- published: 14 Oct 2009
- views: 4920

Understanding Plato's Divided Line
Question and answer based on Introduction to Philosophy textbook, which I co-authored.
published: 20 Apr 2011
Understanding Plato's Divided Line
Question and answer based on Introduction to Philosophy textbook, which I co-authored.
Contrast with Aristotle at 3:25
Review and Summary at 4:00.
Follow up video on How to Study Plato: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wupBL2bAlbw
- published: 20 Apr 2011
- views: 8209

The Divided Line - Watching the Thinker (Live)
The Divided Line
"Watching the Thinker" (Live)
November 29, 2012 at Clinton's Tavern, Toro...
published: 01 Dec 2012
The Divided Line - Watching the Thinker (Live)
The Divided Line
"Watching the Thinker" (Live)
November 29, 2012 at Clinton's Tavern, Toronto, ON
Recorded on iPhone 5
Bass - Reza Shaffaf
Guitar - Blair Ryan Barton
Drums - Julien D. Bigras
Vocals - Nathan Lee
URL: http://www.dividedlinemusic.com
Twitter: @DividedLineBand
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dividedline
- published: 01 Dec 2012
- views: 127

Rediscovery of Lost Pythagorean Sacred Geometry, Platos Divided Line & Pentagram Part 1
Pythagoras, Plato, and Plotinus after them were well aware, by their intense study of geom...
published: 27 Sep 2012
Rediscovery of Lost Pythagorean Sacred Geometry, Platos Divided Line & Pentagram Part 1
Pythagoras, Plato, and Plotinus after them were well aware, by their intense study of geometry and nature, the Golden section. The purpose of this very small but pithy book is to examine some key passages of Plato and the Phi incommensurability of the Pythagorean pentagram and unveil a heretofore unknown 'secret' rediscovered which links the Golden ratio, Pythagoras, the ontological preeminence of the pentagram, and the two most important passages in the Republic of Plato all together. I will show that the Emanationist philosophy/religion of the Platonists employed the Golden ratio into both a "Divided Line" analogy and the "Cave" symbolism to show the variant degrees of proportion and ratio between the visible (aisthetos) and intelligible (noetos) kosmos in a divine Logos (proportion) of which the Monad is Arche. Also I hope to demonstrate that the "Pythagorean oath", the tetraktys was shown only inside a special 'Pythagorean triangle', the 1-1-Phi triangle which is not only the "triple intertwined triangle" of the pentagram, but also the 1-1-Phi-1/Phi analogy of Plato's Cave and Divided line symbolism for the totality of all things.
The Logos (proportion) which comprises the visible and intelligible, I hope to show, formed the foundational doctrine of the Pythagoreans and Platonists who despised all who were "ignorant of geometry" to partake of their instruction, for "As above, so below", the Platonists before and after understood the "third thing which unified" was a Logos of the Monad, geometrically and arithmetically represented by a power of Phi, which itself is the logos of the necessary emanation of the Monad.
Phi is the ratio and relationship of the Monad to its increasingly phenomenal self-image in emanation. "But employing the objects of which the shadows below are resemblances in their turn as images"[Rep. 509]; thru the many ages of nature study the Pythagoreans understood that all nature exhibits a Logos (proportion) to a Principle (1), and this very special ratio was Phi (1 to 1.618033), and so being the case, the 2nd and 3rd Hypostases (the Nous and the Psyche tou pantos [world soul]), though noetic, MUST exhibit this same proportion. After who knows how long a time, the symbolism and analogies I mention below will spell out that which the Emanationists settled upon as the visible models for their knowledge of the ordered kosmos into powers and or proportions of Phi.
One very special triangle, its significance uncovered for the first time here in this book, serves as the model for the tetraktys, the pentagram, the Divided line, and the Cave analogies, and its geometers contain the seven sections of Platonic totality. The 1-1-Phi 'Pythagorean triangle', the 108-36-36 degrees isosceles triangle. At no time does this book affiliate its discussion with the bastardization of the pentagram in meaning and usage, or the theology of numbers with those groups as commonly denoted in the practice of the white-lighter new-age movement, but only to the root meaning and importance as taught by the Pythagoreans alone, of which the author is certain, is the only point of relevance or importance.
copyright myself 2005 discovery ISBN 0-9712541-5-X
- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 959

Uncovered Lost Pythagorean Grand Unified Theory Equation, Platos Divided Line & Pentagram Part 2
[The Divided Line; (Plato's Republic 509d-511e)]
You have to imagine, then, that the...
published: 28 Sep 2012
Uncovered Lost Pythagorean Grand Unified Theory Equation, Platos Divided Line & Pentagram Part 2
[The Divided Line; (Plato's Republic 509d-511e)]
You have to imagine, then, that there are two ruling powers, and that one of them is set over the intellectual world (The One and Being-On [Phi]), the other over the visible (the 'shadows', the Mimesis of Nous and that of matter). I do not say heaven, lest you should fancy that I am playing upon the name. May I suppose that you are making this distinction of the visible ([1-Unity, also 1/Phi phenomenally], or Unity-Noetic 'forms', 1/Phi Memesis [shape] and 1/Phi [matter] 'shadow' = The Lesser section) and of the intelligible (The One and Phi [1/phi, 1/phi, and Psyche .381967] = The Greater section) fixed in your mind? I have.
Now take a line (Totality, i.e. = 1, also = 4.236067, or 1/.236067 [primordial Dyadism of Unity of the Monad], Pan, Pentagram) which has been cut into two unequal parts (One and Phi ratio), and divide each of them again in the exact same proportion (which gives (1) Phi [1.618033]), (2) One, (3) One, and (4) 1/Phi [.618033]), and suppose the two main divisions, one to the visible (Lesser = Noetic forms [1-Unity], and 'shapes' [1/Phi] and matter-'shadows' [1/Phi]) and the other to the intelligible (Greater = Phi and the One), and then compare the subdivisions in respect of their clearness and want of clearness, and you will find that the first section [#3 and #4] (Noetic forms [1-Unity-1/Phi], mimesis [1/Phi], and matter, 1/Phi [.618033]) in the sphere of the visible consists of (noetic) images (Kosmos Noetos, Nous-Eidos). And by images I mean, in the first place, shadows (shapes-Hyle-matter 1/Phi [.618033]) and in the second place, reflections (noetic reflections-Mimesis, Kosmos Aisthetos), in water and in solid, smooth and polished bodies and the like: Do you understand? Yes, I understand.
Imagine, now, the other section [#1 and #2] (The Greater section, Being-Phi [1.618033] and Hen-the Absolute-1), of which this (the lesser section, the Noetic forms and 'shadows and shapes' i.e. matter) is only the resemblance (a mimesis of the 1st hypostasis and Being-On), to include the animals (animate life, all empirically ensouled Being-Zoe-Phi) which we see, and everything that grows or is made. Very good. Would you not admit that both the sections of this division have different degrees of truth (one being the Lesser section, the relative/image/semblance [Noetic forms and 'shapes and shadows' 1/Phi-matter], and the Greater section, the real, the genuine [Phi-Being and the One]), and that the copy (both matter-'shadow', noetic empirical shapes in union with the Psyche = Phi-On-Being, which is an Eikon of the Monad) is to the original (The One), [i.e. that by ratio, Phi is to One as One is to Phi] as the sphere of opinion (doxa, hypothesis [Phi] ratio to Gnosis [1, Nous]) is to the sphere of true knowledge (gnosis)? Most undoubtedly.
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 449

The Divided Line (Live) @ Cherry Cola's Rock 'N Rolla - 07/18/2011
Toronto Show on August 18th, 2011
Last song of the night... "Watch the Thinker"...
published: 23 Aug 2011
The Divided Line (Live) @ Cherry Cola's Rock 'N Rolla - 07/18/2011
Toronto Show on August 18th, 2011
Last song of the night... "Watch the Thinker"
- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 114

Plato's cave analysis
How to understand Plato. Animated analysis of Plato's cave in Book 7 of THE REPUBLIC with ...
published: 27 Oct 2011
Plato's cave analysis
How to understand Plato. Animated analysis of Plato's cave in Book 7 of THE REPUBLIC with reference to the Meno (anamnesis and the discussion on the difference between true belief and true knowledge); the theory of forms. Other films in the series to be posted.
- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 51334

Paul Sonny and Chris Austin - Divided Line
Divided line music video.
Edited and Directed by: Christopher Puga
Music Recorded by Pau...
published: 26 Jul 2012
Paul Sonny and Chris Austin - Divided Line
Divided line music video.
Edited and Directed by: Christopher Puga
Music Recorded by Paul Sonny
All Rights Reserved to Paul Sonny and Chris Austin
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 773

Promo - Lakeer (The Divided Line) Pahari Film [HQ] by 9211shabab
A Pahari Feature Film Based On Partition Of Jammu And Kashmir...
published: 09 Dec 2010
Promo - Lakeer (The Divided Line) Pahari Film [HQ] by 9211shabab
A Pahari Feature Film Based On Partition Of Jammu And Kashmir
- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 1158
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