- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 17494
- author: AntennaFarmRecords
Social Studies - Terracur [Official Video]
Social Studies - Terracur From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records, ANT542) Availa...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: AntennaFarmRecords
Social Studies - Terracur [Official Video]
Social Studies - Terracur From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records, ANT542) Available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/developer/id566669...
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 17494
- author: AntennaFarmRecords
Powerful Teaching and Learning - High School Social Studies
The Contrasting Video Series is designed to help educators see, study, and understand the ...
published: 22 Jul 2009
author: thebercgroup
Powerful Teaching and Learning - High School Social Studies
The Contrasting Video Series is designed to help educators see, study, and understand the differences between teacher-centered classrooms and student-centere...
- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 29321
- author: thebercgroup
Praxis II Elementary Education (Social Studies Section) - Test Prep Video
For more videos, visit: http://www.teacherstestprep.com/online This Praxis II Elementary E...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: TeachersTestPrep
Praxis II Elementary Education (Social Studies Section) - Test Prep Video
For more videos, visit: http://www.teacherstestprep.com/online This Praxis II Elementary Education test prep video covers important subject matter appearing ...
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 7927
- author: TeachersTestPrep
Lowell High School Winterfaire 2012 ~ Social Studies Style (Gangnam Style Parody)
Social Studies Department Performance. "Social Studies Style" ©2012 CL Studios. Enjoy! Dec...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: cgl136
Lowell High School Winterfaire 2012 ~ Social Studies Style (Gangnam Style Parody)
Social Studies Department Performance. "Social Studies Style" ©2012 CL Studios. Enjoy! Dec. 21, 2012. Don't forget to subscribe! All music subject to copyrig...
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 4946
- author: cgl136
Body Language - Social Studies
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: Kathleen Kelley
Body Language - Social Studies
- published: 03 Nov 2010
- views: 26649
- author: Kathleen Kelley
Social Studies - Away For The Weekend
Social Studies- "Developer" (2012) ♢http://www.antennafarmrecords.com/artists/social-studi...
published: 10 Feb 2013
author: LuWuLuWuLu
Social Studies - Away For The Weekend
Social Studies- "Developer" (2012) ♢http://www.antennafarmrecords.com/artists/social-studies/ ♢http://twitter.com/socialstudiessf ♢http://www.socialstudies-m...
- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 1429
- author: LuWuLuWuLu
Body Language - Social Studies (Plastic Plates Remix)
another classic "i don't know wtf this tune wasn't on utub" song....
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: alexinhomg
Body Language - Social Studies (Plastic Plates Remix)
another classic "i don't know wtf this tune wasn't on utub" song.
- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 64823
- author: alexinhomg
An Animated Introduction to Social Science
Soomo Publishing's "Animated Introduction to Social Science" defines the broad-spectrum di...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: soomopublishing
An Animated Introduction to Social Science
Soomo Publishing's "Animated Introduction to Social Science" defines the broad-spectrum discipline of social science. Social Science is made up of anthropolo...
- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 41403
- author: soomopublishing
Social Studies - Still Life
Social Studies - Still Life From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records, ANT542) Avai...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: socialstudiessocial
Social Studies - Still Life
Social Studies - Still Life From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records, ANT542) Available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/developer/id5666690...
- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 2196
- author: socialstudiessocial
Reality PD | High School Social Studies | Engage students at all learning levels in rigorous work
DC Public School: School Without Walls Teacher: Victoria Tyson Clip focus: Engage students...
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: dcpublicschools
Reality PD | High School Social Studies | Engage students at all learning levels in rigorous work
DC Public School: School Without Walls Teacher: Victoria Tyson Clip focus: Engage students at all learning levels in rigorous work (Teach 3) What is Reality ...
- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 7063
- author: dcpublicschools
Social Studies - Trapdoor Spider
Performing 11/05/10 at Delta of Venus
Davis, CA, 122 B St. 95616
All Ages - 8:30pm
published: 03 Nov 2010
Social Studies - Trapdoor Spider
Performing 11/05/10 at Delta of Venus
Davis, CA, 122 B St. 95616
All Ages - 8:30pm
- published: 03 Nov 2010
- views: 3096
Constructivist Social Studies Lesson Grades 4/5
http://www.timbedley.com Tim Bedley is the 2013 Riverside County Teacher of the Year. Stud...
published: 05 Oct 2008
author: Tim Bedley
Constructivist Social Studies Lesson Grades 4/5
http://www.timbedley.com Tim Bedley is the 2013 Riverside County Teacher of the Year. Students in his class work in pairs to research and present findings. T...
- published: 05 Oct 2008
- views: 28010
- author: Tim Bedley
Vimeo results:
By @jasonsilva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
"The adjacent possible is a kind...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Jason Silva
By @jasonsilva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
"The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself." - Steven Johnson
Other videos -
You are a RCVR - http://vimeo.com/27671433
To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns - http://vimeo.com/34182381
Imagination - http://vimeo.com/34902950
Abundance - http://vimeo.com/34984088
This video is inspired, in part, by the ideas explored in David Deutsch’s new book, THE BEGINNING OF INFINITY. We hope it moves you.
"The topographical shape and the material constitution of the upper surface of the island of Manhattan, as it exists today, is much less a matter of geology than it is of economics and politics and human psychology. The effects of geological forces were trumped (you might say) by other forces — forces that proved themselves, in the fullness of time, physically stronger. Deutsch thinks the same thing must in the long run be true of the universe as a whole. Stuff like gravitation and dark energy are the sorts of things that determine the shape of the cosmos only in its earliest, and most parochial, and least interesting stages. The rest is going to be a matter of our own intentional doing.." - David Alpert on David Deutsch's new book.
"Some time in the last fifty thousand years, with the invention of culture, the biological evolution of humans ceased and evolution became an epigenetic, cultural phenomenon... technology is the real skin of our species. Humanity, correctly seen in the context of the last five hundred years, is an extruder of technological material. We take in matter that has a low degree of organization; we put it through mental filters, and we extrude jewelry, gospels, space shuttles. This is what we do. We are like coral animals embedded in a technological reef of extruded psychic objects." - Terence Mckenna
In our work, we use the tools of editing: we juxtapose 'transcalar' imagery, cutting and overlapping the very small and the very large... From the nano to the galactic, stretching and compressing time, we feature time lapse to reveal the repetitive and recurring patterns across different scales of reality. The aim is to provide multiple perspectives all at once, whose simultaneous presentation might cause spontaneous epiphanies. “These patterns are omnipresent, but only when we see these patterns in a more compressed mode of presentation to we start to attend to them as such.” -- This is KEY!
Paul Stamet's superb book, Mycelium Running, begins with a discussion of what Stamets calls the mycelial archetype. He compares the mushroom mycelium with the overlapping information-sharing systems that comprise the Internet, with the networked neurons in the brain, and with a computer model of dark matter in the universe. All share this densely intertwingled filamental structure.
A recent profile of Stephen Johnson on Dumbo Feather described his work like this:
“Johnson uses ‘The Long Zoom’ to define the way he looks at the world—if you concentrate on any one level, there are patterns that you miss. When you step back and simultaneously consider, say, the sentience of a slime mold, the cultural life of downtown Manhattan and the behaviour of artificially intelligent computer code, new patterns emerge."
On their own, these areas of study are fascinating. Together, a more profound view takes shape.
The article continues, "Put simply: cities are like ant colonies are like software is like slime molds are like evolution is like disease is like sewage systems are like poetry is like the neural pathways in our brain. Everything is connected.”
Our stated goal is to re-ignite the art of the "performing philosophers" ... like Timothy Leary and Buckminster Fuller... A post on Space Collective wrote about “thinkers who act as substantial agents of change, who drastically alter the infocologies they interact with, in the process transforming and meshing the different dimensions in which our minds operate.”
We care about the pleasures derived in forming new connections, mash-ups and innovative solutions for the next step in human evolution.
We are working to articulate our understanding through the creation of recombinant media mashups meant to epiphanize audiences----the creating and sharing of awe; "performance philosophy" in an age of collapsing boundaries and exponential creativity.
The director of the Imaginary Foundation described our work as “some kind of Ontological DJ'ing, recompiling the source code of western philosophy by mixing and mashing it up into a form of recombinant creativity, which (hopefully) elevates our understanding from the dry and prosaic, into the sensual and transcendent.”
“The goal is to prove a fresh framework and a new narrative to fill our old storytelling needs in our ever-increasing process of self-description
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: enpiedeguerra
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Beriain sobre la historia de Serxio Ces, percebeiro de Cedeira, Galicia.
Preseleccionado para los Premios Goya 2012.
Ruge el viento. El mar golpea los acantilados. Dos metros de roca, ésa es la franja de agua y oxígeno en la que crece el percebe. Dos metros donde el mar se ensaña, donde bate con fuerza milenaria. Una frontera de olas y espuma en la que Serxo y sus compañeros luchan por un bocado de mar.
Una frontera de valor y miedo. De temeridad y sentido común. Dos metros sin margen de error. Ahí vive el percebe. Ahí vive Serxo.
Percebeiros es la batalla contra el mar de unos guerreros que no se consideran héroes.
David Beriain is a Spanish war correspondent that has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia and Kashmir, among others. He is currently in charge of coordinating the fea- ture section at Medina Media, a production com- pany based out of Spain.
Beriain is one of the few reporters in the world that has managed to infiltrate the FARC guerrilla camps in Colombia. His work there made him a finalist for the Bayeux-Calvados, the most pres- tigious international award for war correspon- dents. He has interviewed the Taliban command- ers who killed Spanish soldiers, met with the twelve-year-old hitmen that Colombian druglords exploit as child soldiers, and even accompanied the American Army on some of their most danger- ous military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His latest TV documentary took him to Eastern Congo, where he covered the conflict between the Congolese Army and the rebels who fight, kill and rape in order to gain the control of the Coltan and Cassiterite mines.
During his time at Sea Bites, Beriain was in charge of producing the story and coordinating all the members in the team. He was the one who convinced everyone to get on board and as a true leader, he turned a group of people who did not know each other into a real team.
(+34) 609 72 71 61 beriain.david@gmail.com enpiedeguerra.tv/

Fernando Ureña is a Spanish editor and script writer. For the past three years, he has worked as a script analyst for Cuatro’s national fiction shows. He has also supervised the scripts for several other Spanish networks such as Canal+, Digital+, TVE or Audiovisual Sport. He is currently writing the scripts for various Spanish movies, a work he combines with his editorial tasks at some of Spain’s most prestigious publishing compa- nies.
Ureña gave birth to the idea of Sea Bites.
He conceived the story and was David Beriain’s second hand in the team. They wrote the script together and Ureña followed the entire process of video-editing, post-production and sonorization.
(+34) 655 01 89 80 fmumary@gmail.com
SERGIO CARO Director of photography
Sergio Caro is a Spanish photographer and cam- eraman. He is specialized in international con- flicts and illegal immigration in Europe. His 2005 photographs of Sub-Saharan immigrants being hauled away by bus to be abandoned in the desert won him the Visa D’Or at the International Photo- journalists Awards in Perpignan, one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the world. His photo- graphs have been published in renowned media such as Newsweek, Le Figaro or the Financial Times. As a television cameraman, he has cov- ered Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo together with David Beriain.
Together with Ernesto Villalba, he created Once Upon a Time, a multimedia company that por- trays unique characters from a very artistic point of view.
In Sea Bites, Caro’s ten years of experience al- lowed him to hang himself from the rocks just as the barnacle fishermen did and taking as many risks as they do. He also played the role of direc- tor of photography coordinating all the camera- men at work.
(+34) 656 55 06 57 sergio@sergiocaro.com sergiocaro.com/

Ernesto Villalba is a Spanish multimedia journal- ist. He is a co-founder of Once Upon a Time, a pioneer online production company that makes short films and other multimedia materials for the web. The company’s first work, “Time to Time”, was selected by Innovative Interactivity as one of the fifty best multimedia packages of the year. Since 2008, he has directed all graphic design- and social media-related strategies for REC, the main feature aired by Cuatro, one of Spain’s “Big Five” TV networks.
Villalba is currently focused on his work at Once Upon a Time developing several documentary projects and combines them with his role as a teacher for several innovative seminars.
In Sea Bites, he was the cameraman that followed Serxo, our protagonist, outside the sea. Villalba’s particular sensitivity made our protagonist feel so comfortable with him that he even got the nick- name “Sombra”, shadow in Spanish.
(+34) 667 55 56 10 ernestovillalba.photo@gmail.com e
Korean High School (Documentary Preview)
In sixty short years, South Korea went from being one of the poorest countries in Asia to ...
published: 24 Jul 2011
author: Kelley Katzenmeyer
Korean High School (Documentary Preview)
In sixty short years, South Korea went from being one of the poorest countries in Asia to having the world's 13th largest economy. Korean students have some of the highest test scores in the world, and a higher rate of acceptance into American Ivy Leagues than any other foreign country. But Korea also leads the world in two not quite so stunning ways- the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita, and a higher suicide rate than any other developed nation.
So. What's life like for a Korean student? In one of the most competitive societies in the world, how does one find their place? What does it take to achieve your aspirations and goals? Our documentary will take a look at the lives of five Korean teenagers on the verge of either reaching- or losing- their dreams. The film will follow the students during the most stressful time of their lives- their last year of high school. After studying for roughly sixteen hours each day, their futures boil down to one last exam. On November 10th, 2011, thousands of high school seniors will take a nine hour test that for many, will determine their economic and social status for the rest of their lives.
Deviance in a sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural no...
published: 29 May 2011
author: Deviance
Deviance in a sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores). It is the purview of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and criminologists to study how these norms are created, how they change over time and how they are enforced.
Девиантное поведение всегда связано с каким-либо несоответствием человеческих поступков, действий, видов деятельности, распространённых в обществе или группах нормам, правилам поведения, идеям, стереотипам, ожиданиям, установкам и ценностям. При этом одни учёные предпочитают в качестве точки отсчёта ("нормы") использовать экспектаци (ожидания) соответствующего поведения, а другие - аттитюды (эталоны, образцы) поведения. Некоторые полагают, что девиантными могут быть не только действия, но и идеи (взгляды).
По мнению ученых, отклоняющее поведение - это "такое поведение, которое идёт вразрез с институционализированными ожиданиями, то есть с ожиданиями, разделяемыми и признаваемыми законными внутри социальной системы".
Подробнее хотелось бы остановиться на такой форме отклоняющегося поведения как вандализм и граффити...
Youtube results:
Social Studies - Developer - Live at the Independent
From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records) Buy the Record: http://antennafarm.bigca...
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: socialstudiessocial
Social Studies - Developer - Live at the Independent
From the album 'Developer' (Antenna Farm Records) Buy the Record: http://antennafarm.bigcartel.com/ on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/developer/id...
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 629
- author: socialstudiessocial
David Byrne - Knee Plays (4 of 10) - Social Studies
With Les Miserables brass band. The performance of the Knee Plays (Music from the Civil Wa...
published: 27 May 2007
author: spacehopper70
David Byrne - Knee Plays (4 of 10) - Social Studies
With Les Miserables brass band. The performance of the Knee Plays (Music from the Civil Wars) was part of the concert for the ICA, shown on BBC2 in August 1988.
- published: 27 May 2007
- views: 7509
- author: spacehopper70
Mrs. Carberry's Fifth Grade Social Studies Lesson
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: Rickey Moroney
Mrs. Carberry's Fifth Grade Social Studies Lesson
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 1988
- author: Rickey Moroney
Praxis II Social Studies Success of Cities
www.praxisiisecrets.com The topic covered in this video is only a small part of the Praxis...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: mometrix
Praxis II Social Studies Success of Cities
www.praxisiisecrets.com The topic covered in this video is only a small part of the Praxis II Exam/Test; you'll find a ton of in-depth study materials for al...
- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 3545
- author: mometrix