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Unite the left to defeat corporate power and win a better world

secure jobs in a green future … Conference Statement Unite the left to defeat corporate power and win a better world Austerity, union busting, disempowerment and accelerating climate change are the policies coming from corporate capitalism in Europe and North America as the global capitalist crisis continues. Democracy itself has been usurped in Greece as [...]

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secure jobs in a green future

Australian Left Renewal Conference Weekend April 6-7, 2013 University of Technology Sydney Featuring Mick Gooda; Kostas Isychos (SYRIZA) Guthrie Theatre Building 6 702 Harris Street, Ultimo Building a Stronger Left Uniting to Fight the Abbott Coalition Strategic Priorities for the Left 3 Participatory Forums, 15 Workshops program below REGISTER NOW! register online at Conference [...]

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New booklet – mapping the Right in Australia, the USA, and UK

The SEARCH Foundation has produced this booklet as an education and campaign tool for all Australians who are committed to creating a fairer society. The booklet provides an overview of some of the organisations and individuals in Australia, the USA and UK who are working to undermine fairness, equality, democracy and ecological sustainability. It highlights [...]

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Unite the left to defeat corporate power and win a better world

secure jobs in a green future … Conference Statement Unite the left to defeat corporate power and win a better world Austerity, union busting, disempowerment and accelerating climate change are the policies coming from corporate capitalism in Europe and North America as the global capitalist crisis continues. Democracy itself has been usurped in Greece as [...]


InspirActivism will be running a workshop at EduFactory!

EduFactory! is a grassroots, student-run education conference being held on Ngunnawal country in Canberra at the Australian National University from September 29 – October 1, 2012. EduFactory will be three days of radical self-education, critique and organisation intended to bring together students who seek a way out of the present crisis in university education. All are welcome who reject [...]


Roadmap of the Left

The Roadmap of the Left is an online directory of Left and progressive political organisations, journals, books and new media. It provides a basic resource for individuals and organisations seeking to familiarise themselves with different perspectives and currents thoughts across the Left/progressive spectrum with an emphasis on exploring coherent alternatives to neoliberal capitalism.