- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 4309
Getxo is a town located in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, in the north of Spain. It is part of Greater Bilbao, and has about 80,000 inhabitants (2014). Getxo is mostly an affluent residential area, as well as being the third largest municipality of Biscay.
Getxo (formerly spelt Guecho) was a parish (elizatea, anteiglesia'), originally a rural area, including a large beach at the mouth of the Estuary of Bilbao, centered on the little fishing village of Algorta. The parish council met at the church of Getxoko Andra Mari (Basque) or Santa María de Getxo (Spanish) (both mean Our Lady of Getxo), not far from the headland called Punta Galea.
The town's coat of arms has an oak with two cauldrons chained to its branches and the motto Kaltea Dagianak Bizarra Lepoan (Basque for "Who makes evil, the beard at the back").
With industrialisation in the 19th century, some parts of Getxo evolved into residential areas for the rich bourgeois class. A residential area called Neguri (Basque for "Winter Town") came into being. The village of Algorta grew around the church of San Nicolás and the canalisation of the firth, provided for the colonisation of the beach, where a district called Areeta in Basque and Las Arenas (Spanish for "The Sands") was built. Near Areeta / Las Arenas, on the other side of the road to Bilbao, there grew a working-class district called Erromo, similar to the one that grew near Neguri: Neguri Langile. Finally, in the 20th century, urban development reached the rural areas of Getxoko Andra Mari.
Vídeo Promocional de Getxo
Tiempo de viajar.-Getxo, Vizcaya (05/06/2016)
Getxo Turismo 2014 versión 4 min.
Callejeando por Getxo - Vizcaya -España
Los remeros de Getxo, al desnudo
Visita panorámica a Getxo
Vídeo de los barrios de Getxo: Neguri - Equipo ED (EITB)
Puente Colgante de Vizcaya - Vizcaya Bridge (Portugalete-Getxo) - Full HD - World Heritage Site
Gure Esku Dago Algorta Getxo
¿Quieres conocer Getxo? Con este vídeo podrás conocer muchos de los recursos de Getxo. Si quieres venir a conocerlos en persona te hemos preparado unos paquetes interesantes http://viajesazulmarino.com/buscador-viajes/?donde_ir=getxo&cuando;_ir=&buscar;_portada=Busca
Getxo en la provincia de Vizcaya, es lugar de vacaciones para todos los que quieren buen clima, atención de primera calidad y lugares de ensueño para pasear. Vemos el gran Puente de Vizcaya, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, El Barrio de las Arenas, El Neguri y sus palacios y mansiones, Algorta con el barrio marinero, y la zona de Andra Mari, donde Getxo comenzó en el siglo XII. La gastronomía, las compras, los hoteles, las playas, los cruceros, son el complemento perfecto para unas felices vacaciones.
Video realizado por el equipo de GetxoTV para el Área de Turismo.
En este video visitamos la localidad de Getxo en la provincia de Vizcaya, el barrio de Las Arenas, Portugalete y el puente colgante Vizcaya el mas antiguo del mundo Created with MAGIX Video deluxe MX
Los chicos del equipo Getxo Arraun ha presentado un calendario con el objetivo de poner en valor las traineras y dar visibilidad al deporte.
Un espectacular video que muestra la costa de Getxo a vista de pájaro. Descubre Getxo desde el aire gracias a Magicfly. Podrás disfrutar de las mejores panorámicas del Puente de Bizkaia, los acantilados de la Galea, el paseo de Ereaga, Las Arenas, Algorta, Arrigunaga, Usategui y mucho más. Getxo a vista de dron. Video realizado por: Magic fly Getxo (startup nacida en Getxo).
http://hoteles.muchoviaje.com/hoteles/destacados/GETXO/-HO7561_2_3_4_5_6_7.html - GETXO (VIZCAYA). Bordeado por 10 km. de sugerentes acantilados, costa y playas, con paisajes atractivos y abiertos y una arquitectura digna de ser admirada, Getxo te invita a disfrutar de su amplia oferta turística, cultural y de ocio. A unos pocos minutos del Aeropuerto, de la Feria Internacional de Muestras y del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Getxo en un destino de calidad, un municipio preocupado por la conservación de nuestro entorno y el medio ambiente.
Puente Colgante de Vizcaya - Vizcaya Bridge (Portugalete-Getxo) UNESCO World Heritage Site - Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO - Full HD (1920x1080). 16-July-2012
A short glimpse of the cities of Bilbao and Getxo in the Basque Country. In Getxo we see one of the world's very few transporter bridges ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transporter_bridge ) called Vizcaya Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Bridge .
Spain, a country on the Iberian peninsula, has a 2000 year old history and art. In Madrid we take a look at the Royal Palace and the treasures of the Prado and from here, we can take an excursion to Escorial. On the coast of Catalonia, the Costa Brava, such famous places can be found as Tossa de Mar and Lloret de Mar. Barcelona is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, saturated by the spirit of Gaudi and Dali. We move on with our journey towards Granada bathing in the sun of the Costa del Sol. The Alhambra, ‘a pearl set in emeralds’ is one of the world’s most famous relics. We take a look at a flamenco night and a corrida, and then visit the romantic Sevilla, which is famous of Queen Isabel, Columbus, Carmen and ‘La Barbier de Seville’. We take a trip to the islands under the Spanish rule...
Places to see in ( Getxo - Spain ) Getxo is a town located in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, in the north of Spain. Getxo is part of Greater Bilbao, Getxo is mostly an affluent residential area, as well as being the third largest municipality of Biscay. Getxo (formerly spelt Guecho) was a parish (elizatea, anteiglesia'), originally a rural area, including a large beach at the mouth of the Estuary of Bilbao, centered on the little fishing village of Algorta. The parish council met at the church of Getxoko Andra Mari (Basque) or Santa María de Getxo (Spanish) (both mean Our Lady of Getxo), not far from the headland called Punta Galea. The town's coat of arms has an oak with two cauldrons chained to its branches and the motto Kaltea Dagianak Biza...
Everyone thinks about going somewhere else, somewhere where they've never been before. What they don't do is appreciate where they live. I live in Getxo, a small town close to the big city Bilbao, and I gotta say that I'm very lucky to be able to live in this beautiful town. *Camera used: -Canon G7X Mark II -Xiaomi Yi Action Camera *Song: Only Time (Manila Remix) - Enya I don't own the rights of this song, in case there's any problem, please contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Mads Rafferty Sjana Elise Captain Potter Alex Hayes Eva Gutowski Gabby Epstein Rebecca Bonny Bianca Ella Booth Alana Blanchard Anastasia Ashley Bali jon ollson job vlog travel backpack backpacking carlos costa nainoa langer kold kolder sam ...
Travel Guide Spain /// Bilbao http://maartenkuijken.tumblr.com/ Bilbao (Bilbo in Basque) had a tough upbringing. Growing up in an environment of heavy industry and industrial wastelands, it was abused for years by those in power and had to work hard to get anywhere. But, like the kid from the estates who made it big, Bilbao's graft paid off when a few wise investments left it with a shimmering titanium fish called the Museo Guggenheim and a horde of arty groupies around the world. The Botxo (Hole), as it's fondly known to its inhabitants, has now matured into its role of major European art centre. However, in doing so, it hasn't gone all toffee-nosed and forgotten its past: at heart it remains a hard-working and, physically, rather ugly town, but it's one that has real character. It's th...
El PP de Getxo propone promocionar itinerarios turísticos y facilitar su descargar por medio de códigos QR. Getxo cuenta con rutas preciosas que prácticamente están vacías por el desconocimiento de su existencia. Una de las principales ventajas del Código QR es que el turista no tiene que depender de los horarios de la Oficina de Turismo para informarse.
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Location of the urban districts and some major neighbourhoods. Blizzard in Bilbao, Jan 1985. Strong blizzards covered Bilbao in snow for 2 weeks. Bilbao's Cathedral of Santiago. Bilbao in 1575. 1876 Extension plan for Bilbao, designed by Achúcarro and Hoffmeyer architects. The beautiful Teatro Arriaga opera house. Euskalduna Palace, one of the major developments in the former industrial district of Abandoibarra, which is now characterised by parks, residential buildings and landmarks such as the Guggenheim Museum. The new Calatrava bridge, Zubizuri. The internationally acclaimed Guggenheim Museum. Fine Arts Museum. BBVA. The new tram going down Navarra street. Estación de Santander, the main station for the FEVE trains. Bilbao-Loi...
[FR] Un jour, je me suis réveillé et j'ai réalisé que nos vies sont guidé par la peur. De l'inconnu, de l'autre, de nous meme. Je suis parti sans savoir où j'allais dormir, ni comment j'allais me déplacer. J'ai fait confiance à moi meme et aux autres. Voilà le résultat de cette aventure. [EN] One day I woke up and I realized that our lives are driven by fear. Of the unknown, of the other and even of ourself. I left, without knowing where I was going to sleep, or how I was going to move. I trusted in myself and in the others. That's what came out.
Check out Basque cuisine, modern buildings and Spanish traditions in a walking tour of Bilbao, the biggest city in northern Spain. Make sure to hit that subscribe button for more tasty travel videos. Brought to you exclusively by bjfoodblog Website: www.bjfoodblog.com Twitter: @bjfoodblog Facebook: @bjfodblog Instagram: @bjfoodblog
(Instrumental / Ambient, the following is written accompanying it in the booklet:)
... The Womb Of The Mountains, Burning With Primal Cold.
In The Lakes Of Time, I Immerse My Face - To Make It As A Stone I! -