- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 2327
- author: addouniaEnglish

Syrian expatriates arrive to Qamishli Airport 02-07-2012
English Translation: Syrian expatriates are visiting their homeland to show thir support f...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: addouniaEnglish
Syrian expatriates arrive to Qamishli Airport 02-07-2012
English Translation: Syrian expatriates are visiting their homeland to show thir support for their people here who are confronting the media war. Syrian expa...
- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 2327
- author: addouniaEnglish

Syrien: Kurden erringen die Kontrolle über ölreiche Stadt Qamishli - ZDF
Die türkische Regierung und ihre Angst vor einem Großkurdistan. 1. http://www.fr-online.de...
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: 47Berxwedan
Syrien: Kurden erringen die Kontrolle über ölreiche Stadt Qamishli - ZDF
Die türkische Regierung und ihre Angst vor einem Großkurdistan. 1. http://www.fr-online.de/meinung/kurden-in-syrien-auf-vormarsch-tuerkei-befuerchtet-grossku...
- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 5497
- author: 47Berxwedan

Jan Behnan _ Qamishli.flv
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: AssyrianGroupSongs
Jan Behnan _ Qamishli.flv
- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 1203
- author: AssyrianGroupSongs

Battle for Qamishli : Syrische Kurden wollen gegen PYD und Assad Regime kämpfen !
Battle for Qamishli Syrische Kurden wollen gegen PYD und Assad Regime kämpfen. Kurdish Ayy...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: Kurdish Ayyubid
Battle for Qamishli : Syrische Kurden wollen gegen PYD und Assad Regime kämpfen !
Battle for Qamishli Syrische Kurden wollen gegen PYD und Assad Regime kämpfen. Kurdish Ayyubid37 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 52. 6825. Like 31 Dislike 27. Like. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube Google+ Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to like Kurdish Ayyubids video. Sign in. I dislike this. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube Google+ Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to dislike Kurdish Ayyubids video. Sign in. About Share Add to ...
- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 6830
- author: Kurdish Ayyubid

Les premières images l'attentat terrorite à la voiture piegée à Al-Qamishli 30/09/2012
بالفيديو.. تفجير انتحاري يهز مدينة القامشلي وضحايا يسقطون Un terroriste se fait exploser d...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: VeriteSurLaSyrie
Les premières images l'attentat terrorite à la voiture piegée à Al-Qamishli 30/09/2012
بالفيديو.. تفجير انتحاري يهز مدينة القامشلي وضحايا يسقطون Un terroriste se fait exploser dans sa voiture piégée au quartier ouest à al-Qamichli faisant marty...
- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 875
- author: VeriteSurLaSyrie

Syria protest - in Qamishli, 12.03 "Serhildan" Demo
Syrische Soladen schießen auf Zivilisten, Syrian protest, protest in Syria, demo Syrien, K...
published: 28 Mar 2011
author: lilhill2002
Syria protest - in Qamishli, 12.03 "Serhildan" Demo
Syrische Soladen schießen auf Zivilisten, Syrian protest, protest in Syria, demo Syrien, Kurd, kurdistan, qamishlo, aleppo, qamishli, efrin, سوريا ,حلب , سور...
- published: 28 Mar 2011
- views: 19050
- author: lilhill2002

Syria's Kurds divided over uprising
http://www.FaceBook.com/LifePartnerMarriageBureau Ethnic Kurds, who make up the biggest et...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: DuniyaKiKhabrain
Syria's Kurds divided over uprising
http://www.FaceBook.com/LifePartnerMarriageBureau Ethnic Kurds, who make up the biggest ethnic minority group in Syria with a population of about two million...
- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 251
- author: DuniyaKiKhabrain

Al Hasakah province - Al Qamishli - Antria - 20121123 - Kurdish Friday protest - 03
This content is upload from our archive as part of our activities you can read on our YouT...
published: 25 Nov 2012
Al Hasakah province - Al Qamishli - Antria - 20121123 - Kurdish Friday protest - 03
This content is upload from our archive as part of our activities you can read on our YouTube channel profile. USAGE: The content is made public to those who...
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 91

Syria Addounia TV anchor Salam in funeral of her Martyred cousin in Qamishliby addouniaeng...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: nasir43601
Syria Addounia TV anchor Salam in funeral of her Martyred cousin in Qamishliby addouniaenglish 756 views; 146. Watch Later AlQamishli AlHasakah governate IMPORTANT Security forces and thugs attack protesters 16122011by ugaritnewsenglish 750 views; 132. Watch Later 10.082011 Qamishli | Large funeral procession of fallen hero Meshaal Tammo Freedom for Syriaby syriandaysofrage 349 views; 216. Watch Later qamisli_xvidavi unudulz diyarby ravin suleymanov 51 views; 031. Watch Later ...
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 52
- author: nasir43601

14 6 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah أوغاريت القامشلي الحسكة , مظاهرة نصرة للمدن المنكوبة
Syria protest in Qamishli 12.03Serhildan Demoby lilhill2002 18799 views; 440. Watch Later ...
published: 14 Jun 2012
author: UgaritNews
14 6 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah أوغاريت القامشلي الحسكة , مظاهرة نصرة للمدن المنكوبة
Syria protest in Qamishli 12.03Serhildan Demoby lilhill2002 18799 views; 440. Watch Later Jan Behnan _ Qamishliflvby assyriangroupsongs 1106 views; 412. Watch Later Syrian expatriates arrive to Qamishli Airport 02072012by addouniaenglish 1679 views; 303. Watch Later نشيد حور العين تناديني في سورNasheed Hur AlAyn ... Battle for Qamishli Syrische Kurden wollen gegen PYD und Assad Regime kämpfenby Kurdish Ayyubid 6749 views; 223. Watch Later Kurds push for future in postAssad eraby ...
- published: 14 Jun 2012
- views: 147
- author: UgaritNews

(11-09-12) Qamishli | Deir ez-Zor | Marching for Freedom
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian v...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: SyrianDaysOfRage
(11-09-12) Qamishli | Deir ez-Zor | Marching for Freedom
https://www.facebook.com/SyrianDaysOfRage https://twitter.com/#!/SyriaDayofRage Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer?
- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 52
- author: SyrianDaysOfRage

Syria - Anti Assad Protest in Al Qamishli Calls for Freedom and Overthrow of Dictator 2-Nov
Subscribe now for Daily News!...
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: DailySeriaRevolution
Syria - Anti Assad Protest in Al Qamishli Calls for Freedom and Overthrow of Dictator 2-Nov
Subscribe now for Daily News!
- published: 03 Nov 2012
- views: 14
- author: DailySeriaRevolution

Qamishli. Fuad Mousa
أغنية قامشلو غناء: فؤاد موسى سرياني....
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: AssyrianGziro
Qamishli. Fuad Mousa
أغنية قامشلو غناء: فؤاد موسى سرياني.
- published: 17 Oct 2012
- views: 39
- author: AssyrianGziro
Vimeo results:

Narîn Feqe - Xem û Dem
Narin Feqe - Xem û dem - latest video from Narin 2008/2009...
published: 06 Dec 2008
author: Narin Feqe
Narîn Feqe - Xem û Dem
Narin Feqe - Xem û dem - latest video from Narin 2008/2009

Un pueblo invisible
“Un Pueblo Invisible” se acerca a la terrible realidad del pueblo kurdo en Siria desde un ...
published: 02 Apr 2010
author: Borja Portuondo
Un pueblo invisible
“Un Pueblo Invisible” se acerca a la terrible realidad del pueblo kurdo en Siria desde un campo de refugiados en el Kurdistán iraquí.
Factura de los periodistas vascos Borja Portuondo y Karlos Zurutuza, el cortometraje “Un Pueblo Invisible” ha sido seleccionado para concurso en el prestigioso festival Cinestrat, una cita internacional para trabajos audiovisuales en torno a los derechos humanos que se celebra en Valencia del 5 al 9 de mayo.
La cinta gira en torno a la historia de una familia huída de su Qamishli (Kurdistán de Siria) natal en 2006. A pesar de llevar cuatro años viviendo en un “limbo” de tiendas de campaña en mitad del desierto iraquí, Salahadin y su hija Berxwedan han puesto en marcha un grupo de bailes kurdos que empieza a ser conocido por todo el Kurdistán de Irak.
“El título nos habla de los cientos de miles de kurdos privados de identidad en Siria”, explica Portuondo en referencia a aquellos indocumentados a los que se conoce por el sobrenombre de “maktum”; “nada” en lengua árabe.
“Es una forma más de dar a conocer la dramática situación a la que se enfrentan los kurdos de Siria bajo el régimen de Damasco”, dice Zurutuza, co-director del audiovisual y periodista especializado en el tema kurdo, para quien los kurdos de Siria sufren “uno de los conflictos más sangrantes y desconocidos de todo Oriente Medio”.
El documental está en kurdo en el original y subtitulado en español, un trabajo de traducción realizado por Zinar Ala, periodista kurdo de Siria afincado en España desde hace cinco años.
Youtube results:

Suicide bombing rocks Syria's Qamishli FREE SYRIAN ARMY ATTACK ?
A suicide car bomb rocked the Kurdish city of Qamishli on Sunday, state television said, i...
published: 05 Oct 2012
author: geniodelfutbol
Suicide bombing rocks Syria's Qamishli FREE SYRIAN ARMY ATTACK ?
A suicide car bomb rocked the Kurdish city of Qamishli on Sunday, state television said, in the first such attack in Syria's Kurdish region which has kept ou...
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 244
- author: geniodelfutbol

Gabi Conda - Qamishli
Gabi Conda singing about the Qamishli....
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: suryoyoMusic
Gabi Conda - Qamishli
Gabi Conda singing about the Qamishli.
- published: 17 Aug 2010
- views: 3728
- author: suryoyoMusic

13 8 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah أوغاريت القامشلي الحسكة , مظاهرة مسائية نصرة للمدن المنكوبة
تشكيل كتيبة شهداء الظاهرية في القامشلي 12 8 2012by rye Syria3174 views · Syria Addo...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: UgaritNews
13 8 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah أوغاريت القامشلي الحسكة , مظاهرة مسائية نصرة للمدن المنكوبة
تشكيل كتيبة شهداء الظاهرية في القامشلي 12 8 2012by rye Syria3174 views · Syria Addounia TV anchor Salam in funeral of her Martyred cousin in Qamishli 148 ... dabke syria qamishli dayrik hasaka tall kushik debkeh arabic folk dance gypsy part1by haan123413966 views · Syrian Revolution Al Qamishli 15.042011 139 ... Syria AlQamishli Amuda 22Apr11 Great Friday Demonstration p1by snnenglish910 views · AlQamishli AlHasakah governate IMPORTANT Security forces and thugs attack protesters ...
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 51
- author: UgaritNews

LiveLeak com Report from the city of Al Qamishli 11 11 2012 Subbed
Browse videos from the previous page including the homepage feed channel videos and search...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: thenextviralvideos
LiveLeak com Report from the city of Al Qamishli 11 11 2012 Subbed
Browse videos from the previous page including the homepage feed channel videos and search results. Got it. Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe. liveleak com Report from the city of Al Qamishli 11 11 2012 Subbed. thenextviralvideos1814 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 26. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube Google+ Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to like thenextviralvideoss video ...
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 5
- author: thenextviralvideos