Satu Hassi - Overcoming Barriers to Clean Energy
Role of intellectual property rights and lack of capacity and resources
published: 12 Dec 2007
COP18: Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament
COP18 (05/12/12) -- Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament talks about EU ambition. She says she would hope the EU would have been more ambitious than it has shown itself to be. She says that following the climate negotiations she understands that countries aim to show themselves in the best light -- and for the EU some of the praise is justified. She says it is true the continent has managed to reduce its emissions by 18% on 1990 levels but that it is also true on the other hand that they are already close to succeeding their 2020 target and are unwilling to raise their ambition. She cites research which says that raising the continent's target from 20% to 30% could be good for the economy and bring 6 million new jobs.
published: 10 Sep 2013
Satu Hassi - Upcoming Issues
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
published: 10 Dec 2007
Satu Hassi
published: 21 Jan 2010
Satu Hassi - Upcoming Issues - in Finnish
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
In Finnish language
published: 10 Dec 2007
Satu Hassi valtioneuvoston viestinnän haastattelussa
Tekniikan lisensiaatti ja kirjailija Satu Maijastiina Hassi nousi ensimmäisenä naisena puolueestaan hallitukseen.
Kahden rehtorin tytär Satu Hassi opiskeli diplomi-insinööriksi Helsingissä ja tekniikan lisensiaatiksi Tampereella. Hän kiinnostui politiikasta 1970-luvun alussa ollessaan mukana Teiniliiton Taksvärkissä ja Sosialistisessa Opiskelijaliitossa. Hassi pestattiin tamperelaisen Oy Tampella Ab Tamrockin tehtaiden ensimmäiseksi naisinsinööriksi. Tamrockin jälkeen hän työskenteli yliassistentin sijaisena Tampereen teknillisessä korkeakoulussa.
1980-luvun puolivälissä Hassi jättäytyi vapaaksi kirjailijaksi ja osallistui monella tavalla feministisen naisliikkeen toimintaan. Hän on toiminut Tampereen kaupunginvaltuustossa 1985–2000 ja 2013-17. Tampellan tehdasmaiseman säilyttämiseksi kä...
published: 22 Nov 2017
What future for Finland in NATO? | A Debrief with Chair Satu Hassi
What future for Finland in NATO?
As Finland continues its post-Ukraine accession process into NATO, I interview Satu Hassi, Chair of the Grand Committee in the Finnish Parliament, to discuss Finland's new security position.
What role is the UK's new security pact with Finland playing in its accession to NATO? How is Turkey's opposition to Finland's accession impacting the rest of NATO? Is Finnish membership of the alliance now in trouble?
published: 07 Jun 2022
Satu Hassi English
published: 03 Aug 2012
Interview: Finnish MEP Satu Hassi on plastics recycling
Resource Efficiency: plastics and packaging
What standards for enhanced recyclability?
Stakeholder Workshop
Contributors include:
• Julio GARCÍA BURGUÉS, Head of Unit Waste
Management, DG ENV
• Satu HASSI, MEP (invited)
• Stéphane ARDITI, Senior Policy Officer,
European Environmental Bureau
An event organised by Fondation EurActiv
With the support of UNESDA -- Union of European Beverages Associations
21 June 2011
12.00-- 14.00
EurActiv Network Office, 1 Bd. Charlemagne, 1041 Brussels
EurActiv is following closely the roll-out of the
European Commission's Flagship Initiative on Resource
Efficiency: we are delighted to invite policymakers and
stakeholders to discuss the plastics sector, packaging
and recycling.
The plastics recycling i...
published: 28 Jun 2011
Satu Hassi explains the negotiations on Deforestation and REDD
Green MEP Satu Hassi gives an update on negotiations for an agreement on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
REDD is a key issue for climate protection. The main idea behind REDD negotiations is to create a mechanism where by countries that have forests will gain an economic benefit from protecting them, or at least reducing their rate of deforestation.
It seems deal is close, however, there are still issues to be solved. These include the need for monitoring to be on a country by country basis, to maintain the environmental integrity of the process. Some countries do not yet have a monitoring system in place making the assessment of an agreement difficult.
For the latest news, videos and updates from Cancun, visit
published: 10 Dec 2010
Satu Hassi - Overcoming Barriers to Clean Energy
Role of intellectual property rights and lack of capacity and resources
Role of intellectual property rights and lack of capacity and resources
Role of intellectual property rights and lack of capacity and resources
- published: 12 Dec 2007
- views: 197
COP18: Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament
COP18 (05/12/12) -- Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament talks about EU ambition. She says she would hope the EU would have been more ambitious than it...
COP18 (05/12/12) -- Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament talks about EU ambition. She says she would hope the EU would have been more ambitious than it has shown itself to be. She says that following the climate negotiations she understands that countries aim to show themselves in the best light -- and for the EU some of the praise is justified. She says it is true the continent has managed to reduce its emissions by 18% on 1990 levels but that it is also true on the other hand that they are already close to succeeding their 2020 target and are unwilling to raise their ambition. She cites research which says that raising the continent's target from 20% to 30% could be good for the economy and bring 6 million new jobs.
COP18 (05/12/12) -- Satu Hassi, Member of the European Parliament talks about EU ambition. She says she would hope the EU would have been more ambitious than it has shown itself to be. She says that following the climate negotiations she understands that countries aim to show themselves in the best light -- and for the EU some of the praise is justified. She says it is true the continent has managed to reduce its emissions by 18% on 1990 levels but that it is also true on the other hand that they are already close to succeeding their 2020 target and are unwilling to raise their ambition. She cites research which says that raising the continent's target from 20% to 30% could be good for the economy and bring 6 million new jobs.
- published: 10 Sep 2013
- views: 18
Satu Hassi - Upcoming Issues
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
- published: 10 Dec 2007
- views: 160
Satu Hassi - Upcoming Issues - in Finnish
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
In Finnish language
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
In Finnish language
Most important goals for the forthcoming negotiations
In Finnish language
- published: 10 Dec 2007
- views: 186
Satu Hassi valtioneuvoston viestinnän haastattelussa
Tekniikan lisensiaatti ja kirjailija Satu Maijastiina Hassi nousi ensimmäisenä naisena puolueestaan hallitukseen.
Kahden rehtorin tytär Satu Hassi opiskeli dip...
Tekniikan lisensiaatti ja kirjailija Satu Maijastiina Hassi nousi ensimmäisenä naisena puolueestaan hallitukseen.
Kahden rehtorin tytär Satu Hassi opiskeli diplomi-insinööriksi Helsingissä ja tekniikan lisensiaatiksi Tampereella. Hän kiinnostui politiikasta 1970-luvun alussa ollessaan mukana Teiniliiton Taksvärkissä ja Sosialistisessa Opiskelijaliitossa. Hassi pestattiin tamperelaisen Oy Tampella Ab Tamrockin tehtaiden ensimmäiseksi naisinsinööriksi. Tamrockin jälkeen hän työskenteli yliassistentin sijaisena Tampereen teknillisessä korkeakoulussa.
1980-luvun puolivälissä Hassi jättäytyi vapaaksi kirjailijaksi ja osallistui monella tavalla feministisen naisliikkeen toimintaan. Hän on toiminut Tampereen kaupunginvaltuustossa 1985–2000 ja 2013-17. Tampellan tehdasmaiseman säilyttämiseksi käydyt kiistat kaupunginvaltuustossa vaikuttivat siihen, että hänet valittiin kansanedustajaksi 1991.
Hassi on ollut keskeinen vaikuttaja Vihreässä liitossa 1980-luvun lopulta asti ja sen puheenjohtaja vuodet 1997–2001. Politiikassaan Hassi on painottanut ympäristöön, talouteen ja ihmisoikeuksiin liittyviä teemoja. Vihreiden eduskuntaryhmää Hassi on johtanut kolmesti. Lipposen II hallituksen ympäristö- ja kehitysministerinä hän keskittyi etenkin ilmastonsuojeluun. Ministerikausi päättyi kolmen vuoden jälkeen eroon, kun hallitus päätti antaa luvan viidennen ydinvoimalan rakentamiselle. Vihreät olivat vastustaneet hanketta.
Vuodet 2004–14 Hassi toimi Euroopan parlamentissa ympäristö- ja energia-asioiden parissa. Muun muassa ilmansaasteiden vähentäminen, kemikaalien käyttö ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojeleminen olivat tärkeitä teemoja. Vuonna 2015 hänet valittiin uudelleen eduskuntaan, jossa hän toimii muun muassa ympäristövaliokunnan puheenjohtajana.
Tekniikan lisensiaatti ja kirjailija Satu Maijastiina Hassi nousi ensimmäisenä naisena puolueestaan hallitukseen.
Kahden rehtorin tytär Satu Hassi opiskeli diplomi-insinööriksi Helsingissä ja tekniikan lisensiaatiksi Tampereella. Hän kiinnostui politiikasta 1970-luvun alussa ollessaan mukana Teiniliiton Taksvärkissä ja Sosialistisessa Opiskelijaliitossa. Hassi pestattiin tamperelaisen Oy Tampella Ab Tamrockin tehtaiden ensimmäiseksi naisinsinööriksi. Tamrockin jälkeen hän työskenteli yliassistentin sijaisena Tampereen teknillisessä korkeakoulussa.
1980-luvun puolivälissä Hassi jättäytyi vapaaksi kirjailijaksi ja osallistui monella tavalla feministisen naisliikkeen toimintaan. Hän on toiminut Tampereen kaupunginvaltuustossa 1985–2000 ja 2013-17. Tampellan tehdasmaiseman säilyttämiseksi käydyt kiistat kaupunginvaltuustossa vaikuttivat siihen, että hänet valittiin kansanedustajaksi 1991.
Hassi on ollut keskeinen vaikuttaja Vihreässä liitossa 1980-luvun lopulta asti ja sen puheenjohtaja vuodet 1997–2001. Politiikassaan Hassi on painottanut ympäristöön, talouteen ja ihmisoikeuksiin liittyviä teemoja. Vihreiden eduskuntaryhmää Hassi on johtanut kolmesti. Lipposen II hallituksen ympäristö- ja kehitysministerinä hän keskittyi etenkin ilmastonsuojeluun. Ministerikausi päättyi kolmen vuoden jälkeen eroon, kun hallitus päätti antaa luvan viidennen ydinvoimalan rakentamiselle. Vihreät olivat vastustaneet hanketta.
Vuodet 2004–14 Hassi toimi Euroopan parlamentissa ympäristö- ja energia-asioiden parissa. Muun muassa ilmansaasteiden vähentäminen, kemikaalien käyttö ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojeleminen olivat tärkeitä teemoja. Vuonna 2015 hänet valittiin uudelleen eduskuntaan, jossa hän toimii muun muassa ympäristövaliokunnan puheenjohtajana.
- published: 22 Nov 2017
- views: 543
What future for Finland in NATO? | A Debrief with Chair Satu Hassi
What future for Finland in NATO?
As Finland continues its post-Ukraine accession process into NATO, I interview Satu Hassi, Chair of the Grand Committee in the...
What future for Finland in NATO?
As Finland continues its post-Ukraine accession process into NATO, I interview Satu Hassi, Chair of the Grand Committee in the Finnish Parliament, to discuss Finland's new security position.
What role is the UK's new security pact with Finland playing in its accession to NATO? How is Turkey's opposition to Finland's accession impacting the rest of NATO? Is Finnish membership of the alliance now in trouble?
What future for Finland in NATO?
As Finland continues its post-Ukraine accession process into NATO, I interview Satu Hassi, Chair of the Grand Committee in the Finnish Parliament, to discuss Finland's new security position.
What role is the UK's new security pact with Finland playing in its accession to NATO? How is Turkey's opposition to Finland's accession impacting the rest of NATO? Is Finnish membership of the alliance now in trouble?
- published: 07 Jun 2022
- views: 175
Interview: Finnish MEP Satu Hassi on plastics recycling
Resource Efficiency: plastics and packaging
What standards for enhanced recyclability?
Stakeholder Workshop
Contributors include:
Resource Efficiency: plastics and packaging
What standards for enhanced recyclability?
Stakeholder Workshop
Contributors include:
• Julio GARCÍA BURGUÉS, Head of Unit Waste
Management, DG ENV
• Satu HASSI, MEP (invited)
• Stéphane ARDITI, Senior Policy Officer,
European Environmental Bureau
An event organised by Fondation EurActiv
With the support of UNESDA -- Union of European Beverages Associations
21 June 2011
12.00-- 14.00
EurActiv Network Office, 1 Bd. Charlemagne, 1041 Brussels
EurActiv is following closely the roll-out of the
European Commission's Flagship Initiative on Resource
Efficiency: we are delighted to invite policymakers and
stakeholders to discuss the plastics sector, packaging
and recycling.
The plastics recycling industry is facing record demand
and a raw materials supply issue. And while infrastructure
is not growing fast enough to collect the material needed
by industry, all-time-high cotton prices are driving more
and more PET collected in the developed world abroad, to
feed the polyester fiber demand of China and India.
How can EU policymaking ease the functioning of the
plastics recycling industry in Europe, and help steer
European industry and consumption patterns on a more
sustainable path?
• Packaging makes up 40% of total plastics use in
Europe. How will the EU Resource Efficiency
initiative contribute to the sustainable use and
consumption of plastics in packaging?
• Reuse and recycling of plastics can both boost
sustainability and enhance Europe's
independence from imports of petroleum and
refined products. Should EU-wide targets be set
for plastics recycling? What levels of recycling
can be reasonably reached in the next decade?
• Recyclability can be enhanced by better
product design. How can standards for product
design help, while leaving room for innovation
and shelf differentiation? Are formal regulations
needed or can industry set its own standards?
Resource Efficiency: plastics and packaging
What standards for enhanced recyclability?
Stakeholder Workshop
Contributors include:
• Julio GARCÍA BURGUÉS, Head of Unit Waste
Management, DG ENV
• Satu HASSI, MEP (invited)
• Stéphane ARDITI, Senior Policy Officer,
European Environmental Bureau
An event organised by Fondation EurActiv
With the support of UNESDA -- Union of European Beverages Associations
21 June 2011
12.00-- 14.00
EurActiv Network Office, 1 Bd. Charlemagne, 1041 Brussels
EurActiv is following closely the roll-out of the
European Commission's Flagship Initiative on Resource
Efficiency: we are delighted to invite policymakers and
stakeholders to discuss the plastics sector, packaging
and recycling.
The plastics recycling industry is facing record demand
and a raw materials supply issue. And while infrastructure
is not growing fast enough to collect the material needed
by industry, all-time-high cotton prices are driving more
and more PET collected in the developed world abroad, to
feed the polyester fiber demand of China and India.
How can EU policymaking ease the functioning of the
plastics recycling industry in Europe, and help steer
European industry and consumption patterns on a more
sustainable path?
• Packaging makes up 40% of total plastics use in
Europe. How will the EU Resource Efficiency
initiative contribute to the sustainable use and
consumption of plastics in packaging?
• Reuse and recycling of plastics can both boost
sustainability and enhance Europe's
independence from imports of petroleum and
refined products. Should EU-wide targets be set
for plastics recycling? What levels of recycling
can be reasonably reached in the next decade?
• Recyclability can be enhanced by better
product design. How can standards for product
design help, while leaving room for innovation
and shelf differentiation? Are formal regulations
needed or can industry set its own standards?
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 306
Satu Hassi explains the negotiations on Deforestation and REDD
Green MEP Satu Hassi gives an update on negotiations for an agreement on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
REDD is a key i...
Green MEP Satu Hassi gives an update on negotiations for an agreement on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
REDD is a key issue for climate protection. The main idea behind REDD negotiations is to create a mechanism where by countries that have forests will gain an economic benefit from protecting them, or at least reducing their rate of deforestation.
It seems deal is close, however, there are still issues to be solved. These include the need for monitoring to be on a country by country basis, to maintain the environmental integrity of the process. Some countries do not yet have a monitoring system in place making the assessment of an agreement difficult.
For the latest news, videos and updates from Cancun, visit
Green MEP Satu Hassi gives an update on negotiations for an agreement on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
REDD is a key issue for climate protection. The main idea behind REDD negotiations is to create a mechanism where by countries that have forests will gain an economic benefit from protecting them, or at least reducing their rate of deforestation.
It seems deal is close, however, there are still issues to be solved. These include the need for monitoring to be on a country by country basis, to maintain the environmental integrity of the process. Some countries do not yet have a monitoring system in place making the assessment of an agreement difficult.
For the latest news, videos and updates from Cancun, visit
- published: 10 Dec 2010
- views: 147