National demo against privatisation - University of Sussex - updates

Monday March 25th is the national demonstration against privatisation being held at the University of Sussex. We'll edit this post with updates throughout the day. Also keep an eye on the...

Federico Aldrovandi was only 18 years old when he died of police brutality in 2005. Unlike the majority of such cases, Federico's murder found justice as the four responsible agents were found...

Series of articles and perspectives on how Sin City became one of the most unionised cities in the USA today, and those that have made up the membership.

Despite heavy rain, around 1000 people marched through the streets of Bologna on 23 March 2013, in a general demonstration against the...


Jack Hayes, police union secretary, addresses strike rally on Tower Hill, 1918

Ken Weller of Solidarity's brief history of the two strikes of London police officers during and after World War I. Libcom does not support strikes of police officers as such but reproduce...


1954. Hollywood actors, cold warriors, mobsters, drug dealers and homing pigeons. What will Yugoslavian president Tito do, now that Joe Stalin is dead? What is the hidden link between Lucky...