
Speaker Kurt Zellers - 2012 Session Preview - Minnesota House of Representatives
Speaker Kurt Zellers - 2012 Session Preview - Minnesota House of Representatives
House Public Information Services sits down with House Speaker Kurt Zellers (R-Maple Grove) for a one-on-one interview about the upcoming 2012 legislative session.

Minnesota Speaker of the House, Representative Kurt Zellers, recaps a very busy and productive week in the House of Representatives. A good budget projection, a falling unemployment rate, and an agenda of common-sense bills all get the Speaker's thumbs-up this week.

House Speaker Kurt Zellers on sex offender notification and health insurance exchange
House Speaker Kurt Zellers on sex offender notification and health insurance exchange
At a Capitol press conference, Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers spoke on a bill to close sex offender notification gap and an introduction of a bill that will create a health insurance exchange in Minnesota.

Republicans discuss budget plan in Mankato
Republicans discuss budget plan in Mankato
House Speaker Kurt Zellers and others discuss the Republican budget plan with media in Mankato.

McFeely Minute: Kurt Zellers is making a good point
McFeely Minute: Kurt Zellers is making a good point
KFGO's Mike McFeely talks about Kurt Zellers opposition to a new Minnesota Vikings stadium.

Rep Zellers waiting for a "cooked" stadium deal
Rep Zellers waiting for a "cooked" stadium deal
House Speaker Kurt Zellers was waked about Ramsey county meeting with Governor Dayton this morning on another stadium plan, this time relying on the growth of sales taxes and a whole menu of ideas. "God bless 'em" said Zellers "Each and every week something different or new comes up. Once it gets to a process where we've got a bill and an author with a bill that's got 68 votes, then we can get involved. But this thing has ebbed and flowed before session, as we got into session as we're going through session. If they've got a process and a plan that they can get 68 votes that helps but until I see it on paper, I've learned enough with these stadium proposals that until you see it on paper, I'm just going to wait and I'll see it then. Tom Hauser: Is the air out of the Viking's stadium balloon? Is there no sense of urgency now that it appears the Vikings have no where to go? Zellers: I don't think so. We've always said all along, we've been very respectful of the process. We want to make sure they have their best chance to pass a bill and we don't' want to see a Twins stadium bill where you bring up something that isn't quite cooked and it loses by five or ten votes on the House floor and sets them back eight, seven, five years. So I think once you get to that process, I know the authors? I won't speak for the Senate authors?but I know that Representative Lanning has been working very hard on the process. You know, again it has got to be a good deal for the state of <b>...</b>

MN House Elects Kurt Zellers As Speaker
MN House Elects Kurt Zellers As Speaker
Newly elected Speaker of The House Kurt Zellers takes the oath of office and addresses the chamber.

MN GOP Response to Dayton State of State-Full video
MN GOP Response to Dayton State of State-Full video
Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers and Senate Majority Leader David Senjem say Governor Mark Dayton's State of the State address may have changed the tone of discussion at the capitol for the better.

Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers on the new Vikings stadium and unionizing daycare workers
Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers on the new Vikings stadium and unionizing daycare workers

Interview With Next MN House Speaker-Kurt Zellers
Interview With Next MN House Speaker-Kurt Zellers
Representative Kurt Zellers is the choice of the Republican caucus to be Speaker of The House for the 2011 Minnesota Legislative session.

House Speaker Kurt Zellers shares thoughts on possible state government shutdown
House Speaker Kurt Zellers shares thoughts on possible state government shutdown
House Speaker Zellers speaks out during the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy meeting focusing on the executive branch's preparedness for a possible state government shutdown.

Speaker Zellers: House Taxes Bill Will Help Grow Jobs
Speaker Zellers: House Taxes Bill Will Help Grow Jobs
Minnesota Speaker of the House, Representative Kurt Zellers, says the Taxes Bill that will be on the floor next week will include initiatives that will help new and existing small businesses grow and succeed.

Vikings Stadium Deal Politically Fragile
Vikings Stadium Deal Politically Fragile
Republican and DFL legislative leaders indicated today just how politically fragile a proposal to build a new Vikings stadium is. Senate Majority Leader David Senjem says without the support of the Minneapolis City Council the bill won't pass. House Speaker Kurt Zellers wouldn't commit to voting for the bill without seeing the details, which Senate Deputy Minority Leader Terri Bonoff called that "dodging" because Zellers knows what will be in the bill. House Minority Leader Paul Thissen says will have trouble with the agreement unless funds to renovate the Target Center and build a new stadium are both in the same bill. Currently they are in two separate bills.

Foreclosure Moratorium Not On MN GOP Agenda
Foreclosure Moratorium Not On MN GOP Agenda
House Speaker Kurt Zellers says any state foreclosure moratorium should wait for federal legislation and lawsuits to play out. DFL leaders say foreclosures are about to increase and state action is needed.

Rep. Franson Apology Not Enough For DFL
Rep. Franson Apology Not Enough For DFL
Republican Minnesota State Representative Mary Franson caused a national uproar when she compared welfare recipients to animals that shouldn?t be fed. She later apologized, but Minnesota Democratic House Minority leader Paul Thissen says Franson?s statement was a Michele Bachmann-like ?non-apology? Republican House Speaker Kurt Zellers says Representative Mary Franson?s apology is ?enough for me?, Both House leaders agree that Franson should not resign because of her statement.

MN House Speaker Kurt Zellers on the SHS (7/12)
MN House Speaker Kurt Zellers on the SHS (7/12)

Gov. Dayton "On the Edge" Of Backing Teacher Layoff Bill Says GOP
Gov. Dayton "On the Edge" Of Backing Teacher Layoff Bill Says GOP
Minnesota Republican legislative leaders say Governor Mark Dayton is "on the edge" of backing a bill that removes teacher seniority as barrier to laying them off. Senate Majority Leader David Senjem who met Governor Dayton for breakfast today says the Governor has some concerns about the bill, particularly the timing of it. House Speaker Kurt Zellers says the Governor is researching what other states are doing on the issue. If there's another plan out there the Governor could support, that could change the teacher layoff bill which is scheduled to go to a House-Senate conference committee.

Speaker Zellers looks at the budget situation in Minnesota and details the majority party's plan to solve the problem.