- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 3710

RIAA wants 4th Amendment throw out
State lawmakers in California are moving a bill through their committees to allow warrantl...
published: 20 May 2011
RIAA wants 4th Amendment throw out
State lawmakers in California are moving a bill through their committees to allow warrantless searches of companies that press copies of compact discs and DVD's. And it's being backed by both the recording industry and the motion picture association. But aren't there other ways to combat piracy, other than stripping away our constitutional rights? Cato's Julian Sanchez explains
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 3710

Riaa (리아) - 눈물 (Tears) [Reply 1997 OST]
★ Riaa (리아) - 눈물 (Tears) [Reply 1997 OST]
★ Full Album Playlist http://www.youtube.com/pla...
published: 12 Dec 2012
Riaa (리아) - 눈물 (Tears) [Reply 1997 OST]
★ Riaa (리아) - 눈물 (Tears) [Reply 1997 OST]
★ Full Album Playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgfmry91wc7SOMt0iNwjnxre-DCz_jRCg&feature;=view_all
Kindly Subscribe to BubbleFeetMusic Channels! Follow BubbleFeetMusic on Facebook by Liking Our Page http://www.facebook.com/BubbleFeetMusic
Album : [Unreleased/Physical Album] 응답하라 1997 감독판 OST (tvN TV 드라마) (Reply 1997 OST Director Edition)
Song Artist : Various Artists
Release Date : 2012.09.16
Genre: OST, Drama - Reply 1997 / Answer Me 1997
Track List
01. Seo In Guk (서인국) & Eunji (정은지) [A Pink 에이핑크] - All For You
02. Seo In Guk (서인국) & Eunji (정은지) [A Pink 에이핑크] - 우리 사랑 이대로 (Just The Way We Love)
03. Delispice (델리스파이스) - 고백 (The Confession)
04. UNO (우노) - 슬픈 우리 젊은 날 (Our Sad Younger Days)
05. Yangpa (양파 ) - 애송이의 사랑 (Novice's Love)
06. K2 - 슬프도록 아름다운 (The Sadder the More Beautiful)
07. Toy (토이) - 바램 (Hope)
08. Sechs Kies (젝스키스) - 사랑하는 너에게 (To You Who I Love)
09. Jang Yeon Jun (정연준) - Pilot
10. Riaa (리아) - 눈물 (Tears)
11. Lee Ji Hoon (이지훈) - 왜 하늘은 (Why the Heavens)
12. Sechs Kies (젝스키스) - 커플 (Couple)
13. Jo Sung Mo (조성모) - To Heaven
14. Fin.K.L (핑클) - 루비 (Ruby)
15. Sa Joon (사준) - 메모리즈 (Memories)
★ Album Review
종영을 앞둔 화제의 드라마 '응답하라 1997'의 명곡을 담은 특별한 OST가 출시된다.
전 국민을 '응답앓이'에 몰아넣으며 신드롬을 일으킨 tvN 드라마 '응답하라 1997'가 팬들의 성원에 힘입어 신원호 PD가 엄선한 드라마 속 90년대 명곡들과 미니포토북, 스페셜 영상 DVD 등 다양한 부록이 담긴 '응답하라 1997 감독판 OST'를 27일(목) 음반으로 출시된다.
#1. 신들린 선곡! '응답하라 1997' 신원호 PD가 엄선한 90년대 명곡 모음
2012년 현재 우리 모두를 90년대 추억에 젖게 한 '응답하라 1997'의 신원호 PD가 드라마 구상 단계부터 음악에 심혈을 기울였다는 점은 이미 알려진 터. 제작진이 선곡하고 드라마 팬들의 지지로 탄생한 '응답하라 1997 감독판 OST'는 음원차트에서 싸이를 제치며 1위를 석권한 서인국-정은지의 'All for you'와 우리 지금 이대로'는 물론, 델리스파이스의 '고백', 양파의 '애송이의 사랑', 리아의 '눈물', 사준의 '메모리즈' 등 '응답하라 1997' 속 인물들의 미묘한 감정이 교차되는 순간 흘렀던 90년대 명곡들이 대거 수록됐다.
#2. 응칠팬을 위한 종합선물셋트! '응답하라 1997' 미니 포토북과 스페셜 영상DVD(부록)가 수록으로
이번에 출시되는 '응답하라 1997 감독판 OST'는 가장 중심이 되는 음악 이외에도 '응칠' 팬들을 위한 다양한 부록이 마련됐다. 드라마의 미공개 스틸컷이 포함된 '응답하라 1997'의 미니 포토북과 신원호 PD 및 서인국, 정은지의 메시지가 담긴 글을 통해 일반 OST와 다른 특별함을 더했다. 또한 드라마 속 주인공들의 이야기 및 비하인드 스토리 또한 부록 DVD에 포함되어 '응칠' 팬들에게 좋은 선물이 될 예정이다.
#3. 소장가치 200%의 구성! 비디오 테이프 디자인 및 '응칠반지' 할인권 등 깜짝 선물까지
디지털 시대에 아날로그의 느낌을 물씬 풍긴 드라마처럼 이번 '응답하라 1997 감독판 OST' 또한 추억의 비디오 테이프를 연상케 하는 앨범 디자인을 비롯해 우리 모두를 90년대의 향수에 젖게 할 특별부록 등 색다른 구성으로 소장욕구를 불러 일으킨다. 그 중에서도 드라마 속 시원과 윤제의 사랑을 이어주는 역할을 했던 반지인 일명 '응칠반지'가 이번 OST 발매를 기념해 특별히 제작되었다고.
초판 생산 수량에한하여 전부 응칠반지 할인권이 포함되어 있으며, 초판 구매자 중 50명은 응칠반지 무료교환권이 들어있는 음반을 고르는 행운을 얻을 수 있다. (랜덤수록)
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 6222

Rambling: An Open Letter to the RIAA, MPAA, and Gaming Industry
just talking about why many of my friends have chosen to pirate in the past....
published: 01 Feb 2012
Rambling: An Open Letter to the RIAA, MPAA, and Gaming Industry
just talking about why many of my friends have chosen to pirate in the past.
- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 22865

RIAA: Your ISP Will Be Our Own Personal Copyright Police
From the Majority Report, live M-F 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM...
published: 16 Mar 2012
RIAA: Your ISP Will Be Our Own Personal Copyright Police
From the Majority Report, live M-F 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM:
Starting July 12th, your Internet Service Provider will be policing what you download thanks to a deal with the RIAA and MPAA.
- published: 16 Mar 2012
- views: 6205

Anonymous - Warning to the MPAA and RIAA
#OpMegaupload #BlackMarch SOPA ACTA PIPA Boycott Copyrighted Products March 2012....
published: 23 Jan 2012
Anonymous - Warning to the MPAA and RIAA
#OpMegaupload #BlackMarch SOPA ACTA PIPA Boycott Copyrighted Products March 2012.
- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 8606

R.I.A.A.: The Truth
A mockumentary of how the RIAA is dealing with college students who illegally download, es...
published: 30 Mar 2007
R.I.A.A.: The Truth
A mockumentary of how the RIAA is dealing with college students who illegally download, especially at Ohio University. Watch, comment, share with friends. Together we can show the RIAA who's boss: the consumer.
- published: 30 Mar 2007
- views: 21528

Keiser Report: The MPAA and RIAA lies to defend failed business model (31Dec11)
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talk about the lies that the MPAA and RIAA illegal media cart...
published: 31 Dec 2011
Keiser Report: The MPAA and RIAA lies to defend failed business model (31Dec11)
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert talk about the lies that the MPAA and RIAA illegal media cartels use to push their failed business models under pretext of anti-piracy. Fact is, no matter what laws are passed, nobody wants to buy the crap that the RIAA and MPAA are pushing out.
The illegal media cartels buy off politicians to change laws to protect the media companies failed business models, and to crush the companies that care successful in cutting out the RIAA and MPAA illegal cartels. The politicians get backhanders / brown envelopes or "campaign contributions" to push corrupt laws.
An example of laws designed to hurt "the little people" but protect the illegal media cartels is the "Digital Economy Act", as pushed by Labour scum Peter Mandelson.
Recorded from RT, Keiser Report, 31 December 2011.
- published: 31 Dec 2011
- views: 700

Antipiracy RIAA strategy
The RIAA's strategy for piracy is leaked. More people should understand exactly what the ...
published: 01 Sep 2012
Antipiracy RIAA strategy
The RIAA's strategy for piracy is leaked. More people should understand exactly what the RIAA is up to and I take a look
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 38

RIAA still extorting former student
Podcast #47 Obama AND Romney are running against capitalism
To hear the full podcast: http...
published: 25 May 2012
RIAA still extorting former student
Podcast #47 Obama AND Romney are running against capitalism
To hear the full podcast: http://adamvstheman.com/podcast
Please address hate mail to adam@adamvstheman.com
Invest here to support ADAM VS THE MAN!
- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 1495

PDF12 | Cary Sherman | The Music Industry in the Digital Age
Personal Democracy Forum 2012 | June 11-12 | NYC
"The Internet's New Political Power"
published: 12 Jun 2012
PDF12 | Cary Sherman | The Music Industry in the Digital Age
Personal Democracy Forum 2012 | June 11-12 | NYC
"The Internet's New Political Power"
The world's leading conference exploring and analyzing technology's
impact on politics and government returned to the NYU Skirball Center
June 11-12, 2012, with hundreds of individuals in attendance
interested in how technology is changing politics, governance and
The full conference schedule:
A complete list of the more than 120 speakers:
A detailed description of the main theme and plenary program:
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 2167

The RIAA and the US Labor Dept: America's big liars
Sometimes we aren't able to get all the daily news to our viewers on the air. For those of...
published: 04 May 2012
The RIAA and the US Labor Dept: America's big liars
Sometimes we aren't able to get all the daily news to our viewers on the air. For those of you wanting more, RT Web Producer Andrew Blake joins us with the latest stories on our RT.com/USA.
Like us and/or follow us:
- published: 04 May 2012
- views: 2652

Tracking down the source of RIAA copyright violations
http://www.netfort.com - How you can track down the source of RIAA copyright violations on...
published: 18 Jan 2013
Tracking down the source of RIAA copyright violations
http://www.netfort.com - How you can track down the source of RIAA copyright violations on your network using the NetFort LANGuardian
- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 144
Vimeo results:

For decades hip hop has been controlled by the record companies. They invest millions and ...
published: 10 Apr 2009
author: charles rand
For decades hip hop has been controlled by the record companies. They invest millions and profit billions from global cassette, cd, and now ringtone sales. Music moguls afford a lifestyle comparable to what we see on mtv cribs. Eventually hip hop artist would adapt the record company formula, and start to strategically promote and market there own music. This has created a conflict inside the industry. The Record companies, in conjunction with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), have declared war. Offices have been raided, Mom and Pop stores have been closed, and many have been arrested. Hip Hop Artists, Djs, and producers have decided that the only way to survive in the music business is to “Kill The Record Labels”.

RyeRye / MIA "Bang" Visuals
Commissioned by MIA for coachella 2009
This was prev...
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: David OReilly
RyeRye / MIA "Bang" Visuals
Commissioned by MIA for coachella 2009
This was previously censored from Vimeo by the RIAA.
Lawyers please note: this was an officially commissioned piece!

Old bad film from High School...
published: 29 Sep 2008
author: Kyle Fasanella
Old bad film from High School

Mashed in Plastic - The David Lynch Mashup Movie
Mashed in Plastic - The David Lynch Mashup Video Album
Presented by 1086 Productions
An 1...
published: 12 Nov 2009
author: Mashed in Plastic
Mashed in Plastic - The David Lynch Mashup Movie
Mashed in Plastic - The David Lynch Mashup Video Album
Presented by 1086 Productions
An 18-track mashup compilation mixed together into a seamless audio - and now visual - collection
01. the voice of love is crying : COLATRON
02. blue rigby : WAX AUDIO
03. twin hearts : COLATRON
04. heaven’s drive-in : PHIL RETROSPECTOR
05. tori’s deranged : WAX AUDIO
06. something stupid this way comes : G3RSt
07. i’ll be there in twin peaks : COLATRON
08. the pink jack : WAX AUDIO
09. lauren’s opus : THE REBORN IDENTITY
10. frank’s here : THE WHO BOYS
11. the elephant connection : THE REBORN IDENTITY
12. i’ve told every little pumpkin : TOTOM
13. violent at heart : THE REBORN IDENTITY
14. don’t go all wicked on me : NEILTOMO
15. eraserhead serenade : RIAA
16. velvet dreams : VOICEDUDE
17. in my twin life : PHIL RETROSPECTOR
18. this is David Lynch : NEILTOMO
crying for us and them: PHIL RETROSPECTOR
Additional audio production by WAX AUDIO
For more information on the project, visit
Video by The Reborn Identity
Youtube results:

RIAA/MPAA Buy Out SOPA/Protect IP Sponsors
Link to article:
published: 04 Dec 2011
RIAA/MPAA Buy Out SOPA/Protect IP Sponsors
Link to article:
This link will help you find the Senators for your state, get you their phone numbers and tell you what to say:
The fight to stop bill S.978, the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act continues! Your participation is drastically needed so please participate!
Go here to contact Senator Wyden and submit your name to be read during his filibuster the US Senate: http://stopcensorship.org/
And go here to find out how you can participate in the phone-in campaign to the US government this coming week: http://americancensorship.org/
And if you haven't already, write to your Senator/Congressperson to let them know that these acts are too general and harmful to the internet! Go here: http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/pelosi/
Thanks to all who have already participated, together we can stop online censorship!
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- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 4377

Riaa - Indivisuality, 리아 - 개성, MBC Top Music 19970315
Riaa - Indivisuality, 리아 - 개성, MBC Top Music(인기가요 베스트50), 84회, EP084, 1997/03/15, MBC TV, ...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Riaa - Indivisuality, 리아 - 개성, MBC Top Music 19970315
Riaa - Indivisuality, 리아 - 개성, MBC Top Music(인기가요 베스트50), 84회, EP084, 1997/03/15, MBC TV, Republic of Korea
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 1387

Keiser Report, RIAA/MPAA are like Wall Street fraudsters (29May12)
The RIAA and MPAA have learnt from the best in Wall Street, and use corruption and fraud (...
published: 29 May 2012
Keiser Report, RIAA/MPAA are like Wall Street fraudsters (29May12)
The RIAA and MPAA have learnt from the best in Wall Street, and use corruption and fraud (aka Hollywood Accounting) to hide money and plead poverty to corrupt politicians, to change laws to suit the illegal media cartels.
Recorded from RT, Keiser Report, 29 May 2012.
- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 89