- published: 05 Sep 2011
- views: 2089

This is our 100% GoPro movie from the 2012 UCI mountainbike worldcup in Val d'I`sere/ FRA ...
published: 27 Jul 2012
This is our 100% GoPro movie from the 2012 UCI mountainbike worldcup in Val d'I`sere/ FRA showing the MS Mondraker Team with Brook MacDonald, Emmeline Ragot, Damien Spagnolo and Markus Pekoll
- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 17956

Fort William 2011 - Emmeline Ragot, Fionn Griffiths, Mio Suemasa.
published: 06 Jun 2011
Fort William 2011 - Emmeline Ragot, Fionn Griffiths, Mio Suemasa.
Intense M9 women squadron from Fort William Downhil 2011.
Emmeline Ragot (France) Team GR
Plate n°3
Finish : 7
DH Standings : 250 points, rank 4
Fionn Griffiths (UK) Team GR
Plate n°2
Finish : 9
DH Standings : 230 points, rank 5
Mio Suemasa (Japan) Team FunFancy / Intense
Plate n°8
Finish : 11
DH Standings : 131 points, rank 10
- published: 06 Jun 2011
- views: 2173

06 SPECIJAL UCI MTB svj. kup 2012. SCO
Treći krug ovogodišnjeg svjetskog kupa u brdsko biciklističkom spustu održan je u planinsk...
published: 27 Jun 2012
06 SPECIJAL UCI MTB svj. kup 2012. SCO
Treći krug ovogodišnjeg svjetskog kupa u brdsko biciklističkom spustu održan je u planinskom odredištu Nevis Range pokraj Fort Williama u Škotskoj. Utrka se odvijala svega tjedan dana nakon prethodnog kruga te su natjecateljice i natjecatelji još bili itekako zagrijani za naplatu otvorenih računa.
Francuska prvakinja Myriam Nicole bila je među najboljima u kvalifikacijskoj utrci no u finalu ju je dočekala iznimno mokra staza, puna vode i blata.
Nicole se nije najbolje snašla u takvim vremenskim uvjetima te je u cilj ušla s gotovo deset sekundi zaostatka za vodećom Emmeline Ragot.
Britanka Rachel Atherton, pobjednica prethodnog kruga svjetskog kupa u Italiji i bivša svjetska prvakinja, vjerojatno je imala bolje predispozicije za dobar nastup jer i sama dolazi sa kišovitog otoka.
Niti to joj nije pomoglo jer je u cilj ušla sa zaostatkom tek nešto većim od jedne sekunde.
Francuskinja Emmeline Ragot, aktualna svjetska prvakinja, na stazu je izišla sa startnim brojem jedan i velikim imperativom pobjede.
Uspjela je opravdati očekivanja i biti brža od svojih konkurentica.
Doduše ovaj doskok „na nos" gotovo ju je stajao pobjede. Dobro se izvukla.
Dobro sam se osjećala. Dugo sam čekala na ovaj trenutak. Imala sam doduše i malo sreće.
Vrijeme je bilo vrlo hladno i vlažno te su natjecatelji tražili razne načine za zagrijavanje prije starta.
Britanac Gee Atherton startao je među posljednjima i nije imao sreće s vremenom jer je na samome početku utrke morao uletjeti u maglu.
U donjem dijelu staze vidljivost je ipak bila dobra no to nije pomoglo Geeju da postigne bolje vrijeme od glavnog favorita Amerikanca Aarona Gwina.
Mladi Britanac Danny Hart poznat je po tome da mu odgovara vožnja u mokrim uvjetima; uostalom prošle je godine u Švicarskoj osvojio svjetsko prvenstvo nevjerojatno brzom vožnjom po pljusku.
Ipak, u cilju je bio sporiji od Amerikanca Aarona Gwina za manje od jedne sekunde.
Gwin je pak neupitni favorit i trenutno vodeći u ukupnom poretku svjetskog kupa.
Već na polovici staze bio je gotovo deset sekundi brži.
Slično je bilo u cilju kada je postigao vrijeme koje nakon njega više nitko nije mogao oboriti.
Ovo je bila teška vožnja. Pri kraju sam se jedva držao na biciklu jer nisam imao energije. Na vrhu staze sam se čuvao i pokušao sam tehnički što bolje voziti. Ovaj vikend nije mi bio najbolji no uspio sam napraviti dobru vožnju i još uvijek ne mogu vjerovati. Svaka čast Dannyju. Dečko je uvijek brz. Navijači su također vrhunski.
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 338

Emmeline Ragot crash on last jump and Aaron Gwin near miss down Peaty's Plunge, at Windham 2012
Emmeline Ragot crash on last jump and Aaron Gwin near miss down Peaty's Plunge, at Windham...
published: 03 Jul 2012
Emmeline Ragot crash on last jump and Aaron Gwin near miss down Peaty's Plunge, at Windham 2012
Emmeline Ragot crash on last jump and Aaron Gwin near miss down Peaty's Plunge, at Windham 2012
- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 1917

Fionn griffiths and Emmeline Ragot - Fee and Em do "Golf"
Two top world ranked MTB athletes try out other sports - todays sport.... "Golf" ... Kinda...
published: 30 Nov 2010
Fionn griffiths and Emmeline Ragot - Fee and Em do "Golf"
Two top world ranked MTB athletes try out other sports - todays sport.... "Golf" ... Kinda!
- published: 30 Nov 2010
- views: 641

Downhill Val di Sole@2010 UCI Mountain Bike World.mpg
Emmeline Ragot (Suspension Center) took her second successive World Cup victor...
published: 02 Aug 2010
Downhill Val di Sole@2010 UCI Mountain Bike World.mpg
Emmeline Ragot (Suspension Center) took her second successive World Cup victory in two weekends in the women's competition, with World Cup leader Sabrina Jonnier (Maxxis-Rocky Mountain) finishing second. Ragot's victory denied Jonnier the opportunity to lock up the women's World Cup title, and the duo will have to battle it out at the final in Windham, New York later in the month.
On the men's side, Gee Atherton (Commencal) and Greg Minnaar (Santa Cruz Syndicate) continue to battle for the World Cup lead. Marc Beaumont (GT) took the victory, with only the second World Cup win of his career, but behind him Minnaar took second and Atherton third. After points from qualifying runs were factored in, Atherton took the leader's jersey from Minnaar by a mere seven points, setting the stage for a huge battle in Windham.
- published: 02 Aug 2010
- views: 12268

Emmeline Ragot - Descida das Escadas de Santos 2011 - 2º Lugar
Descida da Corrida da Emmeline Ragot - Descida das Escadas de Santos 2011 - 2º Lugar...
published: 08 Feb 2011
Emmeline Ragot - Descida das Escadas de Santos 2011 - 2º Lugar
Descida da Corrida da Emmeline Ragot - Descida das Escadas de Santos 2011 - 2º Lugar
- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 3178

Emmeline Ragot à la mairie de Cognac
Quatre jours après sa consécration aux mondiaux de VTT de descente, en Suisse, la champion...
published: 10 Sep 2011
Emmeline Ragot à la mairie de Cognac
Quatre jours après sa consécration aux mondiaux de VTT de descente, en Suisse, la championne du monde Emmeline Ragot, licenciée du club UVC de Cognac, a été reçue à la mairie de Cognac.
- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 362

Emmeline Ragot vice championne du monde de VTT 2012
La Charentaise Emmeline Ragot, championne du monde en 2011, s'est classée seconde de l'édi...
published: 02 Sep 2012
Emmeline Ragot vice championne du monde de VTT 2012
La Charentaise Emmeline Ragot, championne du monde en 2011, s'est classée seconde de l'édition 2012 des championnats du monde de VTT en Autriche.
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 244

Nordkette Downhill PRO 2012
Nordkette Downhill Pro 2012 - Innsbruck
Am 8.Spetember 2012 fand heuer der Downhill.PRO ...
published: 12 Sep 2012
Nordkette Downhill PRO 2012
Nordkette Downhill Pro 2012 - Innsbruck
Am 8.Spetember 2012 fand heuer der Downhill.PRO in Innsbruck statt. Das besondere an diesem Event ist, daß hier die weltbesten Teams gegeneinander antreten. Die Leistung der einzelnen Fahrer wird addiert und zum Schluss gewinnt das Team mit den meisten Punkten. Letztes Jahr wurden wir überraschenderweise 2. Die Latte war also hoch ! Heuer belegten wir leider nur den 8. Platz. Petra Bernhard war nach ihrer Verletzung in Leogang nicht einsatzfähig und natürlich fehlte sie in der Teamwertung. Zu bemerken war die hohe Dichter der Stars der Szene: Sam Hill, Mick Hannah, Jared Graves, Brook MacDonald und Emmeline Ragot um nur einige zu nennen.
Es war uns jedenfalls wieder eine Ehre mit diesen Top-Teams um die Wette eifern zu können und hoffen auf 2013 ! Danke auch an unsere Gastfahrer: Marlene Krug und Timen Jaschensky.
On 8th of September the Downhill.PRO 2013 took place in Innsbruck. This special event is a team battle where you count the points of all team-riders and the team with the most points wins. Our expectations were high because 2012 we got surprisingly 2nd. This year we had some troubles and our lady Petra Bernhard was missing because she was injured after her crash at the World Championships in Leogang. Also remarkable is the high density of Stars in this scene: Ham Hill, Mick Hannah, Jared Graves, Brook MacDonald and Emmeline Ragot just to mention some.
It was an honor and pleasure to compete again against such Top-Teams and we hope for a year 2013. Thank´s also to our guest riders Marlene Krug and Timon Jaschensky.
Video Production: MJW - Digital Art & Media - http://www.mjw.co.at
Soundtrack: Stefan Poiss (Mind.In.a.Box) - Thanks Stefan!
Copyright (c) 2012 by ALPINE COMMENCAL & MJW
- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 1556

The Ladies Moelfre Milestone
The Ladies Moelfre Milestone. Oct 15th + 16th 2011. Fionn Griffiths and Emmeline Ragot (20...
published: 27 Oct 2011
The Ladies Moelfre Milestone
The Ladies Moelfre Milestone. Oct 15th + 16th 2011. Fionn Griffiths and Emmeline Ragot (2011 DH World Champ) give downhill tips and support to women entering the Bikeworks English Champs, Moelfre.
- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 652
Youtube results:

Kokanee Crankwrox 2010 Day 6 Giant giant slalom and Camelback Jump Jam
Dusty and dry conditions set the stage for day 6 where we headed out to check the dirt jum...
published: 14 Aug 2010
Kokanee Crankwrox 2010 Day 6 Giant giant slalom and Camelback Jump Jam
Dusty and dry conditions set the stage for day 6 where we headed out to check the dirt jump park and see some stylish and progressive riding in action. From the new breed of riders to superpro's and legends of the sport it was for sure worthy to be there. Later in the afternoon and into the evening the Giant bicycles Giant Slalom went down and the course was fast and dry. If you were up there you definitely left with a nose full of dirt and got to see some impressive biking. Riders were pinning it and pedaling as fast as they could with Emmeline Ragot taking Pro Womens and Michal Prokop slaying it for the Pro Mens. After a night of top level DJ's and acts we look forward to the main event tomorrow, the Monster Energy Slopestyle. The benchmark for technical freestyle mountain biking known throughout the world tomorrow is the day we've been looking forward to.
- published: 14 Aug 2010
- views: 502

IXS Euro Downhill Cup 2012 Round #4 Pila, Italy - P2
La seconda parte del video del weekend di gara a Pila, Val d'Aosta, con le interviste ad a...
published: 23 Dec 2012
IXS Euro Downhill Cup 2012 Round #4 Pila, Italy - P2
La seconda parte del video del weekend di gara a Pila, Val d'Aosta, con le interviste ad alcuni dei protagonisti. Ecco come è andato il weekend di Brook MacDonald (MS Mondraker Team), Elisa Canepa (EliCa Ride), Alia Marcellini (Torpado Surfing Shop), Marco Milivinti (Torpado Surfing Shop), Oscar Harnstrom (Pila Black Arrows), Emmeline Ragot (MS Mondraker Team), Floriane Pugin (Scott 11), Damien Spagnolo (MS Mondraker Team), Lorenzo Suding (Pila Black Arrows) e Robin Walner (POC Are Bike Park).
- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 143