Aleurone (from Greek aleuron, flour) is a protein found in protein granules of maturing seeds and tubers. The term also describes one of the two major cell types of the endosperm, the aleurone layer. The aleurone layer is the outermost layer of the endosperm, followed by the inner starchy endosperm. This layer of cells is sometimes referred to as the peripheral endosperm. It lies between the pericarp and the hyaline layer of the endosperm. Unlike the cells of the starchy endosperm, aleurone cells remain alive at maturity.
Aleurone proteins can have two different morphological features, homogenous and heterogeneous. The homogenous aleurone consists of similar protein bodies (e.g. Phaseolus vulgaris) while the heterogeneous aleurone consists of granules of different shapes and types of proteins covered with a membrane (e.g. Ricinus communis).
The aleurone layer surrounds the endosperm tissue of grass seeds and is morphologically and biochemically distinct from it. Starchy endosperm cells are large, irregularly shaped cells and contain starch grains while aleurone cells are cuboidal in shape and contain aleurone grains. In most cultivated cereals (wheat species, rye, oats, rice and maize) the aleurone is single-layered, whereas barley has a multicellular aleurone layer. Thick primary cell walls enclose and protect the aleurone cells.
Betrayed by fate
We emerge with burning eyes
And empty hands
It is too late
We cannot save
All we held so close
It has slipped through our hands
Desperate and lost
We fall to our knees
Struck by the loss
Of warmth and precious dreams
Your world is like mine
I find solace in your eyes’ caress
Drown my tears in wine
You bring beauty to my emptiness
Here I find you
You kill the pain in me
Hide my heart inside you
Here you set me free
Our worlds collide
We're pulled into this loneliness
Tears blur my sight
I long for your tenderness
Here I find you
You kill the pain in me
Hide my heart inside you
Here you set me free
Our hearts lie bare
We were beaten
And left alone
Caught in the despair
Of not knowing how to go on
When the love for life is gone
It is too late
We cannot save
All we held so close
It has slipped through our hands
Desperate and lost
We fall to our knees
Struck by the loss
Of warmth and precious dreams
Here I find you
You kill the pain in me
I hide my heart inside you
Here you set me free
Here I find you
Hold on to me
Leave the pain behind you