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  • Members: 992
  • Category: Other
  • Founded: Jan 23, 2003
  • Language: English
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This list is for readers of GREEN LEFT WEEKLY newspaper to participate in discussion of the news, issues and reviews it contains.

If posting articles from other sources, please only post a short intro and the url (link), not the entire article.

This list is moderated. Flaming or offensive postings will result in the removal of the list member from the list.

Please clip all unnecessary text from postings and post in text only, not HTML.

The purpose of this list is to have comradely and constructive discussion and debate to further the aims of those in the left and green movements world-wide.

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From April - June, 2005, the Green Left Weekly website � � was ranked #1 in the Hitwise Australia 'Lifestyle - Politics' industry based on number of visits. Click here for more information.

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[WGAR-news] Mary Graham calls for Sovereignty national discussion: T
Mary Graham calls for Sovereignty national discussion: The Stringer Newsletter date: 28 March 2013 This newsletter:
Posted - Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:04 pm
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Re: More Chinese proletarian internationalism towards Vietnamese com
The Chinese apparently refer to the Spratly Islands as the Nansha Islands, and have a historical claim to them:
Posted - Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:25 pm
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Rebels get Syria Arab Lg seat; ask US to use missiles, UK,France for
Escalation of the n civil war in and rebel international conflict over Syria has been furthered by recognition of the Western-backed "coalition&quo;t; (which now has
Posted - Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:05 pm
Fred Feldman
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*magnificent* - Nelson Mandela: Speech in Matanzas, Cuba, July 26, 1
============================= African National Congress Speech by Nelson Mandela at the Rally in Cuba Speech published in "How Far We Slaves Have Come", By
Posted - Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:38 pm
Walter Lippmann
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Manuel E. Yepe: The disobedience revolution
(If you don't quite understand why Cuban foreign policy puts so much emphasis on "Latin American integration", this item by long-time Cuban diplomat Manuel E.
Posted - Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:50 pm
Walter Lippmann
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