Cover All the Bases with Paid and Organic Techniques

Medical search marketing comes in to varieties: paid search marketing and organic search marketing. To make sure your website is generating the traffic needed to generate new patients and referrals, we highly recommend utilizing both approaches.

Why Paid (PPC) and Organic (SEO) Search Marketing Are Both Important

  • Speed. Paid search, or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, gives you immediate page one visibility on Google and other major search engines. Organic search, or search engine optimization (SEO), requires time to achieve high rankings.
  • Consistency. On the flip side, with PPC alone your website becomes invisible the minute your budget is depleted. With SEO, your site ranks well day in and day out, year in and year out.
  • Personal Preference. Finally, PPC allows you to precisely target ads to users looking for exactly what you offer in the exact geography that your practice covers. However, SEO is invaluable because many people have much more confidence clicking on organic (natural) search results than on ads. By using both varieties, your site attracts visitors regardless of their search preference.

Our Medical Practice Marketing Expertise

  • Experience. Officite has a decade of experience designing and executing PPC and SEO medical search marketing campaigns.
  • Expertise. Our marketing teams have a thorough understanding of industry best practices and how to structure programs to achieve success in the very complex and competitive worlds of Google, Yahoo and Bing.
  • Results. We stay focused on results, working diligently to improve your campaigns and maximize the return on your marketing expenditures.

Search marketing requires a lot of science and a lot of creativity: Officite is skilled in both and can help you develop a comprehensive program that produces results and accommodates your budget. Contact us now to learn more about how a balanced medical search marketing program will turn your website into a workhorse.