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  • North Korea enters 'state of war' against South Korea - TV9...3:15
  • Syrian rebels 'seize' key town near Jordan...2:18
  • Supreme Court orders presidential poll retallying in 22 centres...2:34
  • Italy election deadlock could prompt fresh vote...2:33
  • 'Survival of N. Korea regime depends on nuclear weapons'...5:17
  • Charlie Rose - Vitaly Churkin on Syria (07/24/12)...2:41
  • Veterans Recall Vietnam Withdrawal, 40 Years On...1:16
  • (1 of 2) Green MEP attacks EU Commissioner for Climate Action...1:26
  • Italy: Five Star rejects Bersani in talks broadcast on Internet...1:13
  • European Citizens' Initiative - Suspension of the EU Climate & Energy Package...1:56
  • Syrian rebels mortar attack Damascus University kills at least 15 student...0:51
  • U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over S. Korea, and More...1:38
  • Boris Berezovsky dead: Russia's tycoon dies at 67, reportedly commits suicide...2:32
  • Man charged in Aurora shooting offers guilty plea...2:32
add video playlist North Korea enters 'state of war' against South Korea For more content go to Follow us on facebook at Follow us on twitter at
North Korea en­ters 'state of war' against South Korea - TV9
Syr­i­an rebels 'seize' key town near Jor­dan
Supreme Court or­ders pres­i­den­tial poll re­tal­ly­ing in 22 cen­tres
Italy elec­tion dead­lock could prompt fresh vote
'Sur­vival of N. Korea regime de­pends on nu­cle­ar weapons'
Char­lie Rose - Vi­taly Churkin on Syria (07/24/12)
Vet­er­ans Re­call Viet­nam With­draw­al, 40 Years On
(1 of 2) Green MEP at­tacks EU Com­mis­sion­er for Cli­mate Ac­tion
Italy: Five Star re­jects Bersani in talks broad­cast on In­ter­net
Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zens' Ini­tia­tive - Sus­pen­sion of the EU Cli­mate & En­er­gy Pack­age
Syr­i­an rebels mor­tar at­tack Dam­as­cus Uni­ver­si­ty kills at least 15 stu­dent
U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over S. Korea, and More
Boris Bere­zovsky dead: Rus­sia's ty­coon dies at 67, re­port­ed­ly com­mits sui­cide
Man charged in Au­ro­ra shoot­ing of­fers guilty plea
North Korea Cuts Mil­i­tary Hot­line To South Korea

updated 30 Mar 2013; published 30 Mar 2013
North Korea en­ters 'state of war' against South Korea - TV9
New Straits/Business Times 30 Mar 2013, SEOUL : North Korea on Saturday declared it was in a “state of war” with South Korea and warned Seoul and Washington that any provocation would swiftly escalate into an all-out nuclear conflict. The United States said it took the announcement “seriously”, but noted it followed a familiar pattern, while South Korea largely dismissed it as an...
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updated 30 Mar 2013; published 30 Mar 2013
Syr­i­an rebels 'seize' key town near Jor­dan
Philadelphia Daily News 30 Mar 2013, Associated Press Posted: Saturday, March 30, 2013, 3:01 AM BEIRUT - Syrian rebels on Friday captured a strategic town near the border with Jordan after a day of fierce clashes that killed at least 38 people, activists said, as opposition fighters expand their presence in the south, considered a gateway to Damascus. The Britain-based Syrian...
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updated 25 Mar 2013; published 25 Mar 2013
Supreme Court or­ders pres­i­den­tial poll re­tal­ly­ing in 22 cen­tres
BBC News 30 Mar 2013, Kenya's Supreme Court is to announce its decision on a challenge to the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as president. The appeal was lodged by Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Mr Kenyatta's rival in a presidential poll earlier this month. Official results said Mr Kenyatta beat Mr Odinga by 50.07% to 43.28%, avoiding a...
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updated 26 Feb 2013; published 26 Feb 2013
Italy elec­tion dead­lock could prompt fresh vote
The Independent 30 Mar 2013, Italy was looking likely to become Europe’s next big problem last night as the eurozone’s most indebted economy wavered between another term of stop-gap government or a financially perilous return to the polls. With the anti-establishment kingmaker Beppe Grillo failing to back the idea of a new caretaker premier appointed by the head of state,...
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updated 13 Feb 2013; published 13 Feb 2013
'Sur­vival of N. Korea regime de­pends on nu­cle­ar weapons'
Novosti 29 Mar 2013, MOSCOW, March 29 (RIA Novosti) – Russia cautioned against aggressive posturing in response to increasingly bellicose North Korean rhetoric on Friday, saying that it could spiral into violence. "We are alarmed that along with the adequate reaction from the UN...
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updated 24 Jul 2012; published 24 Jul 2012
Char­lie Rose - Vi­taly Churkin on Syria (07/24/12)
Khaleej Times 29 Mar 2013, NEW YORK ' Russia vowed on Thursday to oppose an expected push by the Syrian opposition to take over Syria’s seat at the United Nations and predicted that any Syrian National Coalition bid at the world body would fail. Russia’s UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, made the comment to reporters after Moscow criticised the Arab League for giving...
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updated 28 Mar 2013; published 28 Mar 2013
Vet­er­ans Re­call Viet­nam With­draw­al, 40 Years On
Huffington Post 29 Mar 2013, -- The last U.S. combat troops left Vietnam 40 years ago Friday, and the date holds great meaning for many who fought the war, protested it or otherwise lived it. While the fall of Saigon two years later is remembered as the final day of the Vietnam War, many had already seen their involvement in the war finished – and their lives altered...
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updated 09 Jan 2013; published 09 Jan 2013
(1 of 2) Green MEP at­tacks EU Com­mis­sion­er for Cli­mate Ac­tion
The Washington Times 29 Mar 2013, Facebook Follow @washtimes Sarah Palin's PAC is revving up for the 2014 midterm elections. Will it have significant influence in the races she decides to target? View results America faces a climate crisis, we are repeatedly told, and must do everything possible to avert it. It’s true. However, the crisis has nothing to do with alleged...
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updated 27 Mar 2013; published 27 Mar 2013
Italy: Five Star re­jects Bersani in talks broad­cast on In­ter­net
Deutsche Welle 29 Mar 2013, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has scheduled meetings with a number of party leaders after Pier Luigi Bersani failed to put together a coalition. Last month’s parliamentary election produced no clear winner. Bersani told President Napolitano on Thursday that his efforts to cobble together a stable coalition had failed. The center-left leader,...
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updated 13 Sep 2012; published 13 Sep 2012
Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zens' Ini­tia­tive - Sus­pen­sion of the EU Cli­mate & En­er­gy Pack­age
Citywire 28 Mar 2013, The European Union has started moving towards a framework for climate change and energy policies to 2030 with the release of a Green Paper. The European Commission expects to table the EU’s 2030 framework by the end of the year. There...
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updated 28 Mar 2013; published 28 Mar 2013
Syr­i­an rebels mor­tar at­tack Dam­as­cus Uni­ver­si­ty kills at least 15 stu­dent
The New York Times 28 Mar 2013, DAMASCUS, SyriaMortar shells hit a Damascus University outdoor cafe in the heart of the Syrian capital on Thursday, state television reported, killing at least 12 students in an attack that the government attributed to insurgents, who have struck with increasing audacity at President Bashar al-Assad’s epicenter of power in recent...
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updated 28 Mar 2013; published 28 Mar 2013
U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over S. Korea, and More
Voa News 28 Mar 2013, The U.S. military says it dispatched war planes to the Korean peninsula as a show of deterrence directed at North Korea. The strategic B-2 bombers flew 20,000 kilometers non-stop Thursday from an air force base in the central U.S. to an island off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula before returning to their home base. The mission was...
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updated 23 Mar 2013; published 23 Mar 2013
Boris Bere­zovsky dead: Rus­sia's ty­coon dies at 67, re­port­ed­ly com­mits sui­cide
BBC News 28 Mar 2013, An inquest into the death of exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky is due to open later. Mr Berezovsky, 67, was found dead on Saturday on a bathroom floor at his home in Ascot, Berkshire. A post-mortem examination found his death was consistent with hanging, but further tests are being carried out and are likely to take several weeks. The inquest...
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updated 27 Mar 2013; published 27 Mar 2013
Man charged in Au­ro­ra shoot­ing of­fers guilty plea
The New York Times 28 Mar 2013, CENTENNIAL, Colo.Defense lawyers for James E. Holmes, who is charged with killing 12 people and wounding dozens more at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater last summer, signaled in court filings on Wednesday that they were willing to have Mr. Holmes plead guilty if he was spared the death penalty. Enlarge This Image Pool photo by R.J. Sangosti...
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North Korea declares 'state of war' with South
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
30 Mar 2013

SEOUL : North Korea on Saturday declared it was in a “state of war” with South Korea and warned Seoul and Washington that any provocation would swiftly escalate into an all-out nuclear conflict. The United States said it took the announcement “seriously”, but noted it followed a familiar pattern, while South Korea largely dismissed it as an... Korea Korea
Korean People's Army soldiers observing the South Korean side of the DMZ. The Korean People's Army (KPA) is the name for the collective armed personnel of the North Korean military.
photo: US Army / Edward N. Johnson

Syrian rebels capture key town near Jordan
Full Article Philadelphia Daily News
30 Mar 2013

Associated Press Posted: Saturday, March 30, 2013, 3:01 AM BEIRUT - Syrian rebels on Friday captured a strategic town near the border with Jordan after a day of fierce clashes that killed at least 38 people, activists said, as opposition fighters expand their presence in the south, considered a gateway to Damascus. The Britain-based Syrian...
Syrian rebels capture key town near Jordan
photo: AP / Shaam News Network, SNN

Kenya awaits presidential election ruling
Full Article BBC News
30 Mar 2013

Kenya's Supreme Court is to announce its decision on a challenge to the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as president. The appeal was lodged by Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Mr Kenyatta's rival in a presidential poll earlier this month. Official results said Mr Kenyatta beat Mr Odinga by 50.07% to 43.28%, avoiding a...
Six Supreme Court judges, led by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, third left, arrive at court to hear the petition by Kenya's Prime Minister Raila Odinga filed against president-elect Uhuru Kenyatta at the Supreme Courts in Nairobi, Kenya, Monday, March 25, 2013.
photo: AP / Sayyid Azim

Berlusconi fights for his political life as Italian deadlock raises fresh euro fears
Full Article The Independent
30 Mar 2013

Italy was looking likely to become Europe’s next big problem last night as the eurozone’s most indebted economy wavered between another term of stop-gap government or a financially perilous return to the polls. With the anti-establishment kingmaker Beppe Grillo failing to back the idea of a new caretaker premier appointed by the head of state,...
Former Italian Premier and leader of the center-right coalition Silvio Berlusconi addresses a rally in Rome, Saturday, March 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Andrew Medichini

Moscow Warns Against ‘Muscle Flexing’ Around N. Korea
Full Article Novosti
29 Mar 2013

MOSCOW, March 29 (RIA Novosti) – Russia cautioned against aggressive posturing in response to increasingly bellicose North Korean rhetoric on Friday, saying that it could spiral into violence. "We are alarmed that along with the adequate reaction from the UN... korea
File - A North Korean soldier stands watch on the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone as U.S. Sailors assigned to the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group tour the DMZ in Panmunjom, South Korea, July 17, 2008.
photo: US Navy / Senior Chief MCS Spike Call

Russia vows to foil rebels' plan to take UN seat
Full Article Khaleej Times
29 Mar 2013

NEW YORK ' Russia vowed on Thursday to oppose an expected push by the Syrian opposition to take over Syria’s seat at the United Nations and predicted that any Syrian National Coalition bid at the world body would fail. Russia’s UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, made the comment to reporters after Moscow criticised the Arab League for giving...
Russia vows to foil rebels' plan to take UN seat
photo: UN/UN

40th Anniversary Of Vietnam War Withdrawal: Memories Still Strong
Full Article Huffington Post
29 Mar 2013

-- The last U.S. combat troops left Vietnam 40 years ago Friday, and the date holds great meaning for many who fought the war, protested it or otherwise lived it. While the fall of Saigon two years later is remembered as the final day of the Vietnam War, many had already seen their involvement in the war finished – and their lives altered... Withdrawal War
A bird sits in a cage
photo: AP / Chris Brummitt

A real man-made climate crisis
Full Article The Washington Times
29 Mar 2013

Facebook Follow @washtimes Sarah Palin's PAC is revving up for the 2014 midterm elections. Will it have significant influence in the races she decides to target? View results America faces a climate crisis, we are repeatedly told, and must do everything possible to avert it. It’s true. However, the crisis has nothing to do with alleged...
A real man-made climate crisis
photo: EC / EC

Italian president to hold more talks after Bersani fails to find majority
Full Article Deutsche Welle
29 Mar 2013

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has scheduled meetings with a number of party leaders after Pier Luigi Bersani failed to put together a coalition. Last month’s parliamentary election produced no clear winner. Bersani told President Napolitano on Thursday that his efforts to cobble together a stable coalition had failed. The center-left leader,...
Center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani speaks to the media, at Rome's Quirinale presidential palace, Friday, March 22, 2013.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

EU starts developing 2030 climate and energy policy
Full Article Citywire
28 Mar 2013

The European Union has started moving towards a framework for climate change and energy policies to 2030 with the release of a Green Paper. The European Commission expects to table the EU’s 2030 framework by the end of the year. There...
EU starts developing 2030 climate and energy policy
photo: EC / EC

Damascus Students Killed in Mortar Strike
Full Article The New York Times
28 Mar 2013

DAMASCUS, SyriaMortar shells hit a Damascus University outdoor cafe in the heart of the Syrian capital on Thursday, state television reported, killing at least 12 students in an attack that the government attributed to insurgents, who have struck with increasing audacity at President Bashar al-Assad’s epicenter of power in recent... University Strike War
In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, plastic tables and chairs turned upside down, are seen on the floor of the open-air cafeteria at Damascus University in the central Baramkeh district, in Damascus, Syria, Thursday, March 28, 2013.
photo: AP / SANA

US Stealth Bombers Fly Over Korea
Full Article Voa News
28 Mar 2013

The U.S. military says it dispatched war planes to the Korean peninsula as a show of deterrence directed at North Korea. The strategic B-2 bombers flew 20,000 kilometers non-stop Thursday from an air force base in the central U.S. to an island off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula before returning to their home base. The mission was... Stealth Bomber Korea
U.S. Air Force B-2 stealth bomber flies over near Osan U.S. Air Base in Pyeongtaek
photo: AP / Shin Young-keun, Yonhap

Boris Berezovsky inquest due to open
Full Article BBC News
28 Mar 2013

An inquest into the death of exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky is due to open later. Mr Berezovsky, 67, was found dead on Saturday on a bathroom floor at his home in Ascot, Berkshire. A post-mortem examination found his death was consistent with hanging, but further tests are being carried out and are likely to take several weeks. The inquest...
In this April 29, 1998 file photo, President Boris Yeltsin presents Boris Berezovsky, one of Russia's most prominent tycoons, as new executive secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States at the alliance's summit in Moscow.
photo: AP / RIA-Novosti, Presidential Press Service

Defense in Colorado Killings Seeks Plea Deal
Full Article The New York Times
28 Mar 2013

CENTENNIAL, Colo.Defense lawyers for James E. Holmes, who is charged with killing 12 people and wounding dozens more at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater last summer, signaled in court filings on Wednesday that they were willing to have Mr. Holmes plead guilty if he was spared the death penalty. Enlarge This Image Pool photo by R.J. Sangosti... Shooting Holmes Guilty
James Holmes, Aurora theater shooting suspect in the courtroom
photo: AP / Denver Post, RJ Sangosti, Pool

Beckham coy on Paris Saint-Germain future
Full Article Goal
29 Mar 2013

The former England captain has admitted that he is enjoying himself at the Parc des Princes and is proud that Carlo Ancelotti wants him to sign on for another season David Beckham has refused to rule out the possibility of him extending his stay at Paris Saint-Germain. The former England captain arrived in the French capital on a short-term... Beckham Saint-Germain FC
Los Angeles Galaxy's David Beckham, of England, attends an NBA basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Indiana Pacers in Los Angeles
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

PSG close in on Ligue 1 title
Full Article Orange News
29 Mar 2013

Paris Saint-Germain put thoughts of Lionel Messi and co to one side by defeating Montpellier 1-0 to take a step closer to the Ligue 1 title. Last season's surprise French champions made PSG work hard for their reward, with the only goal coming when Kevin Gameiro prodded home from close range in the 80th minute. This season could end in glory on... 1 HSC Saint-Germain FC
PSG's Kevin Gameiro, 2nd left, who scores the opening goal Defferdange, celebrates with his teammates Jean Christophe Bahebeck, left, Jeremy Menez, 3nd right, and Blaise Matuidi, right, during the Europa League qualifying first leg soccer match, Differdange 03 against Paris Saint Germain at Josy Barthel stadium in Differdange, Luxembourg, Thursday, Aug. 18, 2011.
photo: AP / Mathieu Cugnot

Zaragoza's Zuculini: Messi is 'unique'
Full Article Goal
29 Mar 2013

The once-capped Argentina international has explained that the worst thing any opponent can do is make his compatriot mad, claiming that the Blaugrana ace is unstoppable EXCLUSIVE By Andres Roman Real Zaragoza's Franco Zuculini has labelled Lionel Messi “unique”, arguing that any game against Barcelona is effectively over once the...
Barcelona's Lionel Messi from Argentina celebrates after scoring against Valencia during their La Liga soccer match at the Mestalla stadium in Valencia, Spain, Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Alberto Saiz

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar shares personal regrets in blog
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
29 Mar 2013

Former Lakers center and champion Kareem Abdul-Jabbar opened up in his blog at , sharing a number of personal regrets. In an entry entitled, "10 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Turning Pro," Abdul-Jabbar compares dating as a youth to "Darth Vader approaching a bunny." The logistics of dating were naturally complicated for Abdul-Jabbar at 7-foot-2....
Former basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar takes part in a forum on black education in America, Friday Sept. 19, 1997 at Howard University in Washington. America's Black Forum sponsored the event.
photo: AP / Nikki Kahn

Lakers have had nonstop injuries all season
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
29 Mar 2013

The 2012-13 season for the Lakers has been defined by injury. Kobe Bryant is now dealing with a bone spur in his left foot. Steve Nash is bothered by his hip and a sore hamstring. Jordan Hill was declared out for the season with a hip injury -- although he's working diligently to try to improve that timeline. Pau Gasol missed games with...
Pau Gasol, Metta World Peace  - Lakers at Wizards March 7, 2012
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Roura: Sanchez is 'a great player'
Full Article Goal
29 Mar 2013

Barcelona's stand-in coach has heaped praise on the Chilean winger, amid interest from Juventus and following criticism of his recent performances for the Blaugrana Barcelona's stand-in coach Jordi Roura has endorsed Alexis Sanchez's claims that he is...
FC Barcelona's Alexis Sanchez, from Chile, attends a training session at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011. FC Barcelona will play in a Champions League against FC Viktoria Plzen on Wednesday.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Voller: Winning the Champions League is feasable for Bayern Munich
Full Article Goal
29 Mar 2013

The 1990 World cup winner says die Roten can go all the way in Europe and is unsurprised by their domestic domination of German football Bayer Leverkusen sporting director Rudi Voller says he believes Bayern Munich can win the Champions League. The Bavarian club are on course to wrap up the...
 Germany´s coach Rudi Voller walks alone out on the pitch and gestures to supporters at the end of the Euro 2004 Group D soccer match between Germany and the Czech Republic at the Jose Alvalade Stadium in Lisbon, Portugal, Wednesday June 23, 2004. G
photo: AP Photo

Villas-Boas believes Mourinho return would be 'excellent' for the Premier League
Full Article Goal
29 Mar 2013

The Tottenham boss, who served under his compatriot at Porto, Chelsea and Inter believes that the Real Madrid supremo would light up the English game, if he chooses to return Tottenham manager Andre Villas-Boas hopes speculation surrounding the future of Jose Mourinho will result in the Real Madrid coach returning to management in England. Since...
Tottenham's coach Andre Villas-Boas of Portugal speaks during a news conference at the Olympic stadium of Athens, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012. Tottenham will face Panathinaikos on Thursday in an Europa League Group J match.
photo: AP / Thanassis Stavrakis

Monterey Jazz Festival conjures flavor of famous jazz fest
Full Article The Columbus Dispatch
30 Mar 2013

The Dispatch for smart phones The Dispatch app features breaking news, sports, weather, videos, movie times, gas prices, a flight tracker and much more. Download apps for your: To promote its 55th anniversary, the Monterey Jazz Festival launched a sortie eastward that arrived in the Lincoln Theatre last night. With a small army of its best,...
Joe Negri performs with the Carnegie Mellon 6:30 Jazz Band at Carnegie Music Hall.
photo: Creative Commons / Jwhairybob

Egomaniac Bieber forces his videos on entourage
Full Article Newstrack India
30 Mar 2013

Tweet London, March 30 (IANS) Pop star Justin Bieber has reportedly become an egomaniac as now he doesn't have ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez to keep him grounded. He reportedly makes his entourage watch his videos over and over again. The 19-year-old broke up with...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

FILE - In this Oct. 4, 2012 file photo, Television personality Kim Kardashian poses for photographers at the red carpet during the 40th anniversary of Cosmopolitan magazine in Spanish in Mexico City. On Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 just hours after reality TV star Kim Kardashian gushed about her impressions of Bahrain, riot police fired tear gas to disperse more than 50 hardline Islamic protesters denouncing her presence in the Gulf kingdom. The clashes took place just before Kardashian opened the Bahrain branch of her Millions of Milkshakes shop.
photo: AP / Marco Ugarte

Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton to open a bed and breakfast (Photos)
Full Article The Examiner
30 Mar 2013

Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton are not just country music stars. On March 28, Life & Style reported that the couple will be opening up their own bed and breakfast. Would you visit their bed and breakfast? They are buying a building for $180,000 on the main street in Tishomingo, Okla. This is where Blake and Miranda live when they are not in... Shelton Lambert
Miranda Lambert
photo: AP /

McCartney guitarist Hugh McCracken has died (Photos)
Full Article The Examiner
30 Mar 2013

Hugh McCracken, who played the guitar solo on “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” on Paul McCartney's “Ram,” and also played McCartney's “Red Rose Speedway,” John Lennon's “Double Fantasy” and many other albums, died Thursday, reports McCracken had been battling leukemia. Though he was known for his work with Paul McCartney, he also played... McCracken McCartney
Paul McCartney, Tel Aviv
photo: Creative Commons / DMY

Lady Gaga debuts a Louis Vuitton wheelchair: Where is her 24-karat gold one?
Full Article The Examiner
30 Mar 2013

Lady Gaga never ceases to make bizarre headlines in pop culture news. When she had hip surgery a few weeks ago, she was spotted wheeling around in a 24-karat gold plated wheelchair. According to a TMZ report dated Saturday, March 29, she was instead being pushed in a Louis Vuitton ride on Thursday. Yes, she had to ride in style for her 27th... Gold Gaga Vuitton
Lady Gaga performs during the
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Music as a universal language might just be good medicine!
Full Article The Washington Times
30 Mar 2013

Video: Related Columns SAN DIEGO, March 29, 2013 ― Music is a universal language. Spanning time, space and cultures, music has been interwoven with the fabric of our lives since the early days of humankind. The sounds, tones, vibrations, and general cadences of music can bring virtual strangers together at all kinds of events and ceremonies ‒ such...
Ustad Amaan ali Khan during the Musical Events at Basanti Bidyabithi in Kolkata on Tuesday 11 September 2012
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Watch: Michael Douglas & Matt Damon Are Gloriously Gaudy & Glitzy In New 'Behind The Candelabra' Teaser
Full Article Indiewire
30 Mar 2013

| So Steven Soderbergh's final film -- the man still has plenty of non-movie stuff he's working on -- arrives in May on HBO, but don't let television tag fool you. "Behind The Candelabra" is still widely tipped to be included somewhere in the Cannes Film...
66th Venice Film Festival (Mostra), the sixth day (07/09/2009) Red Carpet with Matt Damon (and his wife) with Steven Soderbergh for the film: The Informant
photo: Creative Commons / nicolas genin

'Iron Man 3' Changed for Chinese Release
Full Article Rollingstone
29 Mar 2013

A different version of Iron Man 3 will be released in China, with Marvel Studios collaborating with the Chinese media and entertainment company DMG on the changes, The Wrap reports. Certain elements of the U.S. version... Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr
photo: AP /

Lucky to act and sing in my films: Ayushmann
Full Article Newstrack India
29 Mar 2013

Tweet Mumbai, March 29 (IANS) Actor-singer Ayushmann Khurrana says he is lucky to be a rare breed of actors in Bollywood who act as well as sing in their films. "I would say that I am fortunate that I am...
Ayushmann Khurrana Show Stopper along with Designer Jaya Misra  strike a pose during the Ace Designer Jaya Misra?s Maiden Men?s Wear Label ?Nawaz? along with theAutumn-Winter Bridal Collection!! on Saturday 23 June 2012
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Hollywood star Eva Mendes is thrilled to look 'awful'
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
29 Mar 2013

Eva Mendes, the star of 'Hitch' and 'We Own the Night', says she won the part in her latest film by playing down her beauty. Eva Mendes in The Other Guys By Tim Walker 7:28AM GMT 29 Mar 2013 Comments Actresses who strain to look attractive may not be helping themselves at all. Eva Mendes recalls how she arrived for an audition with the hip...
Actress Eva Mendes arrives at the opening of the new Dolce and Gabbana women's store on Madison Avenue, Monday, Dec. 3, 2007, in New York.
photo: AP / Diane Bondareff

Aamir Khan is keen to reprise his role in 'Dhoom' franchise
Full Article The Times of India
29 Mar 2013

The actor wishes to be a part of the future installments of Dhoom, if his character manages to beat the good guys The thing about a successful franchise is that, the actors are never...
Famous Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan enjoy shikara ride  in the World Famous Dal Lake in Srinagar on 09, February 2012.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Lindsay Lohan ‘sick during Sheen reshoot’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
28 Mar 2013

Lindsay Lohan reportedly had to extend her stint on Charlie Sheen's TV show because she needed to reshoot scenes. The troubled actress is making a guest appearance on Charlie Sheen's TV show and began shooting it on Monday. Initially things went well, although it's been reportedly she was two hours late to set on Tuesday. She apparently looked as...
Actress Lindsay Lohan, left winks during her appearance on MTV's Total Request Live, with host Vanessa Minnillo
photo: AP / Stephen Chernin

Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bündchen Reunite...Find Out Why!
Full Article E! Online
28 Mar 2013

It's not every day that a supermodel can convince her ex-boyfriend and her husband to unite for a cause, but when it comes to healthy snacks and fit physiques, you'd be amazed at... Bundchen DiCaprio
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio listens to Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and Sen.
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Kareena happy to inspire designers like Namrata Joshipura
Full Article The Times of India
27 Mar 2013

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor looked her best as she walked the ramp for designer Namrata Joshipura Tuesday during the grand finale of the Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Summer-Resort 2013. The actress looked spectacular in an orangish pink shirt and long blingy palazzos with a pink semi formal jacket. "I have walked for three years at the...
Indian actress Kareena Kapoor
photo: Creative Commons / Blofeld of SPECTRE

Wheat imports to rise after poor weather hits quality
Full Article The Independent
30 Mar 2013

British bakers are being forced to look overseas for flour after cold and wet weather decimated wheat crops across the country. The UK is on course to import more wheat than it exports for the first time in more than a decade. Despite 2011 having seen the...
Wheat crop in a farm-agriculture-India.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Dell Opens Window on Efforts to Sell Company
Full Article The New York Times
29 Mar 2013

ROUND ROCK, Texas (AP) — New regulatory filings show that Dell 's financial advisers tried to persuade 71 potential bidders to make an offer for the troubled personal computer maker before two of them emerged to challenge a proposed deal with the company's founder. The wide-ranging efforts to ignite a bidding contest are among the details... Dell
 Michael Dell  - CEO of Dell /aaeh
photo: AP / Seth Wenig

BBB on Homes: Garden centers' return policies can be different
Full Article Houston Chronicle
29 Mar 2013

By Monica Russo, Better Business Bureau | March 29, 2013 Comments (0) E-mail Print Tweet Page 1 of 1 Planning to add new plant life to your yard this spring? You will, undoubtedly, have a number of Houston-area garden retailers from which to choose. But as the months heat up, so do the number of BBB complaints concerning these types of businesses....
Flower saplings displays in a nursery for gardening - Garden center
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

New sense that depositors, bondholders will take losses shifts playing field in euro crisis
Full Article The Washington Post
29 Mar 2013

FRANKFURT, Germany — This week’s deal to rescue Cyprus and its banks from financial collapse has renewed fears about Europe’s shaky financial system and where trouble might next appear. Many banks across Europe have been struggling for more than three years as losses on government bonds and bad loans piled up. Some governments,...
Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias makes his statement to the media at the presidential palace in divided capital Nicosia, Cyprus, Friday, June 1, 2012. Christofias said he has tasked officials to draw up plans on how the country would deal with Greece's possible exit from the eurozone. Christofias told a news conference that conditions would be 'chaotic' if debt-drowned Greece quits the euro and that the impact of such a move would be felt not only by all other countries using the currency, but all of Europe.
photo: AP / Petros Karadjias

Cyprus sends rumbles through shaky banking system
Full Article The Tribune San Luis Obispo
29 Mar 2013

UPDATE: CHP officer from San Miguel area may have died while working on vehicle Los Osos pot dispensary robbery was a setup, investigators say Minor quake shakes Cambria, North County Arroyo Grande child-care center quickly closes, leaving parents scrambling Police identify suspects arrested after allegedly pepper-spraying and robbing a man in...
Dollar Bonheur July 2011, Canada.
photo: Creative Commons / Lewis Kelly

Frank Kern Scam Video Testimonial Website Launched by Rick Porter
Full Article Houston Chronicle
29 Mar 2013

PRWeb | March 29, 2013 Comments (0) E-mail Print Tweet Page 1 of 1 A new website called "Frank Kern Scam" was recently launched as a place to put genuine Frank Kern testimonials from his real customers. Providence, RI (PRWEB) March 28, 2013 In today's world of internet anonymity full of comments and editorials from people hiding...
Lenovo Laptop - internet
photo: WN / Geeta

Mumbai is the world's 3rd cheapest city in hotel room service cost
Full Article DNA India
29 Mar 2013

Mumbai is the third cheapest city in the world for travellers in terms of cost of room services in hotels, reveal a survey done by a leading travel portal. South African city of Cape Town was the cheapest city...
Hotel room-Hotel-India.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

North Korea enters 'state of war' against South Korea - TV9
North Korea enters 'state of war' against South Korea - TV9
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:15
  • Updated: 30 Mar 2013
North Korea enters 'state of war' against South Korea For more content go to Follow us on facebook at Follow us on twitter at
  • published: 30 Mar 2013
  • views: 178'state_of_war'_against_South_Korea__TV9

Syrian rebels 'seize' key town near Jordan
Syrian rebels 'seize' key town near Jordan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18
  • Updated: 30 Mar 2013
Syrian rebels have seized an important town on a main highway between Damascus and the south in Daraa province on the border with Jordan, a UK-based watchdog says. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on Friday that 10 civilians, including a child, were killed in fighting for Dael, the latest to be seized by the rebels over the past 24 hours. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports.
  • published: 30 Mar 2013
  • views: 301'seize'_key_town_near_Jordan

Supreme Court orders presidential poll retallying in 22 centres
Supreme Court orders presidential poll retallying in 22 centres
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 25 Mar 2013 Monday set the stage for a momentous journey in the first ever election petition in Kenya. And top of the afternoon session agenda in the preliminary hearing was the ruling on whether or not the attorney general and the law society of Kenya could be adjoined to the petition under the status of amicus curie There was also the preliminary orders that were outlined in the afternoon session and here is NTVs Lizz Ntonjira with that report.
  • published: 25 Mar 2013
  • views: 2267

Italy election deadlock could prompt fresh vote
Italy election deadlock could prompt fresh vote
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 26 Feb 2013
Italy faces the prospect of repeat elections after Silvio Berlusconi's conservative coalition tied with Pier Luigi Bersani's centre-Left Democratic Party. Nick Squires reports from Rome. Get the latest headlines Subscribe to The Telegraph Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ and are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
  • published: 26 Feb 2013
  • views: 1779

'Survival of N. Korea regime depends on nuclear weapons'
'Survival of N. Korea regime depends on nuclear weapons'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:17
  • Updated: 13 Feb 2013
The UN Security Council has issued a stern rebuke to North Korea over its third nuclear test - as it held an emergency meeting in response to the test, which was in defiance of international regulations. The organisation says it plans to beef-up the sanctions already in place for the country's previous atomic exercises. China was among those who criticised North Korea's nuclear test. However, war correspondent and columnist Eric Margolis thinks the relations between the two allies are unlikely to sour. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 13 Feb 2013
  • views: 21608'Survival_of_N_Korea_regime_depends_on_nuclear_weapons'

Charlie Rose - Vitaly Churkin on Syria (07/24/12)
Charlie Rose - Vitaly Churkin on Syria (07/24/12)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:41
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2012
2 excerpts from Charlie's interview with Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations The interview airs tonight (7/24), check your local listings
  • published: 24 Jul 2012
  • views: 1615

Veterans Recall Vietnam Withdrawal, 40 Years On
Veterans Recall Vietnam Withdrawal, 40 Years On
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:16
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2013
On March 30, 1973, the last American troops withdrew from South Vietnam, ending the United States' direct military role in the Vietnam war. (March 28)
  • published: 28 Mar 2013
  • views: 128,_40_Years_On

(1 of 2) Green MEP attacks EU Commissioner for Climate Action
(1 of 2) Green MEP attacks EU Commissioner for Climate Action
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2013
Leading Green MEP Claude Turmes launched a scathing attack on the Commissioner for Climate Action over the latest Commission plans for reducing carbon emissions and conserving energy, at EWEA 2011 in Brussels. Mr Turmes, who wrote the 2009 European Parliament report on energy policy, claims that the Commission's new "Road Map" to 2050 omits wind energy because too many decision makers are listening to the nuclear and coal lobbies. 1 of 2 clips: One from a stage interview at the Opening Ceremony, the other from the Press Conference that followed.
  • published: 09 Jan 2013
  • views: 27

Italy: Five Star rejects Bersani in talks broadcast on Internet
Italy: Five Star rejects Bersani in talks broadcast on Internet
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013 Pier Luigi Bersani, the leader of Italy's centre-left, has failed to secure the support of the Five Star movement to form a government. The anti-establishment Five Star, which is calling for more transparency among politicians, broadcast its talks with Bersani live on the internet in an unprecedented move. Bersani has been trying to win support for a centre-left administration, but Five Star's Senate Leader Vito Crimi said his movement was not prepared to join. "We are ready to give our support on some specific points. But, with regards to the Senate, our decision is to vote "no" in a confidence vote to a government created by Bersani and the Democratic Party," Crimi said. Bersani's talks with Silvio Berlusconi's centre right have also so far come to nothing. Berlusconi's PDL party has offered to form a grand coalition with the centre-left, but it wants a few things in return. One is a guarantee that Italy's next president will be from the centre-right. Bersani has so far refused. Current President Georgio Napolitano's mandate ends in May, further complicating the political impasse. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 27 Mar 2013
  • views: 46

European Citizens' Initiative - Suspension of the EU Climate & Energy Package
European Citizens' Initiative - Suspension of the EU Climate & Energy Package
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:56
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2012
• European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 September 2012 
• Speaker: Jacek Kurski Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Group • Subject-matter: Suspend the 2009 EU Climate & Energy Package (excluding energy efficiency clauses) and further climate regulations until a climate agreement is signed by major CO2 emitters - China, USA, and India. • Main objectives: 1. To stop EU climate policy wasting hundreds of billions of euros on ineffective unilateral action on the climate at a time of economic crisis. 2. To stop carbon leakage - export of jobs and businesses to developing countries without climate legislation. 3. To make fuel and energy cheaper, increase employment and reduce fuel poverty. This will increase social cohesion and reduce social exclusion. 4. To increase energy security by allowing member states to use their own natural energy resources.
  • published: 13 Sep 2012
  • views: 1294'_Initiative__Suspension_of_the_EU_Climate_Energy_Package

Syrian rebels mortar attack Damascus University kills at least 15 student
Syrian rebels mortar attack Damascus University kills at least 15 student
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:51
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2013
Mortar attacks on Damascus University killed at least 15 students as fighting in the capital spread to the airport. The students were killed on Thursday when rebel mortar bombs landed on the canteen of Damascus University's College of Architecture, two pro-government television channels said. One station, Ikhbariya, showed images of doctors pumping the chests of at least two young men and blood splattered on the floor of what appeared to be an outdoor canteen. A young women was shown walking in a hospital and bleeding heavily from her face. The college is in Baramkeh, a central Damascus suburb where mortar attacks by rebels fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad have intensified this week. The university is surrounded by government buildings, including the Ministry of Defence, the headquarters for state media and the president's official residence. Once a bastion for Assad's forces, the capital has become a focal point of the two-year-old uprising against four decades of family rule that has developed into civil war in which more than 70,000 people have been killed. Rebels have formed a semi-circle around the capital and are trying to gain control of strategic areas to help them break into the centre of Damascus. State television blamed rebels who have stepped up attacks in the heart of the Syrian capital. "The number of students killed in the mortar attack on the architecture faculty in Damascus University has risen to 12," said the broadcaster. "The National Students Union condemns the cowardly terrorist attack that targeted the architecture faculty of Damascus University." SANA, the state newsagency, added that six others were hurt by "mortars that targeted the faculty cafeteria". Rebels fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad have this week escalated their mortar attacks on central Damascus, including Umayyad Square in the middle of the capital, which houses the state television headquarters. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group that relies on sources on the ground for its information, also reported Thursday's attack, although it put the toll at 10 people dead. The United Nations refugee agency voiced deep concern on Thursday at reports of mass deportations of Syrians from Turkey and said it had taken up the issue with Turkish authorities. Turkish officials said that Turkey sent hundreds of refugees back to Syria after clashes with military police at their camp near the border in a protest over living conditions, although the foreign ministry later said 50-60 Syrians had returned voluntarily. "UNHCR is very concerned with reports of a serious incident and allegations of possible deportations from Akcakale Tent City in the past 24 hours," Melissa Fleming, chief spokeswoman of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said. Blog : Facebook :
  • published: 28 Mar 2013
  • views: 79

U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over S. Korea, and More
U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over S. Korea, and More
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:38
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2013
What's News: The U.S. flies two B2 bomber practice runs over South Korea. A bankruptcy judge clears the way for a merger between America Airlines parent AMR and U.S. Airways. Shares of MetroPCS rally despite ISS warnings. Photo: Getty Images.
  • published: 28 Mar 2013
  • views: 6036,_and_More

Boris Berezovsky dead: Russia's tycoon dies at 67, reportedly commits suicide
Boris Berezovsky dead: Russia's tycoon dies at 67, reportedly commits suicide
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 23 Mar 2013
Exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky has died in Britain at the age 67. According to the latest unofficial information, the businessman was found dead in his bath. No official information has been released so far - READ MORE RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 23 Mar 2013
  • views: 21015's_tycoon_dies_at_67,_reportedly_commits_suicide

Man charged in Aurora shooting offers guilty plea
Man charged in Aurora shooting offers guilty plea
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013
Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes offers to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. CNN's Wolf Blitzer has more. For more CNN videos, visit our site at
  • published: 27 Mar 2013
  • views: 5803

North Korea Cuts Military Hotline To South Korea
North Korea Cuts Military Hotline To South Korea
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:09
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013
March 27, 2013 BBC News
  • published: 27 Mar 2013
  • views: 2205

Democratic Party leader Pierluigi Bersani speaks to journalists after meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale presidential palace in Rome, Thursday, March 28, 2013. FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter, right, greets Spain's national soccer team coach Vicente del Bosque, ahead of the official draw for the FIFA 2013 Confederations Cup Brazil in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Friday, Nov. 30, 2012. Trader Tina Vlitas with Kellogg Capital Markets speaks with fellow traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, March 31, 2010 File - A teenage girl in front of a computer using the internet, India.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela, left, sits next to his wife Graca Machel as they are driven across the field ahead of the World Cup final soccer match between the Netherlands and Spain at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sunday, July 11, 2010 Los Angeles Lakers players Derek Fisher, left, Luke Walton, Ron Artest and Lamar Odom visit with Marine Lance Cpl. Mattew McKim at Naval Medical Center San Diego. This Monday, July 16, 2012 photo shows the Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. Yahoo is hiring longtime Google executive Marissa Mayer to be its next CEO, the fifth in five years as the company struggles to rebound from financial malaise and internal turmoil. Jujube fruit tree in the farmland

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, center, arrives at Yangon International airport before departing for India in yangon, Myanmar, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. Indonesian soccer players celebrate after they won their Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup soccer match against Bahrain 2-1 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Tibetan-temple-moon-tree-Dharamshala, India farmers spray insecticide against locust at a field

A woman places an image of Venezuela's independence hero Simon Bolivar on an altar set up on a sidewalk in honor of late President Hugo Chavez, whose picture hangs on the curtain, along a street where a procession will pass tomorrow to transfer Chavez's body to a military museum in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, March 14, 2013. Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas celebrates after Andres Iniesta scored a goal during the World Cup final soccer match between the Netherlands and Spain at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sunday, July 11, 2010 President Barack Obama speaks to supporters at a campaign fundraiser, Wednesday, May 23, 2012, in Denver. A woman walks past a wall plastered with election campaign posters of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013.

President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu participate in a joint news conference, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem. People inspect the aftermath of a car bomb attack in Baghdad's Shiite enclave of Sadr City, Iraq, Monday, July 23, 2012. File - President Barack Obama confers with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough as he talks on the phone in the Oval Office, Feb. 6, 2013. File - U.S. Army Soldiers from Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, and Iraqi's Emergency Service Unit, conduct a cordon and search in Amushabi,  Kirkuk, Iraq, Feb. 19, 2008.

Australia PM Gillard called to step aside, hold leadership vote  Lula predicts African prosperity Qantas Boeing 737 in Yanani Dreaming colours being prepared for departure from Terminal 2. A doctor examines chest X-rays at a tuberculosis clinic in Gugulethu, Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. South Africa reported 343,000 TB cases in 2006, of which an estimated 6,000 were multi-drug-resistant. The government says that there have been about 400 cases of XDR-TB (extremely-drug-resistant tuberculosis), but groups like Medecins Sans Frontieres say this is a big underest

The New York Times
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other Democratic leaders in Congress folded their tents on comprehensive gun control fast — dropping a ban on assault weapons and limits...
Official U.S. support for bands of killers dates back to the nation’s inception, likely one reason H. Rap Brown called violence “as American as cherry pie.” The country’s founding...
Stock indexes in the U.S. have repeatedly hit fresh highs in the first quarter of 2013 providing stiff competition to Asian equities, which have had a disappointing year so far....

Dead duck (sl1)
Officials have already cleaned up thousands of dead pigs from a river just outside of Shangahi, China, and now they have another problem on their hands. reported on the morning of Friday, March 29, 2013, that officials are trying to...
photo: creative commons /
In this Feb. 6, 2013 file photo, bystanders watch as a woman accused of witchcraft is burned alive in the Western Highlands provincial capital of Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea.
A woman is beaten, tortured and set on fire in a public square, in Papua New Guinea , on Feb. 7, 2013. The woman is accused of being a witch by an angry mob, who bound, tortured and set her ablaze in view of hundreds of horrified spectators, a number...
photo: AP / Post Courier
Inman Middle School
A grand jury has indicted 35 school administrators and teachers for their alleged part in the biggest standardized test cheating ring in the history of the nation. The Associated Press reported on Friday, March 29, 2013, that Atlanta's public school...
photo: Creative Commons
Rescue workers emerge from the Tunlan Coal Mine in Gujiao, in China's Shanxi province, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009. A gas explosion ripped through the mine early Sunday, killing at least 73
A huge landslide buried 83 workers at a gold mining site in western China on Friday, setting off a frantic rescue effort, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported. The government said more than 1,000 rescue workers had been called in to...
photo: AP / Greg Baker
Members of the September 11th Education Trust meet in a restaurant overlooking the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 in New York. The trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the lessons of 9/11
A judge dismissed a lawsuit on Friday that sought to stop the display of a cross-shaped steel beam found in the World Trade Center’s rubble, saying it could help tell the story of the terrorist attack. Connect with NYTMetro Follow us on Twitter...
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan
University students punch the air as they march through Kim Il Sung Square in downtown Pyongyang, North Korea, Friday, March 29, 2013.
North Korea has said it is entering a "state of war" with South Korea in its latest escalation of rhetoric against its southern neighbour and the US. A statement carried on state media promised "stern physical actions" against...
photo: AP / Jon Chol Jin
Fire fighters extinguish a fire at the Great Prophet Shiite mosque after a suicide car bomb attack in Kirkuk, 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, March 29, 2013.
BAGHDAD: A series of car bombs near Shiite mosques targeting worshippers attending weekly prayers killed at least 18 people on Friday, the latest in a spike in unrest ahead of Iraq’s first polls since 2010. The blasts,...
photo: AP / Emad Matti