27 March 2013

Mursi, army debate imposing martial law as strike wave shakes Egypt

By Thomas Gaist and Alex Lantier, 27 March 2013

In advance of a possible bread strike, as workers struggles spread throughout Egypt, Islamist President Mohamed Mursi is in talks with the army to impose martial law.

Kerry’s Middle East tour prepares endless war in Afghanistan, Syria

By Alex Lantier, 27 March 2013

US Secretary of State John Kerry left Kabul for Paris yesterday, after a Middle Eastern tour to Jordan and Afghanistan to plan broader wars across the region.

Cyprus faces deep recession, high unemployment after bank bailout

By Julie Hyland, 27 March 2013

The €10 billion loan agreed between the Cypriot government and the European Union will see the country lose 20 percent of its GDP in three years, with unemployment doubling.

Michigan unions ram through concession deals ahead of right-to-work law

By Naomi Spencer, 27 March 2013

Public employee unions throughout the state have rushed through long-term contracts that secure their dues base before the right-to-work law takes effect.

Detroit area worker killed in auto parts plant

By Bryan Dyne, 27 March 2013

A 42-year-old auto parts worker at Mollertech LLC in Shelby Township, Michigan was crushed to death last Thursday when a five-ton die fell on him.

US authorities detain immigrants in solitary confinement

By Niles Williamson, 27 March 2013

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency routinely subjects a significant number of detainees to conditions that meet the United Nations definition of torture.

Albuquerque police chief resigns amid surge of police violence

By D. Lencho, 27 March 2013

The upswing in incidents of police violence in Albuquerque follows a national trend.

US-led campaign against Syria destabilises Lebanon

By Jean Shaoul, 27 March 2013

Growing social and political tensions in Lebanon have been stoked by outside intervention in the region, as part of broader plans to topple Syria’s regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Germany: leading Left Party official praises Agenda 2010 reforms

By Hendrik Paul, 27 March 2013

The deputy leader of the Left Party’s parliamentary group praised the Agenda 2010 social cuts made by the former Social Democratic Party-Green Party coalition government.

Goodyear union in France touts cooperative to “save” Amiens plant

By Antoine Lerougetel, 27 March 2013

The CGT union at the Goodyear Tire plant in Amiens in northern France, has outlined its plans for making the site a workers’ cooperative.

Australia: CSR glass workers discuss issues posed by plant closures

By Mike Head, 27 March 2013

The CSR workers face a fight not just against the company but also the Labor government and the trade unions.

Bangladesh government continues repression against opposition

By Wimal Perera, 27 March 2013

The masses have become increasingly alienated from the Awami League-led government, because of its failure to solve any aspect of the social crisis.

New in German

CIA-Krieg gegen Syrien

Von Johannes Stern, 27. März 2013

Nach Präsident Barack Obamas so genannter “Friedenstour” durch Israel verschärft die US-Regierung ihr Eingreifen im Nahen Osten. Vor zehn Jahren eröffnete sie den Krieg gegen den Irak.

EU zwingt Zypern Rettungspaket auf

Von Jordan Shilton und Chris Marsden, 27. März 2013

Die Aussage des Vorsitzenden der Euro-Gruppe, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, die Rettung Zyperns sei ein Musterbeispiel für den Rest der Eurozone, führte zu Kursverlusten auf den europäischen Finanzmärkten.

Die Hintergründe des gescheiterten Putschs gegen die australische Premierministerin

Von Peter Symonds, 27. März 2013

Die aktuelle politische Krise der Labor Party ist eng mit der wachsenden weltweiten Wirtschaftskrise und den zunehmenden geopolitischen Spannungen verbunden.

Regierungskrise in Italien

Von Marianne Arens, 27. März 2013

Bersanis Dilemma besteht darin, dass er auf Verlangen der EU und der Banken eine Regierung der strikten Austerität schaffen muss, obwohl eine Mehrheit dies in den Februarwahlen ausdrücklich abgelehnt hat.

New in French

Tsipras, dirigeant de SYRIZA, s'adresse à la pseudo-gauche britannique

Par Robert Stevens, 27 mars 2013

Alexis Tsipras, le dirigeant du parti grec SYRIZA a pris la parole à Londres lors de plusieurs événements la semaine dernière.

Le chef du NPD canadien auditionné par l'élite américaine

Par Graham Beverley, 27 mars 2013

Le chef de l'Opposition officielle, Thomas Mulcair, a fait un voyage à Washington et à New-York plus tôt ce mois-ci pour rassurer les chefs d'entreprises et les dirigeants politiques américains qu'un gouvernement NPD serait un allié fiable de l'impérialisme américain.

Le résultat de l’élection législative partielle de l’Oise sonne comme un avertissement pour la classe ouvrière

Par Anthony Torres, 26 mars 2013

Après 10 mois de gouvernance, le PS a connu une défaite sérieuse lors de l’élection législative partielle de l’Oise, qui a vu une montée importante du vote néo-fasciste.

L’assaut mené contre l’enseignement public à Chicago

Par Alexander Fangmann, 27 mars 2013

L’annonce de la fermeture de 61 établissements scolaires à Chicago, Illinois, marque une nouvelle étape de la contre-révolution sociale en Amérique.

Les quinze ans du WSWS: 1998-2013
Année passée en revue : 2000
Pourquoi je lis le WSWS: Courrier des lecteurs

Other Languages


US sequester cuts and the fraud of “political gridlock”

27 March 2013

The Democrats’ passage of a bill that makes the US sequester cuts permanent this year underscores their support for slashing social spending.

Earlier Perspectives »

Fifteen Years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998-2013

The WSWS is posting a year-by-year Chronology, selected from its archive of more than 45,000 articles, to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the critical events of years 1998 to 2013.

We urge our readers to study the Chronology and review how the great events, political issues, social processes, and cultural and intellectual controversies of the last 15 years were reported on and analyzed by the WSWS.

The year in review 2004

We publish today the seventh installment in the year-by-year Chronology, which reviews the course of the brutal US occupation of Iraq, the destruction of Fallujah and the significance of the Abu Ghraib torture photos. Accompanying the growth of militarism was the attack on democratic rights within the United States and in all the countries involved in the “global war on terror.”

15th Anniversary page »

From the WSWS Archive

Into the maelstrom: The crisis of American imperialism and the war against Iraq

By David North, 20 March 2013

This report was delivered March 29, 2003 to the SEP conference “Socialism and the Struggle against Imperialism and War: The Strategy and Program of a New International Working Class Movement” in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Fund Appeal

SEP National Secretary Joe Kishore: Support the WSWS!

26 March 2013

In this video, SEP National Secretary Joseph Kishore speaks about the significance of the World Socialist Web Site’s Fifteenth Anniversary, and why the WSWS needs its readers’ support now more than ever.

Socialist Equality Party

No to all school closures! Unite the working class to defend public education!

By the Socialist Equality Party, 27 March 2013

This statement is being distributed at a demonstration of Chicago teachers today.

Tsar to Lenin screenings at Toronto’s York and Kingston’s Queen’s University

27 March 2013

World Socialist Web Site Arts Editor David Walsh will introduce a special screening of Tsar to Lenin at York University in Toronto this Thursday.

David North to address public meeting in London on May 5: Fifteen Years of the World Socialist Web Site

20 March 2013

Arts Review

A Place At The Table: A damning picture of hunger, with feeble conclusions

By James Brewer, 27 March 2013

The recent documentary shows that the hunger and nutrition crisis in the United States has steadily increased through both Republican and Democratic administrations since the 1970s.

Bryan Wizemann’s About Sunny (Think of Me) released on video on demand

By David Walsh, 26 March 2013


The CIA war against Syria

By Johannes Stern, 26 March 2013

Workers Struggles

Striking teachers, students and parents rally to defend education in Cleveland area

By Phyllis Scherrer and Samuel Davidson, 25 March 2013

25 years ago: Nationalist conflicts emerge in Soviet Armenia

This week in 1988, Soviet troops and helicopters were sent into the Armenian capital of Yerevan to enforce Moscow’s March 24 ban on demonstrations.

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50 years ago: New York city newspaper strike comes to an end

On March 31, 1963, 19,000 workers striking against eight leading New York City newspapers, including the New York Times, the Daily News, and the Herald-Tribune, ended their 114-day walkout.

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75 years ago: Military reverses for Republican Spain

The week beginning March 25, 1938, was marked by a series of defeats and reverses for Republican forces across the battlefronts of the Spanish Civil War.

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100 years ago: The Battle of Adrianople

On March 26, 1913, the Turkish city of Adrianople was seized by Bulgarian and Serbian armed forces, following a five-month siege of the city.

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