Labor's real crisis

Labor's real crisis

Past Labor battles concerned the politics of the party. Today the fight is over no more than persona...

International meeting of socialists in Amsterdam

International meeting of socialists in Amsterdam

Socialist Alternative recently participated in the International Committee meeting of the Fourth Int...

Anger rises against the Muslim Brotherhood

Anger rises against the Muslim Brotherhood

Interview with Mostafa Ali ,   a member of Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists.

Fight against 457 visas and fight for migrants’ rights

Fight against 457 visas and fight for migrants’ rights

We should be calling for every worker in the country on a 457 visa to be given a permanent visa. Thi...

Come to the opening night of Marxism 2013

Come to the opening night of Marxism 2013

The opening night of the Marxism 2013 conference in Melbourne is only a week away.

Towards Unity on the Revolutionary Left


Rizing for West Papua

Rizing for West Papua

Monday, 11 March 2013

Ronny Kareni , independence advocate at the Rize of the Morning Star campaign, speaks to  Sociali...


ABC of socialism

Why capitalism is a failure

Why capitalism is a failure

Tuesday, 05 February 2013

According to the  World Wealth Report 2012 , the world's richest 1 percent owns nearly half o...


History and Theory

When Sydney was under workers' control

When Sydney was under workers' control

Saturday, 02 March 2013

If working class people had real power, what would society look like? If you live in Australia&rsquo...;



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