The mission of the Lock the Gate Alliance is to protect Australia’s natural, environmental, cultural and agricultural resources from inappropriate mining and to educate and empower all Australians to demand sustainable solutions to food and energy production. We are working in our local communities: home by home, road by road, to lock the gate and protect our land, water and future.

» Learn about coal seam gas
» Learn about fracking
» Bust the coal seam gas myths
» Learn about coal
» Learn about mining and your rights
» Find out what we are campaigning to protect

» Join Lock the Gate
» Find your local group
» Lobby your council
» Attend an upcoming event
» Become a volunteer
» Learn about our mining free communities

Take Action

  • Call to Country When it comes to preventing inappropriate mining, our Federal politicians have shirked their responsibilities for too long - but they have the power to act and now they need to use it. Call and arrange to meet your federal MP today. Click here to find out how.
  • Phone for reform Call and tell the NSW Premier and your local state MP that we want real protection from CSG and mining, for all communities, existing industry, water resources and our environment . Click here for tips on calling politicians to chat about coal and CSG policies.

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Lock the Gate Alliance is a national grassroots organisation made up of thousands of individuals and over 160 local groups who are concerned about inappropriate mining. Learn more.

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