Monthly Archives: July 2011

Fundraising, chapters, and movement priorities

I’ve been getting ready for the board meeting and Wikimania and have been struggling with a particularly thorny issue and thought I would use a blog post to start a conversation I hope to continue in Haifa.

Many groups have discussed this issue over the past few years, including the Audit Committee (which I chair), our independent auditors KPMG, the Movement Roles group, the Chapters who have been working closely on the fundraising agreement with the Foundation and Barry Newstead’s development team, and the Board (e.g. see our resolution on the importance of transparency in use of donor funds). But progress has been difficult because this is a hard issue. Continue reading

Call for volunteers: 2011-2012 Audit Committee

As many of you know, the Wikimedia Foundation has an Audit Committee which represents the Board in oversight of financial and accounting issues, including planning, reporting, audits, and internal controls (see foundation wiki Audit Committee page for details).  The Committee serves for one year, from July through the late Spring when the Foundation files its annual tax return in the U.S.  This past year the committee included members from the broad community, from chapters, and from the Foundation’s Board (including me as Committee Chair). Continue reading