- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 7984
Passive Investing: The Evidence the Fund Management Industry Would Prefer You Not to See
http://sensibleinvesting.tv -- the independent voice of passive investing
A remarkable 54...
published: 30 Nov 2012
Passive Investing: The Evidence the Fund Management Industry Would Prefer You Not to See
http://sensibleinvesting.tv -- the independent voice of passive investing
A remarkable 54-minute film featuring some of the world's top economists and academics and demonstrating:
* how the claims of active fund managers to be able to beat the market are largely a myth
* how costs are the biggest drag on performance - and why active costs more
* how passive investing offers the best experience for the vast majority of investors
* the benefits of a diversified portfolio in guaranteeing consistent returns
* why passive investing is better for your health
* why active investing has held sway for so many years....
* ... but why things may be changing
* and why passive is the rational, mathematically proven route to investing success.
Investing for the future... It's an issue none of can afford to ignore.
No one's job is safe these days... How would you cope if you lost yours?
We're all living longer too... So are you saving enough to fund 25 years or more of retirement?
Can you really afford to pay for your children or grandchildren to go to university - or help them onto the property ladder?
And what about all those holidays you promised yourself?
We entrust the vast bulk of our investments to fund managers.
Here in the UK, according to Her Majesty's Treasury, the industry has more than four TRILLION pounds of investors' money under management.
Fund managers invest people's savings wherever they see fit - mainly in equities, or shares in listed companies.
They claim to be experts at making our making grow, using their expert knowledge to pick the shares that will outperform the market.
But all too often the returns they produce are considerably lower than the average return of a benchmark index like the FTSE 100 - or the S&P; 500 in the States.
For veteran investment guru John Bogle, the problem is simple. Fund managers just aren't as smart as they like to think they are.
As it means trading against the view of numerous market participants with superior information, buying or selling a security is effectively just a bet. So, whilst your fund manager might lead you to believe it's his knowledge or intelligence that enables you to beat the market, he's really no better than a gambler.
So, you might be lucky enough to choose the right fund manager. But you could just as easily pick the wrong one.
According to the financial services company Bestinvest, there are currently nearly £10 billion of UK investors' money languishing in what it calls dog funds - in other words, funds which have underperperformed their benchmark index for at least three consecutive years.
Ultimately, of course, fund managers are businesses. They exist to make money for themselves. They want our business - even if it means persuading us to invest in a fund which they themselves wouldn't want to put their own money in.
It's now time to look at what it actually costs us to invest.
Fund managers are, of course, businesses. And, like all business, they have overheads.
Running a big fund management company doesn't come cheap - esepcially when top managers earn around £2 million a year, including bonuses.
And remember, it's you, the customer, who picks up the tab.
Ultimately, though, fund managers need to make a profit.
In fact they'e making around £10 billion from us every year - and that's regardless of whether or not they manage to produce a profit for us.
Part of the challenge is working out exactly what we are being charged. Investors typically use something called the annual Total Expense Ratio, or TER, to compare the cost of investing in different funds. But, the TER excludes dealing commission, stamp duty and other turnover costs that can add considerably to the expense of investing over time.
So, apart from those hidden charges, what else are we having to pay? More importantly, what sort of impact do charges have on the value of our investments?
And the bad news doesn't stop there. Despite a marked increase in competition, management charges in the UK have been steadily rising over the last ten years.
There are some encouraging signs for consumers. The FSA's Retail Distribution Review will require fund managers to be fairer and more transparent when it comes to charges. In the meantime, investors should be on their guard.
For more videos like this one, visit http://sensibleinvesting.tv
- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 7984
Whiz Kid Investor (MoneyTrack Episode 312)
Meet John-Paul Pigeón, a successful investor, author and motivational speaker in Dallas wh...
published: 28 Oct 2009
Whiz Kid Investor (MoneyTrack Episode 312)
Meet John-Paul Pigeón, a successful investor, author and motivational speaker in Dallas who is on a mission to change his generations money-management skills and he is only 14 years old! He tells Pam and Jack the best ways kids can learn about money and how parents can help them.
- published: 28 Oct 2009
- views: 33474
Warren Buffett (World's Richest Investor): His Secrets Revealed!!!
Warren Buffett Biography and Warren Buffett's Secrets for making money. Buffett's advice o...
published: 09 Dec 2007
Warren Buffett (World's Richest Investor): His Secrets Revealed!!!
Warren Buffett Biography and Warren Buffett's Secrets for making money. Buffett's advice on investing.
- published: 09 Dec 2007
- views: 249997
How to pitch an investor
From http://www.mcstartup.com - a video presentation I put together that outlines the slid...
published: 06 May 2009
How to pitch an investor
From http://www.mcstartup.com - a video presentation I put together that outlines the slide presentation format I use when pitching investors. Hardly a professional quality presentation, but maybe there's a nugget of wisdom in there you can use. Enjoy.
I've also put together a book that goes into more detail. You can check that out at http://www.mcstartup.com/blog/2012/2/18/the-8-slide-investor-pitch-a-pirates-guidebook.html
- published: 06 May 2009
- views: 20692
Angel Investors
Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship
What role do angel investors play in financin...
published: 22 Mar 2010
Angel Investors
Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship
What role do angel investors play in financing start-ups? What other value can angels contribute beyond capital? How does an entrepreneur assess who would make a good angel investor? What do angels want to see before choosing to invest? Our panelists, angel investors and entrepreneurs who have raised angel funding, explain the role and relationships of angels and entrepreneurs in new ventures.
- published: 22 Mar 2010
- views: 15672
How to Invest: Tap into Your Potential as an Investor
Sign up for the tutorial series "The FAST Approach" at:
published: 09 Nov 2012
How to Invest: Tap into Your Potential as an Investor
Sign up for the tutorial series "The FAST Approach" at:
If you would like to truly reach your full potential as an active investor then you'll need to focus on developing your physical well-being, your mental game and your emotional state.
Choose to be one of those investors. Start today by learning more about how you can tap into your full potential and develop your winning edge in the markets.
To learn more visit us at: http://stockinvestingsimplified.com.
Here's to your ongoing success as an investor.
Disclaimer: Any information shared on Stock Investing Simplified does not constitute financial advice. Stock Investing Simplified is not a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities readers or customers should buy or sell for themselves. The Website is intended to provide general information only and does not attempt to give you advice that relates to your specific circumstances. You are advised to discuss your specific requirements with an independent financial adviser.
- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 815
Michal Šnobr, investor, analytik J&T;
V médiích bývá Michal Šnobr občas citován v tématech zabývajících se energetikou jako „pou...
published: 11 Oct 2012
Michal Šnobr, investor, analytik J&T;
V médiích bývá Michal Šnobr občas citován v tématech zabývajících se energetikou jako „pouhý" analytik J&T.; Sám je přitom aktivním a úspěšným investorem do energetiky s velmi pestrou kariérou. S J&T; je spjat především historicky, kdy mimo jiné řídil investici banky a jejích klientů do akcií ČEZ. Vložené peníze se vrátily téměř patnáctkrát, J&T; a její klienti, mezi nimiž byl například Pavel Tykač, vydělali kolem třiceti miliard korun a Patrik Tkáč za to Šnobra v jednom z minulých rozhovorů na motejlek.tv označil za poloboha.
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 4059
Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 1/3
On the Monday, November 14 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with investor, aut...
published: 15 Nov 2011
Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 1/3
On the Monday, November 14 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with investor, author, and financial commentator Jim Rogers.
- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 39828
Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor 1 of 24
Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
published: 23 May 2009
Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor 1 of 24
Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
- published: 23 May 2009
- views: 110568
How To Pitch To Investors With 13 Slides In Under 10 Minutes
This video shares a proven investor pitch deck that will get you on the right track to pre...
published: 24 Sep 2011
How To Pitch To Investors With 13 Slides In Under 10 Minutes
This video shares a proven investor pitch deck that will get you on the right track to presenting your opportunity to investors whether angel or VC. This model pitch deck can be delivered in 10 minutes or less, if there are no interruptions. It's designed to grab investors' interest and give them just enough information to generate lots of questions once you've finished your presentation.
There are two parts to How To Pitch To Investors With 13 Slides
Part 1 covers the "What?" These are the 13 Slides that you should have in your investor pitch deck. Also, you'll hear tips on how to get the investor excited about your opportunity.
Once you know what 13 Slides to use, Part 2 (begins at time code time code 00:27:27) will show you How To Pitch the deck. This is where you will learn how to have an amazing opening that will wake your audience up and grab their attention, a solid middle that will tell them who you are and what you do and a powerful, lasting, and memorable close that will leave them wanting more. Part 2 gives you tips and techniques on how to package the information about your company, product or service and deliver a really compelling investor pitch.
After watching this video, you will clearly understand and know how NOT to sound the S.A.M.E. as other presenters. And, you'll be able to effectively use the Columbo Close, a powerful attention-getting tool, as the last words the investor will hear from you.
The information contained in this video is the result of the last 6 years of delivering workshops and coaching real people looking to raise capital. It's the same information I give out in the first coaching session along with a homework assignment. This is not a sales presentation to get you to hire me. This video contains only "solid nourishment" and no "empty calories" to waste your time or money.
Here are a few who used this model deck:
-Glue Networks raised $4.5 million from Angels
-Education.com raised $9.2 million Series B
-Sim Ops Studios raised $3 million Series A
-Abulla received 6 calls from VC's after a 7 minute presentation
-Zazingo went into due diligence after their first meeting with a VC
Nathan Gold, the presenter in the video, coaches for the following organizations:
-Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
-IDG/DEMO Conferences
-Citrix Startup Accelerator
-DLA Piper Venture Pipeline Group
-SVForum Investor Forum
-Keiretsu Forum Entrepreneur Academy
-Rocketspace Jumpstart Program
- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 18332
Investor Relations Firm - Pristine Advisers - A Public Relations and Investor Relations Firm
Investor Relations Firm - Pristine Advisers: http://www.pristineadvisers.com/
Pristine Adv...
published: 04 Jan 2013
Investor Relations Firm - Pristine Advisers - A Public Relations and Investor Relations Firm
Investor Relations Firm - Pristine Advisers: http://www.pristineadvisers.com/
Pristine Advisers - A Public Relations and Investor Relations Firm
As a leading investor relations/public relations/media relations firm headquartered in New York, with offices in London, Spain and Connecticut, Pristine Advisers assists companies of all shapes and sizes in improving awareness and increase shareholder value.
With our established database and network of over 60k institutional investors, individual investors, analysts, brokers, portfolio manager and media, we are able to efficiently communicate your mission and goals to the audience that matters most to you.
With over 23 years in the financial industry, we are well positioned and understand every aspect of how the financial markets operate. Our seasoned professionals work closely with each and every client to develop a program tailored to your specific needs. No two clients are alike, and therefore, no two programs are alike. We work closely with management as well as internal IR departments if applicable. We monitor market activity with our ear to the street to respond and act upon the continuous and ever changing financial marketplace.
Our programs range from standard day-to-day IR activities, to earnings announcements, IPO's, M&A; transactions, Perception Studies, Roadshows, etc
Pristine Advisers provides Investor/Public/Media Relations and Creative Marketing to public companies, private organizations and closed-end funds all under one roof. With over two decades of experience under our belts, we focus on "results" and have a proven track record of helping clients gain greater visibility through the media, and increase shareholder value through building awareness and a competitive edge against your peers through enhanced communications with the investment community.
"Our goal is to place you #1 in the eyes of investors, the media, analysts and the brokerage community. We work hard to achieve these goals, so your only focus is to do what you do best -- manage your business.... leave the rest to us...."
At Pristine Advisers, we understand how dynamic the market is along with client needs. This is why we offer such a vast array of services and will work one on one with our customers. Ensuring every customer receives the best possible service at a reasonable price.
Our Services include:
- Earnings Strategy and Implementation
- Event Management
- Investor Relations
- Investor Targeting and Marketing
- IR Database
- Media Relations
- Public Relations
- Social Media
Visit Us on Facebook:
Pristine Advisers Homepage:
Music for this video was kindly provided by by Machinimasound.com: Creative Commons Copyright ( http://machinimasound.com/license ) Used with permission Under the Creative Commons Copyright License [CC BY 3.0] - Machinimasound Creative Commons Copyright
Video Production by: http://30secondvideomarketing.com/
30 Second Video Marketing
Pristine Advisers - A Public Relations and Investor Relations Firm
- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 53633
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham (Audiobook) FULL Part 1 of 3
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, first published in 1949, is a widely acclaime...
published: 06 Jan 2013
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham (Audiobook) FULL Part 1 of 3
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, first published in 1949, is a widely acclaimed book on value investing, an investment approach Graham began teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928 and subsequently refined with David Dodd. Famous investor Warren Buffett described it as "by far the best book on investing ever written",[1] a sentiment echoed by other Graham disciples such as Irving Kahn and Walter Schloss.
More interesting stuff http://onionjokes.blogspot.com/
- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 6029
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham (Audiobook) FULL Part 2 of 3
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, first published in 1949, is a widely acclaime...
published: 06 Jan 2013
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham (Audiobook) FULL Part 2 of 3
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, first published in 1949, is a widely acclaimed book on value investing, an investment approach Graham began teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928 and subsequently refined with David Dodd. Famous investor Warren Buffett described it as "by far the best book on investing ever written",[1] a sentiment echoed by other Graham disciples such as Irving Kahn and Walter Schloss.
More interesting stuff http://onionjokes.blogspot.com/
- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 2225
Youtube results:
DAVID MORGAN on SILVER, The disciplined investor is accumulating at these levels
For more information visit:
published: 21 Feb 2013
DAVID MORGAN on SILVER, The disciplined investor is accumulating at these levels
For more information visit:
- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 3179
Global Finance School - The Investor - Part 1
Visit our website here http://www.globalfinanceschool.com/
Global Finance School - The In...
published: 08 Jun 2011
Global Finance School - The Investor - Part 1
Visit our website here http://www.globalfinanceschool.com/
Global Finance School - The Investor - Part 1
Global Finance School is a unique financial education system. Our mission is to provide an innovative educational online school in the fields of finance, business and economics, in an interactive, multilingual e-learning format that's affordable and easy to use.
- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 18523
What's going on with this SILVER correction? ... Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Mining
For more information visit:
published: 25 Feb 2013
What's going on with this SILVER correction? ... Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Mining
For more information visit:
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 6314
Best Real Estate Investor - Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad Author - Investment Strategies
Join Our Startup Group On Linkedin
published: 01 Jun 2012
Best Real Estate Investor - Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad Author - Investment Strategies
Join Our Startup Group On Linkedin
You don't need to buy the game - here's where you can find it FREE - save your money -
https://www.webgame.richdad.com Good Luck Robert
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- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 42988