Posts Tagged ‘Windschuttle’

Windschuttle makes a fool of himself over Chomsky − again

June 4, 2011

This site has been getting quite a few search engine hits for Bob Gould’s writing about Keith Windschuttle, following the latter’s outburst against Noam Chomsky being awarded the Sydney Peace Prize, so see below for a collection of the links.


Windschuttle on Chomsky

September 8, 2003

Bob Gould

Keith Windschuttle’s article on Noam Chomsky is of a piece with his general rewinding of his own psyche. Who knows, he may eventually get back to childhood.


Dear Keith Windschuttle

September 8, 2003

An open letter by Jay Bulworth

Dear Keith,

Just read your piece on Chomsky.


Fabricating history on Australia’s colonial frontier

November 23, 2000

McGuinness, Windschuttle, Quadrant and massacres of Aborigines

Bob Gould


In the year 2000 Keith Windschuttle published, in Quadrant, a long article accusing a number of historians, including Henry Reynolds and Lyndall Ryan, of exaggerating the scale of massacres of Aboriginal people on the Australian colonial frontier.


Deconstructing the 1960s and 1970s

June 30, 2000

An open letter to Keith and Liz Windschuttle

(Once again, with apologies to E.P. Thompson and Leszek Kolokowski)

Dear Liz and Keith,

I have known you both since we were young together in the creative and liberating turmoil of the sixties. Keith was my editor for a period when Keith Windschuttle, Liz Windschuttle, Hall Greenland and Rowan Cahill, amongst others, were the editorial collective of the Old Mole and I was a contributor. Hall and Rowan, both of whom are still firmly on the left, were your close personal friends, as well as your political associates, and Hall was the best man at your wedding. In the 1970s, my first wife Mairi, and my daughter, Natalie, lived close to your home in the Eastern Suburbs, and my daughter, who was older than your daughter Ruby, was sometimes her babysitter. Small human connections like this create bonds that often continue to exist even when deep political and ideological differences develop.



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