- published: 13 Aug 2007
- views: 24231241

Historia de Chile desde 1973 a 1989 (Historias de nuestro siglo TVN)
Documental de Televisión Nacional de Chile de 1999 en el cual relata de forma muy objetiva...
published: 07 Jun 2012
Historia de Chile desde 1973 a 1989 (Historias de nuestro siglo TVN)
Documental de Televisión Nacional de Chile de 1999 en el cual relata de forma muy objetiva el periodo histórico de 1973 a 1990. Hasta ahora es único documental que ha podido en cierta forma amalgamar las dos visiones de lo que ocurrió en Chile.
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 11626

Secretariat - Preakness Stakes 1973
The actual footage of Secretariat's incredible Preakness Stakes victory during the second ...
published: 30 Jul 2011
Secretariat - Preakness Stakes 1973
The actual footage of Secretariat's incredible Preakness Stakes victory during the second race of the 1973 Triple Crown.
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 248390

1973 Billboard Top 10 Singles - 1/20/1973 ~ 40 years ago this week ~
No infringement of copyright is intended in any way under DMCA, under the terms of fair us...
published: 18 Jan 2013
1973 Billboard Top 10 Singles - 1/20/1973 ~ 40 years ago this week ~
No infringement of copyright is intended in any way under DMCA, under the terms of fair use for education.
- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 4658

حرب أكتوبر 1973 بالتفاصيل والأرقام
لوحة شرف ابطال مصر فى حرب أكتوبر
الرئيس أنورالسادات القائد الأعلي للقوات المسلحة، الفريق أ...
published: 16 Aug 2009
حرب أكتوبر 1973 بالتفاصيل والأرقام
لوحة شرف ابطال مصر فى حرب أكتوبر
الرئيس أنورالسادات القائد الأعلي للقوات المسلحة، الفريق أول / أحمد إسماعيل علي - وزير الحربية والقائد العام للقوات المسلحة، الفريق/ سعد الشاذلي - رئيس الأركان، لواء / محمد عبدالغني الجمسي - رئيس هيئة العمليات،
لواء طيار / محمد حسني مبارك - قائد القوات الجوية ، لواء / محمد علي فهمي - قائد قوات الدفاع المدني، لواء بحري / فؤاد أبوذكري - قائد القوات البحرية، لواء / محمد سعيد الماحي - مدير سلاح المدفعية، لواء / كمال حسن علي - مدير سلاح المدرعات، لواء مهندس / جمال محمد علي - مدير سلاح المهندسين، عميد / نبيل شكري - قائد قوات الصاعقة، عميد / محمود عبدالله - قائد قوات المظلات، لواء / عبدالمنعم واصل - قائد الجيش الثالث، لواء / سعد مأمون - قائد الجيش الثاني، عميد / أحمد بدوي - قائد الفرقة ٧ مشاة، عميد / محمد عبدالحليم أبوغزالة ــ قائد مدفعية الجيش الثاني،
عميد / يوسف صبري أبوطالب ــ قائد مدفعية الجيش الثالث، عميد / يوسف عفيفي - قائد الفرقة ١٩ مشاة، عميد / محمد أبو الفتوح محرم - قائد الفرقة ٦ مشاة ميكانيكي، عميد / عبدرب النبي حافظ - قائد الفرقة ١٦ مشاة، عميد/ حسن أبو سعدة - قائد الفرقة ٢ مشاة، عميد / فؤاد عزيز غالي - قائد الفرقة ١٨ مشاة ميكانيكي، عميد / أحمد عبود الزمر - قائد الفرقة ٢٣ مشاة ميكانيكي، عميد / إبراهيم العرابي - قائد الفرقة ٢١ المدرعة، عميد / محمد عبدالعزيز قابيل - قائد الفرقة ٤ المدرعة، مقدم أركان حرب/ محمد حسين طنطاوي - قائد الكتيبة ١٦ مشاة».
- published: 16 Aug 2009
- views: 1037513

Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973
I think this is one of the most famous and awesome race in U.S. In this race, Secretariat,...
published: 02 Jan 2007
Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973
I think this is one of the most famous and awesome race in U.S. In this race, Secretariat, an outstanding big chestnut horse, wins by 31 length(!!!), making the world 12F record, achieving triple crown.
- published: 02 Jan 2007
- views: 2324787

Secretariat Belmont Stakes 1973 & extended post race coverage
This is Secretariat's historic 1973 Belmont Stakes victory.
EDIT: New HD version uploaded...
published: 20 Aug 2007
Secretariat Belmont Stakes 1973 & extended post race coverage
This is Secretariat's historic 1973 Belmont Stakes victory.
EDIT: New HD version uploaded recently! Go here to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfCMtaNiMDM
What makes this video different from all other Belmont 1973 footage on youtube? Well, the elongated coverage of the race. It is fun to see the actual initial response to this race by the commentators, the crowd etc.
- published: 20 Aug 2007
- views: 1388479

حرب أكتوبر 1973 أرض المعركة ترجمة عباس مشالي
إنها حرب العاشر من رمضان أو السادس من أكتوبر 1973. وهي حرب استعاد بها العرب جزءا من اعتبار...
published: 11 Oct 2011
حرب أكتوبر 1973 أرض المعركة ترجمة عباس مشالي
إنها حرب العاشر من رمضان أو السادس من أكتوبر 1973. وهي حرب استعاد بها العرب جزءا من اعتبارهم وكرامتهم التي اهتزت بعد الهزيمة بعام 1967. ولقد تمكن الجيشين المصري والسوري من تحطيم أسطورة الجيش الذي لا يقهر. وعلينا أن نكون منطقيين، فالإمكانيات العربية بعد 1967 لم تكن تسمح بحرب تحرير شاملة للأراضي، بل مجرد معارك تحريك دبلوماسي وسياسي للاحتلال الذي وقع بعام النكسة. أترككم مع موضوع موسع ورائع للاستاذ الفاضل عباس مشالي الذي ترجم هذه الحلقة من ضمن سلسلة معارك القرن العشرين التي انتجتها البي بي سي
- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 114964

Jonny Buchardt - Auftritt Karneval Köln 1973
Jonny Buchardt - Auftritt Karneval Köln 1973
Jonny Buchardt (bürgerlicher Name Herbert Gü...
published: 30 Jan 2012
Jonny Buchardt - Auftritt Karneval Köln 1973
Jonny Buchardt - Auftritt Karneval Köln 1973
Jonny Buchardt (bürgerlicher Name Herbert Günther Schlichting;
* 16. September 1925 in Wuppertal, NRW; † 8. Oktober 2001 in Bensberg, NRW) war ein deutscher Schauspieler, Komiker und Conférencier.
Zicke Zacke Zicke zacke - ...
Hipp hipp - ...
Sieg - ...
- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 482766

Secretariat Belmont Stakes 1973 & extended coverage (HD Version - NEW!)
This is Secretariat's historic 1973 Belmont Stakes victory. I uploaded the original video...
published: 25 Jun 2012
Secretariat Belmont Stakes 1973 & extended coverage (HD Version - NEW!)
This is Secretariat's historic 1973 Belmont Stakes victory. I uploaded the original video which is over 1 million hits 5 years ago. I can now rip at a much higher quality and I wanted to put the upgrade on Youtube for everyone to enjoy. :)
Unfortunately the footage is from 1973 so it will never be the HD we now have come to enjoy, but this should look good on 27" screens or higher compared to the old one.
What makes this video different from all other Belmont 1973 footage on youtube? Well, the elongated coverage of the race. It is fun to see the actual initial response to this race by the commentators, the crowd etc.
- published: 25 Jun 2012
- views: 41290

Genesis: Live 1973 - First time in HD with Enhanced Soundtrack
download the Blu-Ray DVD here: http://tinyurl.com/amn4k93
donate to The Genesis Museum her...
published: 22 Jun 2012
Genesis: Live 1973 - First time in HD with Enhanced Soundtrack
download the Blu-Ray DVD here: http://tinyurl.com/amn4k93
donate to The Genesis Museum here: http://tinyurl.com/atzylyb
Shepperton Studios, UK: 30/31 October 1973
Watcher of the Skies (0:00)
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (8:36)
I Know What I Like (17:40)
The Musical Box (24:00)
Supper's Ready (37:10)
It was (almost) 40 years ago that Genesis performed in this studio and (almost) 10 years ago that I did our first transfer of this 16mm film in PAL format (720x576). The results of this effort along with the generosity at meeksgenesis, SAB for the audio work, RH for the artwork, and a host of others well documented, created a masterpiece that has been used countless times after on TV, bootlegs, "review" DVDs, and even the official Genesis boxed sets. Who would have thought that our work would go so far? Well, I am here to try to push the envelope a little further...I give you Shepperton HD.
16mm is used for amateur (and even professional) filmmaking so there are many more transfer options than for 8mm. But the best of the best is the Spirit DataCine in 2K (2048 pixel CCD resolution) and is used for Hollywood films, as well as PG's recent Secret World Blu-Ray DVD. Of course it is far more common nowadays to see 35mm, transferred by the Spirit in 4K since the film is bigger. They also make an 8mm gate for the Spirit, but because the smaller film size can only use 1K of the resolution (less than HD) this caused debates as to whether it is worthwhile and makes this 8mm gate extremely expensive and almost unheard of. You may also notice that the gate on the Spirit is a little bigger than the previous transfer, maybe 3-5% or so of extra image around the edges. This is still a 4:3 aspect ratio, but more of the stage can be seen than ever before.
The definition we are presented with here is amazing HD (1440x1080), and a beautifully low contrast image. If you thought it was impossible to see more detail than the DVD we created 10 years back, your eyes will feast on this. Cymbal grooves, wood grain, each string on a 12-string guitar...it's all here. Of course in addition to even more film grain, we can see new imperfections like hairs and dust. But I noticed that most of these imperfections switch as the camera view switches, and then switch back when the angle switches back. This means is that these are as a result of the original film recording/creation/editing, and are permanently on the print I have and cannot be removed. I did "clean" some of these digitally, but this is an inexact process and I estimate I was able to remove only about 30% of these imperfections.
The Spirit allowed for better color adjustment during the transfer, so I had less work to do on the color this time. However, the color on this film is kinda a nightmare. One example of the color issues occurs at the end of The Musical Box, where three separate shots show a perfect black background, a cut to a shot with a blue background, followed by a shot that is balanced towards green...all in a matter of a few seconds. So not only has the film been spliced (each splice mark can be seen in HD) between films with a different color balance, but there is sometimes a different color on the right side of the film than the left side of the film in the same scene. I corrected as much as realistically possible, but it is far from perfect.
Because of the amazing video transfer, I felt that the audio was a not a good match in quality. This 16mm film uses "optical" audio, printed down the side of the film like waveforms. This is common for 16mm and fine for dialogue, but not good for music. And unfortunately, there is no great machine to get a better audio transfer, and no great audio source has been discovered even after all these years. So I decided to resync it. Of course there are stories before some songs that could not be redubbed, so they are there in their original form. But I estimate that I was able to achieve about a 90% match for the entire film. I used various soundboards and radio shows, switched and layered and cheated and fine tuned to get it as close as possible. Thanks to Willem for help reviewing my work and suggesting alternate audio sources, and to Dave Raphael for some amazing original artwork as well as suggestions on the film itself.
- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 249233
Vimeo results:

Bathtub IV
©2009 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved
Project info @ http://keithloutit.com
My stock libra...
published: 10 Feb 2009
author: Keith Loutit
Bathtub IV
©2009 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved
Project info @ http://keithloutit.com
My stock library: http://www.youtube.com/user/tiltshiftstock?feature=mhee
This is a personal project that would not have been possible without the support of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Thanks to the entire team for their generous access during training exercises and patrols this Summer. Since the Service began in 1973, it has carried out more than 21,000 missions ranging from urgent patient transfers to dangerous search and rescue missions.
This film is 100% 'real', but there are some new techniques for me here, such as using time lapse to create the illusion of forward movement for the helicopter ocean scenes. These flight sequences would not be possible without the skill and patience of Chief Pilot Peter Yates. Thanks also to Trevor Cracknell (for getting wet!) and Family.
“CLEMENTINE” (Megan Washington)
Performed by Washington
© 2008 J Albert & Son Pty Limited
Used with permission
Artist Info @ http://keithloutit.com
Thank you,

Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL
An extrapolation on the "One Last Thing" from Kirby Ferguson's web series Everything Is A ...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: robgwilson.com
Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL
An extrapolation on the "One Last Thing" from Kirby Ferguson's web series Everything Is A Remix - Episode 2: http://vimeo.com/19447662
Edited by Robert Grigsby Wilson
Produced by Kirby Ferguson and Robert Grigsby Wilson
Dedicated to Sally Menke, Quentin Tarantino's Editor, who passed away last year. She was a great inspiration to me.
For more information, visit
0:19 - Game of Death (1978)
0:35 - Samurai Fiction (1998)
0:41 - Once Upon A Time In The West (1968)
0:51 - Death Rides A Horse (1967)
1:01 - Lady Snowblood (1973)
1:14 - Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1974)
1:20 - Deep Red (1975)
1:35 - City of the Living Dead (1980)
1:39 - Gone In 60 Seconds (1974)
1:42 - Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968)
1:49 - Sanjuro (1962)
1:57 - Blade Runner (1982)
2:03 - Fists of Fury (1972)
2:14 - Sanjuro (1962)
2:27 - Ichi The Killer (2001)
2:30 - Navajo Joe (1966)
2:44 - Battle Royale (2000)
2:51 - The Mercenary (1968)
2:57 - Circle of Iron (1978)
3:00 - Citizen Kane (1941)
3:09 - Shogun Assassin (1980)
3:21 - City of the Living Dead (1980)
3:28 - Django Kill! (1967)
3:34 - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
3:43 - Twisted Nerve (1968)
3:52 - Black Sunday (1977)
4:04 - Carrie (1976)
4:13 - Alfred Hitchcock Presens: Breakdown (1955)
4:23 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:25 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
4:26 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:30 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:33 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:37 - Resevoir Dogs (1992)
4:39 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:41 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:47 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:50 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
4:51 - Jackie Brown (1997)
4:53 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
4:57 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
5:07 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
5:08 - Resevoir Dogs (1992)
5:09 - Jackie Brown (1997)
5:10 - From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
0:09 - Santa Esmeralda - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
0:49 - Quincy Jones - Ironside
0:55 - The Human Beinz - Nobody But Me
1:45 - Ennio Morricone - From Man To Man (Death Rides A Horse)
2:36 - Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
3:39 - Bernard Herrmann - Twisted Nerve
4:18 - Issac Hayes - Truck Turner

***HD fullscreen, earphones and a few minutes of silence recommended***
Film by Patrick Mc...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: GOLEM
***HD fullscreen, earphones and a few minutes of silence recommended***
Film by Patrick Mccue & Tobias Wiesner
The movie is based on the short story “GOLEM XIV” of “Imaginary Magnitude” by Stanislaw Lem from 1973.
The book is written from the perspective of a military A.I. computer who obtains consciousness, moving towards personal technological singularity with growing intelligence.
It starts to refuse military support because it detects a basic lacking of internal logical consistency of war.
GOLEM gives several lectures with focus on mankind's position in the process of evolution and the possible biological and intellectual future of humanity before it ceases communication.
The movie tells about the first point of its "about man threefold" lecture as a reduced and simplified version while visually weaving this with GOLEM simulating human culture processes based on ideas and dynamics of freedom and curiosity, fear and security, abstraction and fiction, the lack of accessibility in face of unknowing and the need for generating meaning.
The whole creative intention about this project is to face your own process in this world with reflection and self responsibility, to stay curious and create, look for new ideas and stay keen.
Voice - Cyrena Dunbar
Music - Cliff Martinez (original composition for GOLEM)
Sound Design - Gavin Little/ echolab.tv
Title Design - Melanie Lukhaup/ luftmasche
Content Support - Dr. Michael Cursio
basic production information:
- started as a thesis in Film& Animation of the Design course at the GSO Academy Nuremberg, Germany in 2009, degree 2010
- more than 1 year of research and concept development (quite fulltime)
- producing pictures and sound over about 2.5 years (spare time only)
- used Software: Lightwave (FPrime, Kray), Nuke, Aftereffects, Trapcode Particular2 (excessively)
- privately funded
- mostly rendered at http://garagefarm.net/
credits webpages:
more information and making of material coming soon...

Kubrick vs Scorsese
25 days, 34 films, and 1 tribute.
Editor's note...
published: 09 Jun 2010
author: Leandro Copperfield
Kubrick vs Scorsese
25 days, 34 films, and 1 tribute.
Editor's note: Many friends after seeing my video "Tarantino vs Coen Brothers" requested me to do a new video duel of directors, so I decided to do now a tribute to my two favorite directors, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese, were 25 days re-watching 34 films, selected more than 500 scenes, and a hard work editing.
This video was purely non-profit and not Aimed at breaking copyright laws.
Editor's note #2: I know that they are different in many ways, this is not necessarily a comparison or "fight". It's just a hommage for two of my favorite directors.
Lists of films used ...
Dir.: Stanley Kubrick
Day of the Fight (1951)
Fear and Desire (1953)
Killer's Kiss (1955)
The Killing (1956)
Paths of Glory (1957)
Spartacus (1960)
Lolita (1962)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Barry Lyndon (1975)
The Shining (1980)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Dir.: Martin Scorsese
Mean Streets (1973)
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974)
Taxi Driver (1976)
New York, New York (1977)
Raging Bull (1980)
The King of Comedy (1982)
After Hours (1985)
The Color of Money (1986)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
Goodfellas (1990)
Cape Fear (1991)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Casino (1995)
Kundun (1997)
Bringing Out the Dead (1999)
Gangs of New York (2002)
The Aviator (2004)
The Departed (2006)
Shutter Island (2010)
Audio Copyright Notices:
'I'm Shipping Up to Boston' performed by band Dropkick Murphys remains courtesy Hellcat Records, ® 2005
'Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing' by Chris Isaak remains courtesy Warner Music Group Corp, ® 1996
'Nude' by Radiohead remains courtesy XL Recordings, ® 2008
http://leandrocopperfield.blogspot.com/ (Other videos mashups)
Youtube results:

1973 F1 Nurburgring Nordschleife
retransmision televisiva de la época, grandes pilotos, grandes máquinas y gran escenario...
published: 16 Jan 2011
1973 F1 Nurburgring Nordschleife
retransmision televisiva de la época, grandes pilotos, grandes máquinas y gran escenario
- published: 16 Jan 2011
- views: 238953

Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973
The actual footage of Secretariat's record breaking win during the third and final race of...
published: 06 May 2011
Secretariat - Belmont Stakes 1973
The actual footage of Secretariat's record breaking win during the third and final race of the 1973 Triple Crown, the Belmont Stakes.
Music by Nick Glennie-Smith:
- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 454158