National demo against privatisation - University of Sussex - updates

Monday March 25th is the national demonstration against privatisation being held at the University of Sussex. We'll edit this post with updates throughout the day. Also keep an eye on the...

Citizens of Niscemi in Sicily have been struggling for years against the proposed construction of the new MUOS station, a new satellite network serving the US Navy. Health hazard and...

AADA - part of the Wal-Mart family

Are the UK government planning to use Workfare placements and welfare store-cards as part of a state-run 'Truck system'?

Reflections on the escalation of workers' struggles in Italy in the wake of the large logistics workers' strike of March 22.


New York Times article where dock workers took control and expropriated money to pay wages.

Ireland, PDFs


The first two parts of an ambitious three-part pamphlet series discussing communism and in particular the necessity of communism being a moneyless system.