- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 413
Simcha Rotem (born 1925 Simcha (Szymon) Rathajzer , also known as Kazik his nom de guerre) is an Israeli veteran, who was a member of the Jewish underground in Warsaw, and served as the head courier of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB), which planned and executed the Warsaw ghetto uprising against the Nazis. He was a member of the "Akiva" youth movement.
In 1942 he joined the ZOB. Rotem became particularly useful as a courier for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters. The nickname "Kazik" - an abbreviation of a Polish name "Kazimierz" (Casimir), which means in Polish "someone who destroys opponent's prestige/glory during battle".
As a ZOB member, Kazik took part in the Warsaw ghetto uprising. He became the head courier, reporting directly to the ZOB commander on the Gentile side, Yitzhak Zuckerman. (The ZOB commander in general was Mordechai Anielewicz). When it became apparent that the Germans would prevail, he was sent via a secret passageway to the Gentile side of Warsaw where he met with Zuckerman to arrange an escape for the fighters. However, the passageway was discovered by the Nazis. Unable to return, he and Zuckerman were trapped on the Gentile side while the fighting raged and the ghetto burned. Desperate to reach his comrades, Rotem made several attempts to enter the ghetto through the sewers before finally succeeding. There he encountered Zivia Lubetkin, one of the last surviving leaders of the ghetto uprising, and he led her with her team of approximately 80 fighters through the sewers to the Gentile side and then to the forests outside of the city. Throughout the rest of the war he continued his underground activities with the resistance, in particular helping to care for the several thousand Jews, who still remained in Warsaw in hiding. In August 1944, he took part in the Polish Warsaw Uprising.
The Warsaw Ghetto (German: Warschauer Ghetto, called by the German authorities: „Jüdischer Wohnbezirk in Warschau“ (Jewish residential district in Warsaw); Polish: getto warszawskie) was the largest of all the Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. It was established in the Polish capital between October and November 16, 1940, in the territory of the General Government of German-occupied Poland, with over 400,000 Jews from the vicinity residing in an area of 3.4 km2 (1.3 sq mi). From there, at least 254,000 Ghetto residents were sent to the Treblinka extermination camp over the course of two months in the summer of 1942.
The death toll among the Jewish inhabitants of the Ghetto, between deportations to extermination camps, Großaktion Warschau, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and the subsequent razing of the ghetto, is estimated to be at least 300,000.
The construction of the ghetto wall started on April 1, 1940. The Warsaw Ghetto was established by the German Governor-General Hans Frank on October 16, 1940 in an area of Warsaw primarily occupied by Polish Jews. Frank ordered all Jews in Warsaw and its suburbs rounded up and herded into the Ghetto. At this time, the population in the Ghetto was estimated to be 400,000 people, about 30% of the population of Warsaw; however, the area of the Ghetto was only about 2.4% of that of Warsaw.
The ghetto uprisings during World War II were a series of armed revolts against the regime of Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1943 in the newly established Jewish ghettos across Nazi-occupied Europe. Following the German and Soviet invasion of Poland in September 1939, Polish Jews were targeted from the outset. Within months inside occupied Poland, the Germans created hundreds of ghettos in which they forced the Jews to live. The new ghettos were part of the German official policy of removing Jews from public life. The combination of excess numbers of inmates, unsanitary conditions and lack of food resulted in a high death rate among them. In most cities the Jewish underground resistance movements developed almost instantly, although ghettoization had severely limited their access to resources. The ghetto fighters took up arms during the most deadly phase of the Holocaust against the Nazi plans to deport all prisoners – men, women and children – to camps, with the aim of their mass extermination.
A participant in both the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 and the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, Rotem helped rescue survivors by making clever use of the city's maze-like underground sewer system. About the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture Each year the recipient of the Wallenberg Medal is invited to present a lecture at the University of Michigan. The medalists take the stage at Rackham Auditorium and share their stories with an audience drawn from our campus and many surrounding communities. Each Lecture is different. In some years, survivors of Nazi persecution recounted their physical resistance in face of hellish danger. In others, medalists considered the effect over the years that the bravery of friends and family has had on the course of history. Lectures have been given by politicians wh...
ראש הממשלה נתניהו נפגש עם שמחה רותם (קאז'יק) הניצול האחרון של מרד גטו ורשה. צילום: רועי אברהם, לע"מ סאונד: איתמר בוטון, לע"מ
Композиция "The Master" принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Исполнитель: http://audionautix.com/
Testimony of Kazik, a Jewish Hero of the Ghetto. Simcha Rotem (Szymon Rathajzer)
Ciekawy film dokumentalny autorstwa Agnieszki Arnold p.t. "ROTEM" przestawiający losy Symchy Ratajzera.
"Au cœur de la résistance du ghetto de Varsovie, femmes et hommes d'à peine vingt ans, affamés, armés de leur seul courage et de quelques pistolets, défient la machine de guerre nazie. Ils font entrer armes et nourriture en contrebande, conçoivent des explosifs artisanaux, libèrent des camarades emprisonnés. En avril 1943, après avoir cerné le ghetto, les Allemands, équipés d'armes lourdes, de chars d'assaut et soutenus par l'aviation, se lancent à l'assaut. Simha Rotem, surnommé Kazik, et l'Organisation juive de combat livrent dans les ruines fumantes une bataille désespérée. Ils parviennent à résister pendant près d'un mois avant l'inéluctable destruction. En un épisode devenu célèbre, Kazik réussit alors à faire échapper les rares rescapés en empruntant les égouts vers le " côté aryen "...
The Warsaw Ghetto (German: Ghetto Warschau; Polish: getto warszawskie) was the largest of all the Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. It was established in the Polish capital between October and November 16, 1940, in the territory of the General Government of German-occupied Poland, with over 400,000 Jews from the vicinity residing in an area of 3.4 km2 (1.3 sq mi). From there, at least 254,000 Ghetto residents were sent to the Treblinka extermination camp over the course of two months in the summer of 1942. The death toll among the Jewish inhabitants of the Ghetto, between deportations to extermination camps, "Großaktion Warschau", the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and the subsequent razing of the ghetto, is estimated to be at least 300,000. People of the Warsaw Ghetto...
קליפ קרין סקרין לרותם סגל לשיר "באתי ראיתי כבשתי" הוקלט באולפני: Archive studio צילום ועריכה ואפקטים : אנטון יגורוב I made this video for rotem using Green screen footage (i shot with cannon 7D , 3dmax and after effects for post production , for more got to http://www.lightmuch.com
לינק להורדת הסט המלא להורדת עשרות סטים נוספים, הצטרפו לדף ובקרו באיזור ההורדות... http://www.facebook.com/Yaniv.Mix XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Link for downloading the SET For downloading the full set and many more quality SET`s, please join my Facebook fan page and look in the "Downloads" Area http://www.facebook.com/Yaniv.Mix רשימת השירים: 1 EYAL GOLAN - VE`ULAY BEYOM YAFE (ELIRAN PINSACHOV & ROEI MENACHEM REMIX) 0:00 2 PEER TASSI - KMO SHIKOR (TAL MALCA REMIX) 1:52 3 REGEV HOD - KMO KOCHAV (SunSet Extended Remix) 4:12 4 EYAL GOLAN - HALEV PATSUA (MOSHE MACHLUF REMIX) 5:34 5 RAN LEVI - KNO MELECH ( Eli Arbiv Official Remix ) 7:23 6 FLASHBACK - GESHEM 9:15 7 FLASHBACK - AISHA 11:43 8 KOBI SHALTIEL & OFIR GILBOA - NACHON LEHAYOM (2014) 13:19 9 EYAL GOLAN - HA`LAYLA TIRKED...
Już 20 kwietnia b.r. odbędzie się w Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich w Warszawie uroczysta premiera nowego filmu dokumentalnego w reżyserii Agnieszki Arnold p.t. "ROTEM". Muzykę do filmu napisał znakomity polski kompozytor Zygmunt Krauze, a unikalne animacje starej ikonografii są dziełem Agnieszki Polskiej (przy artystycznym współudziale Wilhelma Sasnala). Jeden z ostatnich żyjących bojowników powstania w getcie warszawskim Simha Rotem (znany również jako Kazik Ratajzer) ujawnia przed kamerą nieznane dotychczas, sensacyjne szczegóły dotyczące wyprowadzenia kanałami ostatniej grupy powstańców. Tuż po wojnie, w Dachau, będąc członkiem tajnej grupy "Mścicieli Krwi", Rotem bierze udział w zamachu na grupę 12 tysięcy esesmanów zgromadzonych w obozie, zatruwając chleb arszenikiem. Wyznaje szczerze...
"Au cœur de la résistance du ghetto de Varsovie, femmes et hommes d'à peine vingt ans, affamés, armés de leur seul courage et de quelques pistolets, défient la machine de guerre nazie. Ils font entrer armes et nourriture en contrebande, conçoivent des explosifs artisanaux, libèrent des camarades emprisonnés. En avril 1943, après avoir cerné le ghetto, les Allemands, équipés d'armes lourdes, de chars d'assaut et soutenus par l'aviation, se lancent à l'assaut. Simha Rotem, surnommé Kazik, et l'Organisation juive de combat livrent dans les ruines fumantes une bataille désespérée. Ils parviennent à résister pendant près d'un mois avant l'inéluctable destruction. En un épisode devenu célèbre, Kazik réussit alors à faire échapper les rares rescapés en empruntant les égouts vers le " côté aryen "...
A participant in both the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 and the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, Rotem helped rescue survivors by making clever use of the city's maze-like underground sewer system. About the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture Each year the recipient of the Wallenberg Medal is invited to present a lecture at the University of Michigan. The medalists take the stage at Rackham Auditorium and share their stories with an audience drawn from our campus and many surrounding communities. Each Lecture is different. In some years, survivors of Nazi persecution recounted their physical resistance in face of hellish danger. In others, medalists considered the effect over the years that the bravery of friends and family has had on the course of history. Lectures have been given by politicians wh...
Композиция "The Master" принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Исполнитель: http://audionautix.com/
Rosh Hashana New York 2008 Celebrate the jewish new year with my neighbor here in Midtown New York City. ראש השנה
Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania (#TIFF) este organizat de Asociația pentru Promovarea Filmului Romanesc și Asociația pentru Film și Cultură Urbană. Înființat în 2002, este primul festival internațional de film de lung-metraj din Romania. Transilvania International Film Festival (#TIFF) is presented by Romanian Film Promotion and "Asociatia pentru Film si Cultura Urbana". Founded in 2002, Transilvania IFF is the first international feature film festival in Romania. Website: http://tiff.ro/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransilvaniaIFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffromania Blog: http://blog.tiff.ro/ Instagram: instagram.com/tiffromania
לרגל יום הסטודנט הלאומי, נפגש ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו במשרדו עם יושבי ראש אגודות הסטודנטים מרחבי הארץ בראשות יו"ר התאחדות הסטודנטים הארצית אורי רשטיק. בפגישה השתתפו שר החינוך שי פירון, סגן השר הממונה על קידום צעירים וסטודנטים אופיר אקוניס ומנכ"ל משרד ראש הממשלה הראל לוקר. צילום: לע"מ, רועי אברהם סאונד: לע"מ, איתמר בוטון
Interviewer: Kedar, Aharon (קידר, אהרון) Interviewee: Zukerman, Isaac (Antek) ((צוקרמן, יצחק (אנטק) PDF Link - http://ohd.huji.ac.il/holocaust/project4/project4pdf/4-53.pdf Page: 86 Year: 1964 Language: Hebrew Length: 1:34:02 כל הזכויות לראיונות באתר זה שמורות למדור לתיעוד בע"פ במכון אברהם הרמן ליהדות זמננו באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. השימוש בראיונות מיועד למטרות מחקר בלבד. נאסר שימוש שאינו מורשה. כל פרסום חייב לכלול הפניה מפורשת למקור.
שמחה רותם נולד בפרבר של ורשה בשנת 1924. החל מימי הכיבוש הראשונים הוא התחזה לפולני נוצרי כדי לנסוע לכפרים ולהביא מזון לבני משפחתו. בפעילות זו המשיך בשליחויות למען הארגון היהודי הלוחם (אי"ל). רותם היה מהלוחמים המרכזיים במרד גטו ורשה, וחצה את תעלות הביוב כדי לארגן את חילוצם של כמה מחבריו מהגטו הבוער. עם נפילת הגטו היה קז'יק לשליח הבכיר, ולמעשה לסגנו של מפקד אי"ל, יצחק (אנטק) צוקרמן, והשתתף בלחימה במרד הפולני שפרץ בוורשה בשנת 1944.