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FROM ENGLISH TO GERMAN = Södermanland county
FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH = Södermanland county
Autumn days in Trosa, Sweden
DUST 2010 - SCOUT CAMP - Take Me Home, Country Roads
Strängnäs - Outdoor Market
#05 Skogsbyås, Södermanland, 124 m. Ascended 26 July 2013.
My Favourite Melodifestivalen 2012 Songs
Södermanland Narrow Gauge Railway Sweden 1993
Sagvik: Swedish Concertino for trumpet and strings
Ebbe Jularbo Trio - Solglitter 1947 ( Sun glitter ) Dedicate to my dear father, Ivar Forsberg.
Suecia - Viaje en tren de Malmö a Estocolmo - Parte 7 de 8
Braviken @ Nävekvarn, Skeppsvik, Sweden
Savouring Europe - County Mayo's Atlantic coast - Ireland
s a l t (saltbränning/salt firing time-lapse)
70 km southwest of Stockholm, in Södermanland county, you find the idyllic town of Trosa, down by the sea. We spent a weekend there in October 2009. Imagine ...
SCOUT camp DUST 2010 - Ösjönäs in Tiveden. Scout camps have been held every four years since 1970. Participants are Scouts from: Södermanland (D-County), Väs...
The Strängnäs Outdoor Market is a place where we met Hans Naess and a few organic farmers of the Södermanland County, Sweden. They converse about issues rela...
360-degree view from Skogsbyås, the highest point in the province of Södermanland. It's the fifth among the highest points in each province and county of Sweden, counted from the lowest upwards. See also the view from the observation tower:
The most anticipated nordic music event of the year has finally arrived! The meldofestivalen kicked off with a mind blowing show in Vaxjo four weeks ago. The...
This video was shot at the Eastern Södermanland narrow gauge heritage railway in Mariefred, Sweden. I visited this railway in 1993 while on a family vacation...
This is one out of ten small Swedish Concertini for different solo instruments and strings that Stellan Sagvik wrote on themes from Swedish folklore tunes (but NOT as arrangements ;-). This one - for trumpet - is based on tunes from the county/region Södermanland (Sothern man's land), south of the Swedish capital Stockholm. The landscape is typically peasant style, with wastelands, harbours and rich archipelago, and also a habitat for marine navy forces and wildlife. All the Swedish Concertinos are available on a double CD (nosagCD 2028) from The trumpet concertino is played by Gabriel Posdarescu and strings from Filarmonica de Cluj, all conducted by the composer.
Oskar Eberhardt "Ebbe" Jularbo, born January 11, 1915 in Catherine Township, City of Stockholm, Uppland, died January 8, 1991 in Enskede, Stockholm, Södermanland, Swedish accordionist, son of accordionist Calle Jularbo. Married June 7, 1944 by Iris Vendela Dorotea Solveig, born 27 December 1914 in Avesta, Kopparberg County, Dalarna. The film I dedicate my dear father, Ivar Forsberg, who was a great lover of Accordion music. Oskar Eberhardt "Ebbe" Jularbo, född 11 januari 1915 i Katarina församling, Stockholms stad, Uppland, död 8 januari 1991 i Enskede, Stockholms län, Södermanland, svensk dragspelare, son till dragspelaren Calle Jularbo. Gift 7 juni 1944 med Iris Vendela Dorotea Solveig, född 27 december 1914 i Avesta, Kopparbergs län, Dalarna. Filmen tillägnar jag min käre far, Ivar Forsberg, som var en stor älskare av Dragspelsmusik.
Viajando en un tren de alta velocidad "X 2000" desde Copenhague hasta Estocolmo. En este video pasamos por la estacion de Södertälje, ya casi llegando a Esto...
Along Sörmlandsleden Sörmlandsleden, with more than 1000 kilometres of winding paths through the county of Sörmland, is the longest long-distance path in Sw...
November 2004 Autumn on the coast as the sea rises, oysters and salmon pulled fresh from Clew bay are cooked. Cool green landscape with stretches of potato f...
Time-lapse-dokumentation av saltbränningen på Vårdinge by folkhögskola (Mölnbo, Södermanland) den 29--30 april* 2013. Gästlärare Jan-Åke Andersson. Time-laps...
Ung Havsörn försöker trötta ut Ejder med täta attacker under ca 15 min mellan Örudden och Reveln på Torö strax söder om Nynäshamn, Södermanland,Sverige. Film...
The Stockholm archipelago (Swedish: Stockholms skärgård) is the largest archipelago of Sweden, and the second largest archipelago of the Baltic Sea. Most cru...
360-degree view from Tornberget, the highest point in the county of Stockholm. It's the third among the highest points in each province and county of Sweden, counted from the lowest upwards.
Tribute to our Great Singers Marju Kuut/ Maryn E. Coote SWE/EST & Jaak Joala EST Jaak Joala EST ja Marju Kuut / Maryn E. Coote SWE - Happiness Had To Be Maintained/ Õnne hoidma peab 1971 Music & lyrics by Rein Rannap Estonian Television and Radio Music Orchestra Hallunda mansion. The place was already inhabited in prehistoric times and was some kind of seat as many monuments bear witness. Directly next door (west of) the farm is a large cairn from the Bronze Age. It is Södermanland second largest known burial mound, 35 feet in diameter and 5-6 meters high. Here rests in a lot of sailors and soldiers from Saaremaa. Estonia According to one tradition was designed assassination of King Gustav III in the yard at a Christmas dinner 1791st Carl Fredrik Ehrensvärd, whose father owned Hallunda farm, was involved in the murder, which he admitted. He was initially sentenced to death, then converted the death penalty to life-long banishment. Later unconverted story to a libretto Giuseppe Verdi opera Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball) Opera's action is based on a historical event: the murder of the Swedish king Gustav III in 1792. The topic was sensitive in the mid-1800s, when Europe was shaken by several revolutions and national liberation efforts in the wake of the French Revolution. Because of censorship intervention was therefore replaced the royal murder with an attack on a governor of Boston and its vicinity in the late 1600s. Sellest videost veidi ka maakeeli . Siia on kirjutatud selle looga kaasa antud youtube peas , et filmitud Hallunda möisa pargis , mis asub Mälareni järve kaldal on suurimaid pronksiaja viikingite matmispaiku Mälareni järvistu ymber, video yldkaadris vasakul , see on suuremat sorti hauakamber, kus muide puhkab ka Saaremaalt pärit meresöitjaid ja södalasi- viikingiajast....see on nende möökade ja muude ehete kaudu ajalooliselt tuvastatud...hiljem., Selles möisas valmistati ette attendaati Rootsi kuninga rahvaseas tuntud " teatrikuninga" GUSTAV III vastu jöuluöhtul 1791 aastal ja möisniku poeg Carl Fredrik Ehrensvärd ja möisakaaspärija osales selles, ta tunnistas end syydi, möisteti surma aga muudeti kohtuotsus ja - saadati elu löpuni maalt välja. Giuseppe Verdi on kasutanud seda ajaloolist lugu oma ooperilibretos Maskiball - mis ju ka Eestis tuntud - kuigi pidi muutma ajaloofakte, sest suur prantsuse revolutsioonagne ja järgne "poliitkorrektsus" nöudis seda nii viidi atentaadi koht hoopis Euroopast ära ameerikasse Bostoni linna... :) nii me elame omi elusid kesk ajaloolisi ja tänapäeva VALESID! Meie soov oli austada Meie Suuri Lauljaid Marjut ja Jaaku ja tänada neid selle sydamesse otsemineva sönumi ja laulutehnika eest... Ka laulu ja sönade autorit Rein Rannapit - selle tema varajase loomingiperioodi laulukese eest.. tahtsime anda sellele loole sobiva olustiku nagu meie seada tajume.... meie lugupidamine o.O / täname tähelepanu eest Filmed - Hallunda Manor & Park, Sweden. Autumn 2014 Filmed by Allan Tark Company: Rein Mets Drone Copter: DJI Phantom 2 Cameras: GoPro Hero 4 Black Stockholm. Sweden Hallunda mansion, Botkyrka, Stockholm Sweden Enjoy watching!/ Head vaatamist!
I Landstinget Sörmland har den politiska ledningen tagit beslut om att införa personcentrerad vård. Fyra pilotverksamheter har nu utsetts där det nya arbetss...
Vårvisning hos TMSAB, 21040328 Pilot: Anders Holmér, Holmér webb och Design, Nyköping
360-degree view from Lojsta hed, the highest point in the island province of Gotland. It's the second among the highest points in each province and county of...
This Turtle dove was singing in my garden. Although it's not that uncommon in the Netherlands it is quite scarce in my county so I was very pleased with this...
360-degree view from Tallmossen, the highest point in the province of Uppland. It's the fourth among the highest points in each province and county of Sweden, counted from the lowest upwards.
360-degree view from Höghäll, the highest point in the island province of Öland. It's the first and lowest among the highest points in each province and county of Sweden.
A series by Robert Golden: For downloads and more information visit:
A true high definition video (HDV 1920x1080p) with stereo sound. Please view in full screen mode. This video shows Gnesta Centrum and Sigtunaån, 60 km south ...
A high definition video (HDV 1920x1080p) with stereo sound. To view in stereo and HD mode, append &fmt;=37 to the end of the URL and press Enter. View in full...
Desert Wheatear/Ökenstenskvätta (Oenanthe deserti) - Trosa, Södermanland, Sweden 2013-11-10.
Lund is a charming city that combines ancient with modern. University students buzz around the medieval streets. It's truly a city with a tradition of innovation! Get a free, updated Lund Travel Guide: Book your tickets:
The Millennium films have generated substantial aggregate economic effects in the Stockholm region in terms of marketing, jobs, trade and tourism. That is th...
Sweden Hotels - Sodermanland Hotels - Nyköping Hotels - Connect Hotel Skavsta Airport. Our Website:
Nyköpings Golf Club, is situated only a few miles from the harbour town centre and Stockholm Skavsta Airport. The golf club offers two 18 hole courses, the s...
Norr om Nyköping, mindre än en timmes bilfärd från Stockholm, ligger 1700.tals slottet vid en vik av Östersjön. Tullgarns slott Tullgarn nära Trosa i Sörmlan...
Bilresa på 3 minuter mellan Nyköping och Katrineholm. Från hemmet i Nyköping till Sörmlands Sparbank i Katrineholm.
French Republic (French: République française, pronounced: is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and is...
On our 19daagse Historische Hanzeroute travel: A short sightseeing in Malmo (Sweden) During our busstop while traveling in the direction of Copenhagen.
Stockholm är Sveriges huvudstad[6] och största tätort samt landets kulturella, mediala, ekonomiska och politiska centrum. Stockholm utgör även Nordens befolk...
Preview of Chiefgracie23's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This...
Preview of Yearoftheshorts's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: ...
This video was originally created for a blog post, no speaking as it was going to be in Finnish) and English in the text, The Bowed Lyre Book is written by R...
Taking a walk (and bus) back to my apartment in early morning. The serene environment, birds chirping, bright sunshine with nobody on the streets gives you a...
The Swedish capital, which is known as the 'Northern Venice,' is a remarkably beautiful city, which is surrounded by clear water, while nature reaches into t...
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Last cruise stop - time to savor the sun.
Lunnefågeln med sin fägglada näbb har blivit symbolen för hela den nordnorska övärlden där den bor. Men tillståndet för arten blir mer och mer kritiskt för varje år. Möt fågeln i Mitt i naturen den 5 december.
Kungsleden has signed a fifteen-year lease agreement with Södermanlands County Council for 1,870 sqm ...
noodls 2014-10-02Kungsleden has signed a fifteen-year lease agreement with Södermanlands County Council for 1,870 sqm ...
Business Wire 2014-10-02The lowest percentage is in Gävleborg County and Södermanland County, about 73 percent.
noodls 2013-10-07 Södermanland (help·info), sometimes referred to under its Latin form Sudermannia or Sudermania, is a historical province or landskap on the south eastern coast of Sweden. It borders Östergötland, Närke, Västmanland and Uppland. It is also bounded by lake Mälaren and the Baltic sea.
In Swedish, the province name is frequently shortened to Sörmland.
Södermanland means "Southern man land". It was used as a directional reference to lake Mälaren, compared to Uppland (north) and Västmanland (west).
The traditional provinces of Sweden serve no administrative or political purposes, but are historical and cultural entities. There is a corresponding administrative Södermanland County. However, the bulk of the population is within Stockholm County
The coat of arms was granted in 1560. The arms is represented with a ducal coronet. Blazon: "Or, a Griffin rampant Sable beaked, langued, membered and armed Gules." The same CoA was granted for the county in 1940.
Södermanland is situated between lake Mälaren to the north and the Baltic Sea to the south and east. In the south, the border to Östergötland is comprised by the Kolmården forest.
Södermanland County (Södermanlands län) is a county or län on the south east coast of Sweden. It borders the counties of Östergötland, Örebro, Västmanland, Uppsala, Stockholm and to the Baltic sea.
It is an administrative unit, covering most of the province Södermanland. The eastern parts of the Södermanland province, largely corresponding to the Södertörn area, belong to Stockholm County.
Södermanland is the wealthiest county in Sweden at the moment due to wealthy cities such as Trosa, which holds the position of 4th wealthiest community in Sweden, within its borders.
The main aim of the County Administrative Board is to fulfil the goals set in national politics by the Parliament and the Government, to coordinate the interests of the county, to promote the development of the county, to establish regional goals and safeguard the due process of law in the handling of each case. The County Administrative Board is a Government Agency headed by a Governor. See List of Södermanland Governors.
The County Council of Södermanland or Landstinget Sörmland.