wtgcapital April 9, 2013
windfarm149 April 8, 2013
754545756 April 6, 2013
Napthine Pic March 14, 2013

TAKE ACTION: Petition Premier Napthine to dump Baillieu’s anti-wind farm laws

March 8, 2013



Ted Baillieu’s resignation presents the Coalition with the opportunity to dump the former-Premiers regressive anti-wind farm laws (called VC82). Research by Friends of the Earth estimates that the wind policy championed by Ted Baillieu has cost Victoria around $887 million in lost or stalled investment. Meanwhile, much of our best farmland is under exploration for… [Read more…]

Electricity should be a public matter

April 10, 2013



The following article by Ben Courtice was first published at New Matilda Markets are neither free nor efficient, and they are bad for the environment. While that may sound like a timeless left-wing credo, it’s also a simple assessment of 20 years of privatisation and market-oriented restructuring of Australia’s electricity industry. It has become an… [Read more…]

Department restructure: green light for dirty coal?

April 9, 2013



By Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth campaigns coordinator.  Victorian Premier Denis Napthine has today announced a major restructure of the public service, with major implications for environmental policy and which could give the green light to new coal projects. Friends of the Earth fear that the newly formed Department of State Development, Business and… [Read more…]

Origin’s wind energy analysis based on hot air

April 5, 2013



Published by RenewEconomy. View the original article. By Ketan Joshi, Research and Communications Officer at Infigen Energy. The views expressed below are his own, and not those of Infigen Energy. Last month, Grant King, CEO of Origin Energy, gave a speech to CEDA – the committee for the economic development of Australia. In his speech, he was highly critical… [Read more…]

New research busts myth wind farms decrease property prices

April 4, 2013



New research by the Victorian Greens demolishes claims made by anti-wind farm activists that wind farms result in decreased property value. Anti-wind activists claim wind farms reduce property values. The research conducted by Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber shows, once again, that the claim is not supported by evidence. The claim that wind farms reduce property… [Read more…]


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