- published: 20 Dec 2008
- views: 5684181

Smelting Iron from Iron ore
Colonial Williamsburg blacksmiths are smelting Iron in a bloomery furnace to make wrought...
published: 15 Dec 2009
Smelting Iron from Iron ore
Colonial Williamsburg blacksmiths are smelting Iron in a bloomery furnace to make wrought iron.
I just completed a 52 minute movie called Ore to Axe. It takes you on the journey of finding ore, making charcoal. building a furnace, smelting the ore to iron, converting the iron to steel, and finally forging the axe.
can buy it here:
See the trailer here:
- published: 15 Dec 2009
- views: 41504

Minecraft Mod Showcase : ORE CREEPERS!
ORE CREEPERS! Creepers that drop ore! from diamonds, to coal! Getting ore will never be th...
published: 28 Jul 2012
Minecraft Mod Showcase : ORE CREEPERS!
ORE CREEPERS! Creepers that drop ore! from diamonds, to coal! Getting ore will never be the same! Download the mod here! tell em Sky sent you!
Follow me on twitter and twitch.tv
Music used in this video is by C418
Music used in this intro is by KevinMacleod at http://www.incompetech.com
- published: 28 Jul 2012
- views: 3293890

Types Of Ores
Check us out at http://chemistry.tutorvista.com
An ore is a type of rock that contains mi...
published: 14 May 2010
Types Of Ores
Check us out at http://chemistry.tutorvista.com
An ore is a type of rock that contains minerals with important elements including metals. The ores are extracted through mining, these are then refined to extract the valuable element(s).
The grade or concentration of an ore mineral, or metal, as well as its form of occurrence, will directly affect the costs associated with mining the ore. The cost of extraction must thus be weighted against the contained metal value of the rock to determine what ore can be profitably extracted and what ore is of too low a grade to be worth mining. Metal ores are generally oxides, sulfides, silicates, or "native" metals (such as native copper) that are not commonly concentrated in the Earth's crust or "noble" metals (not usually forming compounds) such as gold. The ores must be processed to extract the metals of interest from the waste rock and from the ore minerals. Ore bodies are formed by a variety of geological processes. The process of ore formation is called ore genesis.
Important Ore Minerals
•Acanthite: Ag2S for production of silver
•Barite: BaSO4
•Bauxite Al2O3 for production of aluminium
•Beryl: Be3Al2(SiO3)6
•Bornite: Cu5FeS4
•Cassiterite: SnO2
•Chalcocite: Cu2S for production of copper
•Chalcopyrite: CuFeS2
•Chromite: (Fe, Mg)Cr2O4 for production of chromium
•Cinnabar: HgS for production of mercury
•Cobaltite: (Co, Fe)AsS
•Columbite-Tantalite or Coltan: (Fe, Mn)(Nb, Ta)2O6
•Galena: PbS
•Gold: Au, typically associated with quartz or as placer deposits
•Hematite: Fe2O3
•Ilmenite: FeTiO3
•Magnetite: Fe3O4
•Molybdenite: MoS2
•Pentlandite:(Fe, Ni)9S8
•Scheelite: CaWO4
•Sphalerite: ZnS
•Uraninite (pitchblende): UO2 for production of metallic uranium
•Wolframite: (Fe, Mn)WO4
Please like our facebook page
- published: 14 May 2010
- views: 20301

SWIMMING ANIME - Ore To Omae No Sa o Oshiete Yaru Yo HD PV
UPDATE 09/03/2013
** Something epic is gonna happen soon...... I'll update you guys once ...
published: 06 Mar 2013
SWIMMING ANIME - Ore To Omae No Sa o Oshiete Yaru Yo HD PV
UPDATE 09/03/2013
** Something epic is gonna happen soon...... I'll update you guys once I am positive about it ^^
UPDATE 07/03/2013:
** Animation DO, a Japanese studio mostly known for subcontracting work on other studios' projects, and Kyoto Animation aired a commercial on Wednesday (April 2012) for Animation DO's previously-revealed animation project. The end of the commercial features the text "A new challenge!" Animation DO and Kyoto Animation have not made any further announcements about the project, nor have they confirmed if the commercial itself was the new project.
** http://www.animationdo.co.jp/
.......... If this is a no-go project that is cancelled, I am not going to be happy TT3TT .. And I do hope that this is an anime and not some Swimming Commercial... Oh dear Japan... why must you do this to us.. @¬@
The animation, the art.. the guys.. omfg.... *coff*
Anyhow, the title of the anime (if it even IS one?) is yet to be confirmed and if it's going to be released or not, we have no updates as of yet~!
But.... COSPLAY PROJECT ANYONE? Dear men.. time to get fit! Hahah! XD
ENJOY the vid ladies!!
PS: A friend sent me this vid.. so I thought I'd upload it.. :D
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 84534

Riber Ore
Guitarrista peruano extraordinario!
published: 08 Sep 2011
Riber Ore
Guitarrista peruano extraordinario!
Guitarra Andina, clasica, ayacuchana, criolla, flamenca.
De la nueva generacion de guitarristas clasicos peruanos, compositor e interprete.
Un verdadero orgullo peruano.
Entrevista y realizacion: Milagros Lizarraga
- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 51432

Riber Ore - Canticos del Arpa
Riber Ore performs "Canticos del Arpa" from his debut album "Machupicchu". Album released ...
published: 07 Oct 2011
Riber Ore - Canticos del Arpa
Riber Ore performs "Canticos del Arpa" from his debut album "Machupicchu". Album released on Goin' Native Records 2010. An in depth explanation follows in Spanish:
Cánticos del arpa.- El arpa es un instrumento musical europeo muy antiguo. Traída al Perú por los españoles, fue adoptada por los pobladores andinos hasta convertirla -junto con el violín- en instru-mento predilecto para tocar ritmos y melodías tradicionales tanto de carácter ritual agropecuario co-mo religioso y festivo. Incluso cambió de forma para tener mayor sonoridad y ser tocada acompa-ñando danzas de recorrido. Es un instrumento complejo, completo y exigente pero muy versátil, en el que -con una mano- se toca la melodía a dos voces y -con la otra mano- el acompañamiento con bordones en tercera y bajo, obteniendo armonías parecidas a las del piano. La admirable habilidad de los arpistas de la sierra de Lima para dominar este instrumento y tocar infinidad de melodías de su repertorio, nos da la pauta para valorar y aplaudir la capacidad de Riber Oré para adaptar a la guitarra el sabor especial del arpa limeña altoandina y arrancarle melodías y acordes muy logrados.
- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 16705

Follia a Cardito! blocca la via per ORE e si incazza pure
il paese è impazzito! Parroco Daniele salva la situazione.
Solo a Cardito poteva finire co...
published: 04 Feb 2013
Follia a Cardito! blocca la via per ORE e si incazza pure
il paese è impazzito! Parroco Daniele salva la situazione.
Solo a Cardito poteva finire così bene ^^
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 1511614

Tg1 ore 20 del 10 marzo 2013
Tg1 ore 20 del 10 marzo 2013
GUARDA TUTTI I SERVIZI http://www.tg1.rai.it
Tg1 è anche ...
published: 10 Mar 2013
Tg1 ore 20 del 10 marzo 2013
Tg1 ore 20 del 10 marzo 2013
GUARDA TUTTI I SERVIZI http://www.tg1.rai.it
Tg1 è anche su Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tg1/120291344694695
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 379
Youtube results:

Ola Ore - Classic Yoruba Nollywood Movie Starring Babatunde Omidina
This is a free film to watch...People have been waiting for this film to come online and h...
published: 02 Mar 2013
Ola Ore - Classic Yoruba Nollywood Movie Starring Babatunde Omidina
This is a free film to watch...People have been waiting for this film to come online and here it is, brought to you by OKIN PARTNERS.
Cast:- and many more....
Please subscribe to our channel....brought to you by OKIN PARTNERS
Join Us on facebook: - http://www.facebook.com/OkinTvChannel
Twitter: - @okintv
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 9509

Tg1 ore 20 dell' 8 marzo 2013
Edizione integrale Tg1 delle 20 dell' 8 marzo 2013
GUARDA TUTTI I SERVIZI http://www.tg1....
published: 09 Mar 2013
Tg1 ore 20 dell' 8 marzo 2013
Edizione integrale Tg1 delle 20 dell' 8 marzo 2013
GUARDA TUTTI I SERVIZI http://www.tg1.rai.it
Tg1 è anche su Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tg1/120291344694695
- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 109

Mike Patton´s Mondo Cane - 03- Ore D´Amore
Live at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam.
Directo de Mondo Cane en Amsterdam, miradlo ...
published: 24 Aug 2008
Mike Patton´s Mondo Cane - 03- Ore D´Amore
Live at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam.
Directo de Mondo Cane en Amsterdam, miradlo entero, no tiene pérdida.
Check this italian forum about Patton, you can find the translations there:
- published: 24 Aug 2008
- views: 267538