- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 401788
'Hakushaku to Yōsei' (伯爵と妖精?, "The Earl and the Fairy") is a completed series of light novels written by Mizue Tani and published in Japan by Shueisha. The story is serialized in Cobalt magazine and illustrated by Asako Takaboshi (Ayuko).
Shueisha has commercially released two drama CDs and a manga adaptation has begun serialization in The Margaret since the September issue in 2008.
An anime adaptation was broadcast from September to December 2008. A visual novel for the PlayStation 2 was released on April 30, 2009.
The story, set in Victorian Britain, follows the adventures of 17-year-old Lydia Carlton, nicknamed the "Fairy Doctor" due to her interest and understanding of fairies. Her life takes a 180-degree turn when she meets Edgar J.C Ashenbert, the "Legendary Blue Knight Earl" and his crew on a sea voyage to London. Edgar hires her as an advisor during his quest to obtain a treasured sword that was supposed to be handed down to him by his family.
The Kazoku (華族, literally "Magnificent/Exalted lineage") was the hereditary peerage of the Empire of Japan, which existed between 1869 and 1947.
Following the Meiji Restoration of 1868, the ancient court nobility of Kyoto, the Kuge, regained some of its lost status. Several members of the kuge, such as Iwakura Tomomi and Nakayama Tadayasu, played a crucial role in the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate, and the early Meiji government nominated kuge to head all seven of the newly established administrative departments.
The Meiji oligarchs, as part of their Westernizing reforms, merged the kuge with the former daimyo (feudal lords) into an expanded aristocratic class on 25 July 1869, to recognize that the kuge and former daimyo were a social class distinct from the other designated social classes of shizoku (former samurai) and heimin (commoners). Itō Hirobumi, one of the principal authors of the Meiji constitution, intended the new kazoku peerage to serve as a political and social bulwark for the "restored" emperor and the Japanese imperial institution. At the time, the kuge and former daimyo consisted of a group of 427 families.
Hakushaku to Yousei/earl and fairy (my favourite scene)
Hakushaku to yousei - capitulo 1 sub español
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 5 (Sub. Español)
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 8 Sub Español
Hakushaku to Yōsei episódio 2 legendado (PT-BR)
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 10
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 11
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 12
Phim Hakushaku To Yousei tập 3
Hakushaku to Yousei Opening 1
( I DON'T OWN ANYTHING OF COURSE!!) what exactly is he thinking,that idiot...?! when she was about to start realise that she loves him he call her ERMINE?! and i was thinking that they will live happily ever after from that mommment! -.- he hurt her fellings...:/ BUT i still love this scene...^^
La historia se desarrolla en la Inglaterra victoriana. De ello se desprende las aventuras de Lydia Carlton, de 17 años, quien es apodada "Doctora de hadas" debido a su interés en las hadas. Su vida toma un giro de 180 grados cuando conoce a Edgar J.C Ashenbert, el "Legendario Conde Caballero Azul" y su tripulación, en un viaje por mar a Londres. Edgar contrata a Lydia como asesora durante su búsqueda para obtener un tesoro; la espada que se suponía iba a ser entregada a él por su familia.
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 5 (Sub.Español) ^^
Hakushaku to Yousei Capitulo 8 Sub Español.
Sinopse: Uma fada médica chamada Lydia, encontra um lindo homem em uma viagem de um navio indo para Londres. Ela está indo para ver o pai dela e com ela vem Nico, ela também é uma fada. O homem bonito introduz-se como Edgar Ashenbert, o chefe do lendário Earl Blue Knight, ou Conde de Ibrasel. Edgar pede para ela ajudar na obtenção de Espada de Mellow, transmitidos de geração em geração na família de Earl Blue Knight. Inicialmente, todos parecem suspeitos para Lydia; Edgar parece com um ladrão que as pessoas comentavam recentemente, e há também o seu fiel seguidor, Raven, que diz que pode matar outras pessoas pro Edgar. No entanto, por causa dos atos elegantes de Edgar, a inocente Lydia pensa que ele é um nobre e acredita em sua história. Além disso, devido aos constantes flertes de Ed...
el op de esta hermosa serie y muy romantica