- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 3349
Diane Judith Nash (born May 15, 1938) was a leader and strategist of the student wing of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. A historian described her as: "…bright, focused, utterly fearless, with an unerring instinct for the correct tactical move at each increment of the crisis; as a leader, her instincts had been flawless, and she was the kind of person who pushed those around her to be at their best—that, or be gone from the movement."
Nash's campaigns were among the most successful of the era. Her efforts included the first successful civil rights campaign to de-segregate lunch counters (Nashville); the Freedom riders, who de-segregated interstate travel; founding the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); and the Selma Voting Rights Movement campaign, which resulted in African Americans getting the vote and political power throughout the South.
Nash was born and raised in Chicago. Born to Leon Nash and Dorothy Bolton Nash, her father served in World War II. Her mother, Dorothy, worked as a keypunch operator during the war, leaving Nash in the care of her grandmother, Carrie Bolton. Bolton was a cultured woman, known for her refinement and manners.
Diane Nash Bio
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: Freedom Riders: The Student Leader
"Do you know who Diane Nash is?"
Diane Nash - Sages and Scientists 2013
Diane Nash: Managing Fear
SISTER GIANT: Like A Tree Standing By The Water... WE WILL NOT BE MOVED!
Civil Rights Pioneer Diane Nash: I Refused to March with George Bush During Selma Anniversary
Bree Newsome celebrates Diane Nash | Day of Heroes | MTV News
Diane Nash documentary
Diane Nash: Pursuit for Equality
Actors: Lenny Kravitz (actor), Alan Rickman (actor), Cuba Gooding Jr. (actor), Elton LeBlanc (actor), Terrence Howard (actor), James Marsden (actor), Gerald Ford (actor), James DuMont (actor), Douglas M. Griffin (actor), David Jensen (actor), Joe Chrest (actor), John Cusack (actor), Jimmy Carter (actor), Chaz Smith (actor), Liev Schreiber (actor),
Plot: Cecil Gaines was a sharecropper's son who grew up in the 1920s as a domestic servant for the white family who casually destroyed his. Eventually striking out on his own, Cecil becomes a hotel valet of such efficiency and discreteness in the 1950s that he becomes a butler in the White House itself. There, Cecil would serve numerous US Presidents over the decades as a passive witness of history with the American Civil Rights Movement gaining momentum even as his family has troubles of its own. As his wife, Gloria, struggles with her addictions and his defiant eldest son, Louis, strives for a just world, Cecil must decide whether he should take action in his own way.
Keywords: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2008-presidential-election, activism, african-american, apartheid, based-on-newspaper-article, birmingham-alabama{Refrain:}
Ca va de plus en plus haut
Ca va de plus en plus vite
Faut maintenir le niveau,
Avant qu'le niveau nous quitte!
Ca va de plus en plus haut
Ca va de plus en plus vite
A nous de suivre le tempo
Pour ne pas s'd?caler sur le beat!
Beat we go
I write now j'suis devenu un accro
Du micro jusqu'au point
O? on nous demande de ne pas faire de propagande
Tant pis pour les gentlemans
Mais si on s'?clate ? tel point
On fait ?a pour les ondes
Rien n'est acquis dans la vie
Tant que t'as les yeux ouverts
Vaut mieux pas qu'tu l?ches l'affaire
Young man
C'est sans r?pis pas d'soucis
Fait seulement c'que t'as ? faire
Et fais confiance au p?re
{au Refrain, x2}
J'suis pas un bon exemple pour les young men
Avec mon fond d'dingue
La raison vl? scon flingue
C'est pas une complainte
Lib?res-toi des contraintes
J'sais pas comment trop t'expliquer
T'as mis les deux doigts dans la prise ou quoi? p'tit excit?
Pas d'imprudences
M?me si y a des impr?vus
Vas droit au but, pense
R?agis assume et continu
Fais comme tu l'sens
Renonce pas m?me si t'es d??u
Ps d'concurence, juste endurance
Bouge ton cul danse !
Sautes dessus
Deux pieds nus sur les braises
L?ve toi relax ! no stress
Tranquille ? l'aise
Fracasse la chaise avant qu'on d?connecte
Bient?t la chute de la com?te sur le lance roquette
Non j'd?connais micro test 1.Rien n'est acquis
Et si tu crois avoir un instant d'r?pis
C'est que t'es bon ? te frotter les couilles sur du cr?pis
Faut faire ces sons car la maison ne fait plus cr?dit ancien petit grands objectifs
Are you ready ???
{au Refrain, x2}
Younnng men
On est l? pour connecter nos id?es
Montrer qu'notre force c'est l'unit?
Ca fait longtemps qu'on est DJ
Younnng men
En hip-hop et au ragga combin?
Au Don Choa j'ai accompagn?
La bombe est pr?te ? exploser
Dans tous les cas de cit?s
Pour les riches et les moins riches
Et tous ceux qu'ont envie de kiffer
Ici c'est Nowaw
Pour les coinc?s, les moins coinc?s
Mais qui savent centrer reggae liberty qui revient niquer
?a devait ?tre pris pour nous c'est clair
Faut qu'y ai panpan au derri?re
C'est pas dit qu'on en fait notre affaire
Ou nous pr?parer ? la guerre
Les bombes ?clatent sur les t?tes de bambo black lorsqu'il est charg? il
D?barque c'est pas une blague de manie ?a va
Younnng men
On est l? pour connecter nos id?es
Montrer qu'notre force c'est l'unit?
?a fait longtemps qu'on est DJ
Younnng men
En hip-hop et au ragga combin?
Au Don Choa j'ai accompagn?
La bombe est pr?te ? exploser