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Opinion & Analysis

An image of Hugo Chavez at a recent memorial event in Mérida, Venezuela (Ewan Robertson /

Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Legacy and Challenges

The death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has prompted the international left to acknowledge two key features about him and Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, writes Manuel Larrabure.

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Nicolas Maduro – The Bus Driver
The 14 April Venezuelan Presidential Election Campaign: Start of a New Era
Venezuela, Chavez, and the Women’s Revolution


Venezuela in images

Chavismo on the Streets - Weeks after his passing, Chavez remains present on every street corner. Not just his face, but his message is encapsulated by street art peppering Merida's public places. Murals celebrate freedom and unity, while speaking out against imperialism and exploitation. Merida's street art are daily reminders of the ongoing revolution.

The 14 April Venezuelan Presidential Election Campaign: Start of a New Era

Although the results of the presidential elections in a few weeks are quite predictable, we are going through a fragile, vulnerable period, with a future that is less predictable. These elections, because of their place in history- the start of the era of the Bolivarian revolution without Chavez – have some special characteristics and factors.

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Economic Indicators

Chart graphic

This CEPR has written various reports on the situation of the venezuelan economy. Read them here