- published: 27 Dec 2007
- views: 799097
- author: Jim Donovan

How to Play the Djembe : Jim Donovan's Rhythmic Foundation
Get the full DVD at www.JimDonovanDrums.com or www.amazon.com See more lessons at www.thej...
published: 27 Dec 2007
author: Jim Donovan
How to Play the Djembe : Jim Donovan's Rhythmic Foundation
Get the full DVD at www.JimDonovanDrums.com or www.amazon.com See more lessons at www.thejimdonovanblog.blogspot.com Beginner Djembe Lesson. A detailed, step by step lesson on how to play the Djembe drum. Includes basic tones, positions, how to sit and more. Jim Donovan was a founding member and driving force of the multi-platinum band Rusted Root from 1990-2005. Donovan studied and played African rhythms with various master drummers such as Congolese master drummer Elie Kihonia and Etse Nyadedzor. He also studied African Music with noted scholar Kwabena Nketia from Ghana. Donovan's music has been featured in major motion films such as Ice Age, Twister, Mathilda as well as on various network television shows such as American Idol, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Party of Five, and the PBS "Web of Life" documentary.
- published: 27 Dec 2007
- views: 799097
- author: Jim Donovan

Grand Master Djembe Player!
Sega Cisse is a 70 year old master djembe player from Mali. Amazing - www.rootsyrecords.co...
published: 14 Sep 2006
author: rootsymali
Grand Master Djembe Player!
Sega Cisse is a 70 year old master djembe player from Mali. Amazing - www.rootsyrecords.com
- published: 14 Sep 2006
- views: 666293
- author: rootsymali

Djembe Drum Lessons with Master Drummer: Lamin Jassey
Get your 3 FREE lessons now from www.DjembeDrummingLessons.com. Contact Lamin direct on +4...
published: 07 Apr 2008
author: DjembeDrumLessons
Djembe Drum Lessons with Master Drummer: Lamin Jassey
Get your 3 FREE lessons now from www.DjembeDrummingLessons.com. Contact Lamin direct on +44 (0)7923 354 914 - he loves to hear from fellow drummers, share advice and connect - even if just to say hello. For DVD's, Workshops, Private or group tuition or Professional Gambian Djembe's at COST PRICE call Lamin or email trebarhythm@yahoo.com www.djembedrumminglessons.com Get your FREE 3 lessons NOW from the World's No 1. Djembe Drumming Tuition Site, where you can also Email info@djembedrumminglessons.com Save Time, Money, Effort and Frustration, by having immediate access to the best djembe lessons online, where a teacher who has spent his whole life teaching people of all abilities, shows you STEP BY STEP how to play professional rhythms. This has never been available before. (Please note this video is only a montage of clips and not a lesson itself). Learn How To Play The Djembe like a pro in hours. For the very first time (ever) you can now learn alongside a genuine African Master Drummer, Lamin Jassey. Get Instant downloads of step by step Djembe Rhythm video lessons so that you can watch and learn the Djembe 1) In the privacy of your own space, 2) When You Want 3) By learning at YOUR own pace and speed 4) By replaying the parts YOU need as often as you want 5) Without having to spend time, money and resources commuting to a lesson some place. 6) Alongside a genuine Master Drummer who has a proven track record of a life time's teaching & professional playing experience ...
- published: 07 Apr 2008
- views: 587695
- author: DjembeDrumLessons

Hand Drumming Djembe/Cajon - Free Drum Lessons
FREE Series: Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard - bit.ly . Being a drummer does not limit you ...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: freedrumlessons
Hand Drumming Djembe/Cajon - Free Drum Lessons
FREE Series: Easy Drumming That Sounds Hard - bit.ly . Being a drummer does not limit you to only playing behind a kit. In this Drumeo live lesson, Mike Michalkow shows you how to play the djembe and cajon. . www.drumlessons.com
- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 21125
- author: freedrumlessons

4 Year Old Djembe Drummer
Isaiah Chevrier from www.rootsyrecords.com play solo djembe....
published: 13 Jun 2006
author: rootsymali
4 Year Old Djembe Drummer
Isaiah Chevrier from www.rootsyrecords.com play solo djembe.
- published: 13 Jun 2006
- views: 1526008
- author: rootsymali

Which Size Djembe is Right for Me? - X8 DRUMS
www.X8Drums.com One of the most common questions we hear from our customers is "Which Size...
published: 06 May 2012
author: exit8babe
Which Size Djembe is Right for Me? - X8 DRUMS
www.X8Drums.com One of the most common questions we hear from our customers is "Which Size Djembe is Right for Me?" In this video, you'll learn why selecting the correct size djembe is so important. You'll also view all of the various size drums for a clear understanding of the differences between the sizes. Instruction by Kenya Masala. When choosing the size of your djembe, you should select a drum that stands tall enough for you when sitting down to play. The base of the drum should rest on the floor and the drumhead should rise about two or three inches from the top of your legs, in a sitting position with the drum leaning away from you. If the drum is too low you will have a difficult time striking the head because your knees and legs will be in the way. On the flip side, if the drum is too tall you will find that you'll have to lift your shoulders when striking the head and this will surely lead to fatigue much quicker. You should always be in a comfortable position and shouldn't be straining your body when playing. To read more about this topic, click here www.x8drums.com Djembes in this video: Largest Size: 14" Kente Cloth Royal Djembe: www.x8drums.com Medium Size: 12" Jammer Djembe: www.x8drums.com Small Size: Custom Lion King Simba carved Djembe. Contact us to purchase. Backpacker Size: 9" Celtic Labyrinth Djembe: www.x8drums.com Extra Small Size: 7" Kente Cloth Royal Djembe:www.x8drums.com
- published: 06 May 2012
- views: 8010
- author: exit8babe

Djembe Master Seckou Keita
Like Djembe? Watch to the end... its well worth it! : ) The interuptions and applause are ...
published: 11 Jan 2008
author: stuffnbits
Djembe Master Seckou Keita
Like Djembe? Watch to the end... its well worth it! : ) The interuptions and applause are for a small kid not visible in a chair behing the drummer who adds his bit every now and then. Note: I did not film this and only wish I knew who did. Just spreading the love. Enjoy. See www.african-drumbeat.co.uk
- published: 11 Jan 2008
- views: 113257
- author: stuffnbits

Djembe 1.09 - Intermediate rhythm 3 (slow rock)
*updated Jan 2012* Find me on Facebook! Search "Small Group Worship". I am usually there s...
published: 09 May 2008
author: turbochickenstudios
Djembe 1.09 - Intermediate rhythm 3 (slow rock)
*updated Jan 2012* Find me on Facebook! Search "Small Group Worship". I am usually there so I can answer your questions quickly. I will also be on Skype twice a week in the mornings, 2 hours each, for questions that can't be answered simply on Facebook. My time is GMT+8. For tailored audio/video lessons and all other enquiries email SmallGrpWorship@gmail.com - - - - demonstrating a flexible drumset rhythm improvised for the djembe.
- published: 09 May 2008
- views: 138105
- author: turbochickenstudios

Traditional Djembe Drumming in Dakar, Senegal. A musical feast for all afficionados of Wes...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: Gary B. Smith
Traditional Djembe Drumming in Dakar, Senegal. A musical feast for all afficionados of West Africa's unique drum stylings. Join Mbaw as he and his talented group transfix you with their rhythmic skills.
- published: 05 Jan 2011
- views: 179803
- author: Gary B. Smith

Babatunde African Drum Performance.
Babatunde Olatunji interpretation of Fanga, a Rhythm from Liberia...
published: 08 Apr 2007
author: derbeno
Babatunde African Drum Performance.
Babatunde Olatunji interpretation of Fanga, a Rhythm from Liberia
- published: 08 Apr 2007
- views: 564552
- author: derbeno

Djembe Pyramid of Rhythm (TTM Singapore) 2011
This piece was arranged in partial fulfillment for Kelvin Kew's Tam Tam Mandingue Diploma ...
published: 19 Jul 2011
author: sgdjembemovement
Djembe Pyramid of Rhythm (TTM Singapore) 2011
This piece was arranged in partial fulfillment for Kelvin Kew's Tam Tam Mandingue Diploma Test. This test is catered for TTM School Directors only so as to qualify them to teach professional students. Tam Tam Mandingue is the word's 1st international school for West African drumming founded by djembe grandmaster Mamady Keita. More about TTM Schools and certified teachers around the word at www.ttmusa.org
- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 34976
- author: sgdjembemovement

KASSOUMSANOGO djembe solo 4. Telefono 634034747
KASSOUMSANOGO djembe solo 4. Telefono 634034747...
published: 23 Jul 2008
author: Kassoum Sanogo
KASSOUMSANOGO djembe solo 4. Telefono 634034747
KASSOUMSANOGO djembe solo 4. Telefono 634034747
- published: 23 Jul 2008
- views: 482235
- author: Kassoum Sanogo

Djembe 101: 1.01 - Introduction to the djembe
*updated Jan 2012* Find me on Facebook! Search "Small Group Worship". I am usually there s...
published: 09 May 2008
author: turbochickenstudios
Djembe 101: 1.01 - Introduction to the djembe
*updated Jan 2012* Find me on Facebook! Search "Small Group Worship". I am usually there so I can answer your questions quickly. I will also be on Skype twice a week in the mornings, 2 hours each, for questions that can't be answered simply on Facebook. My time is GMT+8. For tailored audio/video lessons and all other enquiries email SmallGrpWorship@gmail.com - - - - introducing the four basic djembe tones.
- published: 09 May 2008
- views: 28539
- author: turbochickenstudios

Mali Djembe Music: "Old Grand Masters" Aruna and Brulye play djembe
TO SEE.HEAR MORE FREE! michaelpluznick.com "African Dance": From my djembe study tour and ...
published: 12 Feb 2007
author: michaelpluznick
Mali Djembe Music: "Old Grand Masters" Aruna and Brulye play djembe
TO SEE.HEAR MORE FREE! michaelpluznick.com "African Dance": From my djembe study tour and djembe lessons in Bamako Mali West Africa. In this djembe video 4 different generations of Master djembe drummers of Bamako Mali play traditional rythyms of the Bombara people of West Africa. Aruna Sidibe, (wearing cap) is an "old master", (grandmaster also know as "djembe fola" he was accomplished and up there in years but still able to "throw down" as this clip shows. He is accompanied by his next in line Brulye Doumbia (soloing on djembe in Diansa/Danza)and then Siaka Doumbia on dunduns then djembeand Siakas former student Kaleifa (wearing #21). Music for this and other similar high quality audio recordings I did in Mali are now available for sale: www.earthcds.com
- published: 12 Feb 2007
- views: 229344
- author: michaelpluznick
Youtube results:

Cours de Djembe pour debutant - Le rythme Kedon du Cameroon
Retrouvez sur www.easy-djembe.com d'autres vidéos de mes cours de djembé. Je vous invite à...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: PatricePercussion
Cours de Djembe pour debutant - Le rythme Kedon du Cameroon
Retrouvez sur www.easy-djembe.com d'autres vidéos de mes cours de djembé. Je vous invite à vous inscrire à l'espace membre gratuit pour accédez à d'autres exercices et le premier accompagnement du rythme Moribayassa. Vous pourrez aussi nous soutenir en vous inscrivant dans l'espace membre abonné pour avoir accès au - Les 10 vidéos du rythme Moribayassa - Les 10 vidéos du rythme Sogolon - Les 9 vidéos du rythme Zangalewa Nous mettrons ultérieurement - Les 16 vidéos d'exercices. Cet espace membre privé est en cours de réalisation. L'association Quiétude www.com-quietude.fr qui soutient mon projet de création d'un espace membre à besoin d'un financement pour assumer les frais liés à la réalisation des vidéos, leurs montages, du matériel de prise de vue et du développement du site de membre. Cet espace membre comprendra dans un 2 ème temps : Les vidéos des rythmes déjà réalisés (Jansa, Marakadon, Manjani, Menjani) mais qui ne sont pas encore prêtes à être exportés. Bonne pratique à tous Patrice Effoudou Mon blog : www.djembe-batterie-rennes.over-blog.fr
- published: 05 Aug 2011
- views: 109355
- author: PatricePercussion

Getting Started on Djembe - Trailer
More Information @ HudsonMusic.com! Getting Started on Djembe will teach you everything yo...
published: 16 May 2012
author: hudsonmusicdvd
Getting Started on Djembe - Trailer
More Information @ HudsonMusic.com! Getting Started on Djembe will teach you everything you need to know to enter the exciting and popular world of hand drumming. Guided by expert instructor and professional musician Michael Wimberly, this DVD provides a step-by-step method for the beginner. In a short time, you will be playing a variety of actual traditional rhythms on your djembe. Topics covered include parts of the instrument, its history, basic playing techniques, explanation of traditional rhythms, application to modern musical styles, and more. All of these topics are covered with clear demonstrations, and a complete chapter is dedicated to each of 6 traditional African rhythms that you will learn to play on djembe. Hand drumming, and especially djembe playing, has exploded in popularity in recent years. It is easy to see why: it's fun, exciting, musical, and relaxing—and connects the player with a musical tradition as old as human civilization itself. Getting Started on Djembe is the perfect guide to show you how to create music on your new instrument.
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 4068
- author: hudsonmusicdvd

African Drumming Lesson | Kuku Djembe Solos
www.rhythmology.com.au African drumming classes and djembe lessons in Melbourne, Australia...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: RhythmologyAus
African Drumming Lesson | Kuku Djembe Solos
www.rhythmology.com.au African drumming classes and djembe lessons in Melbourne, Australia. Peta travelled to West Africa 2006 to study African drumming with master griots. Featured in this video is Peta's mentor and djembe teacher Adamane Keita master drummer from Burkina Faso. Adamane is playing some Awesome djembe solos to West African rhythm Kuku. Peta teaches African drumming classes in Melbourne, Australia to kids and adults, facilitates drum circles and loves sharing the joy of drumming. Go to Rhythmology's blog and get more great djembe tutorials and drumming tips. http LIKE us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com
- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 80828
- author: RhythmologyAus