*New: PLEASE HELP SUPPORT THE FILM SERIES ON NETFLIX BY RATING & ADDING TO QUEUE! signup.netflix.com Sign up for TZM Mailing List: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Sign up for the Film Series Mailing List: zeitgeistmovie.com This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!] On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format. Website: www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com http SUPPORT PETER JOSEPH (DONATIONS): zeitgeistmovie.com Release Map: zeitgeistmovingforward.com DVD: zeitgeistmovie.com Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer - [ Extended ]
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer - [ Extended ]
SYNOPSIS: Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy". THEATRICAL RELEASE - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is planned to be released in 60+ countries and in 20+ languages starting January 15th 2011. This large scale release is not associated with any major distributor. DVD/INTERNET RELEASE - This is a non-commercial project, which means it will be available for free acquisition via internet in both viewing form and full DVD download. ZeitgeistMovingForward.com will also have a physical $5.00 DVD available in mid to late January. www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com Download 854x480 vimeo.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011 spread
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011 spread
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy". Website: www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com http Release Map: zeitgeistmovingforward.com $5 DVD: zeitgeistmovingforward.com Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward (NL subs/ondertitel - full length)
Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward (NL subs/ondertitel - full length)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward [2011] by director Peter Joseph is a 162 minute film work which continues what the prior two films of the Zeitgeist Film Series started: a critical look at the "Zeitgeist" or 'Spirit /Awareness of the Time'. A prominent underlying thesis of the Film Series is that a great many notions, beliefs and practices currently engaged in today and assumed as "presupposed", "given" or seemingly empirical to our societal approaches and values are not only intellectually/historically incorrect but highly detrimental to our personal and social progress and sustainability. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward focuses on the very fabric of the social order: Monetary-Market Economics. While the majority of the world today have slowly come to see some basic flaws in the economic system we share, as large scale debt defaults, inflation, industrial pollution, resource depletion, rising cancer rates and other signposts emerge to bring the concern into the realm of "public health" overall, very few however consider the economic paradigm as a whole as the source. The tendency is to demand reform in one area or another, avoiding the possibility that perhaps the entire system is intrinsically flawed at the foundational level. ZMF presents the case that it is, indeed, the very foundational mechanics of this system that generates the patterns of behavior and unsustainable methods of conduct that are leading to the vast spectrum of detrimental consequences both personal, social, and <b>...</b>
Zeitgeist, Moving Forward?
Zeitgeist, Moving Forward?
I give my definitive review of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Teaser | Online Jan 25th
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Teaser | Online Jan 25th
Teaser from Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. This 2 hr and 41 min epic treatment on culture, public health and the global socio-economic system by Peter Joseph will be available for free online viewing & free torrent download starting Jan 25th 2011. zeitgeistmovingforward.com www.thevenusproject.com 5$ DVD Pre-Order is now available: zeitgeistmovingforward.com
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - "It's Genetic" Part 1
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - "It's Genetic" Part 1
The film Zeitgeist Moving Forward tackles the myth of "it's genetic." Several experts come to the conclusion that while some people may have a predisposition in their genetic trades for violence or cancer, ultimately it is the environment that is the deciding factor. Speakers are Robert Sapolsky, Gabor Mate, Richard Wilkinson and James Giligan www.youtube.com www.thezeitgeistmovement.com www.thevenusproject.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Planned Obsolescence)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Planned Obsolescence)
This clip is about planned obsolescence from the documentary "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward".
On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial work by: Peter Joseph. and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format. Website: www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com www.zeitgeistmovie.com Release Map: zeitgeistmovingforward.com $5 DVD: zeitgeistmovingforward.com Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Zeitgeist Moving Forward FULL LENGTH MOVIE 2011
Zeitgeist Moving Forward FULL LENGTH MOVIE 2011
Peter Joseph third movie in Zeitgeist. The official Zeitgeist Moving Forward takes on the human behaviour, the economic system and finally the solution with everything, the Venus project. Realeased on 27-28th of January 2011. The final full movie in the Zeitgeist documentary, conspiracy. The follow up on Zeitgeist addendum. (I have nothing to do with the movie, only passing the word) (some tags): new left, new communism, socialist, capitalist, the future, USA, UK, america, history, communism re-shaped, reloaded, the soviet union, slavery, liberty, conspiracy theory, documentary, thing out of the ordinary, Zeitgeist Moving Forward 3 III the Venus project, revolution, anti-capitalism, critical theory, political correctness, nwo, bilderberger group, 2012, official
www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com http www.zeitgeistmovie.com On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy". This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. Cast : Adrian Bowyer, Colin Campbell, Ashton Cline, Jacque Fresco, Jeremy J. Gilbert, James Gilligan, Peter Joseph, Gabor Mate, John McMurtry II, John McMurtry, Roxanne Meadows, Michael Ruppert
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (ending scene)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (ending scene)
The wonderful ending sequence of the movie "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. Download the whole movie for free: www.youtube.com www.zeitgeistmovie.com http
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer by Peter Joseph, 2011
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer by Peter Joseph, 2011
WATCH ONLINE NOW: www.youtube.com SYNOPSIS: Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter transcends the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy". THEATRICAL RELEASE - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward was released in 60+ countries and in 20+ languages on January 15th 2011. This large scale release is not associated with any major distributor. DVD/INTERNET RELEASE - This is a non-commercial project, which means it is available for free acquisition via internet in both viewing form and full DVD download. ZeitgeistMovingForward.com will also have a physical $5.00 DVD available. www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com www.zeitgeistmovie.com Download 854x480 vimeo.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Unofficial Trailer)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Unofficial Trailer)
For some reason I guess the video looks better on Vimeo than here: vimeo.com As the title says this is an unofficial trailer for Zeitgeist: Moving Forward to be released before 2010 is over. Speech: Richard Alpert (Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) on LSD) Jacque Fresco (Interview with Larry King) Music - Summer Overture (Mozart) - Zeitgeist Melody (by me, originally by Peter Joseph) Footage: - Zeitgeist Addendum (2008) - G20 Toronto (from YouTube's users) - Zeitgeist - The Situation (youtube.com/hanspanzer) --- Pronto la versión con subtítulos en español. --- www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com http www.elespiritudeltiempo.org ZEITGEIST MOVING FORWARD www.youtube.com
Peak Oil Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Exposed
Peak Oil Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Exposed
Over 13 million individuals have seen the propaganda mind control movie Zeitgeist: Moving Forward which is Exposed with science, do some math and do your own research. Hemp Fuel can make America, and the world Energy Independent THIS YEAR NO MORE BLOOD FOR OIL. Please help put an end to the disinformation and share my free videos I work so hard to create and share truth, even while working a job. I have talked to students in colleges and universities, even professors, everyone seem to think geo-thermal is the solution and they all don't know how hemp biofuels are clean unlike the crap that exists today. Why is it students in colleges and universities are getting the same ideas as Zeitgeist? The military industrial complex love having a big budget, and these wars are over OIL, that Should be made from hemp instead and NO MORE BLOOD FOR OIL. This is the reason why Hemp is illegal: Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel's engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel's death. Cannabis (hemp) is the best food source on earth. Hemp fuel is the most cost effective and environmentally friendly reusable energy source on the planet. Hemp uses less water no herbicides or pesticides. The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It's non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable <b>...</b>
Zeitgeist Moving Forward Press Conference
Zeitgeist Moving Forward Press Conference
The Jan 16, 2011 press conference at the Tribeca Cinemas in New York with Peter Joseph, Jacque Fresco, Roxanne Meadows and the New York State chapter coordinators, Keith Embler and Jacqueline Carboni. forum.linguisticteam.org The Zeitgeist Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - A Reply to Peter Joseph
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - A Reply to Peter Joseph
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to respond to my previous video -- including Peter Joseph, thank you for your time! Here is my response, I hope that people find this a productive, helpful and useful conversation. Sources are available at www.fdrurl.com From Freedomain Radio
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - The Reailty & Effects Of Peak Oil
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - The Reailty & Effects Of Peak Oil
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - The Freedomain Radio Review
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - The Freedomain Radio Review
The good, bad and mad of Marxism with Robots! www.freedomainradio.com
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Jacque Fresco - "This Shit's Got To Go"
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Jacque Fresco - "This Shit's Got To Go"
On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history. This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged. A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format. Website: www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com http SUPPORT PETER JOSEPH (DONATIONS): zeitgeistmovie.com Release Map: zeitgeistmovingforward.com $5 DVD: zeitgeistmovie.com Movement: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - Value System Disorder
Zeitgeist Moving Forward - Value System Disorder
Clip from the movie Zeitgeist Moving Forward. This segment deals with the values people hold and the problems they unawarely cause. As a solution "life value analysis" is given. Speakers are John McMurtry, Michael Ruppert, Jacque Fresco, Gabor Mate and George Carlin (voice). www.thevenusproject.com www.thezeitgeistmovement.com www.youtube.com