Dear Local Friends…

…do not read too much into my writings. especially when they are so intermittent, they have a tendency to be conglomerations of half-started endeavors roughly cobbled together and eventually posted as one post, and yes, even though i spend so little time writing these days, i spend even less time editing. some of the inherent obtuseness is unintentional.

on that note, the previous post had nothing to do with anyone in town: it referred to the two individuals i refer to as “my long-distance crazy stalkers,” and yes, it was intended to tweak their noses a little bit, but not maliciously. i am very happy in the reality i have with my lady (although it exists in an unlovely place) and i am also happy to have the friends in my life whom i have. i hope our friendship continues.

but yeah, just because the whole girlfriend routine makes it uncomfortable to talk to you sometimes, and couple that with the crazy work/kids/girlfriend/soccer schedule, doesn’t mean that i’ve been working to get rid of you just because we don’t talk much. and it’s not like i single you out for not paying attention to. even my twitter friends suffer from the same thing nowadays: my presence there is almost fully automated. you are not alone, but you are still loved, admired, liked, and respected (as appropriate).

i’m busy, dammit. and when i’m not busy, i’m distracted. you knew this years ago, and found it charming. keep it in mind, please.


and there

there are mornings like this which linger across days
gentle mornings filled with the wonder of your presence
and the touch of your skin against mine
and they wrap themselves around me
for longer than i ever dared dream

yeah, so i get a little sappy sometimes. so what.

i haven’t been writing much, because i’ve been pretty happy. i’m of that sadly predictable bent that requires conflict, angst and/or depression to write “artistically”, and i just haven’t really been conflicted, full of angst, or depressed.

yeah, sorry, i know how terribly much that stinks.

it was a long, cold, wet spring, and now the summer whistles by far too quickly, with far too little time for doing all the things i’d really like to do, but that’s how it always is.

i’m happy, but i think internally i may still be at a crossroads. the determination of how, exactly, to move forward beneath the light of some things, while firmly outside the light of other things, weighs on me now in ways that i don’t find comfortable. so much change has been, and so much continues, but what stands before me now seems simultaneously insurmountable and insubstantial. i feel that i can just barely discern what’s standing before me, but i know damn well i have to cross it before i can truly begin moving on.

and one of those things….

little deaths

it took a couple of little deaths for some things to begin healing inside me. the first of those was back in January, where complete, abject avoidance proved to be the stronger suit. it was a tough series of cards to play as an empath, i don’t mind admitting, but having played them, i know i am the better for it. i couldn’t hold anything resembling a coherent conversation with that one, and as a result, i am now even further removed from my past and the dreams i once dared to dream.

but that was quite fitting, after all.

the other little death occurred just recently, and while i still fail to understand just where exactly that particular train got derailed, i’m by no means pleased that i had to once again play the “unconcerned non-observer” role to get by. the words should have been enough, and the actions (or lack thereof), would have made my intentions clear to even the most deluded. but no, somehow, they were not. so that one wandered away in a fit of peevish self-pity void of exactly what i knew all along was lacking: a true to desire to change the reality in which she had entombed herself.

life goes this way, sadly, far too often. no one has piqued my pity and disappointment quite as well as these two fine souls have managed, and they are gone.

little deaths: little things turned grey within me, but i hope their lives prosper in positive ways.

(for that last one, a restatement of the obvious ~ in peace)

you knew
what it would and wouldn’t
be, let alone become,
long before i ever had the opportunity
to confuse it all. you knew
what would fail to move
before you set about to redefine
the benefit in attempting
to change what you knew would be

you knew
the realities surrounding
you, and chose to color them
in forgettable hues. you knew
where i stood, and transported
me, redefined me, and who i became
through your eyes was unrecognizable,
so i stepped away, thus becoming

the 23rd/24th of this month marks the completion of our first year together, ghosts, memories and all. we don’t like being apart from each other.

and that is the greatest gift i have ever been given.