- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 1653591

Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: First ever aerial footage
http://www.uncontactedtribes.org - For the first time, extraordinary aerial footage of one...
published: 08 Feb 2011
Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: First ever aerial footage
http://www.uncontactedtribes.org - For the first time, extraordinary aerial footage of one of the world's last uncontacted tribes has been released. Survival's new film, narrated by Gillian Anderson, has launched our campaign to help protect the earth's most vulnerable peoples.
Find out more: http://www.uncontactedtribes.org
- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 1653591

First Contact - Lost Tribe of The Amazon - Sunday Night - Channel Seven
Full Video. Tim Noonan's report on one of the worlds last and most isolated Stone Age Tri...
published: 04 Sep 2011
First Contact - Lost Tribe of The Amazon - Sunday Night - Channel Seven
Full Video. Tim Noonan's report on one of the worlds last and most isolated Stone Age Tribes,The Suruwaha people.
As seen on Sunday Night Channel 7 Australia
Copyright © 2011 Seven Network Australia.
- published: 04 Sep 2011
- views: 639216

Diskussion und Interview mit dem Autor der Doku "Amazon und Leiharbeiter"
Alois Theisen und Vertreter der Gewerkschaften und der Leiharbeitsbranche über die Situati...
published: 20 Feb 2013
Diskussion und Interview mit dem Autor der Doku "Amazon und Leiharbeiter"
Alois Theisen und Vertreter der Gewerkschaften und der Leiharbeitsbranche über die Situation der Saison- und Wanderarbeiter in Deutschland und Europa und die notwendigen Konsequenzen:
- Heiner Reimann, ver.di Hessen
- Prof. Peter Wedde, Arbeitsrechtler und Direktor der europäischen Akademie für Arbeit, Uni Frankfurt
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 1253

Ausgeliefert! Leiharbeiter bei Amazon | Reportage & Dokumentation | ARD
Amazon ist der mit Abstand größte Online-Händler der Welt und auch in Deutschland schon la...
published: 20 Feb 2013
Ausgeliefert! Leiharbeiter bei Amazon | Reportage & Dokumentation | ARD
Amazon ist der mit Abstand größte Online-Händler der Welt und auch in Deutschland schon lange die Nummer eins. Fast jedes Produkt lässt sich hier günstig bestellen, geliefert wird oft über Nacht -- selbst noch am Heiligen Abend. Doch wer packt die Pakete für die Bescherung? Jedes Jahr zur Hochsaison wirbt Amazon Deutschland tausende Wanderarbeiter aus dem Ausland an. Für viele Spanier ist der Ruf nach Deutschland in Zeiten der Eurokrise wie ein Lottogewinn.
Was die Arbeiter tatsächlich erwartet, ist eine böse Überraschung. Nicht Amazon legt ihnen in Deutschland einen Vertrag vor, sondern eine Leiharbeitsfirma. Deutlich weniger Lohn als bei der Anwerbung in Spanien versprochen, nach Feierabend stundenlanges Warten auf den überfüllten Bus, der sie über zig Kilometer Autobahn in ihre Unterkunft bringen soll. Sie leben zu zweit auf engstem Raum in einem zu dieser Jahreszeit verlassenen Ferienpark.
Hier führt ein Sicherheitsdienst ein Regime, das auf Einschüchterung setzt und immer wieder in die Privatsphäre der Arbeiter eindringt. Wer sich wehrt, fliegt raus. Fristlos. Die Reportage deckt auf, was sich hinter der Fassade von Amazon.de verbirgt und wer dafür zahlt, dass die schöne neue Warenwelt des Internethändlers so billig zu haben ist.
Mehr Videos:
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 31006

Amazon Kindle Press Conference — September 6, 2012
Jeff Bezos unveils the all-new Kindle Family in Santa Monica, CA. Kindle Fire HD and Kindl...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Amazon Kindle Press Conference — September 6, 2012
Jeff Bezos unveils the all-new Kindle Family in Santa Monica, CA. Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Paperwhite are each in a class by themselves when it comes to hardware—there's nothing better. But the real magic is that they are also a service. When combined with our enormous content ecosystem, unmatched cross-platform interoperability and standard-setting customer service, we hope people will agree these are the best tablets and e-readers anywhere, at any price.
- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 175436

Amazon with Bruce Parry (Part 1)
http://www.facebook.com/Indianfoodwholesaler Thanks for watching this video. Hope you enjo...
published: 12 Jan 2012
Amazon with Bruce Parry (Part 1)
http://www.facebook.com/Indianfoodwholesaler Thanks for watching this video. Hope you enjoy watching the series as much I did. Just one small thing I ask in return for uploading the video is I would really appreciate it if you could click on like on my facebook page. Many thanks.
- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 64786

BIGGEST PIRANHA - Amazon River Monsters
Most people think there is only one type of Piranha, but actually there are over twenty di...
published: 08 Feb 2013
BIGGEST PIRANHA - Amazon River Monsters
Most people think there is only one type of Piranha, but actually there are over twenty different types living in the rivers of South America. The most famous is the small red bellied Piranha - but the biggest and baddest Piranha in the Amazon is the lesser known Black Piranha.
The Black Piranha, sometimes called Redeye Piranha live in very diverse habitats ranging from soft blackwater to hard whitewater areas of the Amazon. They are the biggest of Amazon Piranhas and have been caught weighing up to 9.5 pounds.
Just recently, a group of scientists have determined that the black Piranha have the strongest bite relative to body weight than any other creature on the planet, past or present.
+++++ STEVE TOWNSON'S WEB PAGE http://www.amazon-angler.com ++++++
The Wolf Fish has a maximum diameter of 39 inches and can weigh up to about 90 pounds. It has the ability to live almost anywhere in the Amazon and usually feeds at night.
Wolf Fish can be very aggressive. There are reported instances of Wolf attacking humans in the water. There are other reports of them attacking and killing dogs that have fallen in waters occupied by Wolf Fish.
A very big thanks to Steve Townson for helping us get a close up look at a black piranha. If you are interested in knowing more about Steve, or would like to consider joining one of his exciting fishing excursions to the Amazon, stop by his website at http://www.amazon-angler.com
Please make sure to subscribe to this channel so you know when more videos like this one are posted.
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 202624

ARD Die knallharten Arbeitsbedingungen bei Amazon.
Amazon ist mittlerweile der Onlinehändler Nr. 1 - weltweit. Gute Preise, große Auswahl, ku...
published: 14 Dec 2012
ARD Die knallharten Arbeitsbedingungen bei Amazon.
Amazon ist mittlerweile der Onlinehändler Nr. 1 - weltweit. Gute Preise, große Auswahl, kurze Lieferzeit. Für den Kunden klappt es meist wie am Schnürchen. Doch für die Mitarbeiter sieht die Welt zum Teil anders aus: enormer Druck, kurze Kündigungsfristen, mäßige Bezahlung.
- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 19415

Addictive Fishing: Amazon Adventure - MONSTER Peacock Bass on topwater!
Capt. Blair Wiggins travels to the Rio Negro River in Brazil in search of peacock bass. H...
published: 08 Nov 2010
Addictive Fishing: Amazon Adventure - MONSTER Peacock Bass on topwater!
Capt. Blair Wiggins travels to the Rio Negro River in Brazil in search of peacock bass. He fishes with good friend, John Lang in the freshwater rivers of the Amazon. We spent 5 days on the road capturing the scenic beauty for our viewers.
Shop our Tackle Shop @ http://www.addictivefishing.com/store
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- published: 08 Nov 2010
- views: 176345

Monster Fish of the Amazon
Join conservation biologist Zeb Hogan in his quest to find and help the biggest freshwater...
published: 09 Apr 2008
Monster Fish of the Amazon
Join conservation biologist Zeb Hogan in his quest to find and help the biggest freshwater fish in Brazil.
- published: 09 Apr 2008
- views: 2836814

The Amazon Of Asia - Laos
October 2010
The Mekong River is already being put to serious economic use by the Chine...
published: 11 Oct 2010
The Amazon Of Asia - Laos
October 2010
The Mekong River is already being put to serious economic use by the Chinese, and now the Lao people are determined to do the same. But can it really pull the nation out of poverty, and at what cost?
Until recently the 'Amazon of Asia', was one of the world's last untouched rivers, but plans for a series of 55 dams in Laos look set to change that. With the majority of the population of Laos living below the poverty line, the government claims that hydropower is the quickest way to raise living standards, anticipating revenue of $80 million a year. Yet as scores of villages are uprooted to make way for the development, traditional subsistence communities are struggling. "We used to rely on nature for our living. Now if we don't buy, we can't eat", complains villager Cham Pha. The new dams also pose a threat to the ecosystem, endangering several species. Weighing up potential development and damage, the Lao people face a tough dilemma: "I'm worried about the environment but I want our village to have electricity".
Produced By ABC Australia
Distributed By Journeyman Pictures
- published: 11 Oct 2010
- views: 259980
Youtube results:

Amazon S3: Making the Cloud Mainstream & Cheap
Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- ISI Group Senior Managing Director Brian Marshall discusses the mai...
published: 20 Dec 2012
Amazon S3: Making the Cloud Mainstream & Cheap
Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- ISI Group Senior Managing Director Brian Marshall discusses the mainstream cloud. He speaks with Cory Johnson on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg)
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 262

Ants create a lifeboat in the Amazon jungle - BBC wildlife
A flood hits a fire ant colony in the Amazon jungle. An amazing chance to see footage on h...
published: 29 Nov 2007
Ants create a lifeboat in the Amazon jungle - BBC wildlife
A flood hits a fire ant colony in the Amazon jungle. An amazing chance to see footage on how the species has adapted to water to protect their queen. From the BBC.
- published: 29 Nov 2007
- views: 2186610

Amazon zieht erste Konsequenzen
Amazon reagiert gegen die unglaublichen Arbeitsbedingungen.
Nach dem Skandal um schlechte ...
published: 19 Feb 2013
Amazon zieht erste Konsequenzen
Amazon reagiert gegen die unglaublichen Arbeitsbedingungen.
Nach dem Skandal um schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen für Leiharbeiter in Bad Hersfeld hat sich Amazon von seinem umstrittenen Sicherheitsdienst getrennt. Der Online-Versandhändler war nach einer ARD-Dokumentation in die Schlagzeilen geraten.
- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 955