The Wayback Machine -
Sampdoria-Bardonecchia 16-0
Colombia derrotó a Marruecos por 16-0
Mundial Futsal 2012: Brasil 16-0 Panamá
Heerenveen wint mei 16-0 van regioteam
Froggen goes 16/0/9 on AP Kog'Maw vs TSM - MLG
Patriots 16-0 Song
PENN 16 0 Getting Dumped Part 2
VfB-TV: VfB vs. FSV Duisburg II  16:0 - Die Tore
Penn 16/0 run .wmv


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Sampdoria-Bardonecchia 16-0
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:03
  • Updated: 22 Jul 2013

Sampdoria-Bardonecchia 16-0

Gli highlights della prima amichevole stagionale dei blucerchiati di Delio Rossi. 16-0
Colombia derrotó a Marruecos por 16-0
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11
  • Updated: 12 Nov 2013

Colombia derrotó a Marruecos por 16-0

La selección Colombia obtuvo en Barrancabermeja su tercera victoria en el campeonato mundial femenino de fútbol de salón. Esta vez la víctima fue el equipo de Marruecos.
  • published: 12 Nov 2013
  • views: 827 derrotó a Marruecos por 16-0
Mundial Futsal 2012: Brasil 16-0 Panamá
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:42
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Mundial Futsal 2012: Brasil 16-0 Panamá Futsal 2012: Brasil 16-0 Panamá
  • Order:
  • Duration: 56:52
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013


世界棒球經典賽資格賽,中華隊再以16:0提前7局擊敗菲律賓隊,2連勝挺進明天下午2時的冠軍戰。 前兩戰,中華隊打進26分,都提前結束比賽,投手群1分未失,投打狀況都調整到位,總教練謝長亨說:「比賽打完就算了,重要的是最後1場比賽。」 中華隊明天對手,將視今天下午2時舉行的紐西蘭、菲律賓之戰結果而定,「草總」說:「...
  • published: 17 Nov 2012
  • views: 39907
  • author: pololins93世棒經典資格賽中華16:0痛宰菲律賓關鍵時刻
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:57
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013


  • published: 16 Nov 2012
  • views: 58162
  • author: wangsc93世界棒球經典賽資格賽台灣16:0屠殺菲律賓得分全覽
Heerenveen wint mei 16-0 van regioteam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013

Heerenveen wint mei 16-0 van regioteam

Sportklup Hearrenfean hat syn earste oefenwedstriid fan dit seizoen wûn mei 16-0. Tradisjoniel wie in regtioteam út Gaasterlân/Sleat de tsjinstanner. Dit kea... wint mei 16-0 van regioteam
Froggen goes 16/0/9 on AP Kog'Maw vs TSM - MLG
  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:14
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Froggen goes 16/0/9 on AP Kog'Maw vs TSM - MLG

This game was never uploaded onto youtube. Injustice! goes 16/0/9 on AP Kog'Maw vs TSM - MLG
Patriots 16-0 Song
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 20 May 2013

Patriots 16-0 Song

WROR's Tom Doyle sings about Brady & the Pats.
  • published: 08 Jan 2008
  • views: 1162569
  • author: MRSLANEY7 16-0 Song
PENN 16 0 Getting Dumped Part 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:13
  • Updated: 22 Jul 2013

PENN 16 0 Getting Dumped Part 2

JimmyLevelWind holds on for dear life during the Big Hammer Challenge! The line was cut by another shark during the fight. Gear: PENN 16 0 (118) 130lb mono &... 16 0 Getting Dumped Part 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:30
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2013


VfB-TV: VfB vs. FSV Duisburg II  16:0 - Die Tore
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:52
  • Updated: 10 May 2013

VfB-TV: VfB vs. FSV Duisburg II 16:0 - Die Tore

VfB-TV: Saison 2012/2013: Kreisliga A; 16.Spieltag (Nachholspiel): VfB Lohberg vs. FSV Duisburg II 16:0 (9:0) - Die Tore. 2' 1:0 Timur Kazkondu 5' 2:0 Timur Kazkondu 8' 3:0 Timur Kazkondu 9' 4:0 Marco Branzk 13' 5:0 Said Jungverdorben 19' 6:0 Tim Bruß 23' 7:0 Timur Kazkondu 38' 8:0 Manuel Viltuznik 45' 9:0 Manuel Vilruznik 51' 10:0 Bastian Bruß 66' 11:0 Manuel Viltuznik 71' 12:0 Bastian Bruß 74' 13:0 Yasin Sipahi (Eigentor) 78' 14:0 Manuel Viltuznik 80' 15:0 Adil Kovanci 86' 16:0 Manuel Viltuznik
  • published: 10 May 2013
  • views: 193 VfB vs. FSV Duisburg II 16:0 - Die Tore
Penn 16/0 run .wmv
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:14
  • Updated: 31 May 2012

Penn 16/0 run .wmv

Shark fishing from Pier in Panama city Beach 5/28/12. My sons second shark on the Penn 16/0. Broke off before we could see it. But was a large fish. Bo reeling.
  • published: 31 May 2012
  • views: 586 16/0 run .wmv
Patriots 16-0 Fight Song
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 23 Jun 2013

Patriots 16-0 Fight Song

MV about the Patriots perfect 2007 season.
  • published: 15 Jan 2011
  • views: 2085
  • author: PatSteelers 16-0 Fight Song
CS:GO The 16-0 Match: iBUYPOWER vs United 5 on de_cache @ ESEA Invite Season 15
  • Order:
  • Duration: 31:47
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2013

CS:GO The 16-0 Match: iBUYPOWER vs United 5 on de_cache @ ESEA Invite Season 15
  • published: 11 Nov 2013
  • views: 3445 The 16-0 Match: iBUYPOWER vs United 5 on de_cache @ ESEA Invite Season 15

Sampdoria-Bardonecchia 16-0

Gli highlights della prima amichevole stagionale dei blucerchiati di Delio Rossi.

Sam­p­do­ria-Bar­donec­chia 16-0
Gli high­lights della prima amichev­ole sta­gionale dei blucer­chiati di Delio Rossi....
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2013
Colom­bia der­rotó a Mar­rue­cos por 16-0
La se­lec­ción Colom­bia ob­tu­vo en Bar­ran­caber­me­ja su ter­cera vic­to­ria en el campe­ona­to mundi...
pub­lished: 12 Nov 2013
Mundi­al Fut­sal 2012: Brasil 16-0 Panamá
pub­lished: 13 Nov 2012
au­thor: Tvmax Pana­ma
世界棒球經典賽資格賽,中華隊再以16:0提前7局擊敗菲律賓隊,2連勝挺進明天下午2時的冠軍戰。 前兩戰,中華隊打進26分,都提前結束比賽,投手群1分未失,投打狀況都調整到位,總教練...
pub­lished: 17 Nov 2012
au­thor: pololin­s93
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2012
au­thor: wangsc93
Heeren­veen wint mei 16-0 van re­gioteam
Sportklup Hear­ren­fean hat syn earste oe­fen­wed­stri­id fan dit seizoen wûn mei 16-0. Tradis­jo...
pub­lished: 02 Jul 2013
au­thor: Omrop Fryslân
Froggen goes 16/0/9 on AP Kog'Maw vs TSM - MLG
This game was never up­load­ed onto youtube. In­jus­tice!...
pub­lished: 01 Feb 2013
Pa­tri­ots 16-0 Song
WROR's Tom Doyle sings about Brady & the Pats....
pub­lished: 08 Jan 2008
au­thor: MRSLANEY7
PENN 16 0 Get­ting Dumped Part 2
Jim­myLevel­Wind holds on for dear life dur­ing the Big Ham­mer Chal­lenge! The line was cut by...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2013
pub­lished: 06 Aug 2009
VfB-TV: VfB vs. FSV Duis­burg II 16:0 - Die Tore
VfB-TV: Sai­son 2012/2013: Kreis­li­ga A; 16.​Spieltag (Nach­hol­spiel): VfB Lo­hberg vs. FSV Dui...
pub­lished: 10 May 2013
Penn 16/0 run .wmv
Shark fish­ing from Pier in Pana­ma city Beach 5/28/12. My sons sec­ond shark on the Penn 16/...
pub­lished: 31 May 2012
Pa­tri­ots 16-0 Fight Song
MV about the Pa­tri­ots per­fect 2007 sea­son....
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2011
au­thor: Pat­Steel­ers
CS:GO The 16-0 Match: iBUY­POW­ER vs Unit­ed 5 on de_­cache @ ESEA In­vite Sea­son 15
pub­lished: 11 Nov 2013
Youtube results:
Un­der­tak­er 16-0 at Wrestle­Ma­nia
Wrestle­Ma­nia's 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. At Wrestle­Mani...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2008
FIFA 13 - Nitro 16-0 Kiecollek
Wchodzi mama Kiecol­l­ka do poko­ju: Matka: - Ma­teusz wstawaj ! Juz 17 Kiecol: - Kurwa, znowu...
pub­lished: 04 Jul 2013
try­ing to pull my truck with a 16/0 penn sen­a­tor
pub­lished: 18 May 2013
Big shark smokes a penn 16/0 reel
A shark fish­er­man hooks a mon­ster shark from a flori­da key bridge and the reel is smook­ing...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2008
photo: AP / /Saurabh Das
Supporters of right wing Rashtrawadi Shivsena, or nationalist soldiers of Shiva, walk with people representing U.S. President Barack Obama near the U.S Embassy to protest against the alleged mistreatment of New York based Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade, in New Delhi, India, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013. The Indian diplomat said she faced repeated "handcuffing, stripping and cavity searches" following her arrest in New York City on visa fraud charges in a case that has infuriated the government in New Delhi. One of the persons representing Obama is naked to protest against the alleged stripping of the diplomat.
Edit Al Jazeera
19 Dec 2013
India has alleged that the recent arrest of one of its top diplomats in the US was part of a conspiracy, a charge that has gained momentum with the emergence of new facts surrounding the incident threatening bilateral ties between the two global powers ... The diplomat also faces allegations of filing wrong information in the visa approval form of Richards ... This triggered the series of events leading to the diplomat’s arrest ...  ....(size: 3.7Kb)
photo: USAF
Seals dot the view of the Antarctic landscape of Australia's Scott Base, Antarctica. Shot during Operation DEEP FREEZE.
Edit The New York Times
19 Dec 2013
BEIJING — Burgeoning scientific power China is starting construction on its fourth Antarctic research base to enhance work on climate change and other fields. State media on Thursday say Taishan Station is being built about 500 kilometers (310 miles) inland. It will be staffed by as many as 20 people during the Antarctic summer from December to March ... Watch. Vows . Celebrating home ... Impersonating Karzai.  . Inside ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)

Edit Goal
21 Dec 2013
PSG were drawn against Bayer Leverkusen in the last 16 of the Champions League and Ibrahimovic expects the tournament to get harder now that his side have moved through the group stage ... 16.00 EVE ... Arsenal FC 16 35 2. Liverpool FC 16 33 3. Chelsea FC 16 33 4. Manchester City FC 16 32 5. Everton FC 16 31 6. Newcastle United FC 16 27 7. Tottenham Hotspur FC 16 27 8. Manchester United FC 16 25 9. Southampton FC 16 24 10 ... Cardiff City FC 16 17 16....(size: 6.4Kb)
Edit The Boston Globe
21 Dec 2013
<img width='1' height='1' src='http.//' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a ......(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Buffalo News
21 Dec 2013
John K.JackAdrian, died Dec. 16. Janet Y. (Gephardt) Barber, died Dec. 16. Jeanne (Marquis) Bartholomew, 83, formerly of Amherst, Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus soprano, choir director for Christ United Methodist Church, Amherst, died Dec. 15. Arthur W. Brese, of Hamburg, died Dec. 18. Teresa M. (Raimondo) Bundy, of Lancaster, died Dec. 19. Alice J. “Elsie” (Kasprzak) Buttino, of Sardinia, died Dec. 19 ... 19 ... 18 ... 18 ... 16 ... 16 ... 16....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit BBC News
21 Dec 2013
The 53-year-old Taylor, the 16-time world champion, lost 4-3 to the 23-year-old Smith, ranked 32 in the world ... Kim beats Ronny in Huybrechts battle 16 Dec 2013 Darts Taylor fights ......(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit noodls
21 Dec 2013
(Source ... Colas is selling its 16.67% stake in Cofiroute to VINCI Autoroutes. Colas and VINCI Autoroutes have reached an agreement whereby Colas is to sell its 16.67% stake in Cofiroute to VINCI Autoroutes ... +33 (0)1 47 16 31 82....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit noodls
21 Dec 2013
Real Madrid won Group B in the Euroleague Regular Season and now know their opponents for the Top 16 ... This phase of the competition brings together the 16 best European teams and will be played from January 2 until April 11, in which time there will be 14 rounds of ......(size: 1.4Kb)
21 Dec 2013
My Latest on CNET. Blog. Filed in. December 20, 2013. Video. Show summary. The home management system from Lowe's covers all of the automation bases, but how well?. Category. First Look December 19, 2013. Video. Show summary. Philips sees a flat future for home lighting ... First Look December 16, 2013 ... December 16, 2013. My blogs and podcasts (showing 3 of 16) ... . . . . ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
21 Dec 2013
Set 285 to chase, Sri Lanka needed 16 off the last two overs and four off the final, with No.10 batsman Sachitra Senanayake driving Shahid Afridi for a boundary to seal a tense win for his team with two balls to spare ... Sri Lanka needed 44 off the last six overs as Angelo Mathews (47) and Dimuth Karunaratne (16 not out) held their nerve during a match-turning 44-run stand for the eighth wicket....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Baltimore Sun
21 Dec 2013
Ravens National Anthem singer is leaving Ravens' lead singer leaving Ravens 18, Detroit Lions 16 [Pictures] Photos Mike Preston grades the Ravens' 18-16 win over the Detroit Lions 2013 Ravens ......(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Palm Beach Post
21 Dec 2013
Dawson 8-13 0-1 16, White 6-12 1-1 14, Slawson 1-3 0-0 2, Martin 3-11 1-3 8, Bell 3-10 2-2 10, Holder 0-3 0-0 0, Hunt 1-6 4-4 6, ... Total Fouls_Samford 14, Jacksonville 16....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit The State
21 Dec 2013
Snipes’ arrest came after the mother of the 16-year-old male student contacted the Sheriff’s Office early Thursday to report that she had discovered sexually oriented communication between her son and Snips on her phone ... While the legal age of consent in South Carolina is 16, a state law says that sexual acts between a student and teacher — regardless of age — cannot be consensual....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit The Business Review
21 Dec 2013
Staff Pacific Business News. The Hyundai Tournament of Champions will welcome back 2013 major champion for the PGA golf tournament that will be held at The Plantation Course at Kapalua Resort from Jan. 2-6. Dufner won his first major championship in August at the PGA Championship. All four rounds of the tournament will be broadcast on the , giving national exposure to Hawaii and Maui ... Industries.. ,. Comments ... Trending ... Most Popular ... $16-$16 ... ....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit Sporting News
21 Dec 2013
The NFL and its kickers are caught in a vicious cycle right now, maybe more so than any other time, which is saying a lot for the most unstable, nomadic position in the sport. By every measure, placekickers are getting better and field-goal accuracy at every distance is going up ... MORE. Week 16 picks . Playoff scenarios . SN's mock draft ... FANTASY. Top Week 16 QBs ... LINEMAKERS. Week 16 point spread update — early bettors all over Chiefs ... Giants....(size: 4.9Kb)

A perfect season is any sports season, excluding the playoff portion of a season, in which a team remains undefeated and untied. The feat is extremely rare at the professional level of any team sport, and has occurred more commonly at the collegiate level in the United States.

A perfect season may also be part of a multi-season winning streak.

Since the NFL/AFL merger in 1970, only one team has played a complete perfect season (both playoff and regular season): the 1972 Miami Dolphins, who won their fourteen regular season games and three postseason games to finish 17-0.

The 2007 New England Patriots had the only other case of a perfect regular season, after winning their sixteen regular season games; however, they did not complete the perfect season, losing Super Bowl XLII to finish with a record of 18–1.

Preseason games are not counted toward standings, for or against. For example, the 1972 Miami Dolphins (mentioned below) lost three of their preseason games but still are considered to have a perfect season.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Mark William Calaway (born March 24, 1965) is an American professional wrestler better known by his ring name The Undertaker. He is signed to WWE and is the company's most tenured competitor. Calaway began his wrestling career with World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW) in 1984. He joined World Championship Wrestling (WCW) as "Mean" Mark Callous in 1989. When WCW did not renew Calaway's contract in 1990, he signed with the World Wrestling Federation in October and, after shortening his name from Kane the Undertaker to simply The Undertaker, has remained with the company since.

The Undertaker has two contrasting personas. The first is the role of The Deadman, an undead, occult-like figure, which has consisted of many different styles. He debuted his original Deadman persona during his own on-camera debut at Survivor Series (1990). At this event, the Undertaker was clad as a Western mortician. Next, in October of 1998, the Undertaker appeared as the leader of the Ministry of Darkness (with similar apparel). Since WrestleMania XX, the Undertaker has appeared as a hybrid version of the Deadman character, using elements of the previous Deadman incarnations.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
