- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 736
- author: MusicAndChants

Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad with Sukla Yahurveda Kanva Swaras Khila Kanda
The most important Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred sp...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: MusicAndChants
Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad with Sukla Yahurveda Kanva Swaras Khila Kanda
The most important Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. In the Yajnavalkya Kanda, Yanjnavalkya is presented as a master dialectician in the assembly of the philosopher. King Janaka, worsting the deabators who are the philosophical interlocutors opposing Yajnavalkya. The third division, the Khila Kanda, deals with certain kinds of mediation. The preaching to Gargi the Brahma tattva, the paraloka and Moksha. Yajnavalkya maitreyi samvada that explains Atmabodha.
- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 736
- author: MusicAndChants

Vedic Chanting - Sukla Yajurveda - Yajnavalkya
Among the four Vedas, Viz Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, the Yajurveda has two branches cal...
published: 15 Feb 2012
author: MusicAndChants
Vedic Chanting - Sukla Yajurveda - Yajnavalkya
Among the four Vedas, Viz Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, the Yajurveda has two branches called Krishna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Yagnavalkya the Sage, the Philosopher and the Yogiswara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda. The speciality of this Veda lies in the "Swara" (the accent and intonation) which makes the distinction between krsna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Again this sukla Yajurveda has two schools, the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought our and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of tour listeners! This compact disc begins with Yagnavalkya Dhyana and continues the prayer to Lord Ganapati, Goddess Saraswati and Savitri. Then starts, KanvaRudram an effactious Vedic hymn that extols the omnipresence, omni potency and the omni science of Lord Shiva. While chanting this hymn the vibration is created in the atmosphere of the cosmos which drives away all evils, bestows mental peace, wisdom and at last salvation. It is equivalent to the chanting of the entire Veda. The Purusha Sukta which enunciates the Supreme Being and reveals the grand concept of cosmogony. The whole universe is only the part of Him and He is the whole. By contemplating on Him one gets more than what is desired for, and gets rid of fear. Then follows Shanthi Sukta (richam vacham) for attaining peace in all spheres. The Chanting of Lsavasya Upanishad a part ...
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 2313
- author: MusicAndChants

Transition in theologies - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi
Transition in theologies - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi - he answer...
published: 21 Dec 2009
author: dheemanthinisharma
Transition in theologies - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi
Transition in theologies - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi - he answers her queries. The upanishads probably first documented the variations of theology - polytheistic to monistic...oil on canvas painting Copyright: artist H Jayadev Contact: Contact: 'Samruddhi' #29,III crs, Radhakrishna House Building Co-op Society, III Stage, Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore-560078 Tel: +91-9448797570 +91-080-26794499
- published: 21 Dec 2009
- views: 714
- author: dheemanthinisharma

Aliceffekt - The Night of Yajnavalkya's Travel (HD)
Download : wiki.xxiivv.com...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: Devine Lu Linvega
Aliceffekt - The Night of Yajnavalkya's Travel (HD)
Download : wiki.xxiivv.com
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 318
- author: Devine Lu Linvega

Yajnavalkya - Geschichte aus der Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Sukadev erzählt eine Geschichte von Yajnavalkya aus der Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Thema is...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: YogaVidyaVortrag
Yajnavalkya - Geschichte aus der Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Sukadev erzählt eine Geschichte von Yajnavalkya aus der Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Thema ist: Wie werde ich glücklich? Warum liebe ich? Mehr zum thema Meditation www.yoga-vidya.de
- published: 25 Aug 2010
- views: 582
- author: YogaVidyaVortrag

Leslie Kaminoff Yoga: The Definition of Pranayama
Leslie Kaminoff Yoga: The Definition of Pranayama. See full length video here ... myyoga.t...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: myyogaonline
Leslie Kaminoff Yoga: The Definition of Pranayama
Leslie Kaminoff Yoga: The Definition of Pranayama. See full length video here ... myyoga.tv "Breath is the integrating principle of posture, movement and yoga practice." - Yoga Yajnavalkya. World renowned Yoga Educator, Leslie Kaminoff, shares the stories of learning experiences with his lineage of yoga teachers, Devikachar and his father, Krishnamacharya. Kaminoff describes the definition of pranayama as it relates to our yoga practice, and the balancing of forces, sthira and sukha (groundedness and lightness) within the body. "Breath is the integrating principle of posture, movement and yoga practice." - Yoga Yajnavalkya.
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 182
- author: myyogaonline

Akhand Paath of Sri Ram Charit Manas - Baal Kaand - Tulsidas
अखंड पाठ - श्री राम चरित मानस - बाल काण्ड The Child Episode Prior to starting the actual s...
published: 08 Sep 2012
author: realindians
Akhand Paath of Sri Ram Charit Manas - Baal Kaand - Tulsidas
अखंड पाठ - श्री राम चरित मानस - बाल काण्ड The Child Episode Prior to starting the actual story, Goswami Tulsidas begins with the invocation of various deities, guru, sadhus and saints. He pays particular homage to Valmiki for bringing the Ramayan to the devotees of Ram. The idea is that the Manas cannot be started without praising such entities. He thereafter begins a dramatis personae of sorts by introducing and praising the various characters of the epic beginning with the birthplace (janam bhumi) of Ram, the holy city of Ayodhya. He then greets Kaushalya, Dashrath and the other Queen mothers. He makes obeisances to the father of Sita, King Janak and his family. Finally he praises Bharat, Lakshman, Shatrughan and then sings the glories of Hanuman. He thereafter introduces the bear and monkey kings such as Sugreev and Jambavan and then finally introduces Sitaji and Ram. The Manas is finally underway. The story begins with the meeting of Muni Bharadvaj and Sant Yajnavalkya. Bharadvaj asks Yajnavalkya to speak in detail, the story of Ram. Yajnavalkya begins with how Shiv came about retelling Ram Katha to his consort Parvati. (The great story of Sati's self-immolation, the destruction of her father Daksh's sacrifice, the rebirth of Sati as Parvati and her marriage to Shiv). Shiv explains as many as five reasons as to why Ram incarnated on earth. Each of these is discussed in detail, with the primary message being that Ram incarnated on earth to ...
- published: 08 Sep 2012
- views: 1122
- author: realindians

Shikshapatri Pictorial Gujarati - Part 6/13 (Shloks 91 - 109)
Courtesy of Gnan Baug Vadtal (Shree Swaminarayan Kalakendra Trust) Downloaded Full Pictori...
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: BhujMandir
Shikshapatri Pictorial Gujarati - Part 6/13 (Shloks 91 - 109)
Courtesy of Gnan Baug Vadtal (Shree Swaminarayan Kalakendra Trust) Downloaded Full Pictorial from: www.facebook.com Shloks 91 - 109 (Shik 91) The followers, who are twice-born, shall perform as occasion requires, all sanskaras with (beginning from conception) daily ceremonial offerings to deities and the Shraddhas (obsequies) of the Pitris (ancestors) as prescribed by in their respective Gruhya Sutra according to their means (Shik 92) Whenever an untoward action or sin is knowingly or unknowingly committed, all concerned shall make amends (as shown in the Shastras and by saintly persons) for it as best as they can (Shik 93,94,95) The Vedas, the Vyas Sutras, the Puran, named Shrimad Bhagwat, Shri Vishnusahasranam;. Shri Bhagvad-Gita and Vidurniti all these (three) from Mahabharat, Shri Vasudev-mahatmya, contained in Vishnukhand of Skand Puran. The Yajnavalkya-Smruti from among the Dharma Shastras, these eight are My favorite Shastras (Shik 96,97) All my followers who desire to secure their welfare shall hear them and those who are twice-born shall study them, teach them to others and shall read them. Of these eight Shastras, the Yajnavalkya Smruti with the Mitakshara commentary thereon shall be followed while taking decision on matters relating to the conduct of life, social and legal matters and expiation (Shik 98,99100) And for realizing glory and greatness of Lord Shri Krishna, the tenth and the fifth skanda of the Shrimad Bhagwat shall be pre-eminently followed. The ...
- published: 19 Dec 2010
- views: 1927
- author: BhujMandir

Shikshapatri Pictorial English - Part 4/8 (Shloks 88 - 103)
Courtesy of Gnan Baug Vadtal (Shree Swaminarayan Kalakendra Trust) Downloaded Full Pictori...
published: 21 May 2011
author: BhujMandir
Shikshapatri Pictorial English - Part 4/8 (Shloks 88 - 103)
Courtesy of Gnan Baug Vadtal (Shree Swaminarayan Kalakendra Trust) Downloaded Full Pictorial from: www.facebook.com Shloks 88 - 103 (Shik 88,89) All My followers belonging to the four varnas (classes) ie who are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras shall observe days of impurity (days of Sutaka) consequent upon birth or death, as the case may be, according to their social relations and as prescribed for them by the Shastras. The followers, who are Brahmins, shall acquire the qualities of tranquility, self-restraint, forbearance and contentment, the Kshatriyas shall acquire the qualities of valor, fortitude etc (Shik 90) The Vaishyas shall go in for agriculture, trade, banking etc. and the Shudras shall take to service of the above three varnas (classes) (Shik 91) The followers, who are twice-born, shall perform as occasion requires, all sanskaras with (beginning from conception) daily ceremonial offerings to deities and the Shraddhas (obsequies) of the Pitris (ancestors) as prescribed by in their respective Gruhya Sutra according to their means (Shik 92) Whenever an untoward action or sin is knowingly or unknowingly committed, all concerned shall make amends (as shown in the Shastras and by saintly persons) for it as best as they can (Shik 93,94,95) The Vedas, the Vyas Sutras, the Puran, named Shrimad Bhagwat, Shri Vishnusahasranam;. Shri Bhagvad-Gita and Vidurniti all these (three) from Mahabharat, Shri Vasudev-mahatmya, contained in Vishnukhand of Skand Puran. The ...
- published: 21 May 2011
- views: 671
- author: BhujMandir

Bhagavad-gita with English Subtitles
This is a scene from Peter Brooks' Mahabharata, a filmed version of the stage play of the ...
published: 07 May 2010
author: YajnavalkyaDasa
Bhagavad-gita with English Subtitles
This is a scene from Peter Brooks' Mahabharata, a filmed version of the stage play of the same name. This particular scene is the famous Bhagavad-gita ("Song of God"), where the two-hour conversation between Krishna and Arjuna is compressed to less than nine minutes. I added English subtitles for the hard-of-hearing as well as for those who have difficulty understanding the accents of the international cast.
- published: 07 May 2010
- views: 13145
- author: YajnavalkyaDasa

Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad with Sukla yajur Veda and Kanva Swaras
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means s...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: MusicAndChants
Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad with Sukla yajur Veda and Kanva Swaras
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. The Upanishad conveys the ultimate message as Aham Brahmasri- I am Brahman: "Atmetyevopasita -- worship Atman as Brahman: Athata aadeso neti neti-Therefore, the instruction is not this, not this. When everything is negated, what remains the desideratum is Brahman. This Upanishad is considered the last word on Advaita. It also contains the famous Maiteyi Brahmana, which is the dialogue between Yajnavalkya and his philosopher wife Maiteyi who demanded that her husband indicate to her the means of Self-realization. "Atma va are drashtavyo srotavyo" etc.
- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 1938
- author: MusicAndChants

Yoga Sutras (03/85) Swami Rama
(03/85) (Lecture 1 of 8, Part 3 of 8) Eight lectures by Swami Rama on the Yoga Sutras of P...
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: swamiramahimalayas
Yoga Sutras (03/85) Swami Rama
(03/85) (Lecture 1 of 8, Part 3 of 8) Eight lectures by Swami Rama on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali emphasize practical advice on the methods of Yoga and Meditation. The 13 hours of talks have been divided into 85 parts of 10 minutes or less. Lecture 1 of 8, Part 3 of 8 includes: Yoga is basis of eastern psychology, modern psychology is not a finished product, yoga psychology is a finished product, psychology deals with conscious and unconscious mental process, yoga science goes to the very core of the soul from where springs mind and its modifications, know your own svarupa or own real self, then perfect control over mind and modifications, individual soul, behaviorism, Bhagavad Gita speaks of behaviorism, it is a yoga book, it is not a religious book, Hindus are custodians of it, Bible is finest of English literature, Shakespeare, Keats, Shelly, six darshanas or streams of philosophy, yoga darshana is one of most ancient darshanas, the date of Patanjali can never be known by historians because Patanjali was not any human being, it's a surname, Yajnavalkya, Patanjali, Vyasa, these words were not any particular human beings, if there were there were many Patanjalis, may Vyasas, according to Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one who was first born was first teacher of yoga, first teacher of yoga was not Patanjali, he was codifier, first teacher of yoga was Hiranyagarbha, Patanjali only systematized and organized the study and teachings of yoga and made the aphorisms of yoga, not ...
- published: 30 Aug 2008
- views: 19633
- author: swamiramahimalayas

Canescent Interval by Adam Nash (Adam Ramona)
Machinima of interactive audiovisual sculpture in Second Life. Canescent Interval by Adam ...
published: 08 Aug 2009
author: nashadam
Canescent Interval by Adam Nash (Adam Ramona)
Machinima of interactive audiovisual sculpture in Second Life. Canescent Interval by Adam Nash (Adam Ramona), originally sited on Ramonia on Marni, 2007-2009. More info at yamanakanash.net Canescent Interval, artist statement. "Who is expert in intervals ... travels without effort upon the way of liberation. - Yajnavalkya Smriti III, 115. [note 1] It has been said that technical skill is the mastery of complexity while creativity is the mastery of simplicity, but this is really oversimplifying complexity and simplicity, neither of which can exist without the other. As physicist Murray Gell-Mann notes in his "Plectics The study of simplicity and complexity", physicists believe that the rules governing the energy levels of atomic nuclei, even though they initially appear very complex, are actually obtained from two simple physical theories (quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics). The behaviour resulting from the interaction of these two simple rulesets is very complex and logically deep to the point that they currently cannot be computed. [note 2] This piece, Canescent Interval, is based on the interaction of very simple audiovisual patterns. The audio patterns are low frequency waves of different lengths and osciallations, determined by a very simple algorithm of my own devising. The sonic interactions observed are intervals as in the musical concept of an interval being the space between tones. The visual patterns are rotating planes of different size and ...
- published: 08 Aug 2009
- views: 89
- author: nashadam

Great Forest Upanishad (First Takes / Found Moments)
This video is based on my first few experiments with the "Great Forrest Upanishad" session...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: efeitohalo
Great Forest Upanishad (First Takes / Found Moments)
This video is based on my first few experiments with the "Great Forrest Upanishad" session on Indaba Music (www.indabamusic.com The music was composed and performed by Scott Baroniecki. The words are by Dale Crowley. As Dale writes in the session info, "This song is inspired by the Great Forest Upanishad (the Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad), which is one of the most revered of all of the Upanishads. It is a dialog between students and the great sage Yajnavalkya, and deals with questions of immortality and universal consciousness, also known as the Atman." When I was first listening and found I was starting to catch onto it, I happened to be in front of a web cam, so I decided to flip that on and capture some ideas as they came. This video is composed from a few of those quick captures that I later found I could layer together in an interesting way. As I was starting to mix the audio with some other tests that I did later, I found out that a new track had just been released to the session by Roque Lazarus. It is an inspired reading: all by itself it's a complete song, a poem, a dream walk, even a prayer. I incorporated as much of his reading as the track could hold while still tying together with the ideas I was exploring in those first listens and with Dale's initial spoken reading of the lyrics. All voices are kept intact for the entire duration (except one of the webcam captures which started part way through); levels were cross-faded to bring different voices to the front ...
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 514
- author: efeitohalo
Youtube results:

Sri T. Krishnamacharya giving a class to AG Mohan and TKV Desikachar in 1988 (silent)
Sri T. Krishnamacharya giving a class to AG Mohan and TKV Desikachar in November 1988. Kri...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: SvasthaYogaAyurveda
Sri T. Krishnamacharya giving a class to AG Mohan and TKV Desikachar in 1988 (silent)
Sri T. Krishnamacharya giving a class to AG Mohan and TKV Desikachar in November 1988. Krishnamacharya was speaking on the need to undertake meditation in a seated position based on the Brahma Sutras. The video ends with the traditional form of prostration to the teacher. ABOUT AG MOHAN AG Mohan was a personal student of Sri T. Krishnamacharya from 1971 to 1989. He was also the co-founder of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai. He was its Honorary Secretary from its inception in 1976 until the master's demise in 1989. He was also the convener of Sri Krishnamacharya's centenary celebrations. He is the author of Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind (1993) and the co-author, along with his wife, son and daughter, of Yoga Therapy (2004). He has translated the Yoga Yajnavalkya, one of the most important classical texts on yoga. The details of his study are described by Sri Krishnamacharya himself in his personal foreword to Mohan's book Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind. For more information, visit www.svastha.net
- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 2375
- author: SvasthaYogaAyurveda

AG Mohan tying the garland of Sri T. Krishnamacharya in 1988 (silent)
AG Mohan tying the garland of Sri T. Krishnamacharya during his centenary celebrations in ...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: SvasthaYogaAyurveda
AG Mohan tying the garland of Sri T. Krishnamacharya in 1988 (silent)
AG Mohan tying the garland of Sri T. Krishnamacharya during his centenary celebrations in 1988. ABOUT AG MOHAN AG Mohan was a personal student of Sri T. Krishnamacharya from 1971 to 1989. He was also the co-founder of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai. He was its Honorary Secretary from its inception in 1976 until the master's demise in 1989. He was also the convener of Sri Krishnamacharya's centenary celebrations. He is the author of Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind (1993) and the co-author, along with his wife, son and daughter, of Yoga Therapy (2004). He has translated the Yoga Yajnavalkya, one of the most important classical texts on yoga. The details of his study are described by Sri Krishnamacharya himself in his personal foreword to Mohan's book Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind. For more information, visit www.svastha.net
- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 1710
- author: SvasthaYogaAyurveda

Mantras of the Guru - Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
In the Hindu tradition, the Guru is supreme. He is not only the way to God; he is God hims...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: MusicAndChants
Mantras of the Guru - Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
In the Hindu tradition, the Guru is supreme. He is not only the way to God; he is God himself, because the Guru and God are not different. Those who have come under the benign gaze of a true Guru know that he is a spiritual father and mother to the devotee. It is believed that when the devotee is ripe enough. God Himself takes human form to guide him. Siva as Dakshinamurthi is the Guru who gives an eloquent message through silence. Krishna is the great guru, Krishnam Vande Jagadgurm; Yajnavalkya is the supreme rishi of self-knowledge in the Vedas. Hanunman is the great guru of the Ramayana who shows the way of devotion to the supreme incarnated as Rama. 'Mantras of the Guru' gives in authentic form the spiritual intimations of therse great gurus. Once you have come into their orbit, your life has begun the journey to unlimited happiness and joy.
- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 826
- author: MusicAndChants

Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Sukla Yajurveda
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means s...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: MusicAndChants
Rare Vedic Chanting Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Sukla Yajurveda
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Isavasya Upanishad is a portion from the Sukla Yajurveda samhita containing twenty mantras. The central theme of this Upanishad "Isavasyam idam stream" is to teach that God is all pervasive and regulator of all. All are entirely dependent upon him. It advises elimination of greed for spiritual pursuit; Performance of one's prescribed duties in dedication to the God. To know the God as described above is right knowledge. The following prayer has rich spiritual content and a high degree of poetic appeal. Ohm, God lead us by the right path towards the prosperity (liberation), remove the bondage. We offer profuse salutations. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. It details the theory of creation and the means of knowing the self and the Brahman three sections. Madhu Kanda, Yajnavalkya Kanda and Khila Kanda. The Madhu Kanda teaches about the identity of the individual self and the universal self the superimposition of the world on Brahman. 1. Isavasya 2. Brahadaranyaka 3. Adhyaya I (Madhukanda) 4. Pravargya -- Advaitopadesa 5. Aham Brahmasri 6. Brahmanam 1 Mantras 1 and 2 7. Brahmanam 2 Mantras 1 to 7 8. Brahmanam 3 Mantras 1 to 28 9. Brahmanam 4 Mantras 1 to 17 10. Brahmanam 5 Mantras 1 to 23 11. Brahmanam 6 Mantras 1 to 3
- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 968
- author: MusicAndChants