Marxists and Morality

Written by Marie Frederiksen Wednesday, 27 March 2013

delacroix liberty-thWhat is moral and what is amoral in the struggle for the transformation of society? 75 years ago Leon Trotsky wrote his masterpiece Their Morals and Ours, in which he explained that morality is one of the key ideological components in the class struggle.


Statement by IMT on Hugo Chavez death at 32nd Congress of The Struggle

Written by International Marxist Tendency Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Fred-Weston-reads-IMT-statement-on-32nd-Congress-thThe recent congress of The Struggle in Pakistan opened with Fred Weston reading out a statement by the IMT on the death of Chavez and the way forward for the Venezuelan revolution. Here we provide a video of that session.


[AUDIO] "The legacy of Hugo Chavez" Jorge Martin talks to Sylvia Richardson

Written by Hands off Venezuela Wednesday, 27 March 2013

jorgemartin2Latin Waves is broadcast on CJSF, the Simon Fraser University radio station in Vancouver, but then syndicated to a whole series of radio stations across North America and beyond. 


The resilience of the ideas of Karl Marx

Written by Fred Weston Tuesday, 26 March 2013

marx-engels thHow many times have we heard university professors, economists, politicians and journalists declaring that Marx was wrong and that although he had some insights in to the workings of capitalism he failed to see the dynamism of the capitalist system and its ability to recover from crises and move ever forward? However, in the past few years, as the system has been sinking into its most serious crisis in history, every now and then we hear commentators pointing out that Marx was right. The latest is an article published by Time magazine yesterday, called Marx’s Revenge: How Class Struggle Is Shaping the World.


USA: Maximum Work for a Minimum Wage

Written by Kevin Nance and Kevin Harriman Tuesday, 26 March 2013

In President Obama’s recent State of the Union address, he announced his intention to raise the minimum wage to $9.00 per hour by 2015. “Tonight, let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty.”


El Universal interviews Alan Woods on future of Venezuelan revolution

Written by Alan Woods Monday, 25 March 2013

20130218-Chavez supporters-chavezcandanga-thYesterday the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal published an article, El chavismo según los chavistas, on the tasks facing the Bolivarian movement after the death of Chavez. They quote Alan Woods who explains that in order for the revolution not to be rolled back it must become irreversible. Here we provide the full, original text of the interview, with the questions posed by the El Universal journalist and Alan’s reply.


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[VIDEO] El legado de Hugo Chávez - charla en Vitoria

Written by Manos Fuera de Venezuela Wednesday, 27 March 2013

El 21 de marzo del 2013, Ezker Anitza Araba organizó una charla pública en Vitoria sobre el legado de Hugo Chávez. Unas 50 personas se dieron cita para escuchar la presentación de David Rey, de la campaña Manos Fuera de Venezuela, que fue seguida de un animado debate.


El Universal entrevista a Alan Woods sobre el futuro de la revolución venezolana

Written by Alan Woods Monday, 25 March 2013

Ayer, el diario venezolano El Universal publicó un artículo, El chavismo según los chavistas, sobre las tareas a las que se enfrenta el movimiento bolivariano tras la muerte de Chávez. Citan a Alan Woods quien explica que la revolución debe dar un paso audaz hacia delante para volverse irreversible. A continuación presentamos el texto original y completo de la entrevista, con las preguntas formuladas por elperiodista de El Universal y las respuestasde Alan.


Bolivia: La fundación del PT y sus perspectivas

Written by El Militante (Bolivia) Friday, 22 March 2013

elalto1thEl 7 y 8 de marzo la COB lanzará la fundación del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), aprobando su Estatuto y programa general en un Congreso significativamente convocado en el distrito minero de Huanuni. El evento está cargado de gran expectativa y está suscitando un debate intenso en la vanguardia proletaria, particularmente los mineros, y sectores de la juventud revolucionaria.