Crowns & Owls Plus

Leeds, UK.

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User Bio

We're Crowns & Owls. We're a Leeds based film collective consisting of three individuals and a French Bulldog. We like making music videos, fashion films, commercials and we'd really like to make some shorts too.

We hope you like our work.

Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you! Email or if you're in Leeds, pop in for a cup of Yorkshire Tea and a biscuit.

Thanks for checking out our page!

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  1. nabil elderkin
  2. Phil Lee
  3. Oliver Hammerton
  4. Ninian Doff
  5. Elizabeth Doonan
  6. Yoann Lemoine
  7. Andrew Rodger
  8. Matthew Smith
  9. Jordan McGarry
  10. Jack Whiteley
  11. Josh Hallett
  12. NB
  13. Rob Munday
  14. misery
  15. Directors Notes
  16. Fisher Magee
  17. CANADA
  18. Ozzie Pullin

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