dago. 1991ean eraikia, Bizkaiko kostaldetik igarotzen diren ibilbide ederretariko baten parte da, bizikletan, oinez edo Nordic Walking bezalako kirolentzat egokia.
Itsasargiaren azpian bertan, bidezior bat hasten da, gerra zibilan erabilitako gerra bateria ikusi daitekeelarik, oraindik kañoi bat dagoelarik.
Filmed with a drone in Cabo Billano (Gorliz - Bizkaia). Beautiful route in the basque coast wich shows a lighthouse and also a war battery used in the Spanish Civil War, wich still contains a cannon. It´s a appropiated route for senderism, nordic walking or biking.
- "Flesh'n bones (alternate take)" Eneko Mobydick https://www.facebook.com/eneko.mobydick
- "Cataclysmic Molten Core" Jingle punks
- "Stale Mate"
wn.com/Cabo Billano
+ videos: http://www.youtube.com/airetikan
Imágenes tomadas en Cabo Billano (Gorliz), donde justo enfrente tiene la isla del mismo nombre. Construido en 1991, es parte del recorrido de una bonita ruta por la costa, adecuada para deportes como el senderismo, bicicleta o Nordic walking.
Descendiendo por un pequeño sendero que empieza justo en el mirador, accedemos a la antigua batería de costa que servía para defender la ría de Plentzia, y que se utilizó en la Guerra Civil. En esta batería todavía se puede ver un cañon.
Cabo Billanon (Gorliz) hartutako irudiak. Juxtu bere aurrean izen bereko irla dago. 1991ean eraikia, Bizkaiko kostaldetik igarotzen diren ibilbide ederretariko baten parte da, bizikletan, oinez edo Nordic Walking bezalako kirolentzat egokia.
Itsasargiaren azpian bertan, bidezior bat hasten da, gerra zibilan erabilitako gerra bateria ikusi daitekeelarik, oraindik kañoi bat dagoelarik.
Filmed with a drone in Cabo Billano (Gorliz - Bizkaia). Beautiful route in the basque coast wich shows a lighthouse and also a war battery used in the Spanish Civil War, wich still contains a cannon. It´s a appropiated route for senderism, nordic walking or biking.
- "Flesh'n bones (alternate take)" Eneko Mobydick https://www.facebook.com/eneko.mobydick
- "Cataclysmic Molten Core" Jingle punks
- "Stale Mate"
- published: 17 Jul 2014
- views: 96
Mountain biking near Lima by the trails built by the ancient peruvian civilizations. Full day tour goes with expert guide, support vehicle, bikes and energy sna...
Mountain biking near Lima by the trails built by the ancient peruvian civilizations. Full day tour goes with expert guide, support vehicle, bikes and energy snacks, The tour starts / ends in your hotel in Lima. "An exciting and amazing experience, said Lauren Briese from Washington DC, USA" - "It was plenty of fun and excitement, much more than what I expected said Omer Tal from Israel" - "Very nice I liked and enjoyed the trails so much said Héctor Carranza from Colombia"
wn.com/Pachacamac Mtb Tour
Mountain biking near Lima by the trails built by the ancient peruvian civilizations. Full day tour goes with expert guide, support vehicle, bikes and energy snacks, The tour starts / ends in your hotel in Lima. "An exciting and amazing experience, said Lauren Briese from Washington DC, USA" - "It was plenty of fun and excitement, much more than what I expected said Omer Tal from Israel" - "Very nice I liked and enjoyed the trails so much said Héctor Carranza from Colombia"
- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 49
"A Day" - Canon EOS 100D
Shot entirely on the world's smallest and lightest APS-C DSLR, the EOS 100D, "A Day" showcases the EOS 100D's powerful capabilities in DSLR videography: At t......
Shot entirely on the world's smallest and lightest APS-C DSLR, the EOS 100D, "A Day" showcases the EOS 100D's powerful capabilities in DSLR videography: At t...
wn.com/A Day Canon Eos 100D
Shot entirely on the world's smallest and lightest APS-C DSLR, the EOS 100D, "A Day" showcases the EOS 100D's powerful capabilities in DSLR videography: At t...
What is Triporg?
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: h...
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
3. You can customize your trip or update it if you change your plans or if something comes up.
4. Triporg guides you on the way.
wn.com/What Is Triporg
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
3. You can customize your trip or update it if you change your plans or if something comes up.
4. Triporg guides you on the way.
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 874
What is Triporg? (HD)
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: h...
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
3. You can customize your trip or update it if you change your plans or if something comes up.
4. Triporg guides you on the way.
Plan Your Time!
wn.com/What Is Triporg (Hd)
Triporg is the online trip organizer that in a few seconds helps you to choose what to see and do in the city you select.
Web: http://www.triporg.org
Android: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.triporg.android
iOS: http://itunes.apple.com/es/app/triporg/id548639464?mt=8
How is it done?
1. Access Triporg and select a date and destination.
2. Triporg suggests you what to see and do.
3. You can customize your trip or update it if you change your plans or if something comes up.
4. Triporg guides you on the way.
Plan Your Time!
- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 143
" Breathe " - a Canon 100d cinematic video test | Taberne
I fell in love with the Film " Her " and wanted to put visuals to one of the songs. When i hear this, i think of loneliness, and needing time to get away and br...
I fell in love with the Film " Her " and wanted to put visuals to one of the songs. When i hear this, i think of loneliness, and needing time to get away and breathe. This is my first cinematic video , and i know i need a lot of practice. I plan on making, learning, and exploring more about cinematography.
Please feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below. Tips and advice are always appreciated.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tabernebridgewater
Instagram : @officialtaberne
Twitter @officialtaberne
Tumblr : Taberne.tumblr.com
Music: " Loneliness #3 (Night Talking) from the soundtrack " Her "
I do not own this song.
wn.com/Breathe A Canon 100D Cinematic Video Test | Taberne
I fell in love with the Film " Her " and wanted to put visuals to one of the songs. When i hear this, i think of loneliness, and needing time to get away and breathe. This is my first cinematic video , and i know i need a lot of practice. I plan on making, learning, and exploring more about cinematography.
Please feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments below. Tips and advice are always appreciated.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tabernebridgewater
Instagram : @officialtaberne
Twitter @officialtaberne
Tumblr : Taberne.tumblr.com
Music: " Loneliness #3 (Night Talking) from the soundtrack " Her "
I do not own this song.
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 83
Travel Book Review: Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb
http://www.travelbookmix.com This is the summary of Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb....
http://www.travelbookmix.com This is the summary of Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb.
wn.com/Travel Book Review Spain's Basque Country By Kelly Lipscomb
http://www.travelbookmix.com This is the summary of Spain's Basque Country by Kelly Lipscomb.
Trip to Bilbao 02/2015
Meine Nichte Giulia besuchen in ihrem Au-pair-Jahr in Bilbao? Auf jeden Fall! Zusammen mit Andreas und Louisa hatten wir eine saukalte, aber tolle Zeit. Beim Au...
Meine Nichte Giulia besuchen in ihrem Au-pair-Jahr in Bilbao? Auf jeden Fall! Zusammen mit Andreas und Louisa hatten wir eine saukalte, aber tolle Zeit. Beim Ausprobieren der Video-Funktionen der Kame
wn.com/Trip To Bilbao 02 2015
Meine Nichte Giulia besuchen in ihrem Au-pair-Jahr in Bilbao? Auf jeden Fall! Zusammen mit Andreas und Louisa hatten wir eine saukalte, aber tolle Zeit. Beim Ausprobieren der Video-Funktionen der Kame
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 170
Consejos para la seguridad en la playa: rescates y corrientes.
Servicio Foral de Playas
• Nunca lleves a cabo un rescate sin utilizar algún material flotante.
• Si te sientes arrastrado por una corriente: Haz señales de au...
Servicio Foral de Playas
• Nunca lleves a cabo un rescate sin utilizar algún material flotante.
• Si te sientes arrastrado por una corriente: Haz señales de auxilio, permanece tranquilo y no nades en contra de ella.
Más consejos:
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/consejos-de-prevencion-ola-de-calor/
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/temporada-playas-2015-consejos/
- https://www.cruzroja.es/prevencion/
wn.com/Consejos Para La Seguridad En La Playa Rescates Y Corrientes.
Servicio Foral de Playas
• Nunca lleves a cabo un rescate sin utilizar algún material flotante.
• Si te sientes arrastrado por una corriente: Haz señales de auxilio, permanece tranquilo y no nades en contra de ella.
Más consejos:
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/consejos-de-prevencion-ola-de-calor/
- http://www.cruzrojabizkaia.org/es/temporada-playas-2015-consejos/
- https://www.cruzroja.es/prevencion/
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 96
Giovinazzo, Italy - Canon 100D (Rebel SL1) Video Test
Shooted with Canon 100D (Rebel SL1)
Lenses: Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Mic: internal
Post Production: FCP X
Location: Giovinazzo, Apul...
Shooted with Canon 100D (Rebel SL1)
Lenses: Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Mic: internal
Post Production: FCP X
Location: Giovinazzo, Apulia Italy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovinazzo)
Date: Feb 2014
wn.com/Giovinazzo, Italy Canon 100D (Rebel Sl1) Video Test
Shooted with Canon 100D (Rebel SL1)
Lenses: Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
Mic: internal
Post Production: FCP X
Location: Giovinazzo, Apulia Italy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovinazzo)
Date: Feb 2014
- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 59
Getxo Turismo 2014 versión 4 min.
Video realizado por el equipo de GetxoTV para el Área de Turismo....
Video realizado por el equipo de GetxoTV para el Área de Turismo.
wn.com/Getxo Turismo 2014 Versión 4 Min.
Video realizado por el equipo de GetxoTV para el Área de Turismo.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 301