Stop Eurabia
Stop Eurabia
A quick visualization about what's going on in europe. Stop Islamization of Europe! Support Israel! Remember September 12, 1683! Remember September 11, 2001!
"Eurabia" - Clip From The 3rd Jihad
"Eurabia" - Clip From The 3rd Jihad
Islam is taking over Europe.
Christmas in Eurabia and the IDF fights the real threat
Christmas in Eurabia and the IDF fights the real threat
Islam in Europe its Becoming Eurabia - They want America NEXT!!!
Islam in Europe its Becoming Eurabia - They want America NEXT!!!
Dont be fooled Islam is the not about peace, Allah is not the same as our God. The bible warns in the last days Christians and Jews will be persecuted. Read your bible the anti-chirst will be a muslim. Islam is the only religion in the word that hates and are instructed to kill Chirstians and Jews!! They want to take over the world Americans wake up. Obama is Muslim (not a racist love black people) has nothing to do it that, we have all been decieved!!! SHARE THIS VID WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY
Eurabia - Stop Islamization of Europe
Eurabia - Stop Islamization of Europe
-------------PLEASE READ---------- This video might not be the greatest, but keep in mind it's my first. I hope I'll get time to make more videos about Muslims in Europe and my view on it. Don't be afraid! Muslims are nothing but a bunch of uncivilized apes, who need to terrorize people into believing and/or respecting their stupid stone-age faith! Please do not let yourself be brain washed by hippies, who think like we can all live together happily, but this is not the case, sooner or later, Muslims will become the majority, and by that time you've lost your freedom of speech and democracy! Stand up against Islam! You know very well that it doesn't fit into well civilized societies! If you hate Islam, doesn't make you a racist! I am absolutely not a racist although I absolutely hate the Muslim faith! It's about culture not skin colour!
STOP THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE SAVE YOUR OFFSPRING FROM THIS !!!! Please comment on this or any other videos you may watch that is of Jesus Productions
Eurabia 2029
Eurabia 2029
The White European race accounts for barely 8% of the world population and it is dropping. Rapidly. Low birth rates, combined with economic hardships and cultural marxism leaves ALL white nations with a serious population decline. Our leaders are deliberately flooding our nations with millions of non-whites to REPLACE the native white population. Our leaders are giving these people welfare, special rights, privileges, affirmative action, and free health care whilst doing NOTHING to combat the declining white population. Any whites who object to this discrimination are immediately labeled as "racists" or "supremacists" or "a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews". The ultra-leftists may be sincere in trying to create a 'blended humanity' but they are doing it in ONLY white nations. They are intentionally abusing our current economic and political situation to push their racial agenda. This is GENOCIDE as described by international law. I fear the backlash from nationalist whites may be much worse than shown in this video and will surely have terrible consequences for the entire world.
Ian Buruma: Eurabia, Truth or Paranoia?
Ian Buruma: Eurabia, Truth or Paranoia?
Ian Buruma delivered the 2009 Kenan Distinguished Lecture in Ethics on Thursday, October 15. Burumas talk, Eurabia: Truth or Paranoia dealt with the fears of Islamicization in the countries of Western Europe, with examples drawn from current debates in Germany, France, and the Netherlands. Buruma, who is the Henry R. Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights, and Journalism at Bard College, spoke about the ethical, political and cultural challenges rising from the changing demographics of Western Europe, and deftly separated unjustified paranoia over these changes from reasonable anxiety.
Debunking "Muslim Demographics" and "Eurabia"
Debunking "Muslim Demographics" and "Eurabia"
BBC's debunk of the "Muslim Demographics" videos. www.youtube.com and www.youtube.com from Radio 4's More or Less: news.bbc.co.uk news.bbc.co.uk Pew Research "The Future of the Global Muslim Population": www.pewforum.org blogs.reuters.com Faith = Religion: moreintelligentlife.com
Mainstream media push hard to sell the Eurabia myth
Mainstream media push hard to sell the Eurabia myth
After the Anders Behring Brevik incident the controlled media is kin on putting the focus back on the Eurabia myth. They are desperate to portray Muslims and islam as the biggest threat facing the Western world so they manufacture headlines. They are using black propaganda groups such as "Al Muhajeroon" to portray the myth of Eurabia as something real and plausible.
Defeating Eurabia
Defeating Eurabia
Defend our Freedom! ACT NOW! : Stop Islamization of the world!www.siotw.org
The Fall of Europe and Coming of Eurabia - Mark Steyn (1 of 4)
The Fall of Europe and Coming of Eurabia - Mark Steyn (1 of 4)
Courtesy of UCTV, University of California Television www.youtube.com Abridged version. ooo OOO ooo Mark Steyn, political columnist and cultural critic, has written a remarkable book, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (Regnery). He combines several virtues uncommonly found together -- humor, accurate reportage, and deep thinking -- then applies these to what is arguably the most consequential issue of our time: the Islamist threat to the West. The nanny state infantilized Europeans, making them worry about such pseudo-issues as climate change, while feminizing the males. It also neutered them, annexing "most of the core functions of adulthood," starting with the instinct to breed. From about 1980, birth rates plummeted, leaving an inadequate base for today's workers to receive their pensions. Structured on a pay-as-you-go basis, it amounted to an inter-generational Ponzi scheme, where today's workers depend on their children for their pensions Arriving at a time of demographic, political, and cultural weakness, Muslims are profoundly changing Europe. "Islam has youth and will, Europe has age and welfare." Put differently, "Pre-modern Islam beats post-modern Christianity." Much of the Western world, Mr. Steyn flat-out predicts, "will not survive the twenty-first century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries." With even more drama, he adds that "it's the end of the world as we know it <b>...</b>
Europe continues to move to Islamic Sharia rule: Several British swimming pools require non-Muslims to dress like Muslims to avoid offending them, even though the sessions are held separately for men and women. Several British councils have begun Muslim-only swimming sessions that ban anyone who does not wear the burkini, a head-to-toe outfit. Officials explained the edict is to prevent Muslims from being offended. Male swimmers also must be covered from the navel to the knees, the London Daily Telegraph reported.
Eurabia.....or the CATHOLIC STATE?!
Eurabia.....or the CATHOLIC STATE?!
Eurabia is on the way.....and only the stronghold of the West...the CATHOLIC STATE will resist....and survive. As always! History repeats itself.
Just spreading the truth. Which one do you want? The time has come to take a stand. Do you want your land to be Europe or Eurabia?? I can guess the antifas' answers, haha. THE VIDEO HAD TWO SONGS: 1st SONG - RAMMSTEIN: ROTER SAND 2nd SONG - MANOWAR: DIE WITH HONOR SINCE THE ADMINS OF YT ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID, THEY DISABLED THE AUDIO, SORRY FOR THAT, PEOPLE
We are running out of time, muslims taking over the west - Eurabia on our doorstep.flv
We are running out of time, muslims taking over the west - Eurabia on our doorstep.flv
Welcome to Eurabia? I don't think so...
Welcome to Eurabia? I don't think so...
Follow my NEW Twitter twitter.com This video was uploaded in October 2009 by Coughlan666
Europe or Eurabia by 2050?
Europe or Eurabia by 2050?
geert wilders toespraak new york ground zero speech paars plus verkiezingsdebat 7 juni eenvandaag verkiezings debat joran bekent bekentenis carre 26 mei Carré maria mosterd Loverboy Manou Pauw & Witteman 2010 defqon 1 esmee denters mark rutte vvd job cohen pvda geert wilders pvv eurabia opposites remix dwdd nova islamisering islamisation