George Monbiot

Latest Articles

Line of Battle
The line that separates the public from the private sphere is arbitrary, but fiercely policed. Read more – ‘Line of Battle’.
Cardinal Sins
How a modern Inquisition, with the help of Pope Francis, stifled the movement protecting the poor. Read more – ‘Cardinal Sins’.
Frozen Assets
Why are we exploiting unconventional gas when we can’t afford to burn existing supplies? Read more – ‘Frozen Assets’.
My Agreement with Lord McAlpine
We have reached a remarkable and eminently decent settlement. Read more – ‘My Agreement with Lord McAlpine’.
Smart Phones, Dumb Companies
17 years, and the phone companies still haven’t sorted out the issue of conflict minerals Read more – ‘Smart Phones, Dumb Companies’.
A Capitalist Command Economy
Forcing schools into the hands of unelected oligarchs is the latest contradiction of everything the market fetishists claim to stand for. Read more – ‘A Capitalist Command Economy’.
A Great Corporate Cock-up
Take a ringside seat as a giant company beats the living daylights out of itself. Read more – ‘A Great Corporate Cock-up’.
Corporate Blowback
Companies like EDF, seeking to terrify protesters with lawsuits, are likely to become victims of their own aggression. Read more – ‘Corporate Blowback’.
Secrets of the Rich
Billionaires are hiding behind a network of “independent” groups, who manipulate politics on their behalf. Read more – ‘Secrets of the Rich’.
How the government betrayed its promises to protect our seas. Read more – ‘Ship-Wrecked’.
Out of Steam
Nuclear power seems to have stalled. So what happens now? Read more – ‘Out of Steam’.
Betting on Extinction
Ladbroke’s is offering odds on fish populations collapsing; the government is shortening them. Read more – ‘Betting on Extinction’.
Another Country
The way we are governed is inexplicable – until you understand the upbringing of the elite. Read more – ‘Another Country’.
A Telling Silence
Why we need land value taxation. Read more – ‘A Telling Silence’.
Life is Elsewhere
In both Russia and Canada a bloodbath of wolves is now taking place. Read more – ‘Life is Elsewhere’.
Bang Goes the Theory
How neoliberalism trashed your life, but made the super-rich even richer. Read more – ‘Bang Goes the Theory’.
As It Happened …
A letter to the Travellers’ Solidarity Network. Read more – ‘As It Happened …’.
New Weather, New Politics
The extremes now hammering Australia leave old perspectives stranded. Read more – ‘New Weather, New Politics’.
The Grime Behind the Crime
Could an astonishing explanation for the rise and fall of violent crime be correct? Read more – ‘The Grime Behind the Crime’.
Annus Horribilis
2012 was the worst year for the environment in living memory. Read more – ‘Annus Horribilis’.
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