- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 152

Know Your Luck, Fate In Hindu New Year, Vikram Samvat, विक्रम संवत् 2070
जानिये.....कैसा रहेगा यह विक्रम संवत् 2070 आप सब के लिए....सम्पूर्ण जानकारी |
विश्व में व...
published: 11 Apr 2013
Know Your Luck, Fate In Hindu New Year, Vikram Samvat, विक्रम संवत् 2070
जानिये.....कैसा रहेगा यह विक्रम संवत् 2070 आप सब के लिए....सम्पूर्ण जानकारी |
विश्व में विभिन्न धर्मों में अलग-अलग तिथि व समय को नया वर्ष मनाया जाता है। इसी तरह हिंदू धर्म में नए साल का प्रारंभ चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा से माना जाता है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि भगवान ब्रह्मा ने इसी दिन से सृष्टि निर्माण का कार्य प्रारंभ किया था। इस दिन से चैत्र नवरात्रि का प्रारंभ भी होता है। इस तिथि से विक्रम संवत् का प्रारंभ भी होता है। ग्रंथों के अनुसार उज्जयिनी (वर्तमान उज्जैन) के राजा विक्रमादित्य ने इसी तिथि से कालगणना के लिए विक्रम संवत का प्रारंभ किया था जो आज भी हिंदू कालगणना के लिए सर्वोत्तम माना जाता है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार प्रत्येक संवत् का एक विशेष नाम होता है तथा विभिन्न ग्रह इस संवत् के स्वामी, राजा व मंत्री होते हैं जिसका असर वर्ष भर जन सामान्य पर दिखाई देता है। हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार इस वर्ष 11 अप्रैल 2013 अर्थात कल से विक्रम संवत् 2070 का प्रारंभ होगा। इस वर्ष विश्वेदेवा युग में पराभव नामक संवत्सर रहेगा जिसके स्वामी बुध हैं। विष्णु विशंति में इस पराभव नामक संवत्सर की गणना 20वें क्रमांक पर होती है। नया मंत्रिमंडल राजा गुरु, मंत्री शनि, सेनापति शुक्र, धान्येश मंगल और रवि मेधेश, शुक्र सीमापति, चन्द्रमा दण्डेश, सूर्य रसेश, गुरु फलेश है। यह दुश्मनों को पराजित करने वाला वर्ष होगा। इस वर्ष सीमा के विवाद निपटने की आशा है।
- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 256

Vikram Samvat New Year
I made this video for RSS in 2003 on the eve of Hindu New Year as per Vikram Samvat. It wa...
published: 12 Apr 2013
Vikram Samvat New Year
I made this video for RSS in 2003 on the eve of Hindu New Year as per Vikram Samvat. It was aired on cable networks in many cities.
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 13

Vikram Samvat - Nav Varsh - 2067 - Bermo Koylanchal - 16.03.2010.mpg
बेरमो कोयलांचल अंतर्गत फुसरो स्थित अनपति देवी विद्या मंदिर से R.S.S. के स्वयं सेवकों ने ...
published: 17 Mar 2010
Vikram Samvat - Nav Varsh - 2067 - Bermo Koylanchal - 16.03.2010.mpg
बेरमो कोयलांचल अंतर्गत फुसरो स्थित अनपति देवी विद्या मंदिर से R.S.S. के स्वयं सेवकों ने पथ संचलन करते हुए पुराना बीडीओ ऑफीस के रास्ते से होते हुए अम्बेदकर नगर के मैदान में R.S.S. के संस्थापक डॉ हेडगेवार के चित्र पर माल्यार्पण करने के बाद ध्वज नमस्कार किया।
- published: 17 Mar 2010
- views: 160

Hrim Seed Mantra of Purification and Transformation = Vikram Samvat 2069.23-3-2012.
HRIM (pronounced Hreem)
Hrim is a seed sound that dispels illusion in which we are
all tr...
published: 26 Mar 2012
Hrim Seed Mantra of Purification and Transformation = Vikram Samvat 2069.23-3-2012.
HRIM (pronounced Hreem)
Hrim is a seed sound that dispels illusion in which we are
all trapped . This illusion of Life is commonly known as " Maha Maya " ,
or just " Maya " ( " A Dream state ") . the veil of creation ...
It is said that meditation on this seed sound will lift this veil and will
give the meditator a glimpse of the Universe as it is
and not as it appears to us ordinary human beings.
The 300 names are more powerful by 10 million than her 1000 names.
The Goddess says in the Devi Gita that Hrim is Her most favorite.
Hrim is an even more compact expression of Her Wholeness.
Hrim is the perfection of the
gross, subtle
and causal, the perfection of the 3. Om and Hrim are Shiva and Shakti -- Pure
Undifferentiated Consciousness and the Infinite Creation.
And Hrim even more so!
It is the prime mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds and holds all her creative and healing powers.
HRIM awakens us at a soul or heart level, connecting us to Divine forces of love and attraction. It is charming and alluring, yet purifying. Through it we can control the illusion power of our own minds.
In Vedic terms HRIM is a mantra of the Sun, particularly in terms of illumination. It increases our aspiration and receptivity to Divine light, wisdom and truth. It opens the lotus of the heart to the inner Sun of consciousness. It is a mantra of the region of heaven or the consciousness space in which all the worlds exist.
Source: The Mantric Approach of the Vedas by David Frawley
HRIM is one of the most important of all Mantras.
Of all mantras , Hrim is regarded as the supreme
It is called the Devi Pranav, or the equivalent of Om
Hrim refers to the heart (Hridaya).
The mantra Hrim is the mantra of Shiva's
consort and of Maheshvari , the supreme Goddess.
It is the main mantra of the Sri Chakra
It is a single syllable easy for anyone to use.
The Devi Gita states that " All my worship can be
performed with the mantra Hrim. Of all the mantras ,
Hrim is regarded as the supreme guide.
- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 58

Annakoot Paris 2007 - Vikram Samvat 2064 celebration
Annakoot Celebration - Paris - Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal - Hindu New Year Vikram Samvat ...
published: 10 May 2012
Annakoot Paris 2007 - Vikram Samvat 2064 celebration
Annakoot Celebration - Paris - Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal - Hindu New Year Vikram Samvat 2064
On 05/11/2007
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 24

Akhileshwar_Das_Ji_Maharaj celebrate New Year Vikram Samvat 2070
New Year Vikram Samvat 2070 at Nehru Vihar Wazirabad Delhi...
published: 13 Apr 2013
Akhileshwar_Das_Ji_Maharaj celebrate New Year Vikram Samvat 2070
New Year Vikram Samvat 2070 at Nehru Vihar Wazirabad Delhi
- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 11

Dev Narayan Ki Bal Lila (Rajasthani Bhaktigeet)
If You like the video don't forget to share with others & also share your views.
published: 07 Nov 2011
Dev Narayan Ki Bal Lila (Rajasthani Bhaktigeet)
If You like the video don't forget to share with others & also share your views.
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/spicebhakti
Rajasthani Bhaktigeet
Dev Narayan Ki Bal Lila
Shri Devnarayan (Rajasthani or Gujari: श्रीदेवनारायण), an ancient Gurjar warrior from Rajasthan who is believed to have been an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is worshipped as a folk deity, mostly in Rajasthan and north-western Madhya Pradesh. According to tradition, he was born to Sri Savai Bhoj and Sadu mata Gurjari on the seventh day of the bright half (shukla saptami) of the month of Maagh in the Hindu Calendar in Vikram Samvat 968 (911 AD).According to one view historical Devnarayan belonged to 10th century of Vikram Samvat, according another view, he lived in between 1200-1400 (Vikram Samvat era).First view is endorsed by many scholars.
- published: 07 Nov 2011
- views: 435

Abhishek Aarti Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Abhishek Aarti Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 85

Abhishek Darshan Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Abhishek Darshan Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 372

Bhaktiswami Junagadh Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Bhaktiswami Junagadh Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 14

Shangar Aarti Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Shangar Aarti Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 31
Youtube results:

Govardhan puja rice kheel offerings
Govardhan Puja, also called Annakut means the pile of grain which is celebrated to remembe...
published: 17 Nov 2012
Govardhan puja rice kheel offerings
Govardhan Puja, also called Annakut means the pile of grain which is celebrated to remember the victory of Lord Krishna over the arrogant Indra. Lord Krishna taught people to worship the Supreme Controller of nature, God, specifically Govardhan, as Govardhan is a manifestation of Krishna, and to stop worshiping the God of Rains, Lord Indra. For Annakut a mountain of food is decorated symbolizing Govardhan Mountain said to be lifted by Lord Krishna to save the people from the wrath of Lord Indra, the demigod in charge of rain. It is considered that at this day Lord Krishna had defeated the Lord of heaven Indra. Lord Krishna told the people of Vrindavan dham to worship the Nature because only the Nature is nurturing you.
He taught people that worship the Govardhan Mountain which brings rain to the earth and stop worshiping Indra. His message was generally to teach people to take care of the nature. A great mountain of the food, the Govardhan Mountain, is adorned by the people at this occasion. It is considered that the Govardhan Mountain was lifted by the Lord Krishna in order to save the life of people from the Indra. Lord Indra was throwing thunder and a lot of rain over the earth and lord Krishna had saved the millions of life by lifting the mountain on his little finger. This pooja is performed with great zeal and enthusiasm and in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
In Haryana, there is a tradition of building cow dung hillocks, which symbolize the Mount Govardhan, the mountain which was once lifted by Lord Krishna. After making such hillocks people decorate them with flowers and then worship them. They move in a circle all round the cow dung hillocks and offer prayers to Lord Govardhan.In Haryana Govardhan Puja forms an important part of the celebrations of Diwali. In Maharashtra it is celebrated as Padva or BaliPratipada. The day commemorates King Bali. Men present gifts to their wives on this day. In Haryana, Gujarat, it is celebrated as New Year, as Vikram Samvat starts on this day. Govardhan puja is when Lord Krishna stopped the people of Vrindavan dham worshipping Lord Indra because Indra had become too proud of himself so Lord Krishna completely stopped it and told the inhabitants of Vrindavana to worship Govardhan Hill. This worship has carried on from 5000 years ago to the 21st Century.
Source - Wikipedia
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of thousands of hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM 1080i High Definition, HDV and XDCAM. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world... Reach us at wfi @ vsnl.com and admin@wildfilmsindia.com
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 41

S.P. Swami Speech Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
S.P. Swami Speech Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 64

Sha.Swa. Ghanshyamprakashdasji Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Sha.Swa. Ghanshyamprakashdasji Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 43

Ko.Sha.Swa. Ghanshyamvallabhdasji Ashirvachan Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Ko.Sha.Swa. Ghanshyamvallabhdasji Ashirvachan Shree Gopinathji Maharaj's 183 patotsav 2012
our Sampraday knows that Gadhpur was very dear to our Sarvopary Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The temple in Gadhpur was built at the loving request of Ebhal khachar Parivar. The temple
was constructed under the supervision of Shreeji Maharaj and in his absence, Viraktanand
Swami. In Vikram Samvat 1885 ASO sud 12, Shreeji Maharaj himself installed the idols of
Shree Gopinathjidev and Shree Radhikaji in the Central Chamber, the idols of his father
Shree Dharmadev, mother Shree Bhaktidevi & Shree Vasudev (himself in balswarup) in the
Western Chamber, and the idol of Shree Suryanarayandev in the Eastern Chamber.
The idol of Gopinathji Maharaj is in the form of Lord Krishna, but was prepared using the
exact measurements of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan. The height of Gopinathji Maharaj situated
in Gadhada is the same as Shreeji Maharaj, 64 and a quarter Tasu (~inches).
Shreeji Maharaj stayed in Gadhada for 25 years and 4 months, (Samvat 1861 Maha Sud 11 to
1886 Jeth Sud 10) making it the central of his divine mission. Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan
was known to say, "Gadhada belong to Me and I belong to Gadhada, and this relationship will
never cease." Shreeji Maharaj would go on tour to various villages, but he would only feel
rested when he returned to Gadhpur, then he would say, "Now I am at My home."
Shreeji Maharaj made Gadhpur the supreme place of pilgrimage on this earth. In the
Vachanamrut (Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 13), Shreeji Maharaj Himself has described Gadhpur to
be the Akshardham on the earth.
On the 181 Anniversary of Gadhpur Mandir, our H.H. P.P. Bhavi Acharya, 108 Shree
Nrugendraprasadji Maharaj, will be at Gadhpur for the Patotsav Celebration. Even if we
cannot physically be there for this auspicious occasion, we will be getting his holy
blessing during the Website which will be on the same day of the 183 Gopinathji Dev Mandir -
Gadhada (Gadhpur) Patotsav.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 33