James Lileks

Columnist | Metro
Phone: 612-673-7858
James Lileks writes a metro column and is an anchor/producer for NewsBreak, the webcast on startribune.com. He also blogs under The Blog O'Things.

Recent content from James Lileks

Lileks: What if we skip road construction season?

Two unrelated stories that actually belong together, if I take this hammer and bang the round one into a square...

Updated: March 28, 2013, - 10:51 PM

Lileks: A pet's death is outside political fray

The governor’s dog died. If you have anything negative to say about this, please proceed directly to the Internet and...

Updated: March 24, 2013, - 07:15 AM

Lileks: When grocery store sampling crosses the line

After a fracas over free deli samples, a tour explored how some grocery stores deal with sample hogs.

Updated: March 21, 2013, - 10:35 PM

Lileks: Gallon Smashing could be an international sport

Metro police have issued warnings about “Gallon Smashing.” What? This: Sensation-crazed hopped-up youth go in a store, grab a gallon...

Updated: March 16, 2013, - 04:31 PM

Lileks: What do other people enjoy the most? Let's slap a tax on it

The “snack tax” bill may not make it through this session, but like the aftertaste of a bag of pork...

Updated: March 15, 2013, - 12:01 AM

James Lileks: Hollywood, greed and the Minnesota Legislature

Why doesn’t Hollywood make many movies here anymore? We don’t give them tax credits, that’s why. So they take their...

Updated: March 09, 2013, - 04:52 PM

Lileks: Codify the act of bullying? Go ahead – make my day

Let us all agree that bullying is bad. Let me admit that I was bullied in school by a kid who...

Updated: March 07, 2013, - 07:57 PM

Lileks: Feds don't have enough money, but they have enough to do this

Now that the sequester hammer has come down, how will this affect the replacement of every street sign in the...

Updated: March 02, 2013, - 04:36 PM

Lileks: You know what else the state should ban on Sundays?

It’s time to do the right thing: Target should not be open on Sundays. There’s the obvious matter of public health. Target...

Updated: February 28, 2013, - 09:05 PM

My Minnesota: Lincoln's connection to Minnesota

With Oscar attention paid to “Lincoln,” people might wonder how much of a connection there is between the revered president...

Updated: February 23, 2013, - 08:59 PM

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