Welcome to the Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History.  The journal is an initiative of the School of Humanities of James Cook University , and the Tasmanian School of Nursing.  We aim to develop the journal  for visually impaired users, and would glad to hear of ways in which it might be improved.  An email link may  be found in our page about the journal and our aims described below.
The Electronic Journal is also affiliated with H-Net, the International Network for HUmanities and Social Sciences On-Line. For more information, follow this link.
About the Journal
How to Publish
Peer Reviewed Articles and Research Reports
Conference Proceedings, Papers and Seminar Presentations
Reviews of Books and History in Digital Media
Networked Resources for Historians
Copyright and Intellectual Property
The Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History is affiliated with the International Consortium for the Alternative Academic Publishing.  For more information folllow this link.
ISSN 1321-5752

The Journal is an initiative of the School of Humanities, James Cook University, in association with H-Net, the International On-Line Network for the Humanities and Social Sciences, and the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publishing.